Cause literal rain of cats and dogs.
[5] This is about as straightforward a spell as they come. Felines and Canines start pouring from the heavens, some of which land on their feet, others are less fortunate and land on fences or sharp objects. The place is now infested with the things.
Oh, that. Yeah, fix that up.
The lack of bolding your action displeases the GM.
[3] Nevertheless, you're able to pull out the pitchfork, and temporarily staunch the bleeding, but the wound's still open. You're not gonna die immediately, but infection could set in, and any sort of failure will put you on death's door again.
Respawn/revive, negate the power of the dagger.
[6] Popping back into existence, you decide to nullify the threat of the dagger, and use your magical influence to end it.
It...doesn't work out quite as intended. You've completely managed to make the dagger harmless towards yourself, but
Open a portal to 2016 the amazon forest. "Go nuts buddy! You will probably never run out of work there"
"Thank you, kind sir. Here, let me fulfil my end of the bargain."
The Ninjelf pops down a smoke pellet, and once it clears,
a sack of the greatest coffee beans in existence lays at your feet. The Environmental Sword of Justice is nowhere to be seen.
You have completed your quest!
niBBA you don't fuck with the guy that has the Legendary Dagger of Total Annihilation
Try to get myself into my normal human form again
[3] Try as you might, you're still stuck as a small snake thing. But hey, if you've been paying attention to the Giant Ass Text, your Dagger of Total Annihilation has gotten a MAJOR upgrade...against everyone except OceanSoul. As long as you can physically reach someone, they're toast.
Damn elder gods stealing my shtick! Continue eating reality!
[3] Seriously, maybe you should try and get a refund for this reality, it's too damn inedible. You keep on trying.
Erm, great bheruibahenbineinvjnjwenfaiwen, Unspeakable One, may your servants humbly request you...refrain, from devouring reality? We kinda like existing, a bunch of small spirit-things ask while hovering around your metaphorical ears. They appear to be unaware of the change in management.
Create a barrier to block the portal that only allows mages through. Cheer on zilzo.
Ziizo did it! All that's left is for him to get back through the portal with your coffee beans. Hopefully nothing or nobody gets fucked up by the next turn

Remember everybody, GIANT ASS TEXT is for information that might affect EVERYONE's characters. Don't ignore the info just because it's not on your turn.