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Author Topic: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM  (Read 147285 times)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2017, 12:45:11 am »

((I am really enjoying Tooru and Asha interactions so far. I can't wait for them to bond, laugh and suffer together.))

Asha presumably headed for the next class, except of course if Tooru caught up to her or something else unexpected impeded her.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #46 on: October 07, 2017, 06:48:16 am »

((I'm not updating tonight, but seriously, Asha has cursed joy while Tooru is talented.  Both have equal mobility.  The chances of her escaping are basically nil.

...Yeah, rolled for it quick, if it weren't for mobility L2, Asha would faceplant on her way out the door.  Do with that what you wilt.))


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #47 on: October 08, 2017, 08:37:56 am »

"I'm sorry.. I was thinking of my dad.  I've been doing that a lot lately."

"I think he may not have died for nothing after all."

Put on a bright face and have fun with my friends.  Don't take things too seriously today.  Go to vollyball practice after school.


You try to put on a bright smile and distract yourself from thoughts of your father, but it doesn't really work well; this is something that you've wanted--no, needed--to know, for years, and it isn't easy to just ignore now that the answer is right there.  Neither of your friends seem to be convinced by your pitiful attempt at smiling, but they don't keep picking at the subject. 

The rest of the school day passes quickly, though it's hard to pay attention during classes.  Your friends try to engage you in discussion a few times, and you talk a bit, but can never really add much, preoccupied as you are.  That all changes during volleyball practice.  It's finally something which can actually distract you from your thoughts, and you throw yourself fully into it.


...Despite this, you do unusually poorly.  Perhaps it's because this is the first time you've done volleyball since you made your wish, but your legs seem too long, or too short, and your balance is all over the place.  Halfway through one match you jump directly into one of your teammates, knocking him over, and you can't seem to land any good shots with the ball.  Others notice, and a couple even outright ask you why you're doing so poorly.  It's embarrassing, since you're usually one of the best players, and you begin to get a bit angry towards the end of practice.

You get to start the last practice match, and open with a jump serve, hitting it as hard as you can... which turns out to be far, far harder than you've ever been able to hit the ball before.  It shoots over the net faster than you can track, and slams right into one of your opponents' torso.  The girl is thrown to the ground by the force of the hit.  Everyone, including you, just stops and stares at her as she writhes on the ground while clawing at her chest, her mouth opening and closing as she fails to breath.

A few seconds of silence later, the coach blasts his whistle and comes running over to the downed girl, getting on his knees and trying to help her.  He says something about practice being over for the day, but most people just mill around him in confusion, trying to see what he's doing, without getting in the way.  A few other kids look at you with surprise and... fear?  Nobody says anything, they just stare at you.

Are you going to stick around, or leave while everyone's still confused at what just happened?

Who knew food could taste so good? It was hardly a 5-star meal, but to Mina her breakfast felt like that after she realized just how hungry she was. She'd even asked for seconds - rare enough when she was actually doing well (who has time to eat a bunch when there's things to do?), let alone when she's not (bleh, just remembering how food tasted the last... she didn't even know at this point... *shiver). But this time she wolfed it down probably faster than was probably entirely safe, downed her drink just as quickly, and then asked for more. Then, doctor time.

Mina had been quite cheerful throughout the whole process despite knowing full well she was healthy. A check-up would be boring, obviously, but if it reassured her parents she could handle it! They'd been so worried... she sorta felt bad about worrying them, even when she was always assured that wasn't her fault. She pretended she hadn't heard the doctor speaking with her parents and gave the doctor just as big a smile. "I knooow. I'll be sure to wash my hands,
 eat healthy, all the good stuff. I'll be careful, don't want to worry you-know-who more, right?"
she said, the last bit fake-whispered conspiratorially to the doctor. She knew she wouldn't relapse - it'd hardly be a wish if all she got was a brief reprieve now would it? ...Although come to think of it, the only proof she had was that ring and who the heck knew what had been happening the last few- nope, nope not going down that train of thought.

As they piled into the car, Mina regained her high spirits... wherever she wanted? A girl can do a lot of damage with that broad a request... but she wouldn't, because honestly there wasn't a whole lot she did want to do in that vein. "...I've been cooped up in the house for who-knows-how-long already, haven't I? Is there a big park or something we can visit, do you think?"

^Make suggestion/request.

Your father nods and smiles at your suggestion, while your mother sighs.  "The park it is!  You used to like visiting the one near your school, right?"  You say yes, and soon you're on your way.  It's not a long drive, but you find yourself antsy to get out of the car anyway; you've spent much too long in various enclosed spaces.


The park is even nicer than you remember.  Everything looks crisper, sounds clearer, it's almost like you've somehow wandered into an alternate world where everything is just slightly better than it should be.  It's strange to say, but even the trees look like art, covered in intricate and exact detail that you've just never really noticed before.  A particularly strong gust blows past, and you can hear the collective sound of a thousand individual leaves shivering at once.

You lose track of time, just taking everything in.  At some point you come across a nice woman walking his dog, and she lets you pet it for awhile, with your father crouched next to you protectively.  Mostly, though, you just walk and run around, enjoying the fact that you actually have the energy to wander as much as you want, for once.

It has to end eventually though.  Your father gets a call, and walks some distance away to answer it, while you sit down with your mother.  Despite the distance, you can hear every word of the conversation clearly, as if you were standing right there.  The man on the phone sounds happy and friendly, but your father's voice is full of barely-restrained anger.

"I need you to come in.  We're understaffed, and I know you're available; your daughter doesn't need you at her bedside constantly."
"No, I'm not available.  I'm out with her and my wife right now.  Look, I'll work over the weekend, anything pressing can wait just one day."
"Oh, you're out with her?  Just yesterday you said she was bedridden and getting worse, to the point you were worried about moving her.  What a miraculous recovery."
"She was sick.  The doctor has already-"
"Oh, I understand the situation quite well.  I do hate to get between you and your family, but wouldn't you prefer to spend the weekend with your daughter anyway?  You don't have to call in sick if you weren't working already, after all."
"So, I can expect you here within the hour?"
"Excellent!  You're a good man."

The phone call ends, and your father returns.  He quietly tells your mother that he has to go to work, and when she starts to protest, he defeatedly says that his boss is just making a point.  He then passes her the keys, hugs you goodbye, and just... jogs away.  Apparently he's going to run to work, without any of the things he usually takes.  You get the distinct feeling that this is not how things are supposed to work.

Your mother turns to you, and lightly suggests that she should just take you home.  She says you seem to have been getting bored, anyway.

"Wha- But I already have friends. . ." she told the air where the girl had just occupied. She really wasn't a very good liar; why would she try to push Tooru away when she obviously didn't actually want to be left alone? A crestfallen expression crossed her face for a moment as she peeked her head out of the room, trying to see where the other girl had run off to.

Look for the ashen-haired girl - but only if I have time before my next class. If not, just go to that and try to think about where she went.

You start to follow the girl as she leaves, but she seems really, really, dedicated to get away.  She stumbles as she gets to the door, and sprints away after that.  You rush over, and peek your head out the door just in time to see her disappear around a corner.  You probably could chase after her, you're pretty fast and you have the time... but on the other hand, you haven't seen someone run away from something like that in awhile.  Apparently you're terrifying?

The rest of your day goes by much more normally, and you mostly forget about the strange girl, instead focusing on your studies, figuring you'll probably be able to catch her during lunch.  You also ask Violet to keep an eye out for an ashen haired girl with a glowing ring, which she agrees to do, though while giving you a doubting look.  You point out your necklace, and say it glows in the same way, but she just seems even more confused by that.

By the time lunch ends, you're actually starting to worry.  You got there somewhat late, but still before even the earliest people usually leave, and you stayed around as long as you could.  No sign of the scared girl, and Violet says she hadn't seen anyone like that either.  Maybe the girl skipped lunch?  Wouldn't be that unusual.


Your last classes are a bit harder to focus on, because a rather disturbing thought occurs to you: Pumsy said that magical girls--which you've decided is definitely what that girl was--turn into witches when they lose hope.  The ramifications of that only hit home now, because Ash (as you've begun to think of her) seemed very, very hopeless.  Maybe that's why she's being so avoidant; she realizes she's going to become very dangerous, and soon, or perhaps she thinks you'll attack her pre-emptively.  Maybe you should.  That's an unsettling thought.

You're still considering what to do about her by the time your last class is over.  Just as you're leaving the school, you finally see the ashen-haired girl again, standing and looking lost as students walk past her.  It's Friday, so Violet has volleyball practice, and your Dad will almost certainly get home late.  You don't have anything pressing that you need to do right now.  Then again, Ash definitely didn't seem to want anything to do with you.

((I am really enjoying Tooru and Asha interactions so far. I can't wait for them to bond, laugh and suffer together.))

Asha presumably headed for the next class, except of course if Tooru caught up to her or something else unexpected impeded her.

You rush away from the strange girl, nearly tripping in your haste to escape, and practically run to your next class.  You sit down inside, along with the two other students who are as early as you, and collapse face first onto your desk.  You feel... drained.  She was the first person here to show an interest in you, and you had to run away from her...

Your prediction of biology being just as impossible to follow ends up being correct, so you just sit there moping for the whole class.  And the class after.  Lunch is a bit better, as you get there early, and so have your choice of food.  That, at least, is one perk of this school; the food is much better than the junk they serve at your current "home".  You finish eating quickly, and leave before too many people crowd in.

That quick lunch leaves you with an unusually long break period before your next class, and you end up wandering outside and laying in the grass.  There's nobody around, and it's a nice day outside.  You spend your time looking at the clouds go by, as you consider the last two weeks of your life.  You haven't seen Pumsy since you ran, but you know for sure that what he said was true.  You have changed, and found yourself to be tougher, and faster, than you used to be.  He said that you would have to hunt witches, and you'd be willing to do so... but he hasn't come back, or helped you at all.  Like everyone else, he's abandoned you.  Maybe he thinks you wouldn't be capable...

You sigh, and get up to go to your next class; it isn't like laying around with your thoughts turned out any more pleasant.  The last few classes pass quickly and painlessly--not surprising, since you're mostly ignoring them--and soon enough the day is over.

There's still some daylight left.  You really have a lot of freedom, to do whatever you feel like... or you could just go home and try to sleep until tomorrow.  That's always good too.

Character sheets:
((Note that these are stripped down for easy stat/power/status reference, the full sheets are in the thread's thirdpost.))

Spoiler: Asha Tia (Nakéen) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Mina Ross (TwinWolf) (click to show/hide)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #48 on: October 08, 2017, 11:52:43 am »

What?  No, this isn't how it's supposed to happen, I'm supposed to be a hero, and help people.  That's why Pumsey came to me.  Not hurt people with volleyballs.


Alida breaks into tears as she runs out of the gymnasium.

Flee to another part of the school, but Alida doesn't want to go home like this.. Mom will worry.  And the munchkins.

((It isn't 'this game', syv, I've had remarkably terrible dice for months now.))
« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 01:31:47 am by Devastator »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #49 on: October 08, 2017, 02:09:38 pm »

Tooru took her opportunity immediately, running up to the girl as quick as she could and grabbing her hand so that she wouldn't just run off again. "H-hey, please stop running away from me! I just wanted to talk to you. I, um," she scrabbled again for a reason to get the girl to not just wrench out of her not-particularly-strong grip, "I know where you got that ring from, and I wanted to talk about it."
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #50 on: October 08, 2017, 02:51:09 pm »

At one hand, it's seems to be awesome game. On the other hand, every my attempt to roleplay resulted in "nope, getting out of here", and every try to write a story resulted in utter gibberish. Sign me in waitlist. :P I'll hopefully come up with something passable before slaughter fighting begins.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #51 on: October 09, 2017, 12:01:54 am »

Asha was forced to accept that this girl wouldn't give up. And when she said she knew the origin of her ring, she knew there would be no turning back.

"Let's talk somewhere calm."

She led Tooru to a park she loved to wander in after school hours. There was this one bench under a great tree, which was nearly always free at this time. She stood silent the whole trip, and once they got there, she sat and invited Tooru to do so.

"That means you are a magical girl too then right? What do you want to know?"
« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 12:04:43 am by Nakéen »


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #52 on: October 09, 2017, 12:59:15 am »

Tooru sat down somewhat hesitantly. "Umm, well, it's just, you seemed really lonely and I don't really have any idea what's going on. Pomsy mentioned these witches and stuff, and I guess I wanted to know if you knew anything else about them? He was a little vague. . ." She circled around the thought she was desperately trying not to say aloud: you looked hopeless and I wanted to try and make it better; she wasn't sure how the other girl would react.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #53 on: October 09, 2017, 01:17:15 am »

Asha jumped on Tooru's words, her face lit with a distressed expresion. "You know Pumsy too? He also made you into a magical girl? When was the last time you saw him? I..."

But realizing she was being a bit inappropriate, she apologized and seemingly returned to her usual calm face.
"Ah, I'm sorry. The truth is, I don't know anything about witches. Ever since I became a magical girl, Pumsy never came back to see me. He... he promised me I would fight, that I could protect people and aveng-"

She cut that word short, and her face became even more expressionless than usual.
"I never fought a witch before. So you see, this ring doesn't really mean much."

She made a half forced, half genuine smile and said to Tooru:
"Thank you for trying to talk to me. But as you see, you will only waste your time with a worthless person like me."


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #54 on: October 09, 2017, 10:50:48 am »

Mina frowned - she didn't want to leave yet... but then she had an idea. "Mm... ok, Mom - maybe we can watch a movie together when we get home?" she asked hopefully.
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #55 on: October 09, 2017, 05:11:06 pm »

"Stop talking like that!" Tooru startled herself a bit with her own vehemence, noticeably jumping a bit. "Even if you're nothing else, you're still a magical girl, right? That's a good reason to talk to you. And what if we do get attacked by a witch or something? We could work together and stuff. So stop telling me to go away or I'll just beat you up!" A grin cracked her expression, which had gone from serious to mock-serious as she spoke. "Got it?"
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #56 on: October 10, 2017, 06:34:29 am »

Asha stared in disbelief at Tooru. The scarlet girl's fiery display of emotions seemed to cast away some of the shadows in her heart. That's right... we are magical girls.

She then gave Tooru a soft, genuine smile.
"...I got it. I give up, I will stop telling you to leave me alone. I... have one condition though."

Asha paused, still smiling.
"Call me Asha. We still don't know each other's name!"


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2017, 06:50:58 am »

I have no desire to become a magical girl that would be disastrous. However, this concept has me hooked so I'll be watching the thread if no one minds.


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #58 on: October 10, 2017, 10:27:58 am »

What?  No, this isn't how it's supposed to happen, I'm supposed to be a hero, and help people.  That's why Pumsey came to me.  Not hurt people with volleyballs.


Alida breaks into tears as she runs out of the gymnasium.

Flee to another part of the school, but Alida doesn't want to go home like this.. Mom will worry.  And the munchkins.

((It isn't 'this game', syv, I've had remarkably terrible dice for months now.))

You run away before anyone can process what just happened--before even you can process what just happened.  You don't put much thought into where you're going, just running through the school until you're at the exit, where you realize you're in no state to return home.  You try doors until you find a classroom that was left unlocked, and hide inside.

Once safely inside, you sit down in a corner and start to think about what you did.  You... don't think you hurt the girl too bad, and the coach was right there, he's supposed to have medical training... you think.  You tell yourself that she's probably going to be fine, and try to calm down.  If she were really in danger, the coach would have reacted much worse.

Then again, he's probably never seen a teenage girl who could hit a volleyball so hard that it could knock someone flat.  Or one that could leap fifteen feet into the air.  In fact, isn't that weird in itself?  You hadn't realized it in the heat of the moment, but you'd jumped very high when you made that shot--far higher than any human should be capable, let alone a middle schooler.  Why hadn't people reacted more severely to that?  You'd think th-

"...Are you okay?"

You look up, and see Pumsy sitting on the desk in front of you, staring at you while licking one paw.  He continues before you can collect yourself enough to answer him.

"I... guess not.  I'm sorry, I know it can be hard to adjust, but don't worry!  You're still new, you'll learn to control yourself soon enough!  Everyone does eventually, and you're more talented than most.  Only your third day, but you're already so strong and fast!" he says with a happy tone, and a glimmer in his eyes.

You open your mouth to comment, but before you can speak he continues in a more subdued tone.  "Actually, it's really good that you're learning so quickly.  A witch of hatred opened her labyrinth nearby, not long ago.  I would've come to you earlier, but I hadn't been able to tell... she's really young, and weak, so the reek of misery isn't as obvious.  But that's good too!  I mean, not that I was late, but, she's weak!  That means you shouldn't have much trouble fighting her!"

"...You're okay enough to fight her, right?" he finishes, worry clear in his voice.

Mina frowned - she didn't want to leave yet... but then she had an idea. "Mm... ok, Mom - maybe we can watch a movie together when we get home?" she asked hopefully.


She smiles and sighs with relief.  You both get up from the bench, and walk back to the car together.  You note that there's a lot more people starting to visit the park than there were earlier--apparently you spent much longer out than you thought you had, and school is getting out.  You have a brief pang of loneliness when you see two girls about your age run past, the one with ashen hair leading the redheaded one.  You used to have friends like that, but between your parents being worried about you, and their parents being afraid they'd catch whatever sickness you had on any given week, you haven't seen any for a long time.

The ride home feels strangely suffocating.  You can still see out of the car, but you can't hear things like you could in the park; everything's drowned out by the motor.  It's like being in a tiny little cage that's continually screaming in your ears in an effort to drown out even your thoughts.  There's a brief respite when you get home and leave the car, but soon enough you're back inside your home.  Compared to the wonder and nature of the park, your house is just... boring.

You sigh as your mother flips through channels on the TV, searching for something to watch.  She ends up selecting a movie you recognize; you had went to see it in theater a couple years back with your friends, one of the few times you've ever even been to a theater.  You remember liking the movie then, but now it just brings back unpleasant memories.  Also, you're pretty sure you've outgrown it now.  At least your mother seems to be happy with it; she's smiling wider than you've seen in a long time when she sits down on the couch with you.

The movie is a lot slower than you remember, and hardly a quarter through, your mother is soundly asleep.  It's unusual for her to sleep so early, but you suppose she's probably been more worried about you than you realized.  Still, no reason for you to sit and watch a boring movie... you consider getting up and putting in one of your games, but are interrupted when something jumps up on the couch between you and your mom's heads.  You turn, and are greeted by the bright golden eyes of the wish-granting tiger cub.

"Hiya!  I usually don't come to see girls so soon, but I wanted to make sure everything worked out okay.  They did, right?  Humans can be so fragile, and you were so close to death, I was worried I might not have been fast enough...  But you're okay, right?  Do you think you're up to fighting?  You don't need to, most girls don't fight this early, but this witch is weak..."

He turns around, and sniffs at your mother's sleeping face "I don't think Mom would mind, she won't even know you're gone!  I could make sure she stays asleep; humans are so easy to manipulate, if that's what you want."

[KingMurdoc & Nakéen]

Asha practically drags Tooru to the nearby park, possessed with more energy than the depressive girl has had in weeks.  A lot more people are starting to filter in, now that the heat of the day is past and school is out, but they still manage to find a spot that's fairly secluded away from other people, where they can talk without others overhearing.

Asha introduces herself, but before Tooru can reciprocate, the two of them hear a loud "ASHAAA~!" from above, and a moment later a pink mass of fur and excitement drops into the named girl's lap.  Pumsy quickly rights himself and puts his front paws on her shoulders, looking her close in the eyes, while he speaks happily.  "Asha!  I'd thought I lost you, I looked everywhere but I couldn't find you, and the witch kept eating everything, I thought she got you!  Why were you hiding?  I can't find you if you don't let me!" the cub turns to the second girl seated at the bench, not giving either any space to speak.  "You found Asha for me, Tooru!  And you got her to stop hiding, too!"  The small feline leaps over into Tooru's lap, and wriggles around on his back affectionately.

Both girls are too stunned by his sudden appearance and rapid fire talk to respond before he rolls back onto his feet and resumes talking.  "Oh!  I almost forgot, Tooru!  Before I realized Asha was here too, I was coming to tell you about a witch of hatred, who opened her labyrinth up just a little while ago.  She's perfect practice for a new magical girl, she hasn't taken many lives, so she's still really young and weak.  You're gonna fight her, right?  You too, Asha?  Magical girls are strongest in a team, it's great that you found each other!"

I have no desire to become a magical girl that would be disastrous. However, this concept has me hooked so I'll be watching the thread if no one minds.

Ah, yes, another set of eyes secretly watching me from the shadows.  I only mind a little, so feel free.  Hope I don't disappoint!

Character sheets:

Spoiler: Asha Tia (Nakéen) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Mina Ross (TwinWolf) (click to show/hide)


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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #59 on: October 10, 2017, 01:23:30 pm »


I'm supposed to be like this?  I suppose it makes sense.. if witches are monsters I might need to be this strong to fight them..

..but it means I can't play sports again, not if I hurt people by shooting a ball or running too hard.  I love sports...


Maybe it'll be okay.  I'm sure fighting monsters could be the same way.  I could run as fast as I want, hit things as hard as I can, and do some good.

Yeah.  And then I can return home having helped people instead of having hurt someone.

"Yes Pumsey, I'll do it."

Wipe away the tears, get up, stand tall, and ask Pumsey to show me the way.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2017, 06:27:53 pm by Devastator »
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