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Author Topic: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM  (Read 147420 times)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1050 on: July 27, 2019, 04:26:16 pm »

<Not sure.. I have fur under my tongue.  I wasn't expecting that.>

<Can you.. can you see how it works?  It felt like quite a lot just happened.>

With Asha's direction and my own feelings, try to figure out how to transform as the wish said, and see the results.  It felt scary, but surely it won't be scary now that I feel fine, will it?  Turn back too.
Alida tries to remember.  Sasha was in trouble, she seemed dead while Pumsy was looking at her..

"I don't really remember.  I know he looked all weird, and Sasha seemed.. dead.. but she seems ok now."

"And yeah, I don't know about fur under my tongue either.  Cute little fangs would have been cool.."

Aleksandra seems confused by the conversation at first, but she suddenly perks up when you mention fur under your tongue aloud.  "Ah, fur...?  Oh, shchetinki!  Bristles!  Werewolves have fur under their tongues!  It worked!" she says excitedly.  You've never heard of that...  But hey, it's a confirmation, and Aleksandra did make the wish, so if she thinks it worked, it probably did!  A smile spreads across your face.  You have to try it out!

You close your eyes and focus, trying to focus on your body's shape, and draw out the wolf inside you.  You figure it's like those werewolf stories you've read, there's another personality inside you now, that's probably your body felt so weird before.  You've just gotta draw it out!

...Nothing happens.  You sit there for what feels like a minute, focusing intensely on transforming, and nothing at all happens.  You frown and look at Asha questioningly, but she just shrinks back a little and quietly says she doesn't understand how it actually works, just that it's different.  You sigh, sitting back and try to think of some other way to transform, briefly wishing you could ask Mina--but you discard that thought quickly, before it can sink in.

Then Aleksandra chimes in.  "Werewolves transform by rolling, in air, like trick you did before!  When I met your family, remember?" 

Huh.  Well, that's simple enough to try.  You get to your feet, take a couple steps away from where Aleksandra and Asha are sitting, then take a moment to steady yourself on the slope.  You briefly consider whether you should go somewhere else, but eh, a somersault's nothing for you ever since you became a magical girl.  You jump, spinning head over heels in midair while focusing on bringing out the wolf.

--The change is almost instant, too fast to track.  Your limbs lengthen, your head balloons and grows, new teeth forcing themselves out into your jaw, your whole body expands as new muscle tears out of you, fur bursting out of your skin.  It's all one giant flash of motion, pain, relief, a thousand other strange and fleeting sensations, and then you land heavily--on your side, the impact dull and painless despite it being on concrete.  You scrabble at the rock with limbs that don't work as you expect, and start to roll down.  You hear a bloodcurdling scream from nearby, but can't tell who it was.

After a few dizzying seconds, you stop your roll, laying flat on your belly with your arms and legs splayed out around you.  Or... wait.  You stare at your arms.  They're legs now, wolf legs covered in shaggy blond fur, and there's something on your face--you go cross-eyed, looking at your new muzzle.  It's... enormous, and the same color as your arms--er, front legs.  Unsteadily, you get up, standing on all fours, and then you twist around to look at the rest of your body.  You're a wolf now, literally just a wolf--four legs, one tail, and covered in shaggy golden fur, the same color as your hair when a human.  You're also naked, you have no clue where your clothes even went  This is not what you meant!

You look up the slope, and see Aleksandra holding Asha confortingly, the gray-haired girl staring at you, terrified.  Tooru's standing beside them, watching you cautiously.  And... they're not all that much higher than you, you realize, despite the fact that you tumbled a good fifteen feet down the slope.  You look down at your paw, and scratch at the concrete.  Your head is like five feet above the ground!  You're massive!  You smile despite yourself, your tail wagging--and then you hear Asha squeak in fear.  You look up at her, and she shrinks away, Aleksandra giving you an apologetic look as she shifts to hide Asha's head from you.  Tooru looks uncomfortable, too.

You draw in a deep breath--for a moment stunned at the dizzying array of smells which assault your nose--and then sigh.  You're scaring them.  You wanted to test out this new form, but you don't want to scare your friends.  You'll turn back.

...Unsurprisingly, just focusing on becoming human again doesn't work.  You probably have to jump again.  You crouch down for a moment, then jump lightly--and promptly smash your muzzle into the concrete, because you only pushed off with your back legs.  You still end up rolling forward, though, and just as your shoulder hits the ground the change begins.  Returning to human form feels much the same as becoming a wolf, the same chaotic rush of sensations, which ends after only a brief moment.  You manage to transition into a natural forward roll as a human, and gracefully rise to your feet at the end of the motion.  You quickly pat yourself down, inspecting your human body, but there's no notable change.  You're just you again, all your clothes having magically reappeared, no hint of your new nature beyond the weird hair under your tongue.

((Sorry, meant to post earlier, but got sidetracked by a number of things.))

"Fur under your tongue. . . ?" She supposed that made sense, but that sounded really annoying. Weren't werewolves just supposed to be normal people when they weren't all monstery?

Tooru nearly jumped as she remembered what she was actually going to talk about. "Did you guys see what Pumsy was doing? He was staring at Sandra and his eyes went pitch dark, it felt like he was trying to kill her or something! And then there was that one time we saw him in the park and he was all scary, too. . ."

You mention Pumsy's weird state to the other girls, but don't get much response.  Aleksandra just looks confused, Asha quietly says that she didn't see anything weird, sounding unsure of herself, and Alida just says he looked weird, before going back to talking about the hair under her tongue.  After a few seconds, Asha asks where Pumsy went, and you just say that he ran off down an alley, and point it out.  Asha and Aleksandra both look over that way, but quickly return their attention to Alida, who is now sitting still with her eyes closed.  You sigh, and walk over to the three of them, deciding to just wait and watch Alida.

She seems to have some trouble initially, but then Aleksandra starts talking excitedly about how werewolves transform by performing tricks, or something.  Alida immediately gets up, takes a few steps backward, and then does a backflip like it's nothing--only, just at the apex of her jump, she suddenly just explodes into an enormous ball of blond hair.  You take a step back reflexively, watching as the ball unfolds into a huge golden canine.  Asha starts screaming, and Alida lands heavily on her side, then starts rolling down the slope in a jumble of uncoordinated limbs.  You're not sure whether the sight is funny, scary, or just weird, but you can't look away regardless.

After a few rolls, Alida comes to a stop, and pauses for a few seconds.  Then she gets to her feet, and as she inspects herself you finally decide on "scary".  She doesn't really look like a wolf so much as a golden retriever with straight ears, but her mouth is full of teeth, so many that they're not entirely covered by her lips, like most dogs.  It makes her look like she's baring the teeth, which look more appropriate on a shark than a dog.  Perhaps more important, Alida is freaking massive--easily the size of a horse, maybe larger.  You've only seen dogs that big in videogames.  You edge closer to Aleksandra and Asha, fingers running along the talismans in your hand.  You keep thinking about those stories about werewolves killing people in a blind bloodthirst.

Alida finally looks over at the three of you, her eyes looking surprisingly human, though her expression is unreadable.  You've never been good at reading dogs.  You wait for a tense few moments, preparing to respond if she attacks, but she just looks down at one of her paws, and scratches at the ground.  You relax a little, then you notice something else--she's wearing a spiked metal collar, seemingly made out of gold that's almost a very similar shade to her fur.  It gives off a weird air of elegant brutality, but isn't exactly conforting regardless. 

All of a sudden Alida bares her teeth, and then suddenly looks up at Asha, looking to all the world like a feral dog.  You tense up again, but nothing happens, and after a few moments Alida looks away.  She crouches down, then... sort of nosedives forward into the ground, pivoting at her neck for a moment while her legs flail in the air.  The stress flows out of you, and you giggle quietly at the absurd sight.  Then Alida starts to fall forward, into a roll, and it's like the explosion from earlier in reverse.  She just collapses in on herself, and a moment later, Alida is standing just in front of where the giant dog had been, patting herself down, though there's no traces of all the golden fur she'd been covered in just a moment ago.

That was weird...

((Meh just scroll up for the sheets, I need to sleep.))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1051 on: July 28, 2019, 12:04:21 am »

(big doggo)

(Well, wasn't expecting that.  It certainly should help in a lot of situations.  I'll do my best to make it effective and hopefully efficient.)

This could be good.  It wasn't what I expected, but if I was like this before, that last witch would have had a much harder time stopping me.. maybe Mina wouldn't have died.

"It's okay.  It was just me in there.  When I was all wolfy it was just me.  There's no creature in there, it's just my body that was different."  "Is different."

"I do think I need to practice with the new body some, but don't worry, I think you did good."

.."Thank you again, Sasha.  And thank you, Asha for helping me out."

As for the timeskip, basically I want to try and mend things with my family, keep up with my friends, and spend a couple evenings practicing with this new form.  Perhaps get inside a junkyard, or another closed business with a fence, and see if I can figure out exactly what counts for changing forms, and running around and such, to get a feel for how the new body works, and what it can do.  Can I speak in it or just growl?  Also try to figure out in what way is it growing stronger.

After I've got a handle on it, I think I could confront the survivor of the boat wreck, and see if that guy was an asshole or what.  Maybe involve some giant wolf stuff?

If I've got time, there's one last thing to test.  What is Duet with Reality like in wolf form?  I'm pretty sure I can only howl.  Try an isolated area for that, like out of town or an industrial site on a weekend night.  Use the minimum amount of power, and maintain it for no more than one additional turn after the start.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2019, 02:00:34 am by Devastator »


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1052 on: July 29, 2019, 12:01:19 am »

"That was a little terrifying." She wasn't quite sure what to make of it. As she pondered the question, a brief flash of envy crossed her consciousness. Why did Alida get something special and she didn't? Heck, all she got out of her own wish was something she could have gotten if she had been a magical girl in the first place. Tooru blinked. No, it was fine. She should just be happy to be alive and that she has what she has already. "I bet it'll be really helpful going forward though!"

For timeskip things, Tooru is gonna do some detective work. Figure out what exactly happened with her wish, anyway. Maybe try to find Pumsy and squeeze some answers out of him. Don't do so much that she gets isolated from her family, though; they must be very worried about her. Also, keep hanging out with Asha, maybe invite her over a couple times (if she's okay with that.)
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1053 on: July 29, 2019, 12:22:57 am »

"Yeah, I suppose it is kinda scary.

..tell you what, I'll need to practice with that some, to keep from falling down or tripping or something.  If you want, maybe we can do that together?  I bet I could carry you around while you blast things and I think that'd work pretty well."
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 12:24:28 am by Devastator »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1054 on: July 29, 2019, 12:59:20 pm »

"Yeah! But, um, I don't want to waste all my magic like I did before, plus we probably shouldn't just blow up random people's stuff. But we can figure something out!"
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1055 on: July 29, 2019, 07:27:43 pm »

Alida stops and thinks for a moment.

"...I think.. Lucy, that was the name of that witch.. I think she carried a gun.  Maybe try that instead?  I don't think they take magic."

"And Pumsy might know something.  You're right, he was a bit weird with Sasha there.  I just.. can't remember much of that."
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 08:53:14 pm by Devastator »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1056 on: August 02, 2019, 06:06:30 pm »

((Thirdpost updated with NPCs and some other stuff.))

The conversation trails off, and the girls stand there in silence, feeling a little awkward.  Asha in particular is dead silent, staring at Alida with an unreadable expression.  Eventually, Aleksandra pulls her to her feet, and she says that she wants Asha to come with her--she begins to drag the girl off, and nobody stops her.  Alida and Tooru watch the two go, then say their goodbyes, and split up, heading home.

(big doggo)

(Well, wasn't expecting that.  It certainly should help in a lot of situations.  I'll do my best to make it effective and hopefully efficient.)

This could be good.  It wasn't what I expected, but if I was like this before, that last witch would have had a much harder time stopping me.. maybe Mina wouldn't have died.

"It's okay.  It was just me in there.  When I was all wolfy it was just me.  There's no creature in there, it's just my body that was different."  "Is different."

"I do think I need to practice with the new body some, but don't worry, I think you did good."

.."Thank you again, Sasha.  And thank you, Asha for helping me out."

As for the timeskip, basically I want to try and mend things with my family, keep up with my friends, and spend a couple evenings practicing with this new form.  Perhaps get inside a junkyard, or another closed business with a fence, and see if I can figure out exactly what counts for changing forms, and running around and such, to get a feel for how the new body works, and what it can do.  Can I speak in it or just growl?  Also try to figure out in what way is it growing stronger.

After I've got a handle on it, I think I want to give that boat owner a bad night in return for killing my father indirectly.  Make a mask of some sort, and carry a bat, but break into his place as a giant wolf, (or sneak in and suprise him by changin inside his living room or something, and scare him by knocking him to the ground and leaning over him with my toothy jaw.  Then transform back to human and ask him some questions about his motivations for operating dangerous ships.. ie, if he's just an asshole or if there's something else going on.

It's long past midnight by the time you get home, and unsurprisingly, nobody's awake to greet you.  That's for the best, you figure; it means you don't have to make any excuses.  You slink quietly to bed, being careful to avoid waking anyone up.  You fall into bed just after making it to your room, and all of a sudden realize that you never got your coat back from Aleksandra.  You idly wonder whether you'd even want to bother taking off the coat even if you hadn't forgotten it... sleep claims you before you come to any kind of decision.

"That was a little terrifying." She wasn't quite sure what to make of it. As she pondered the question, a brief flash of envy crossed her consciousness. Why did Alida get something special and she didn't? Heck, all she got out of her own wish was something she could have gotten if she had been a magical girl in the first place. Tooru blinked. No, it was fine. She should just be happy to be alive and that she has what she has already. "I bet it'll be really helpful going forward though!"

For timeskip things, Tooru is gonna do some detective work. Figure out what exactly happened with her wish, anyway. Maybe try to find Pumsy and squeeze some answers out of him. Don't do so much that she gets isolated from her family, though; they must be very worried about her. Also, keep hanging out with Asha, maybe invite her over a couple times (if she's okay with that.)

You use your phone to plot a route home, and surprisingly you actually end up beating its estimation of how long it will take--by car.  Still, it's already almost three AM by the time you arrive at the front door.  Which... is locked.  And your parents don't keep keys hidden outside the front door or anything.  After a few more futile tries, you sigh, and circle around your house to try the back door--which, unsurprisingly, is also locked.  You stand outside in the cold, contemplating what to do.  You really don't want to wake anyone up, you don't want to have to explain why you're getting home so ridiculously late, but you want to break into your own house even less.

You're pulling out your phone and trying to find Taro in your contacts when the back door opens just a crack in front of you, though there's no lights on inside.

"Tooru?" you mom says, clearly confused.  Of course she's awake, she's been working at night a bunch, lately.  You sheepishly say high, and say that you lost track of time.  It's the best you can think of.

She sighs, and opens the door, stepping aside.  A light flips on as you step through, lighting up your mother's concerned expression, though she doesn't say anything.  She's hiding something behind her back in her right hand, but you don't ask what it is.  The two of you just stand there and stare at each other for a few seconds.

"...Go to bed, Tooru." your mother says unhappily.  "We'll talk about where you were tomorrow, with your father."  You nod anxiously, happy that you don't have to figure something out now, and hurry towards your room.

"And don't lie to me again." she says just as you leave the room, in a very serious tone of voice.  She virtually never uses that tone, and it always means something is very, very serious.  You shiver a little as you slide quietly into your room, but your worries melt away quickly as you fall asleep.

((Next update on the 4th.  It will be the start of timeskips.  Timeskips will have a general overview, and a single zoomed-in scene that can actually have actions submitted; I know precisely what will happen with Alida, but I'm unsure about Tooru.  King, do you just want Tooru to investigate the bullies at school?  Because that's general enough to be handled in a paragraph or two.))

Spoiler: Asha Tia (Nakéen) (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1057 on: August 02, 2019, 06:25:43 pm »

((I was planning on that, yeah, she probably wouldn't try to follow them home or anything.))
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1058 on: August 02, 2019, 07:13:28 pm »

I see you lot are downgraded from those who are hope to those who are left. If this were X-com your rating for last mission would be poor and the council nations would be withdrawing support at this point.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1059 on: August 03, 2019, 12:50:38 am »

(There's a quote from earlier that deserves being repeated.  ;-p)

"Uhm, no.  Sorry Mina, it's hard to change people and not break them... you might be able to do something, though!  You're a magical girl, magical girls can do anything!"  -Pumsy.

(Very tempted to put that in my signature.)

(Also, gotta have Asha heal Sasha's grandfather, don't forget that.)
« Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 12:54:28 am by Devastator »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1060 on: August 05, 2019, 03:20:12 am »

((RGU is back, just doing his thing for now because I'm tired.))

Aleksandra drags Asha away from the others, stumbling a little as she goes, and quickly picks up speed.  She doesn't know precisely how to get home from here, but she knows the general direction, and that's enough for now.  She dashs into an alleyway, crossing through in seconds, then takes a sharp turn at the other end, sprinting along the sidewalk at a speed far higher than she's ever ran before.  Somehow, her speed is being limited more by Asha--who is barely able to keep up--than it is by her own legs!

Despite their speed, the two girls still end up wandering for about an hour, spending most of that time with Aleksandra telepathically chattering about her grandfather and father.  Eventually, she ends up recognizing her surroundings, and from there it's only minutes before the two girls are standing in front of Aleksandra's home.  It's in an old neighborhood, the streets lined by large houses that look like mansions to Asha.  Though Aleksandra's home is one of the largest, it's clearly in terrible disrespair; portions of the front are sagging, several windows have visibly been boarded up, and the paint is decaying.  It's an eyesore compared to to the ostentatious homes flanking it, but Aleksandra still acts proud of it, talking about how wealthy her family used to be.

The front door is locked, but Aleksandra doesn't even walk up to it.  She instead hops up onto the porch's roof, then nimbly leaps up again, easily catching the edge of the roof in one hand and pulling herself up, a wide smile on her face.  This is all so easy!  She's never been able to get back up onto the roof from outside before.

Asha hesitates a little before following her up, and then Aleksandra opens a window and climbs through into the unlit room beyond.  It's cleaner than Asha expected, though from what she can see in the dark, it's almost entirely bare of furniture, and the walls have massive water stains running their aged wallpaper.  Aleksandra rushes directly to a pile of cloth set off in one corner, practically invisible in the darkness, and sets down her AK-47 reverently.  Then she returns to Asha, and insistently pulls her over to a wall.  More specifically, to a large hole in the bottom of the wall, which she says is the only entrance to the room other than the window.  Asha frowns, though her friend can't see it.

They crawl through, the next room entirely lightless, Aleksandra navigating by the glow of her new soul gem and pulling Asha along behind her.  The rest of the house is dark, and dead silent, like it's haunted.  There's a few working lights that Aleksandra turns on, but they're spaced far enough apart to leave a gloomy atmosphere.  Asha finds it all very creepy, though her guide keeps telling her to cheer up, the Russian girl still giddy.

Suddenly, Aleksandra comes to a stop, in front of a heavy old door.  She takes a deep breath, then telepathically tells Asha that her grandfather is on the other side, sick.  The gray haired girl nods, then they open the door, stepping quietly into the room.  It's a small room, almost entirely dominated by one large bed, and unlit aside from the light leaking through the doorway.  Quiet but labored breathing is audible from the bed, and Asha steps close as Aleksandra hesitates by the door.  Asha leans over the bed and looks at the ancient man bundled up in it, his flesh pale and sunken.  Aleksandra watches as she quietly lays one hand over his face, then pauses.  A few seconds pass, feeling like an eternity to the young girl, and then Asha sighs, pulling away.  The only change seems to be that the man's breathing doesn't sound as strained as it did before.

<...Is it done?  Did you heal him?>

<Yes.  He's fine now.  You don't need to worry anymore.>

Aleksandra pauses for a moment, then tackles Asha with a big hug, squealing quietly as she telepathically showers her friend with thanks.  Asha hugs her back, then they release each other, and leave the room.  Aleksandra continues to talk about how happy she is, her expression beaming, and Asha smiling lightly while leaning against one of the walls.  Eventually, though, Aleksandra starts to pay more attention to the connection she has with Asha through the memento, and her smile dims a little.  Asha, for some reason, isn't happy.

If anything, though her face doesn't show it, Asha is on the verge of tears.

((Timeskips for Alida & Tooru over the next few days.))

Spoiler: Asha Tia (Nakéen) (click to show/hide)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1061 on: August 05, 2019, 09:49:39 am »

Aleksandra didn't know whether to cry tears of joy or sorrow. Her mind was still a mess trying to process everything that had happened so far, from Mina's death, the defeat of the witch, the grief seed, her wish, Alida, Tooru, Grandpa, Asha... She didn't know how to express her thoughts with words. She opened her mind and focused her thoughts towards Asha, and hoped that their connection and telepathy would allow Asha to understand what was going through her mind.

She looks at her bright soul gem. It felt weird to have one's soul inside some shiny gemstone. And the light was very strong, unlike Asha's gem. Is that how you measured the value of a soul? She wondered if Asha was feeling sad because of using part of her soul on her Grandpa. Did she felt it was a waste of soul since he was already close to dying of old age anyways?

Looking at her arm, she notices she's still wearing Alida's coat. It felt so comfortable to wear she had completely forgotten about it. Alida... She felt kind of guilty for using her wish on her like that, the thought of werewolves being different on this country had never crossed her mind. She made a mental note to try to contact her on the following days and return her coat. It was her fault things ended like this, after all. Was Asha angry at her for causing this disaster?

Part of her was also regretful. She could have wished to see her Papa again, or at least to know what happened to him. It was hard for Sasha to make the choice between using the wish for herself or for the team. She wondered if this made her a horrible person. She then looks back to Asha. She basically dragged her here by force. Did she heal her Grandpa out of guilt, against her will?

It was a strange situation. Sasha was trying to do her best to comfort Asha, but she felt the reason she was like this was because of her. She didn't even know where to begin. Maybe she was unhappy because she had to use part of her soul. Pumsy and the others talked about how could one turn into a witch when their soul gem ran out of power. Was Asha worried about turning into a witch? Did seeing her Grandpa remind her of something?

Lastly, she's reminded of when the girls talked about Grief Seeds. She still remembers clearly what Pumsy said:

...She wasn't all that strong, only Mina died.

Only Mina died. Every time they used their magic, they lost a little of their soul. And unless they wanted their gems to run out of power, they would have to continue fighting, maybe forever. Just now, by using her powers to heal Sasha's Grandpa, Asha was a little closer to turning into a witch. Maybe her power wouldn't be enough for the next witch if it's stronger than the last one. And then...

Aleksandra clutched Asha's hand tightly. They might have known each other for barely a day, but...

<...I'm sorry, Asha. For everything. Please... Don't die.>
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1062 on: August 10, 2019, 09:53:55 pm »

((I've been agonizing over the other timeskips for the last week, making no progress.  Today I tried to look at it in a different method, and made some real progress, but still need to do more.  I can't really deal with them one-at-a-time as easily as I meant to, and I've spent days not-posting anyway, so I'm just doing RGU's bit now.  It's far easier, and it's relevant to Tooru's timeskip.))

Aleksandra didn't know whether to cry tears of joy or sorrow. Her mind was still a mess trying to process everything that had happened so far, from Mina's death, the defeat of the witch, the grief seed, her wish, Alida, Tooru, Grandpa, Asha... She didn't know how to express her thoughts with words. She opened her mind and focused her thoughts towards Asha, and hoped that their connection and telepathy would allow Asha to understand what was going through her mind.

She looks at her bright soul gem. It felt weird to have one's soul inside some shiny gemstone. And the light was very strong, unlike Asha's gem. Is that how you measured the value of a soul? She wondered if Asha was feeling sad because of using part of her soul on her Grandpa. Did she felt it was a waste of soul since he was already close to dying of old age anyways?

Looking at her arm, she notices she's still wearing Alida's coat. It felt so comfortable to wear she had completely forgotten about it. Alida... She felt kind of guilty for using her wish on her like that, the thought of werewolves being different on this country had never crossed her mind. She made a mental note to try to contact her on the following days and return her coat. It was her fault things ended like this, after all. Was Asha angry at her for causing this disaster?

Part of her was also regretful. She could have wished to see her Papa again, or at least to know what happened to him. It was hard for Sasha to make the choice between using the wish for herself or for the team. She wondered if this made her a horrible person. She then looks back to Asha. She basically dragged her here by force. Did she heal her Grandpa out of guilt, against her will?

It was a strange situation. Sasha was trying to do her best to comfort Asha, but she felt the reason she was like this was because of her. She didn't even know where to begin. Maybe she was unhappy because she had to use part of her soul. Pumsy and the others talked about how could one turn into a witch when their soul gem ran out of power. Was Asha worried about turning into a witch? Did seeing her Grandpa remind her of something?

Lastly, she's reminded of when the girls talked about Grief Seeds. She still remembers clearly what Pumsy said:

...She wasn't all that strong, only Mina died.

Only Mina died. Every time they used their magic, they lost a little of their soul. And unless they wanted their gems to run out of power, they would have to continue fighting, maybe forever. Just now, by using her powers to heal Sasha's Grandpa, Asha was a little closer to turning into a witch. Maybe her power wouldn't be enough for the next witch if it's stronger than the last one. And then...

Aleksandra clutched Asha's hand tightly. They might have known each other for barely a day, but...

<...I'm sorry, Asha. For everything. Please... Don't die.>

As you speak, you try to strengthen your connection to Asha, to understand her more clearly.  It works, at first - the vauge sensation of sadness quickly grows more defined.  You can make out a swirl of complex emotions: a general miasma of guilt, darkening her mind except for a slight spark of altruism, directed towards you; a sharp regret, old but painful, like a scab that's been freshly ripped off; and a crushing sense of self-hatred, overpowering everything else.  You gasp as the emotions flow into your mind, confused and overwhelmed by the sudden rush.  You stare into Asha's eyes, not understanding, and then the connection almost entirely ends--you can still sense her mind, so very close, but there's suddenly a wall between the two of you.  She closes her eyse and turns her face away from you.

<That's.. not it.  You can stop worrying.  I can't die.  I wished not to die.>

You can't accept that, she shut you out, but what you already saw was terrible enough!  You ask what's wrong, if she's not worried about death.  She's initially silent, but you keep at it, growing more insistent and worried for your friend.  Eventually, she relents, leaning back against a wall and sliding down into a sitting position.

<That ribbon you have.  It's my sister's.  All my ribbons are.  Claire would always wear it, just like you've been doing, and I keep thinking that you look like her.  You're just a bit older, and your hair...>

She starts to cry now, tears running down her face silenetly as she speaks into your mind.

<Claire was sick, and my parents were sick, and I was sick, and I wished to not die, and I didn't!  But they did!  And I thought my wish was stupid, and I could have wished for them too, but I didn't, so I ran away!  But...  I didn't know then, but I didn't make a bad wish, they didn't have to die!  I didn't have to run away!>

She stops talking, pulling her knees up to her face and hiding it with her hands.  You're too stunned to respond, at first, and then it occurs to you why she's going through this now, just after saving your grandpa.  If her family was sick, and she can heal sick people, then she could have healed her family, instead of leaving them to die.  You watch as the gray-haired girl starts to sob quietly.  She's still blocking you off from her emotions, but you saw enough already to understand.

But... what can you do about it?


  • Bay Watcher
  • This is. NOT! OVER!
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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1063 on: August 10, 2019, 11:03:12 pm »

But... what can you do about it?

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #1064 on: August 14, 2019, 12:30:01 am »

((Just Alida today.  Tooru tomorrow.))

(big doggo)

(Well, wasn't expecting that.  It certainly should help in a lot of situations.  I'll do my best to make it effective and hopefully efficient.)

This could be good.  It wasn't what I expected, but if I was like this before, that last witch would have had a much harder time stopping me.. maybe Mina wouldn't have died.

"It's okay.  It was just me in there.  When I was all wolfy it was just me.  There's no creature in there, it's just my body that was different."  "Is different."

"I do think I need to practice with the new body some, but don't worry, I think you did good."

.."Thank you again, Sasha.  And thank you, Asha for helping me out."

As for the timeskip, basically I want to try and mend things with my family, keep up with my friends, and spend a couple evenings practicing with this new form.  Perhaps get inside a junkyard, or another closed business with a fence, and see if I can figure out exactly what counts for changing forms, and running around and such, to get a feel for how the new body works, and what it can do.  Can I speak in it or just growl?  Also try to figure out in what way is it growing stronger.

After I've got a handle on it, I think I could confront the survivor of the boat wreck, and see if that guy was an asshole or what.  Maybe involve some giant wolf stuff?

If I've got time, there's one last thing to test.  What is Duet with Reality like in wolf form?  I'm pretty sure I can only howl.  Try an isolated area for that, like out of town or an industrial site on a weekend night.  Use the minimum amount of power, and maintain it for no more than one additional turn after the start.

Over the next few days your life proceeds relatively normally; you're too busy dealing with school and your family to spend much time dwelling on magical matters.  It isn't until Wednesday that you find yourself with an entire evening free.  You decide to spend it on testing out your new werewolf powers.  Once it gets late, you tell Eva that you're going out to meet some friends, then you leave and head to a junkyard on the outskirts of the city.

You spend a little time looking around to make sure nobody's still around, then you leap over the fence and start wandering around the yard.  It's... not as large as you had hoped, really, just a bunch of rows of old ruined cars, none of them stacked, with no giant hills of garbage, like you've seen in movies.  Still, there's nobody around, and the vehicles should provide adequate cover even if someone does come wandering along.  You think.

The transformation comes as quickly and easily as it did last time, requiring nothing more than a quick flip.  You experiment a few times, and find that any kind of flip seems to work; frontflip, backflip, a roll, even a side roll, any kind of rolling motion works, just as long as your feet pass over your head at some point; the transformation always happens just after that point.  You can even hold position in a handstand for awhile, then slowly let yourself tumble over in any direction, and the transformation begins just after, as long as you're focusing on it.  Returning to human form works much the same way, though it's a little easier to do it by rolling sideways rather than forward or backward.

Once you're confident you understand how to change shape, you start running around as a wolf, getting used to moving around on four legs.  It's a little difficult at first, but you learn quickly, and soon you're dashing from one end of the junkyard to the other, turning on a dime, then dashing back the other way.  You can run extremely fast as a wolf, and the junkyard is way too small to even begin to test your limits; you can barely start to trot at speed before you have to start slowing down again.  It's a bit frustrating, and you start runnning laps around the perimeter of the junkyard, hoping to reach higher speeds.  And then you start cutting the corners, running in a circle and sprinting over vehicles with ease, but you still feel like you're mostly limited by the need to turn.  You need a bigger field to test out your maximum speed, although... even then, you'd need a better method to measure your speed.  You're pretty sure that you're already traveling faster than you've ever traveled in a car, but you're not used to this area, and have no frame of reference for precisely how fast you're going.  You sit down on your back legs and as you think, your tail wagging.  You're not tired at all, despite all the running.  Being a wolf is pretty awesome!

Eventually, you start testing the next trait on your list: your biting ability.  This is pretty straightforward; you pad over to a ruined truck, open the door up, then bite down into the metal of it.  It crunches under your jaws like particularly tough cardboard.  You bite down harder, growling in satisfaction, then give a hard yank, twisting as you fight with the metal.  The entire door flexes and groans as you pull, and after several seconds of tugging, you can feel it starting to give way--and then you tumble backwards, a large section of twisted metal locked in your jaws.  You spit it out, then inspect the hole in the door.  You tore out a wedge of metal about a foot long!  You had been trying to rip off the entire door, but this is pretty impressive too!  You excitedly spin in a circle, then jump up on top of the truck's cab--the structure groaning under your weight--and lift your head up to the sky, letting out a powerful howl that echoes into the darkening sky.

The sound is exhilarating, primal and full of power!  It fills you with energy and clears your mind, opening the world up to you.  Sounds and scents are already extremely powerful as a wolf, but everything becomes just a smidge clearer as you howl, a touch more intuitiveThe sensation only grows as your howl drags on, but as your senses continue to sharpen, you feel like something's missing.  There's a pit of loneliness in your stomach, nobody here to hear you howl, or to answer it.  You stop, your ears perking up and listening to the echoes as the sensation of clarity fades.  There's a powerful hope inside you that you'll hear an answer, from a real wolf, or from anything, really... but nothing comes.  All of a sudden you feel very embarassed and foolish; someone is going to come to investigate that.  Wolves shouldn't be howling inside cities, even on the outskirts.  And even if you could talk as a wolf, you doubt anyone would accept any explanation you could give.

You transform back into your human form, and leave the junkyard immediately, rushing home as fast as you can.  That's enough magical adventuring for today...

Your next free evening comes on Friday, and you decide to pay Mr. Takeda a visit.  Unfortunately, you have absolutely no idea where he lives, or even where he works, beyond a vauge understanding that it's probably somewhere near the docks, being an engineer who works on ships.  Or... something like that.  You feel a little guilty, not remembering all of what your father said about his work, and the people he worked with, but you're pretty sure Takeda was a ship engineer.  So you head down to the docks, and for lack of any better method, start blindly asking people if they know where he is.


You spend a long time doing this, and the vast majority of people either ignore you, or say they have no idea who you're talking about.  The sky is dark by the time you get an answer, from a drunk sailor who's stumbling around aimlessly.  Upon hearing Takeda's name, the man starts angrily ranting about... something to do with a woman, you're really not sure what.  The man has a short attention span, keeps switching between topics, and doesn't stop walking along as he talks, seemingly only half aware of you interrogating him.  You have to constantly redirect him back to the subject of Takeda, and repeat every question over and over, to get any kind of coherent answers.  Worse, you get different answers to the same questions; by the end of the conversation, he's given thee different addresses that Takeda lives at, and five different companies that he works for.  The addresses, at least, are all in about the same area, actually not all that far from your own house, but the companies are all in entirely different places.  You write everything down on a piece of paper you brought along, but you don't expect much, resolving to come back tomorrow and try again.  Maybe next time you'll bring one of the other magical girls to help...

...The next day, you manage to avoid any weekend duties by telling Eva that one of your friends begged you to come visit her, because of some emergency, and get out of the house shortly before noon.  You don't like lying to your sister, but you feel that if she could actually believe what you were doing, she'd be entirely supportive, so it's justified.  Mostly.

Since they're close, you check out the three addresses you were given before doing anything else.  The first house you check isn't it--nobody's home, and when you ask a neighbor when "Mr. Takeda" will be back, the lady who answered the door says that the Redfields live in that house.  However, to your great surprise, she does know Takeda, and tells you where he lives, without you even having to ask; apparently she thinks you have a delivery for him or something.  It turns out, the other two streets you were given are wrong, though one is right next to Takeda's actual home.  You thank the woman profusely, and she just smiles, happy to help, then asks you to say hi for her.

It's only a three minute run for you to get to Takeda's house, though you think you may have broken the speed limit on the way there; a lot of emotions are bubbling up inside you, and you don't know how to feel.  Excited, afraid, angry... it's complex.  When you finally reach his house, you pause and have to take a few breaths to calm down.  The house doesn't seem right, it's just another old building, small, and largely indistinguishable from every other house on this street.  Nothing special.  There's two cars in the driveway: an old beaten-up brown sedan, and a clean white van that's parked extremely close behind it.  The windows have curtains over them, and you can't see or hear anyone.

A small voice inside you says that you should just leave now, go back home, then come back at a better time.  Maybe with the other magical girls.  You don't know what a better time would be, but standing here, you suddenly feel very anxious.  You had a jumble of vauge expectations for what would happen now, but all of them feel silly and childish now.
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