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Author Topic: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game  (Read 64836 times)


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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #180 on: September 11, 2017, 07:07:00 pm »

Journal of Ineth Bitespear:
  It seems that I do well against anything other than heavily armored enemies and **** milkfish. I cleaved through them, feeling the battle rush! Seems that I still have it. It was new to me to have to protect things around me, instead of cleaving through everything. At least I didn't accidentally kill anyone.
  I think I'll have a celebratory beer.

[OOC: Please give me feedback on these. I'm new to them.]
I'm not an expert on the political climate but I'm pretty sure that politicians don't join armies and invade dwarven fortresses.


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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #181 on: September 11, 2017, 07:32:00 pm »

That was pretty good, could be a bit longer though. It would be good if you could give a little about what your plans for the future are so everyone else can build off of it. Maybe some detail on how you're fitting into the fortress as a whole? Hopes and Dreams? It's up to you. It also seems like we're going to be mounting a deep sea fishing expedition under the frozen sea. How do you feel about that considering your hate of milkfish, even though milkfish are a river fish. I'm personally hoping we can find a good source of meat and leather from the larger fish seeing as we've seen no wildlife yet. But who knows, maybe there's a sunken ship, pearl oyesters or even exposed ore veins down there? The deep is a thing of mystery.


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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #182 on: September 13, 2017, 05:29:11 pm »

Journal of Akituh, Snapping Turtle Man

The events after I decided I was going to fight were a bit confusing. I arrived in dining room where the rest of the militia had congregated in hopes of defending Gremlinfort until it had a proper military. Despite my aversion to violence the desire to hunt was still strong in my Snapping Turtle Man instincts, something I had been trying to suppress for a long time. Besides defending my new home I was hoping to appease these instincts before I found myself starting a fight or pouncing on vermin (something I'm embarrassed to say that I've done once or twice when my desire for the hunt got REALLY bad). Now seemed like the best chance to fight without that much fear of mortal wounding, we had yet to set up any form of hospital. I turned away to take a quick swig of dwarven ale to appease my thirst before the fight, but when I turned around I found that they had already charged halfway across the frozen fields to the enemies. The expedition leader was still here though, slumped over a mostly empty barrel of booze. I had yet to learn his name because he's almost never present, but it seems that drowning out something with alcohol had something to do with it. I turned to him "What the... I said I wanted in on this fight!" coming out more disappointing than angry now that I think about it. He kinda just looked over like I was interrupting a business meeting or something and shrugged "ah well... I'll get you a Hic I'll get you a thing... to, to make up for it. Don't worry about it". With that he slid to the floor and passed out. I had no time to be annoyed because I noticed that the ones who had gone back to fight were back. I was a little surprised to notice that a few had opted to use their animal person strength instead of bringing a weapon. The troll might have to get me some more thread to make them new clothes if they ever notice how blood soaked their current ones were. I went to find out details if I could, I got a "we were lucky there weren't any (some profanity I couldn't understand) milkfish!" Uhhh, okay? I'm not sure he understands that milkfish are a temperate river fish that could never possibly make it up here, and that they aren't really a threat, but oh well. Chedna made an attempt to report to the passed out expedition leader, prodding him a few times with the but of his spear before giving up and saying "we defeated about 20 undead out by the sea ice, no one hurt, collecting their weapons and bones might be a good idea". Either he was still out or he didn't care, he rolled over under a table and Chedna lost interest. He walked away with a "why aren't there any (grumbles, probably of profanity) women up here". So there WAS a sea up here. Frozen, unsurprisingly, but that ice could be mined out. Hearing about the bones reminded me, Urist could probably make some trinkets out of bone. And if we breached the sea and dove under in search of the big fish, sharks and whatever else we can find, he could probably make some nice shark teeth crowns. He's made them before but never in my size. I started looking for him to see if he would be interested. I found him in a hallway climbing around in the dirt ceiling, hitting it with his beak every so often. This was, new? "What are you doing up there?". Not stopping his search he replied "searching the permafrost, it seems that Tap Tap Tap there used to be some sort of building or village here. There's all sorts of Tap Tap loot hanging out of the ceiling, or just above. And until someone makes me a Tap Tap Tap craftparrot's workshop I can't make anything usefull, so I might as well keep Tap Tap Thud looking!" with that he started to dig in the spot that had sounded different. "CraftParrot's workshop, really?", "oh shut up, I don't have much to do up here so let me have something. I haven't seen another bird, female or otherwise, since we got here". I watched him dig through the frozen dirt until he finally pulled out a key that looked like it was made out of some kind of blackened iron. He tossed it down to me and asked triumphantly "what do you think?". I really didn't know what to make of it, despite its age I could tell that at its prime it was a very intricately adorned key possibly studded with gemstones. I could barely make out one detail though, was that, a skull on it? "This looks... important? What else have you found?". He threw an old silver coin down to me that was in desperate need of a polishing, minted with a similar skull on one side, and some kind of tower on the other. This seemed like a bad sign. From above me Urist continued "those two, some bricks, an ornate copper flask, a large bone dagger, and some old books that have been frozen cover to cover. The pages that can be accessed allude that they're junk though. Could make an interesting read if we can thaw them. The start of a library perhaps?" and back to searching he went. As interesting as he was I still hadn't asked him about his bone crafting "Urist, before you go back to searching for platinum, if we got you a supply of bones and teeth in addition to tools do you think you could craft something of value from them? I'd like it if you could make me one of your signature shark tooth crowns, I've been dying for one of those since you figured out you could make them". He stopped searching and thought for a little bit"... Yeah I could make stuff from bone. Trinkets, small tools, splints, just depends on how big the bones are. And since you made me such a nice hat on the way here, yes I can make you a shark tooth crown. But where are you going to get me any of that? I haven't seen a living thing since we got here." Well at least he appreciated the hat "I just found out there's a frozen sea not to far from here. If I can borrow one of the picks to dig into it and find myself a deep sea hunting partner or two I was thinking we could make a dive for sunken treasure." He looked a little concerned at that "well... I guess you are an aquatic turtle, it's kinda your element. Just try to keep the shark wrestling to a safe minimum". I had no idea how I was going to get the authorization to man such an expedition. The only possible candidate for a diving partner would be...I found myself pinned against the wall with a paw around my throat "If turrrrrrtle hunts polarrrrrr bearrrrr, Scourrrrge vill eat turrrrtle soup in turrrrtle shell". uhhh, "I was thinking about going fishing, I wouldn't think to hunt any of the inhabitants of gremlinfort. You could join me if you want, I'm sure a polar bear man of all people would know their way under the ice. He let me go, but still looked at me with a little hostility. Eventually he relented "Scourrrrge vill help fish" and walked away. At least I had solved my partner problem. Gluk was the only other aquatic person living in the fort, but I wasn't sure how his permeable skin would survive the frigid brine, or salt at all, so I passed on him until I could run it by the expedition leader. He was making his way out of the dining hall with a hand on his head. He still seemed a little drunk, but for the amount he had put down he must have the fortitude of an ox to be walking again. "Heyyyyy. I've got a request I'd like to make. You said that you were gonna get me a... thing, to make up for the mishap. Do you think you could let me borrow one of the picks and dive below the ice to bring in some much needed meat and hide?" He looked at me with, perplexion? I couldn't tell if it was because of my odd request or because the world was spinning, but he tried to ask why anyway "Why in the Hic -ecking (grumbles) would you want to go down, go down there?... Whatever, just don't lose that, uh, that, diggy thing. Or it'll come out of your Hic salary." Good enough, he isn't paying me, so. "Scourge is coming with me, anyone else who wants join or help on the surface is welcome. It would also be good if you can find someone with skill in tanning or fish cleaning if you get a chance." He was already stumbling away "I'll, I'll tan You, you, Hic you... oh why did she..." I didn't catch that last part, but it was filled with sobs at the mention of a female. I don't know how dwarven love works, but something isn't going well for him. I think I'll get him something soon to cheer him up. Maybe I'll make him some new pants, or a hat or something. Or maybe Urist could make him some bone jewelry. That's for another time, for now I have to gather the supplies for the supposed expedition. He might stop the expedition after he comes to his senses, but I should prepare nonetheless. Until then, maybe I should start poking around in the ceiling? I'd also like to see if I could get that copper flask from Urist and use it.

Akituh, Snapping Turtle Man

Am I making these too long and rambly? I'm trying my best to take the personalities of the characters and put them into a story without seeing what the authors of the characters think about some events. So if anyone has a problem with how I portrayed their character tell me and I'll fix it in the future. And Monitor Lizard I tried not to take a stance on your character being drunk during the battle, but it fit so well with my story perspective that I went with it. Sorry. And is the woman that's causing him grief here at the fortress, or was she just the caravan driver?


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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #183 on: September 13, 2017, 06:06:55 pm »

(A. You nailed Scourge, B. I had to go back to page 8 in order to remember what I called the cat)
Scourge walked up to his cat Whitestripe and spoke "Scourrrge is sorrrrrrrrrrrrrry Whitestrrrrrripe, but you must stay herrrrrrre forrrr little while longerrrrr while Scourrrge hunt fish, Scourrrrrge vill brrrring Whitestrrrrrrripe fish when Scourrrrrge rrrreturrrrns" before walking outside, contemplating how well a turtle will do in the frigid water


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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #184 on: September 13, 2017, 07:08:40 pm »

I'm not sure scientifically how I can explain that he'll do well, but lore wise I can explain that he'll do well, because I want him to. I'm also going with the fact that his people have lived in the north for generations and have grown tolerant to the cold, and can live off just a little bit of warmth to power their cold blooded bodies for hours. Likewise if he starts the dive at a good temperature he'll be good for the rest of the day. I also didn't realize that we were settling on a tundra when I came up with the character, so now I gotta roll with it so that my character doesn't have a constant handicap.


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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #185 on: September 14, 2017, 01:15:08 am »

I would personally suggest that while making long stories is fine, maybe add in paragraphs, just so as to make a bit less terrifying.
Good writing, though.
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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #186 on: September 14, 2017, 09:28:07 am »

I would personally suggest that while making long stories is fine, maybe add in paragraphs, just so as to make a bit less terrifying.
Extremely seconded. Although I managed not to tl;dr, it took some willpower.

Anyway, you know, we could probably automate this whole "fishing" process...Hey, uh, diggerman! Let's tap that magma now and pump it over to the ocean surface, try to cut off a section of the water, then dig a big hole and pump all the water into it. That way, we can just walk out to the dry ocean and pick up all the fish or whatever, and we can dig through the obsidian barrier to let the ocean back in when we run out. Should put the hole close to the volcano so it keeps the water warm, probably. Then we can use it later for, you know, stuff.


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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #187 on: September 14, 2017, 03:08:40 pm »

Paragraphs it is then. The automated fishing is a good idea, but in addition to the fishing we're going to be diving to see if there is any deep sea loot resting on the ocean floor.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #188 on: September 18, 2017, 06:35:52 am »

"...Iz zat leather underwear?"

"...You ought to place it right there, on th' very edge... Right. It should be right under the pump station, I believe".

"Is that a caravan in the distance? Or am I seen' things?"

It was a caravan indeed. Some two carts, guarded by few soldiers... The majority of those are stationed at the Western Pass, th' Northern road isn't half as important it seems.

Shame we hardly have any goods to offer them. Cut and large gems are most valuable... That weird parrot has also produced some peculiar miniature trinkets made of bone, while Jack was able to melt some of the trophies into copper bars.

Along with the caravan came a single migrant, and might I say, a rather gaudy-looking one.

"Y'say there's a nonzero chance ye'r turning into a monster by th' end of the month? Kay, hope ye know what ye'r doing, doc".

We're no mere outpost anymore. A diplomat sent by th'Queen might bless us with their presence in a lil' while... I'll have to work on my candidate's speech as soon as possible.

Meet Gummo Sunshine the Peach-Faced Lovebird doctor! Also, with my current schedule finally set, I'll try to update at least weekly.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 07:32:07 am by Monitor Lisard »
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #189 on: September 18, 2017, 08:24:14 am »

I lol'd
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Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
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Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.

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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #190 on: September 18, 2017, 11:10:30 am »

"N blk df gla. Vp qwd"

"<Leader. I can help with your speech for the diplomat, if desired.>"
My mods and forum games.
Enemy post has claimed the title of Dragonsong the Harmonic of Melodious Exaltion!

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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #191 on: September 18, 2017, 01:50:43 pm »

I would just like to remind everyone of the name of our fortress and what it logically entails should the question arise of elevating one of our citizens to the nobility.
Also, let me know if you guys find any more leather underwear; I bet I could rig up some kind of slingshot battery to fling rocks at our foes...


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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #192 on: September 18, 2017, 02:49:53 pm »

Huzzah! Leather Underwear! I have to say that my grand ideas of finding deep sea treasure may have been a bit far fetched, but at least we found something. I think I'm gonna have Akituh mount it on his wall as a trophy, but hopefully we can at least catch some fish soon.


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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #193 on: September 24, 2017, 07:11:52 pm »

Akituh, Snapping Turtle Man
     Nobody shot down the plan to fish, I thought for sure someone would. Nobody else showed any interest in helping though, meaning they all probably just don't care. No matter, Scourge will be more than enough help. He still looks at me with hostility every time I see him, but then again, it seems that he's doing that to everyone. Except his cat, who I've been told is named Whitestripe. I've tried to pet him once or twice, but before I even get close Scourge tries to punch and claw me. It doesn't really impact me that much so I should quite stalling and get out onto the ice. I need to remember to make sure that Scourge doesn't try to drown me over a misunderstanding of some kind.

    Well, that fishing trip could have gone better. Scourge didn't try to drown me or use me as bait, but I severely overestimated our combined fishing skills. Scourge did some diving, he saw fish but wasn't able to catch any "Fizzzzh too fazzt, try for zhellfizzzh now". He stayed down for quite a while for that one, while I stayed on the surface to see I could catch any of the 'too fazzt' fish with a pole and line. While doing so I noticed Ineth trying to spy on me from behind some ice, he was snarling with his axe at the ready. Either he wants me dead too, or he was ready to hack any milkfish we pulled up to pieces. I was about to yell over and ask what he was doing and explain some things to him about milkfish when scourge popped up through the hole and plopped a bag of coins onto the ice. "No luck with the shellfish?" I asked, I was a bit disappointed. I really do love the taste of mussels and a steady supply would have been great. "buried, but lotzz of debris, mozztly trazzh, but found thozzze" he said with a huff inbetween each phrase, probably both in anger and in an attempt to get more air into his lungs. "well its still a great find, means there's a lot more potential treasures for us to find later" I said as I pulled out a coin, noting they did infact have a skull on one side and a tower on the other. Seems the people who lived here liked to stick to their theme. I suddenly felt a lot more resistance on my line. I pulled it out in hopes I had caught something edible, only to have a pair of soaked leather underwear fly out of the hole and smack me in the face. "izzz zat, leather underwear?" Scourge asked, seemingly confused as to why such a thing would exist this far north. "It appears so, why don't we take a break and give it a try another day" I said, still in a positive mood after finding there was loot to be salvaged out of this see. He just shrugged and started walking back to the fort. He left the coins, so I took them to see if he wanted them or if I could add them to the pile of stuff Urist had been finding. I wasn't quite sure what to do with the underwear though.
     The fort was bustling more than usual upon my return, it seems a caravan had come through. I also noticed the gremlin had gathered a few people to start building an entrance. I say entrance, but after walking by and hearing his plans for lava and green glass serrated disks I'd say 'deathtrap' would be a better word to describe it. But even with its proposed deadly function, he had quite the eye for architecture. The black of the obsidian floor and white of the flux stone pillars made it look more like a statue garden than an entrance. Hopefully one day we can get a good stone worker up here, I always enjoyed seeing the unorthodox, and often brutally grotesque, carvings and statues the dwarves create. I noticed an animal person among the caravan, most likely a migrant. The expedition leader came up through the entrance to begin negotiating with the caravan. In the midst of this he gave the animal person a rundown of the fort, confirming his planned residency. I wonder if the caravan will accept these coins we pulled out of the ocean, they seemed to be accepting the bone carvings Urist had started making. I was amused to see that most of them were either of female peach faced love birds, quinoa grain, or both. As they were being brought up it seemed to me that the merchants were looking through the crowd trying to find out who the bone carver was so they could ask him why they had carved these. Thinking about Urist's love hate relationship with peach faced love birds I noticed that the new migrant was in fact a peach faced love bird man. If it had been a peach faced lovebird woman I would've bet my shell that he would've have been all over her, but I'm not sure what he's going to make out of a peach faced lovebird man. I decided I might as well warn him that he might have a potential admirer.
     He was just finishing up his discussion with the expedition leader when he noticed me, giving a loud shrieking squack that I recognized from my years of being around peach faced love birds, because of Urist, as a hello of some sort. I've noted previously that they are very social birds, and just from how enthusiastically he was approaching me I could tell the man varieties shared this trait. I just hope he doesn't get territorial with Urist, Peach faced lovebirds tend to do that to him. "HEEELLLOOO" he cawed again, even though he was only mere feet away from me. "hello to you too" I winced "My name is Akituh, Snapping Turtle Man, what's yours?". "MY NAME'S GOMMO SUNSHINE, IT'S A PLEASURE TO BE HERE AT GREMLIN FORT I was really hoping that he'd get a little quieter once he calmed down. "well, Gommo, make yourself at home, the entrance is over there, we could probably set you up with a...""OH, BEFORE I RUN OFF TO MEET EVERYONE ELSE, I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW, THERE'S A CHANCE I MIGHT HAVE BEEN INFECTED BY A WERE-MAMMOTH he interjected. "uhhh... okay? Just try not to get everyone killed on the full moon. And before you run off, just know there's another bird in the fortress, a grey parrot named Urist. He's mostly sentient and has had a rough past with Peach faced love birds, so try to be nice to him." I said, as I noticed Urist glaring across the tundra at us from the stairs that lead into the fort. Gommo didn't notice the glare and waved vigorously at Urist. Urist kinda did a half wave back and flew back into the fort. Gommo elbowed me, gave me a wink, and said in the quietest tone I had heard him use uet "don't worry, I know my way with birds" he said, almost sensually. He then chased Urist back inside. "YOU KNOW HE'S A GUY RIGHT!?" I yelled fearing that he had the wrong idea. "I DO NOW!" Gommo yelled back, still running as enthusiastically as he did when he started.
    Well, at least he tries to be nice and hasn't tried to kill me yet, more than I can say for most of the people here. Not that I can really blame them, you gotta be tough to live this far north. I noticed the expedition leader had been paying attention to the exchange, so I tried to get some worth while information out of him "Did you happen to find out his profession?". After the last incident it seemed that he starting making an effort to stay sober, well, as sober as a dwarf can be without going insane "Almost, he said something about being a doctor, I tried to ask him for specifics but was too busy asking about all the 'new friends' he was going to meet. Then he saw you and ran off. As long as we got someone who knows how to apply a bandage it's fine by me". I started to turn away to make sure he wasn't going to hurt himself in his excitement, but was stopped "before you go, I was thinking we should elect a mayor soon. Can I count on your vote?". "Isn't it a bit early to elect a mayor, what do we have, 12 people? Isn't a mayor usually elected at 50?" I wasn't all that opposed to having a mayor, as long as he didn't mandate diamond thrones for himself every month "Yeah, but I've been thinking, we probably aren't going to get a whole lot of people up here. So we should probably lower the population goals for such positions respectively." Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the gremlin perk up and drop the pillar piece he had been holding on the troll's foot, causing him to roar in pain. "Looks like we might need a doctor here after all. Sure you seem like you'll do fine as mayor, one of the most level headed ones here if you don't mind me saying. Just don't let that one cloud you judgement." I said, gesturing to the female that was causing him to so frequently hit the kegs. "Don't worry about it, I'll be fine" he said, not taking his eyes off of the female I had gestured to, showing me that he probably wouldn't be fine. Oh well, best choice I had for a mayor.
     I walked back towards the fortress, but was stopped by the gremlin "I would just like to remind everyone of the name of our fortress and what it logically entails should the question arise of elevating one of our citizens to the nobility.
Also, let me know if you guys find any more leather underwear; I bet I could rig up some kind of slingshot battery to fling rocks at our foes..." he said, as he started jotting down what i could only assume was some new whimsical contraption. "You can have the next one, I'm keeping this one as a trophy. And I'm not entirely on board with electing a mayor yet, but if we do I'm voting for him" I said, gesturing back to the expedition leader. He looked a bit disgruntled at that, but suddenly a look of revelation crossed his face and he went back to scribbling. Hopefully I didn't just stir up a nest of bees, I don't need him setting up weapons traps in my den because I said I didn't want to vote for him. Speaking of den, I still didn't really know what I was going to do with this pair of underwear once I got there.
     I figured something would come to me once I got there so I started making my way there. As I went I could hear more of that shrieking caw for hello throughout the halls, anyone who didn't know that that was a peach faced love bird man saying hello probably thought that the fort was being invaded by banshees. I arrived at my den without finding Urist to ask him what he thought of the new migrant, but I did find that he had dropped off a letter for me that had arrived with the caravan. It was from my horseshoe crab woman friend saying that she would be delighted to join GremlinFort and would try her best to be on the next caravan up. I was too tired to read all of it, so for now I just skimmed it, hopefully to read it in full later. It was mostly her telling me what she's been up to for the past year or so since I last saw her at that human fishing village, one thing that did stand out was news that she had adopted a Puffin during her travels. She said she didn't think that she would be able to teach it to speak, but thought I might be able to get it to say a few words. I regret to say that she specified that it was female and that she didn't want Urist making any moves. I don't think he'd even be into a sea bird, but up here you get desperate without the presence of women, so I was going to have to come up with some plan. She said the name was going to be a suprise... blah blah blah... I was too tired from fishing to care and collapsed into my nest. In doing so an old bronze nail fell out of the ceiling above me and bounced off my shell onto the ground. Perfect! I nailed it into the side of the wall and hung up my new pair of leather underwear on it, the first of many keepsakes I hoped to find up here!

Akituh, Snapping Turtle Man


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Re: The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game
« Reply #194 on: September 24, 2017, 07:53:25 pm »

Scourge growled, struggling to resist the urge to roar in anger, at the screeching of the Peach faced lovebird man, before giving up and roaring as loudly as possible, and grabbing the bird by the throat and holding it against a wall, while baring his teeth next to the mans throat "Listen herrrre, if birrrd man doez not ztop vif ze scrrrrreaching, Scourrrrge vill kill birrrd and conzume corrrpze, underrrrrstand?" Scourge then let him go before finding whitestripe and petting him
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