HighEndNoob (Gaius/Gai) (IVDf VIPw IIIPc IIIWt)You take a walk through the rainy streets, strategically passing under awnings. People look at you funny, your striped woolen jacket not appearing to blend in well. But it has pockets on the front which makes it highly convenient. And somehow it stays shut without buttons or buckles. You leave the hood on to keep your hair dry.
You arrive at a very tall building. Your body's former proprietor may have belonged to some member of the aristocracy, judging by the tremendous display of wealth. Alternatively this may be mass housing for the plebeians, and this seems like perhaps the more likely circumstance given the long hallways, closely-spaced rooms, and finally the small size of your own quarters--.
"You're back!" a familiar voice squawks at you. "Did you bring Rico with you or..." she leans past a dividing wall to check. There is no need to answer.
"You should buy an umbrella," she quips as your attire sheds a surprising amount of water onto the door rug.
This quarters doesn't seem
too bad. There is a stove and a counter built into one side of the main room, the other having a couple of leather chairs and the wall seems to be a large version of the glass tablet you had.
The bedrooms are accessible from the hall, which curves around two of them in order to fit a third in. There is also a bathroom at the end of the hall.
Ozarck (Di/Hamada) (4Df 3Pw 7Pc 2Wt)You hear several loud bangs, like piercing cracks of thunder, bellowing deep like drums and yet leaving a shrill ringing in your ears. A chill runs down your spine as you ponder the consequences.
There's the faint muffled sound of a body crumpling to the ground. You might realize who it is. Two sets of footsteps begin walking through the house, talking to each other.
"Aren't you glad you put your faith in that silencer?" says the first.
"What if she screamed, though?" says the second.
"What if she did?"
"Can't scream louder than a .45. Anyway, we have a few minutes to make it look like an accident."
Moments later, "What's that awful smell? Ammonia?" the second asked.
"Cooking accident, maybe?" said the first absentmindedly.
"Hey come look at this."
After a long pause the second says, "Looks like she didn't plan on living past tonight anyway.
Break the lid off that rice cooker and fill it up, and... I'll make this look like a spill. Then take the body."
Bloody Knife
-Sharp. Reroll up to two failed dice on your first throw.
Sir Elventide (Giovanna/Nagisa) (3Df 3Pw 4Pc 6Wt)You walk outside to greet the driver, when suddenly you feel a crunching pain in your chest, and your legs give out. Hm.
A gun? It sure sounded like one, but there's no way someone could have readied it to fire without you noticing. You'd turn around to see if it came from behind, but your body feels weak, and you fall to the ground.
You remain fully conscious as two men exit the car and approach your still body on the ground.
"Aren't you glad you put your faith in that silencer?" says the first.
"What if she screamed, though?" says the second.
"What if she did?"
"Can't scream louder than a .45. Anyway, we have a few minutes to move the body and make it look like an accident."
Moments later, "What's that awful smell? Ammonia?" the second asked.
It doesn't seem like you are dead yet. It doesn't feel quite like... last time.
"Cooking accident, maybe?" said the first absentmindedly, starting the stove.
"Hey come look at this."
The two men are meters away from your head, standing around the bucket.
"Looks like she didn't plan on living past tonight anyway," said the second.
The pain in your chest still aches, but you don't seem weak anymore. Still probably best to keep still as long as they're in the room.
"Break the lid off that rice cooker and fill it up, and... I'll make this look like a spill. Then take the body."
Damage Taken: 0
Wooden Rod
-Quick Weapon. Always strikes first.
Neoexdeath (Gunnulf/Shin) (3Df 3Pw 4Pc 6Wt)The various icons seem to have pictographic meanings attached to them, the first of which being a red envelope containing a blank sheet of parchment. The second is a colored swirl with three parts, red, green, and yellow, with a blue circle in the center. The third is a circle with six squares inside, the fourth is a card with the number '31' on it, and the fifth is a silver rectangle with a black shutter in the center.
Tapping the first with your finger, you bring up a collection of notes, each with a sender, perhaps a system of writing letters. You read the first one:
"Bad news, I asked Shirou-sama how the call went, and he said we're not allowed to put an AI on the control board. Apparently they're putting in a couple of new regulations at the last minute since a lot of people put open source software on their robots during last year's comp.
The second icon seems to show a map. It's a map that you can scroll around by dragging your finger. There are the names of all sorts of cities that you can't understand.
Wunderkatze (Ryzard/Mitsuru) (0Df 7Pw 4Pc 5Wt)(Skipped)
Pawn shop on Tachibana Ave.
Backpack with a bunch of books
killerhellhound (Lanfrank/Ryo) (5Df 4Pw 3Pc 4Wt)You walk across the room to grab an umbrella and pass through the entry door. It's not a typical door, but rather a strange cross-shaped paddle made of glass which spins as you walk through it.
Outside, you walk in the opposite direction of the strange performers and their colorful truck, only to find more colorful vehicles, these ones black and white with similar red flashing torches mounted on top. Guards dressed in blue recline inside, and a couple of them glance your way, but you try to avoid eye contact as that seems suspicious.
[Stealth passed] As you make your way past the bulk of their forces, you notice a familiar woman in red speaking to some guards. They don't notice you.
"He was last sighted on top of the building," you hear one guard say.
"Please... if he jumped, I don't think I could..." says the woman.
"Don't worry, maam. Nobody saw him jump. The fire crews are just as confused as we are."
There's some bushes nearby located on an elevated stone flowerbed, but hiding them could arouse suspicion if you are caught snooping. It seems safer to simply walk, but given that the guards seem to be after you, it may be safer to escape into the city. But where? You notice storefronts all over, with signs shining bright as torches, somehow illuminated with an almost magical glow.
Horseless metal carriages fly past on the neatly-paved road with astonishing speed. The people of this city seem to keep to themselves, not paying you much heed.
At the next block down, you spot a store with a circled '7' (a familiar character?) called a 'pawn shop', a restaurant, a winery, and a general store.
Metal with grip
-Weighty. Roll another die forthwith if you score any number of successes.