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Author Topic: Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity.  (Read 1477 times)


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Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity.
« on: July 25, 2017, 03:12:12 pm »

OOC: Hello forumdwellers! I'm doing a rather interesting challenge! That being, all bronze weapons and armor, with a mixture of outside and underground with chinese architecture. :D If anyone wants to be dorfed with the next migrant wave, lemme know. :3 I'm aiming to become the mountain home, and I'll be building noble towers on top of tiny, singular pillars to drop if stupid mandates come around.

You may pick whichever dwarf outside of the original 7 (now six), or any dwarves with Keeper of X or High Keeper of X as their profession. Please give me the gender you want too. I will be naming all children of that dwarf of that gender with Name II, Name III, etc. etc. for ease of continuing the legacy.

-Name all dorfed people with legacy names in the children of that dwarf.
-Build each main wall 4 thick.
-Each family gets a workshop and those labors assigned. If we can't melt it back down, it's still a thing we can sell even if it's hippy-level.
-Each workshop is set up in a house.
-Each dwarf will serve in the military.
-Grand Hall/Tavern/Party Room.
-Grand Library.
-Grand Temple.
-Palace Complex.
-Underground Jail Complex (probably by the magma seas?)
-All elves who wish to join as mercenaries shall be put in their own squads and given wooden training weapons before being sent as fodder.
-All goblins who wish to join as mercenaries shall be put in their own squads and given wooden training weapons before being sent as fodder.
-No elf can join in any other occupation (unless they survive 12 sorties. Then they are dwarven enough).
-No goblin can join in any other occupation (unless they survive 12 sorties. Then they are dwarven enough).
-Only weaponry besides stuff that's shot, used in traps, or equipped by the Guard is bronze.
-Only armor besides what is used by the Guard is bronze.
-The Guard is equipped with bone and leather armor, obsidian swords, and a cape. (I want different colors of capes for each type of squad and I need color ideas for them; Guard, Flayers/Swords, Mutilators/Hammers, Massacrers/Axes, Impalers/Spears, Strikers/Maces, Shooters/Crossbow. Guards would technically be Flayers, but I'd like them to have their own color because they're the police force.)
-Two entrances. CHECK
-Main entrance is for caravans, and protected and set up so it's the only way caravans can get to depot.
-Invader entrance is for invaders. CHECK
-Invader entrance has a dodge-me trap with the exit being at the start for any survivors.
-DMT Pit is set up with POINtYSTICKS (Personnel Operated Impaling Nuances to You Suckers Trapped Inside Catastrophic Killing Stage) in the bottom.
-POINtYSTICKS is operated by pressure plates on the bottom of the Grand Stairwell, each activating one side.
-Noble towers set up on supports set to break if stupid mandates happen. PARTIAL CHECK
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-Each floor of the Grand Palace will be two z-levels tall, and each have a different function.
-One will be the administration offices.
-One will be a temple (at first for everything, but once a king shows up, it will be set as to what the king believes in).
-One will be a library.
-Balconies will ring a few floors for marksdwarves to shoot at giant birds and such. As well as patrol in general to protect the king.
-Highest floors will be the King's chambers.

I can't believe it! I, Shem Mistemkol, of all administrators of the Dye of Clarity, have been chosen to build the new capitol of our nation! I have been allowed to choose the other six people who will help me begin. I chose; Fikod Becoronul, an architect who helped create some of the greatest designs of several of our cities. Momuz Amiderith, a diagnostician who was allowed out by his teacher with high marks. Mosus Zozalath, a talented trainee of our military for protection and to train others in the defense of our new city (He's a flayer too!). Vucar Thimshurtulon, a cook and brewer from a restaurant nearby my work place. Kogsak Ingulolon, a miner to dig out any place underground. And lastly, Tosid Rigothast, a smelter so that we can begin smelting bronze and other metals for when various metal smiths arrive.

Together we looked at our map and decided where the best place would be. We chose a spot close to a few human buildings so that we might have trading partners. It's also close to elves and goblins so that we may begin work on wiping them out. Those circus-damned hippies keep attacking us and belittling us because we use plenty of wood in our above ground constructions. What else are we supposed to use for horizontal support? Stone doesn't like being in beams. And goblins, well, no one likes them anyway.


On our journey to the location we picked, Fikod sketched out plans for what the city is to look like. Due to our location having a large, twin-peaked hill on the north-west side, and a flat plain with a brook on the south-east, he thought that setting the keep up on the smaller, more centered peak of the hill would be best. Mosus and I agree, it would be more defensible, perfect for the keep and castle/administration complex. We'll have a better idea for proper defenses and such things once we get to the site and can look it over more closely.

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Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity,
14 Granite, Y55.

Fikod has figured out his plans far better now that we've gotten an idea of the land. It's a good thing the smaller peak is still big enough for his Grand Hall. It will be an impressive affair, three v-urists in height, 30 h-urists in length, and 25 h-urists wide! With six pillars that are 2x3 h-urists, rounded off so they're more oval in shape. And four smaller 1x2 h-urist semicircle pillars placed in the center of the gaps of the main pillars, with two 3x1 h-urist half-ovals at the front and back of the Grand Hall.

As for defense, there's a small jutting section of the peak that's more to the north. We shall use that as an entrance to force invaders to come on our terms, a checkerboard of weapontraps through the hall with a pit that leads them back out to go through it again should be sufficient. A wider, shorter path shall be the main entrance to the keep and Grand Hall, as well as trade depot once we figure out where to put it. All entrances shall be 3 v-urists deep with ramps leading down. However there won't be any engravings until one is further in, can't have invaders ruining them after all! But all insides will be smoothed.

Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity,
2 Hematite, Y55.

Sorry I haven't written recently. I've been helping Kogsak dig. Having someone trained by the High Keeper of Picks himself giving you tips and such is a fantastic feeling! Kogsak is good enough he was deemed a Keeper of Picks himself for Mountaincity. We've got the two entrances dug out and will be starting on the first layer of the Grand Hall tomorrow.  When every layer is finished, we shall smooth out the walls, then engrave them before moving to channel out the next layer until we get to the bottom. The floor there shall be engraved.

We also dug out a small farming location on the opposite peak at the same level. That should be enough to feed us and the next few migrant waves. However I do hope we can get some above ground plants growing too. It would be nice having a variety of foods and booze. Oh, we will have a bigger underground farm made as well, but until we have figured out how the houses and such are going to go above ground, we won't make it. Won't do to have a basement suddenly break into the farms!

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Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity,
2 Galena, Y55.

Fikod figured out where to put the trade depot. It will be placed at the end of the hall with a small arched off turn leading to it. I think we should keep at least part of the upper level where it would be engraved to allow for defenses to be placed. We initially were thinking ballista, but those can only shoot straight ahead and our invader entrance is going to be two v-urists below. And the gate at the main entrance will be shut so we couldn't shoot out through that. So we will probably shorten the upper defensive levels to be just in front of the doors of the Great Hall with two levels of shooters.

Also today were some migrants, including a fantastic engraver! In fact, Kogan Amidstakud is a Keeper of Engraving! He heard about what was happening and decided to get here as soon as he could so that our great new city would never be tarnished by poor engravings. He and the extra dwarfpower from the migrants will get the smoothing done nice and quick-like. Then he can go and engrave the walls. We won't do the floor, even on the bottom level, because then chairs, tables, and people standing around will block the carvings and we can't have that!

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Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity,
14 Limestone, Y55.

Oh circus! I lost track of time, I didn't even get people to seriously start on the trade depot until the liaison came over and told me that the wagons couldn't get here and that it wasn't built! I quickly got them to work in my embarrassment.

After the merchants came over with a few pack animals and a few items, some migrants showed up. I had a craftsdwarf workshop set up in the Great Hall so that some wooden figurines could be sent out to trade with, and wouldn't you know it, to my surprise, a Keeper of Woodcarving was with them! I only realized that when some exceptional and superior designed figurines, and even one masterwork figurine, showed up in the trade depot. They let us get some meats and cheeses. I had the liaison tell the mountain home we wanted a lot of bronze bars. A LOT of bronze bars. As well as the ores required to make bronze efficiently. Oh, and a bit of want for cave spider silk cloth and thread, meats, cheeses, instrument parts, instruments, and stuff for books. What's a great city without a Great Library? And the Great Hall will double as a nice tavern, along with dining hall and meeting area in general. Oh, and we can't forget the Great Temples either! We have to be the next Mountainhome after all.

Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity,
8 Timber, Y55.

After checking over the land for wagon access, we realized that there was no way for wagons to access the depot on the side that it was located, so we moved it. We'll need to make a nice ramp way for the wagons on the side of the main entrance, just in case. And it might be able to force wagons to only approach our city from that side, which will help make defense that much easier.

The ramps and floor you see by the top secondary pillar are access to the top of the hill. And the hole they open up to will be the center of the main palace building and administration complex!

While that was happening, Kogan Amidstakud began to engrave the now fully smoothed first layer. I'm so exited I can't wait to see what he comes up with!

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As nice as his stuff looks, why is it the same yeti, forest titan, random-hippy-ass hungry heads, and roc laboring and referencing their settling in who knows where? Oh, here we go. Our beautiful symbol of our kingdom. And an explanation for Flayers, Shooters, and whatever else I've mentioned when it comes to weapons. As you can tell, our hatred of elven hippy snooty ways is far worse than that of the goblins. It amazes me how a group so weak can act like they're the best thing the world has ever known and that their ways are what everyone else should be acting like.

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Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity,
12 Granite Y56.

I lost track of time once again. That's what I get for spending my time digging! But I don't really have anything else to do right now, the administration buildings aren't even finished. Just the first wall. No floors or anything either. So! Here's a rough estimate of our wealth so far, I'll need an office before I can do a proper count of everything. I've gotten our basic carpenter to make me a basic chair and table for that task. I can get better ones later once a proper office is about.

Here is our current list of people, pardon the fact that our Keeper of Woodcrafting isn't listed properly, I didn't realize he was one and haven't had time to change the records.

Oh, I forgot to mention, we've dug for the caverns outside where the first defensive wall will be located and have begun to use fortification exploration to find out if it will ruin any plans in the depths. Probably not though, most of those will be used for finding ores, quarrying rocks, and jail cells.

Cog had a wonderful idea for our buildings. North facing doors will be gabbro for the icy north, East facing doors will be orthoclase for the sun's rise in the east, South facing doors will be microline for the brook that runs along and to the south, and West facing doors will be diorite for the mountains to the west.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 03:07:45 pm by speciesunkn0wn »
DF Veterans- n. - One who has lost one or more forts due to a stupid oversight.

Morality is relative,/Puppies are cheap,/Dwarves are zealots of,/A place that creeps and leaks,/where oversears send them to die,/so we may feast on their on their sorrow,/as we chew on their marrow
Just never forget,/That Bloodyhells is always a threat.


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Re: Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity.
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2017, 02:31:14 pm »

OOC: Go and check the OP for some updates! List of stuff I want to do there.

Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountain City,
12 Granite, Y56.

Hahaha. The elves came this year with their hippy little 'caravan'. How can they call a couple of deer or elk or whatever with packs a 'caravan'? Anyway, we performed SaS. Seize and Slaughter. And it went beautifully! We even got some exotic instruments out of it! Fluid metals or something like that. And Mosus got two nice kills and some rough, easy live training. Once our main defenses and such are set up, I think I'll go and make the hippies send a siege so our military can get practice. Wooden arrows be going-to-the-circus. We have metal armor!

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Here's how the fight went. She quickly got two kills. Both beheadings! I hope Mosus keeps that up. We could place the heads outside the invader entrance.

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Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountain City,
10 Slate, Y56.

I've been announced to me that the first grown up child has happened! (OOC: Also the first time I've seen this message in any of my playthroughs.)

More work has been done on the Grand Hall, the second layer is being carved down.

Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountain City,
25 Slate, Y56.

I have been told that some people have seen a werebeast. Not good news. As I write this I've ordered some peasants who literally have done nothing but haul to grab some of the elvish weapons and help Mosus with killing that thing.

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I look over and see the three people I told to get weapons actually rushing off without getting their weapons, along with what looks like half the entire fortress, to attack the going-to-the-circus thing. Sometimes they can be almost as bad and idiotic as hippies. I'm going to have to lock up anyone injured in a makeshift hospital that's easily sealed off to let the infected fight it out.

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I see a good amount of them follow the werebeast off the wall and hear the sounds of roaring and punching. However I didn't see any armor going over too. I look for Mosus and where is she? Oh, by the main palace "getting provisions". The only person with any armor or weapons, off dilly-dallying pretty much as far from combat as possible. As much as I like that she won't be getting a chance of getting bit, it's still annoying.

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While the beast is briefly unconscious I call over to see who's been bit. This is the tally of possible infectees. Sadly the Keeper of Medicine is one of them. The others are less important people, but will be missed nonetheless.

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However the sheer mass of people has driven the werebeast into a corner and they're piling on the punches. I've peeked over the side of the hill where we dug a short wall to watch for a bit. I don't know how long it will take them to kill it though. I even saw our suturer BITE the werebeast back! I'll have to disable his labor if he makes it without injury so that we don't loose our only dwarf with even a little bit of doctoring ability.

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It's been a few hours of nonstop beating now. I hear the thing changing. Once it changed into a human they easily broke him.

Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountain City,
2 Felsite, Y56.

I quickly made the to-be trade depot into a hospital and the injured made their way there or were carried and piled into a corner. I quickly had that walled in with fortifications placed above to prevent any surviving werebeasts from climbing over. May Armok have mercy on their souls.

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Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountain City,
22 Felsite, Y56.

It's been a day now since they would have transformed. I can no longer hear the roars and screams of the werebeasts tearing into each other and those who aren't infected. I think they've all killed each other.

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Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountain City,
23 Felsite, Y56.

Check that last entry. One survived. The infected Dyer. He shall remain in there until we can get a tomb set up to burrow him in and seal it off with a warning in front so that none shall open it up.

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Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountain City,
21 Malachite, Y56.

*scribbled list of things needed and picture ideas*

Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountain City,
27 Malachite, Y56.

IT IS FINISHED! MY CREATION! I think the soldiers will enjoy training around this! It shall inspire them to make themselves into masterworks!

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Not worth a whole lot though. Only a few thousand. Oh well. Not like we're going to sell it!

After that I went up onto the surface to see that Fikod had started work on the towers for the nobility. Only one of them right now though, to make sure it will work properly. At my suggestion I asked that he set the towers up to collapse should a noble betray us or ask for useless things like an elf. He agreed to that plan. He also began setting up a storage room for palace building materials underground to keep thieves and the like out. I agreed that it was a good idea.

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Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountain City,
1 Opal, Y56.

The dwarven caravan came sooner than I expected. And I also didn't realize that our Keeper of Woodcrafting got killed in the fight in the hospital, so the few wooden scepters and figurines we produced were of poor quality. I augmented it with stone mechanisms and booze. This allowed us to purchase the small amount of bronze they brought, and the orestones, as well as a mix of cheese, booze, meats, powders, lye, and a few small book things. I probably shouldn't ask for ALL the meat until we are capable of completely buying out caravans.

As for the sudden jump, I've been busy digging out and channeling stuff. Once I get an office I'll have more to do and can pass the digging off to another dwarf.

A few days ago, our weaponsmith has had a strange mood! He grabbed one of the prepared bars of bronze and then began screaming for cut gems. I quickly had some cut and he grabbed three of them then started work today.

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I looked over his shoulder to see what he had exactly.

Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountain City,
6 Opal, Y56

He finished it today! It is a beautiful war hammer. Perfect for the captain of the first Mutilator squads. At some point I will need to set up a program to give most people in the city a higher armorsmith or weaponsmith level for when they have a mood so our soldiers have the best bronze weapons possible.

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I estimate the value to be around 18600 urists.

Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountain City,
1 Granite, Y57.

Well it's the end of the year once again, so here's our wealth. Properly calculated because I have a basic office now! Said office is in the palace storage area, but that's besides the point.

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Here is our population. It should have been past fifty if the idiots didn't charge that werebeast.

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And here's all who died so far. Two of them have come back from the dead as ghosts. They'll be the first to have tombs. Grand tombs! Statues and chests! Stone sarcophagi for basic people, bronze for Keepers, Copper for Nobles (Or wood if they force us to break their tower), Silver for High Keepers, Gold for the King! All of them Masterwork!

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Here are sketches of the area. The start of the main palace and the first wall above and to the left of it. The palace used to be one too short, that's why the sand is showing. We'll have that fixed soon enough with stone floor. The wall will be surrounding the palace where the red sand shows up a v-urist below. Granite bottom, two layers of gold fortification above to keep any idiots from dodging over the top. I'll probably have it expanded toward the inside in the main wall (that being the one not surrounding just the palace complex) so it's four deep with a single layer of fortification on the back side. And it would let troops walk through the inside of it safely as they move about should the need arise.

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A few somewhat random workshops. Placed there for now due to the closeness of the palace storage, and because I need them in order to finish the defenses, or to make food (Kitchen and still are to the left, by the outdoor stockpiles). Below the metalworks and gem workshops is the tomb complex. It needs its roof still. Below that, around the stairs, is the palace storage. It's got a flat roof. We need to point it still. To the left and right of that are the locations of the noble towers. One has the ground floor complete, that will be used for nothing except to hold stairs and allow entry.

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The entrance is almost completed. We just need to get the Grand Hall finished and place the lever room nearby, most likely underneath, for quick lever pulling. We might even add a bridge to block the invader entrance to give our military time to muster properly. What our defense is also missing is the dodge-me trap that will be included in the invader entrance. A checkerboard of training crap should force them off into a nice 7 v-urist pit to a pit the shape of the entrance onto gold or silver floors and reciprocating spears set off by the dwarves milling about in the Grand Hall. Probably going to place the pressure plates around the grand stairwell so they'll walk across them going up and down. Any goblins that survive could make it back up by way of stairs leading to the start of it to go through again.

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The basic farm is to the left. No problems with food so far, thank Armok. To the right/ main attraction of the sketch is the Grand Hall once again, and the almost finished tomb complex. Right now we need to get some stone chests and statues placed into the dyer's tomb and then burrow him and seal him in where the doors would be. Right in front of where the walls go is an engraving warning of a werebeast inside. All will have stone chests and statues, only the sarcophagi will be different.

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Second layer of the Grand Hall. It has two layers of fortifications for two squads of Shooters to pepper the enemy with bolts. Ammunition stockpiles will be placed along the hall behind them and kept well stocked with bolts. I think we shall try this new metal called iron if we have any. Otherwise, silver or bronze.

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The palace material storage. It will be sorted later to various smaller stockpiles holding specific woods used in the different buildings of the palace complex. Highwood, Pear wood, Sand pear wood. My office, and other general kinds of storage are around the stairs and on the other side. Above is another part of the tomb complex. And the Grand Hall once more.

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Bottom layer of the grand hall so far, and the main entrance.

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Last dug out part of the tomb complex.

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A fair distance away is this masons and stone stockpile and mechanics workshop. I'll need to move those around a bit. The stairs in between them lead up to a floored over section of the surface, outside the walls. The tunnel leads inside the walls. You can understand why I sealed it off, right? Oh, And the center stairs lead to the caverns where we're still slowly exploring by way of carving slits through the walls.

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« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 03:05:53 pm by speciesunkn0wn »
DF Veterans- n. - One who has lost one or more forts due to a stupid oversight.

Morality is relative,/Puppies are cheap,/Dwarves are zealots of,/A place that creeps and leaks,/where oversears send them to die,/so we may feast on their on their sorrow,/as we chew on their marrow
Just never forget,/That Bloodyhells is always a threat.


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Re: Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity.
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2017, 05:33:35 am »

PTW. I like your hall designs.


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Re: Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity.
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2017, 08:49:56 am »

PTW. I like your hall designs.

Thank you! I should have another post by the end of the week. :D
DF Veterans- n. - One who has lost one or more forts due to a stupid oversight.

Morality is relative,/Puppies are cheap,/Dwarves are zealots of,/A place that creeps and leaks,/where oversears send them to die,/so we may feast on their on their sorrow,/as we chew on their marrow
Just never forget,/That Bloodyhells is always a threat.


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Re: Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity.
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2017, 07:05:04 pm »

Could I be dorfed when you get a chance? Mottled Petrel, male, preferably farmer but anything available will do.


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Re: Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity.
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2017, 10:24:28 pm »

Could I be dorfed when you get a chance? Mottled Petrel, male, preferably farmer but anything available will do.

Certainly! Sorry it's been a week since I said I'd have a post happen, I've gotten distracted. (YouTube being the main source, with From The Depths and War Thunder being others.)
DF Veterans- n. - One who has lost one or more forts due to a stupid oversight.

Morality is relative,/Puppies are cheap,/Dwarves are zealots of,/A place that creeps and leaks,/where oversears send them to die,/so we may feast on their on their sorrow,/as we chew on their marrow
Just never forget,/That Bloodyhells is always a threat.


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Re: Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity.
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2017, 10:42:34 pm »

It's fine, as long as you get to it eventually. And if you could give me some info on my dwarf when you get back to playing I'd like to write some stuff from his perspective.


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Re: Log of Shem Mistemkol, Leader of Mountaincity.
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2017, 09:10:53 am »

It's fine, as long as you get to it eventually. And if you could give me some info on my dwarf when you get back to playing I'd like to write some stuff from his perspective.

Certainly! I enjoy showing people their dwarves. :D
DF Veterans- n. - One who has lost one or more forts due to a stupid oversight.

Morality is relative,/Puppies are cheap,/Dwarves are zealots of,/A place that creeps and leaks,/where oversears send them to die,/so we may feast on their on their sorrow,/as we chew on their marrow
Just never forget,/That Bloodyhells is always a threat.