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Author Topic: Cyberdwarf: Concession and Cancellation in a Far-Future Fortress  (Read 14769 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #105 on: October 30, 2017, 09:31:55 am »

(Apologies for the delay)
"I could just go, but... Eh. Jal seems like a good luck charm for me. I mean, he doesn't have much else going for him, so I won't derive him of that."
Turn back into human and walk through the security presence. However, if Jal runs into trouble, leap up and stuff his bat form into my pocket (don't ask), then proceed through security like nothing happened.
I'm pretty sure this entire security outpost/checkpoint/station is completely !@#$ed. You, uh, might want to reconsider your action.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
  • if you must die, die spectacularly
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #106 on: October 30, 2017, 10:52:32 am »

I should be fine. If it's completely fucked, they'll hardly notice one post-nuclear vampire stripper walking through with a bat shoved up a compartment you don't even want to know about.
Actually, I'll put one amendment to that action.

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #107 on: November 01, 2017, 06:42:58 am »

Cazin saw the weird, unique demons starting to spread out, and he knew what he must do. Without another thought, he lobbed the shield module at these new, far more threatening demons with all the strength he had obtained from countless years of hard hauling, sending the module flying like a missile. He then immediately tried to dash into a nearby building, hoping things were far less hellish within.

[Evil In The Air: 5+1]

You whirl around in a mighty put, sending the module rocketing toward the floating greater fiends - it flies with a terrifying hum, outputting impressive heat as it covers the distance in less than a second... and then stops. The fiend you threw it at unerringly appears to have raised a finger, and suddenly a silence has fallen over the alley as all motion save you and your five watchers has ceased. You hear speech as one of the fiends gestures at the module, then at you for a second, making unutterable sounds of argument. Another interrupts him with a cunning drone of thousands of beating wings. A fourth points at you once again and balls its many fingers into a clawed fist, gesturing upward as it makes what would be surely be a stirring speech to anybody with the eldritch organs to perceive its otherworldly subtleties.

By that point you've started running, and they've started arguing in earnest as the module hangs there - the final thing you hear as you spring through the hallways of the evacuated tenement is the sound of the fifth, the one you aimed the module at, unmistakably laughing, its voice making a sort of music of many overlaying tones suggesting levity, fury, sadness, relief, bitterness and triumph, and over that you hear the rising sound of the module as time begins to flow once more, and the laughter bleeds into the incomprehensible roar that follows in the moment afterward, an explosion that makes your ears bleed as the shield module erupts into a catastrophic kinetic malfunction, followed by a catastrophic spontaneous detonation of all the munitions of the security forces held in that spot, followed by a wild discharge of pure magic as many demons die in the same millisecond, in a probabilistic cascade of disaster you know to be the swan song of a being older than the stars themselves, caught out by a bizarre twist of fate at last.

A silence - a real one this time - descends on the street right afterward.

You are clear from danger.

Turn into a bat and GTFO (go home). Considering the state of everything around me, I don't really have enough time to drink that bleeding person's blood. A real shame, that.

Sorry for missing last turn.

You take to the skies as you leap and reform into a bat, interrupted briefly by the smoke as you rise above the rest, leaving the guard bleeding in your wake as you notice something large and unmistakably dangerous flying up and past you toward, as far as you can tell, empty space.

[Thunder In The Sky: 5]

A dreadful sense of premonition overtakes you as the longest moment of your life ensues, time seemingly dilating as you try to fly up and away from the carnage and ruin about to occur, getting as high up as the rooftop when the flying module violently erupts into a wave of space-warping kinetic discharge that you ride half-misted along the streets, getting past the scattered few security checkpoints past the barricade as you hear the soft and distant sounds of the security presence continuing to mobilize along the streets after the catastrophic destruction of one of their key cordon points in some manner of karmic cascade of mass destruction. A few pieces of artillery rain down on the rest of Hell from the exploded security checkpoint, the orgy of destruction having left naught but a three-block radius of leveled structures where Death's Gate used to be. Leaving it behind for good, you start shuffling to the graveyard.

You are clear from danger.

(Apologies for the delay)
"I could just go, but... Eh. Jal seems like a good luck charm for me. I mean, he doesn't have much else going for him, so I won't derive him of that."
Turn back into human and walk through the security presence. However, if Jal runs into trouble, leap up and stuff his bat form into my pocket (don't ask), then proceed through security like nothing happened.
Oh, and if theres any dying folks on the ground, drain them sneakily.

[A Killer's In The Bloodshot Streets: 6]

You've never been good at turning into humans, to be terribly honest, can never get the beard right, but you do manage to regain your own fetching form as you slide down the side of the building on the other end of the security checkpoint and proceed to start walking away briskly from the giant demon-security fight right behind you.

While this wasn't the plan, you also happen to be skating away from an explosion in the process - the street behind you explodes first in a flameless wave of pure directed force and spacetime manipulation, mangling and crushing most everything already there. Then everything in the street that could feasibly explode (and indeed more than a few things that you wouldn't expect to) proceed to catastrophically detonate all at once, including a massive overabundance of artillery shells that blasts out the windows from here to nearly the nearest topside elevator and sends you rocketing forward along the street and, after a valiant but doomed attempt at a right turn, straight through the window of a drugstore with a resounding , a shopkeeper with a shotgun diving out from the counter and only barely refraining from filling you with a flechette volley as he notices you squarely lodged in his opiate display.

Holy shit, says the storekeeper, flush with what to your eyes looks like a more than adequate amount of blood, are you all right? Thought you were, like, one o' them demon types or what have you.

Mmh, you respond, bathed in synthetic morphine analogues that seep into your glass-related wounds that, being that you're a vampire, completely fail to bleed.

The shopkeeper begins to lower her shotgun, but not too quickly - you aren't one of them demon types, are ya?

You look her in the eye, smiling gently. C'mere, you whisper. The shotgun is lowered as her own eyes grow wide, and she begins to absentmindedly walk toward you. You take her hand, rising out of the display, pull out the larger bits of glass with her help, and lean into her ear to whisper thanks. Then you bite down.

You are clear from danger.

Stumble in, Mr whats his name probably won't try to kill me?

[Down In The Tunnels Where The Deadly Are Rising: 2]

You stumble in with an incoherent plea to not be shot - and as it happens, you aren't, Yeller just looks up at you from his pint of whiskey and seems briefly nonplussed as suddenly a tone kicks up in the corner of the cistern, a speaker pointed in your direction opening up with a distorted demonic scream that seems to vibrate your very soul as Yeller looks on for a moment.

[Swear I Saw A Young Dwarf Down In The Gutter: 2]

You begin to scream too as your heart starts working overtime, your muscles all seize up and in less than three seconds a mixture of tears, snot and a large amount of blood have seeped into your beard as you stand there with your joints locked up and your body seizing wildly. You lose control of your bowels and begin to vomit wildly at the same time in the brief instant before Yeller reaches to flick off his sonic doom cannon, at which point you're laid out on the floor of the cistern in a pile of filth and screams.

Fuck me, says Yeller, didn't expect it to work that well. Must be the metal cistern, he mutters before taking another second to watch you expire slowly. Something to keep in mind, he guesses.

[Starting To Foam In The Heat: 6]

Then he pulls out a syringe and with the kind of certainty that tells you he's surely incredibly drunk jabs it right between your ribs into your heart, and you inhale as suddenly a moment's respite is given to your deteriorating nervous system.

There there, says Yeller, you've weathered the worst of it. Only gonna get chiller from here. As you continue to convulse with decreasing intensity as the drugs take hold, he withdraws the syringe and pours some of his whiskey into your open mouth. You lay there a while, still unable to coherently speak or move, and in not too long the whiskey runs out and Yeller switches instead to rum, which you enjoy a little less but which interacts wonderfully with whatever relaxant he stuck into you previously. The dreams come soon, filled with shadows and butterflies and fire and clowns and all kinds of things.

You are clear from danger, though it'll probably be at least a week until you can walk again.

End of Chapter One

[When It's Over You Know: 4]

You hate Hell for its persistent troubles - if it's not demons, it's poison in the water or security raids or gang violence or vampires or worse things still. But you do love it for its adaptability - you blow up a good chunk of it and nobody seems bothered, even when it's pretty clear that even with the security checkpoints an absolute shitton of demons got free anyway, a fair number of which have set up shop in quite a few of the less inhabited (mostly because they are also uninhabitable) areas of Hell - some go into the sewers, some haunt graveyards, a fair number just stay in the glowing pits. But make no mistake - the gates of Hell have decidedly opened, and how things really work may change soon around here.

[You'll All Be So Alone: 3]

Not that any of you guys are better off for it.

Cazin knows that he could have gotten a pretty penny for that shield module if it hadn't exploded, but other than that he's pretty much lost track of Yeller and also completely failed to get any kind of recompense for that disaster of a show on account of most everyone involved being incredibly dead. His Midtown office rent is definitely coming up soon and there's gonna be a reckoning if he doesn't do something soon.

Jalormis has gone back to the graveyard and noticed that the vampire population of Hell appears to have drastically decreased, a large number of them having gone to the show and met amazingly terrible ends at the hands of the demonic invasion. The demons have then proceeded to move into what was left behind - including a couple that are now slumming it in the graveyard with him and all the free corpses they can defile at their leisure. Jal figures this may turn into a problem soon.

Urist recovers within a week from the near-fatal experience at the hands of Yeller's sonic attack, largely due to Yeller's own untrained but nevertheless earnest care. After all, Yeller doesn't owe him any money and vice versa, which is a refreshing change from most every other relationship Yeller's had. The dwarf musician seems very enthused about his next move - that show at Death's Gate really brought the house down, he says, but he's got to refine it a little bit, really get himself on the next level for that followup performance. He's been toying with the idea of various new projects, floating them by you in your convalescence while you could only grunt in response, seemingly having made himself your de facto roommate in the Hotel d'Hell.

Enir, meanwhile, has simultaneously come into a bunch of new money (specifically her dead former boss' money), but the recent disaster also has made her homeless in the process of making her rich. Her personal therapy assistant seems to consider this a mixed success - she may be unemployed and homeless, but she's never had more money (specifically, four money - after laundering fees, that is) in her unlife!

So how have these people been changed by their experience at Death's Gate, and what do they plan to do next?

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  • Bay Watcher
  • if you must die, die spectacularly
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Rest and Relaxation in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #108 on: November 01, 2017, 01:27:43 pm »

Hello, Jalormis. You have ONE new message. BEEEEEEEP.
"Hey Jal, it's Enir. Don't ask how I found your number, just listen. I stole a shitton of cash off Bomrek or Bromek or whatever the fuck his name is, during that fucking fiasco last night with the demons and stuff, and I know you got cash. Again, don't ask. I'm thinking with all the bars that got fuckiing devestated in the demon attack. The news is all like, hearts and prayers and sorry for your loss and all that bullshit, and I'm think GAP IN THE MARKET! I say we start up a bar together. Real classy place, I'll buy some nice property and do it up, you get me some undead servants to order around. It'll be great. We'll split the profits 50-50. Call me back soon. I'm on a payphone right now, but it's kinda my temporary home so just call me any time.
"Oh, and how's this for a name: JAL'S PLACE!
"Okay, love you, byeeeeeee--"
You have ZERO new messages.

Buy a vacant piece of property. Turn it into an upscale bar. Buy lots of booze. Await customers.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Rest and Relaxation in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #109 on: November 01, 2017, 09:05:40 pm »

Hello, Jalormis. You have ONE new message. BEEEEEEEP.
"Hey Jal, it's Enir. Don't ask how I found your number, just listen. I stole a shitton of cash off Bomrek or Bromek or whatever the fuck his name is, during that fucking fiasco last night with the demons and stuff, and I know you got cash. Again, don't ask. I'm thinking with all the bars that got fuckiing devestated in the demon attack. The news is all like, hearts and prayers and sorry for your loss and all that bullshit, and I'm think GAP IN THE MARKET! I say we start up a bar together. Real classy place, I'll buy some nice property and do it up, you get me some undead servants to order around. It'll be great. We'll split the profits 50-50. Call me back soon. I'm on a payphone right now, but it's kinda my temporary home so just call me any time.
"Oh, and how's this for a name: JAL'S PLACE!
"Okay, love you, byeeeeeee--"
You have ZERO new messages.

Buy a vacant piece of property. Turn it into an upscale bar. Buy lots of booze. Await customers.
After listening to this message, Jalormis thinks for a bit. He looks outside at the demons that are toilet-papering the trees in his graveyard with strips of human skin, then back at the phone, then back at the demons again.

He accepts the offer.

Move out of the graveyard and join Enir in setting up a new bar. Turn my zombies and skeletons in cooks, waiters, and waitresses, and reap the massive profits that using free labor to run your business can give you. Sure, they're kind of offset by the needed bribes to local law enforcement, but the cops here are so corrupt that said bribes usually/mostly consist of a free drink at the bar every weekend.

I'll post an updated sheet soon.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress (0/4)
« Reply #110 on: November 01, 2017, 09:10:28 pm »

Your Name: Jalormis
Your Concept: Vampire Necromancer Bartender
Your Talent: Necromancy
Your Malfunction: Is a vampire, and is now much more open about it. It turns out that people don't really tend to care who is making their drinks, as long as someone is.
Your Residence: A room in the second floor in Jal's Place, my/Enir's bar. The bar's currently being staffed by myself, Enir, and about 15 or so skeletons and zombies that I've managed to train into being semi-productive members of society (the rest are dormant in the basement, ready to be awakened should a customer get too rowdy or if another demonic invasion comes).
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Rest and Relaxation in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #111 on: November 06, 2017, 01:51:29 pm »

Hello, Jalormis. You have ONE new message. BEEEEEEEP.
"Hey Jal, it's Enir. Don't ask how I found your number, just listen. I stole a shitton of cash off Bomrek or Bromek or whatever the fuck his name is, during that fucking fiasco last night with the demons and stuff, and I know you got cash. Again, don't ask. I'm thinking with all the bars that got fuckiing devestated in the demon attack. The news is all like, hearts and prayers and sorry for your loss and all that bullshit, and I'm think GAP IN THE MARKET! I say we start up a bar together. Real classy place, I'll buy some nice property and do it up, you get me some undead servants to order around. It'll be great. We'll split the profits 50-50. Call me back soon. I'm on a payphone right now, but it's kinda my temporary home so just call me any time.
"Oh, and how's this for a name: JAL'S PLACE!
"Okay, love you, byeeeeeee--"
You have ZERO new messages.

Buy a vacant piece of property. Turn it into an upscale bar. Buy lots of booze. Await customers.
After listening to this message, Jalormis thinks for a bit. He looks outside at the demons that are toilet-papering the trees in his graveyard with strips of human skin, then back at the phone, then back at the demons again.

He accepts the offer.

Move out of the graveyard and join Enir in setting up a new bar. Turn my zombies and skeletons in cooks, waiters, and waitresses, and reap the massive profits that using free labor to run your business can give you. Sure, they're kind of offset by the needed bribes to local law enforcement, but the cops here are so corrupt that said bribes usually/mostly consist of a free drink at the bar every weekend.

I'll post an updated sheet soon.

[Buy Real Estate In Imaginary Places: 3]

You don't really have enough money to buy serious real estate by pooling your resources together, but you do manage to find a fairly good squat in the bad side of Hell and pay the Flower Children, the local protection racket and vice operation, enough to do actual business in one of their old crack houses, replacing the old zombies and skeletal fiends with your own personnel as you affix yourself inside of Hell's infrastructure in the coming week. You even get some foot traffic, mostly from dwarves confused about where the crack house went, slightly less confused undead servants that appear to have been cut loose by the death of the majority of Hell's magically talented vampires and also the occasional fiend in a trenchcoat that slinks into a dark corner. Distressingly, the latter category are the only ones that seem to order any number of drinks.

Needless to say, you don't see yourselves breaking even any time soon unless things change rapidly - however, you're doing a lot better than the last vampire-run, undead-staffed bar in the region did a year or two back, a helpful Flower Child intimates. Helpful tip - stay away from the Cave Spiders, huh?

[Excellent Business Decisions: 5]

Fortunately for you booze is a thing that keeps pretty well for the most part. And a lot of the good stuff only gets more valuable when it's properly aged, so that's even better. Maybe in a century you'll be able to sell some of this for a profit, huh?

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Rest and Relaxation in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #112 on: November 06, 2017, 02:33:58 pm »

Cazin goes back to extorting some local Joes, as he does best, for money.

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« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 02:35:29 pm by Coolrune206 »
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
  • I didn't start the fire...Just added the gasoline!
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Rest and Relaxation in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #113 on: November 06, 2017, 06:09:39 pm »

I Spend my time fighting, and Invest what little cash I can get/steal in the local drug rings.
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Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
  • if you must die, die spectacularly
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress (0/4)
« Reply #114 on: November 06, 2017, 07:43:58 pm »

No customers, eh? Clearly we need advertising! I hear you should be as specific as possible, so you build up a reliable client base.
"Hey you. Yeah, you. What are you doing tonight? Sitting at home? Watching paint dry? Chugging gremlin tears straight from the barrel? I'll just say it. Your life is meaningless and shallow. You lost everything to the demon attack. You have no family worth speaking of. You have no boyfriend. 'Oh,' you say. 'Why doesnt she say girlfriend too, since this is just a really general fallout?' Wrong, motherfucker, I'm talking to you, Bomrek Brokeshin. Everyone knows. You're so deep in the closet, you're lecturing Mr Tumnus about how much you love the ladies. Not being homophobic, I'm just saying it's incredibly sad. I'd feel bad for you if you were literally anyone else. Come to Jal's Place, a bar I bought with your money, and drink your many sorrows away. Oh, and other people can come too I guess.
Put up these video posters anywhere where the cops aren't looking.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Rest and Relaxation in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #115 on: November 07, 2017, 02:24:13 am »

Work on using necromancy to infuse some of our booze with the ability to make undead drunk. Since we'll be the only establishment where sapient undead can go to get wasted in quite a large area, we should gets lots of business (provided that we get proper advertising (maybe from the Flower Children, if we slip them a unit of money?)).
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
  • What do I care for your suffering?
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Concession and Cancellation in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #116 on: November 18, 2017, 05:20:53 am »

Terribly sorry, but I've both run out of time and, if I'm being honest, good ideas for where to take this next, so I'm gonna need to cancel the game entirely at this point.

Good game though, even if I didn't quite manage to bring the more Blades in the Dark-y mechanics to bear in the downtime section.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Concession and Cancellation in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #117 on: November 21, 2017, 12:58:34 am »

Terribly sorry, but I've both run out of time and, if I'm being honest, good ideas for where to take this next, so I'm gonna need to cancel the game entirely at this point.

Good game though, even if I didn't quite manage to bring the more Blades in the Dark-y mechanics to bear in the downtime section.
Well, at least it was really good while it lasted.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping
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