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Author Topic: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions  (Read 7104 times)


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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2017, 12:06:00 am »

Road Wizard would drive demon possessed junky car spewing rainbows and unicorn guts.

Question: Is the big wad of bonus cards only given to the first gang that takes over that territory, or can both gangs gain ludicrous amounts of cards  by repeatedly taking that territory from each other?
Well, that would probably depend. If the territory was lost to the NPCs in it or other NPCS, and given some time as a free territory to replenish, it might have a big wad of words to give, but if a place is changing hands back and forth, with players siphoning its words constantly, then they're not gonna build a surplus.

There's also possibility of letting hex to "charge up", meaning longer it takes to change owners, more cards it will yield when it does (up to some arbitrary limit). All you need to keep track of that is when hex last time changed owners.

I also have fetish for creating perfectly researchable magic system.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2017, 12:07:54 am by AoshimaMichio »
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #31 on: July 14, 2017, 12:08:25 am »

You're not the only one Ocean.
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2017, 10:40:08 am »

One of the problems I've been grappling with is that of a combat system. Basic non-combat systems are easy, but combat systems are much more complex, especially in terms of PBP set ups. And especially especially in games with PVP emphasis. Perplexicon's system was alright but it had the distinct problem that Dex was op because it was used for ranged and dodge, and that every fight was basically taking turns throwing spells and rolling to see if you dodged. The only defense was an auto dodge roll. Here's a few alternatives I thought of:

1. "Act, React, Act" style

Very simple, but has potential I think. Basically, all fights are considered to be 1 on 1 even if they're actually multiple on 1 or just a big chaotic melee. When someone attacks, the attacker (or whoever posted to attack first) acts while the defender (the one being attacked) reacts, and acts in one post. Ie, one turn is

Bob (attacker): Punch bill in the head
Bill (Defender): Block the punch. Catch his hand and break his wrist

The next turn is much the same except that the original attacker then reacts and acts, and the defender reacts and acts in turn. For example

Turn 1
Bob (attacker): Punch bill in the head
Bill (Defender): Block the punch. Catch his hand and break his wrist

Bill blocks and catches Bob's hand, but can't break his wrist

Turn 2
Bob: Break free and kick bill in the balls
Bill: Use my free hand to cast ICE onto Bob's foot and freeze it to the floor, then kick HIM in the balls.

Bob fails to break free, so the action just moves to bill's reaction. The freezing of feet to the floor is successful, but the kicking is not.

And so on.

Because any kind of reaction is possible, lots of stats can be tied in depending on what the player wants to do. The downside of this is that I feel it will surely devolve into people just trying to get two attacks into play; reacting and acting with attacks.

Shuffled stats Style
Basically the same as the original system, but using Cabal's "all stats can be used for magic" set up, and shuffling what stat defends against those things. For instance, in Cabal Strength is used for both defense and attack in melee. In a shuffled stats version, Dex would defend against Strength, Speed against Dex, End against speed and so on. This would mean that players couldn't just buff one stat and be instantly great at an action; they'd need to do at least 2 stats to be good at 1 kind of combat, and many more to be an all around competitor.

Spacial Style

This is one that has a lot of promise but also a lot of opprotunity for blind flailing. Basically, in this system everyone would be on a grid, as they are anyway in my maps. And when they cast a spell, rather than something nebulous that hits on the whim of a dice, it would a physical thing that pops up on the map. Sort of like how in wargames like 40k you have your little cone templates and explosion templates. So you'd have your little avatar and say "I face that guy and use LIGHTNING and BOLT" and I would draw a straight line from your front and if that straight line intersected any dumb bastard along its path, the spell would hit them.  If you swung your sword than it would "hit" the spaces around and in front of you and if anyone was there, they would be hit too. You could hit walls and such as well.

The positives to this set up would be that things like avoiding or blocking with cover or whatever could be done without rolls. If you want to avoid damage, don't stand still. If you want to hit an opponent, make a good guess of where he is gonna be during this turn and aim for that map square. I think it would show, very clearly, whats going on and the actions you are performing and their interactions with the world. Plus, the different types of melee attacks will matter more because of their ranges and where they hit. However, it also has the downside that it might produce some very odd dominant strategies. Cones and "Explode around" attacks will be very powerful (But thats true of real life too) and I fear the dominant melee strategy might be to walk forward with a very large weapon, swinging like a madman and hoping you hit.  Actions will have to be secret as well, though they way they play out does not need to be.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2017, 12:00:43 pm »

I like the last battle style, though it would likely take the longest to make turns for. Short range encounters, such as those on thin hallways or small rooms (up to 4x4 or 5x5 square, where a PC takes up one tile), could be done without the grid system or a map, if you wanted to, but you would have to account for them in the damage system. The wide area attacks you mentioned both rely on the attack spreading out (the cone loses concentration of the launched material as it gets wider, and an explosion-type effect would lose the impact on further away foes), so the AOE would get balanced by the weaker attack power in further-off areas. Explosions still are rewarding for guessing where your opponent will be, but a small miscalculation would still affect enemies, just to a lesser extent.
Work on a potential forum game for my return to Bay12. Figure out parts that puzzled me before. Find more things to figure out that I can't. Work on another game instead of solving them. Get distracted and stop working. Remember it a week or two later. Remember I'm still on hiatus. Illogically, Be too ashamed to return yet. Repeat ad nauseam.

Finally have a game completely ready. Wait a week before posting it out of laziness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #34 on: July 15, 2017, 12:10:20 pm »

I can agree to that. As for the issue of "walk forward with a very large weapon, swinging like a madman and hoping you hit", well, large weapons are already kind of unwieldy, and swinging one like a madman is going to tire you out.
One question though: how would you handle stealth? Say that there's two guys on opposite sides of a wall. Do they each know where the other is? Do they just know a general location (i.e. behind the wall)? Are they invisible to each other? How would you handle anything but the first case?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2017, 03:17:41 pm »

I can agree to that. As for the issue of "walk forward with a very large weapon, swinging like a madman and hoping you hit", well, large weapons are already kind of unwieldy, and swinging one like a madman is going to tire you out.
One question though: how would you handle stealth? Say that there's two guys on opposite sides of a wall. Do they each know where the other is? Do they just know a general location (i.e. behind the wall)? Are they invisible to each other? How would you handle anything but the first case?
Probably just put out two maps with different "Fog of War"s for each group. Which isn't hard with my mapping program.

And yeah, clearly the way to handle those sorts of things just just making certain actions happen before or after others depending on speeds.


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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2017, 03:52:15 am »

Being a purist, I like the first idea the most, but none of them seem terrible.  At most I think the shuffled stats system is stretching logic, as I don't really see many attacks endurance could govern, or how there could be any variation to them; dex spells could easily be a wide range of different attacks, but the only thing I can see end controlling is a bodyslam, which is quite counterable.


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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #37 on: July 16, 2017, 09:09:39 am »

Being a purist, I like the first idea the most, but none of them seem terrible.  At most I think the shuffled stats system is stretching logic, as I don't really see many attacks endurance could govern, or how there could be any variation to them; dex spells could easily be a wide range of different attacks, but the only thing I can see end controlling is a bodyslam, which is quite counterable.

That list was just one I had laying around, not one I intended to use. Also remember that in the real game, you'll have to control areas to get words, and that words are limited. Basically all the super high powered ones you would get would be in areas that are hard to control and spawn slowly. You want a zentol, you hold the demon ruins and you get 1 at the end of the week.


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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #38 on: July 17, 2017, 11:29:49 pm »

Ok so here's the general system I have worked out.

Stat based, no skills. d2-d10, with d6 being the average or +0.


Potency: Does two things. First, when you create a spell I roll potency and the number on the die is the number of words that the spell uses. Ie, if you have a 5 word spell, then you need to roll 5 or higher for it to go off without a hitch. Otherwise, if you roll too low, I randomly substitute words out. IE a 5 word spell where you roll 3 would result in 3 words as you said them, then 2 random words. Spells cannot exceed the max size of your die. Ie if your potency is d6, you can only use a max of 6 words. The second thing it does is act as the "power" of the spell, giving me an idea of how powerful the spell will be.

Memory: How many words you can have in your deck. Starts at 10 and each level adds 5, so d2:10, d4:15, D6:20, D8:25 D10:30.

Strength: Used for anything melee or close range (including things like body explosions), from spells to weapons. Used both as the to hit and the damage, with higher numbers being harder to dodge and dealing more damage.

Dex: Same as strength, but with ranged attacks.

Speed: Two uses: 1. Rolled between attackers for initiative. 2. The max of your die is the number of spaces you can move in a turn. Ie d6=6 spaces. We're doing it Xcom style where you can either move and act, or act and move, or double move and then not act.

Vitality: Rolled when you get hit by standard physical damage. Like a brick or a lightning bolt. If you roll higher than the attack and have some armor that can block or partially block the attack, then it does so. If not, then a successful roll just makes the injury a little less bad. Failures mean you take the full brunt of the damage, maybe even more if you fail badly.

Endurance: Used to resist things like disease, fear, mind control, forced transformations and other effects that are not direct damage but are things you don't want. Like everything, its a "roll higher" deal.

Intelligence: Multiple uses. If you summon a creature, you must roll equal to or higher than the number of words used to make the creature to have it follow your instructions. This is only rolled once, at the moment of summoning, and if you fail, it will always have free will. If you succeed it will always obey. Similarly, enchanting objects requires an Int roll equal or greater than the number of words used in the spell. And so on.

Awareness: This stat does two things: Lets you roll to see if you notice something (like an incoming attack) and lets you dodge. This is the dodge stat.

Basic steps of combat:
(Its highest number is winner)

For Melee or ranged normal attacks
1. Roll str or dex, depending on attack. Defender rolls Awareness to dodge.
2. If the defender succeeds, the attack is defeated. If the attacker succeeds, roll defender Vitality to see how bad they get hurt.

For Magic
1. Roll Potency to see how well the spell is formed and its power
2. Roll Str or Dex depending on range.  Defender rolls Awareness or Endurance depending on the nature of the spell to dodge or resist. If it cannot be dodged or resisted, then jump straight to rolling vitality
3. If they don't avoid or resist it, roll vitality to see how bad they get hit, with the potency roll as the thing being rolled against.

Words come in unlimited or limited forms. Limited are used up by casting with them. How many times you can do it before they vanish varies. Unlimited can be used any number of times without vanishing. However, think of words as physical objects. For instance, lets assume "Fire" is unlimited use. I can cast "Fire" as much as I want. However, I cannot cast "Fire Fire" without more than one fire word in my deck. Think of each word as a card and casting a spell as lining those cards up in a row. If you don't have two fire "cards" then you can't create a line in which the card appears twice.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #39 on: July 18, 2017, 12:21:39 am »

That looks good. Just make the words literally cards that you align and burn to cast magic.


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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2017, 07:39:13 pm »

Alright, I am now starting to put  together the list of words. Already have most of a map made up. It is just a hex overmap, but I can create the submaps pretty quick once I have the over all set up.

Those maps will probably also look like crap, but will be functional.

If you have suggestions of words, lemme know.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2017, 08:58:35 pm »

Just a few suggestions. Brick, wax, porcelain, wicker, ink, cloud, lens, and plush animal. Just 'cause. Oh yeah, Taxodermy too.
Work on a potential forum game for my return to Bay12. Figure out parts that puzzled me before. Find more things to figure out that I can't. Work on another game instead of solving them. Get distracted and stop working. Remember it a week or two later. Remember I'm still on hiatus. Illogically, Be too ashamed to return yet. Repeat ad nauseam.

Finally have a game completely ready. Wait a week before posting it out of laziness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2017, 10:49:25 pm »

Add Crow because I saw with the last list you only had "Bird" and that made me sad.
Add a word for Ice and other cold things like Liquid Nitrogen. And probably just a word for Cold.


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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2017, 11:32:23 pm »

cartoon, banana, music, tree, colorful, moderate, extreme, langour.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 11:48:40 pm by Devastator »


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Re: Mad Max With Wizards: I need opinions
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2017, 11:39:05 pm »

Consecration, Ritual, Compact.
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