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Author Topic: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage  (Read 5572 times)


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2017, 10:06:23 pm »

The ogres seem very into family, we should definitely mention that we are going to see our brother and will eventually need safe passage, maybe after a few days.

I suspect ogre enchanting is a... bloody... art, sure you want to learn that?


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2017, 10:44:29 pm »

The ogres seem very into family, we should definitely mention that we are going to see our brother and will eventually need safe passage, maybe after a few days.

I suspect ogre enchanting is a... bloody... art, sure you want to learn that?

We're a surgeon, we see a lot of blood. Yes.


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2017, 12:15:45 am »

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You decide to spend some time working with the smith. You quickly learn that it takes the energy from three memories a day to run the strange and vile smithing equipment that the ogres use, which you provide, while also hanging around to learn and help out. It is frowned upon back home for a mage to partake in the lesser magical arts of those they sell their memories to, but you are far from home, and you have already made peace with the fact that if you are to survive the wildlands and rescue your brother, some rules may have to be broken.

The boneforge is located outdoors in a small canyon accessible only through the ogre infested cave system, and functions by using both memory chips and charcoal to fuse the bones of sentient beings, what little spirit clings to those bones, and various metal trinkets into large ingots of a substance called 'bonemetal' that comes in various shades of white and gray, which are then made into traditional ogre gear at a more standard forge. Once shapped, the gear is covered in bonemeal and baked in a memory burning kiln.

The smith explains that the properties of Bonemetal vary depending on the metal trinkets used in its production, but the finishing process ensures that almost everything is at least equivalent to human iron in cutting and blocking power. When you express an interest in learning, the Smith gives you some low-grade metal, and shows you how to work it into bolts for your crossbow at one of the unused forges. You toil over the fires for hours, and manage to more than double your bolt supply over the days you spend with the smith.

+Knowledge Memory x2

As payment for your memories, the smith and his team make you two pieces of gear. The first is a high-grade bonemetal piece of headgear with a faceguard resembling an oversized bird's beak. It is explained to you that this is called a 'Crisis Helm', and its shape specifically lends itself to enchantments related to disease and terror. For a weapon you had initially requested a polearm, but the Smith talks you out of this; Your body, not terribly large even by the standards of female humans, lacks the muscles and conditioning to be trusted with such a large tool of war. Instead he makes you a human sized version of the traditional ogre Brute-Blade.

The Brute-Blade is a masterfully crafted work of art, composed of several types of bone metal. One edge of the blade is razor sharp and made from material that cuts slightly better than steel, while the other edge is wickedly serrated and made out of a highly durable material. The pommel is engraved with the image of an Ogre on one side, and a serpent contained in a drop of blood, the symbol of the Progenitor Havarra, on the other. The smith explains that the sharp edge is for killing, and the jagged sturdy edge is for parrying, disarming, torturing, and harvesting lumber. You can wield the weapon with one hand, or with two for extra power and control.

You spend the next several evenings sparring and roughhousing with Ogre Children, practicing with a weighted wooden brute-sword. You get tossed around a lot, and beat up quite a bit, as even young ogres are a bit taller and much heavier than you are. Although you wake up each morning more sore than you have ever been in your life, you can't help but feel great about yourself and your accomplishments.

+Pride Memory x4
+Innocent Memory x2

Before going to bed each night, you visit the chambers of Nog and Hor-Shell, the latter of whom you regail with tails of the Progenitor Faith...

"A score of millennia ago, wild magic flowed freely on the earth, and any being or force of nature with enough will or wisdom could tap into it and greatly change the world. Although some would use this wild magic for good, most of it was used by the gods to punish mortals for various real and imagined slights, and to fight brutal and devastating wars against their fellow deities. It was a tough time to be a mortal; Great beings could use wild magic to create and destroy races and societies on a whim.

One day the twelve beings we call the Progenitors rebelled against the chaotic and magical nature of the earth. Together they preformed a powerful ritual, sealing almost all of the wild magic away within the minds and memories of mortals. They created a world where magic flowed from skilled and virtuous mages like me, to the lesser magical workers like the Bonesmiths and Enchanters of your colony, to the everyday people like you. Today, because of the Progenitors, people worship gods because they want to, not because they fear them..."


After three days of this routine, you have managed to burn away all your old Pride, Knowledge, and Awe memories, but thanks to all you have done in learned you have earned more memories than you have burned.

You are woken up early on the fourth morning, and summoned to the birthing chambers where Grimla has gone into labor with Toogool's kid. The expectant mother, the midwife Nahoosh, and yourself work all day to deliver the child to little avail. At ten o-clock at night Grimla gives up, calling for a Shaman to administer the death prayers so that Nahoosh might rip her apart to retrieve the child.

As you are not positive of success, you allow the Shaman to do his thing, and for Toogool and Grimla to share a heartbreaking goodbye, before making the following statement.

"Hope is not lost, friends. Although I have never done so to something as large as an ogre, ripping a baby from the womb while spareing the mother is something we are taught at the academy. Nahoosh, I request you stand aside, follow my lead, and allow myself to deliver the child. If you do, Grimla might yet live..."

The Ogres have no objections to you trying, so you get to work. The procedure is both difficult and scary; It turns out the blood vessels of an ogre are not laid out quite the same as those of a human, so you wind up cutting arteries and having to cast a draining round of your replenish blood spell on three separate occasions. Eventually, however, you manage to carefully cut through Grimla's skin and womb to retrieve a male infant the size of a Fenwick Warhound. You then pour some alcohol onto the mess to disinfect, quickly sew everything back up with Nahoosh' help, and cast one more round of replenish blood for good measure.

"Grimla should rest in bed for at least one moon, and avoid physical activities such as mating, sparring, or swimming for another three after that," you explain with the last of your strength, "if your colony has any medicine that it gives to stop people getting sick from wounds, give it to her. She is recovering from wounds on her inside now."

+Pride Memory x6

With that, you stagger back to your bedchamber for some much needed sleep. Come morning you will have to decide if you want to stick around and wait for the other birth to take place, and if you do, how you want to spend that time. You are sure you might gain more gifts from working with the smith, but you had also hoped to spend some time with the enchantress as well. If, on the other hand, you plan on leaving soon, you must figure out how to break that news to Toogool and request his aid - you suppose it can't be too hard, you just saved his mate's life.

Come morning, How do you proceed?


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2017, 12:44:04 am »

Help the enchantress, trying to learn some enchanting. Tell Toogool you will stay until the other birth, but then must venture to find your brother.


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2017, 12:30:14 pm »

Help the enchantress, trying to learn some enchanting. Tell Toogool you will stay until the other birth, but then must venture to find your brother.
+1. But I would add that their enchantress is being awfully vague about the kind of help she's offering in return for our memories. Can we maybe get Nog's kid, Hor-Shell, to translate for us? It might help encourage him a bit to hear two mages/enchantresses "talking shop", as it were, too.

I am very worried about those slavers Fornt mentioned. Worried in the sense that there's slavers around at all, and we're just a lone mage with barely any combat experience. Maybe he or Toogool could tell us where they got them from, if any got away, where the biggest pockets of danger are likely to be, and so on. Though really I'm just morbidly curious about how it might help us to have memories of the slavers turning into tumor-ridden piles of mush. Imagine being able to tell that story to any a$$hole who crosses us. It's definitely gonna leave a huge impression on us, too, which could give plenty of memories to play with.


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2017, 12:34:14 pm »

Help the enchantress, trying to learn some enchanting. Tell Toogool you will stay until the other birth, but then must venture to find your brother.
+1. But I would add that their enchantress is being awfully vague about the kind of help she's offering in return for our memories. Can we maybe get Nog's kid, Hor-Shell, to translate for us? It might help encourage him a bit to hear two mages/enchantresses "talking shop", as it were, too.
+1 I'm not super down for the whole torture thing.


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2017, 12:45:34 pm »

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In the morning, you learn that Toogool intends to throw a feast for the colony tonight in honor of you and your great deed. With that to look foward to, you decide to conserve your strenght, avoid the hot furnaces, and spend your day with the colony enchantress.

The enchantress works in one of the lower chambers of the Treasure Caves, on a dock which extends over an underground saltwater pool where the ogres farm shellfish. Through her translator, she requests two fear memories for the day's work, which you provide. She then gets to work.

The ogre enchantment process involves decorating items with engravings, small human bones such as knuckles and teeth, the shell and pearls extracted from the nearby pool, and various colored pastes made by mashing up animal innards with memory chips. It seems far more efficient in terms of memory use than the process used by human enchanters back home in Fenwick. At the end of the day, the Enchantress has only used 2/3rds of her paste and has managed to enchant two new mauls from the bone boneforge, a large human rib that you expect some ogre will use as a body piercing, a large sack-like quiver in which an ogre hunter might keep giant javelins, and, as a favor to you, your Crisis Helm. Sadly the translator is not around while she is working on your helmet, so you have no clue what the new enchantment does.

While the enchantress dose her thing, you are put to work deshelling oysters. The meat is thrown into a huge pot of pickle juice to be preserved, the shells go into a pot of bleach to be cleaned for use in enchantment, and any pearls are passed over to an ogre child named Pulpin who is working with you. Pulpin speaks a bit of civilized language, and explains that that is trained to appraise pearls. The high quality ones are sent to Toogool to traded to the colonies few outside friends and to make jewelry for his mates. Mid-quality pearls remain at the docks, and are used in enchantments. Low quality pearls are sent to a silo near the bloodstill, and will eventually be brewed into pearlspirit for festivals and trade.

+Knowledge Memory x1

The feast in your honor is quite an event. The meal itself, made from a strange animal called a Trollpig that ogres use as livestock and pack animals, is chewy and sour, but somehow not unpleasant. The masses are served ogre bloodwine, but for you Toogool breaks open a bottle of good vintage fortified wine from your homeland of Fenwick, that he once received as a gift from his late friend Dunn. Back home, fortified wine is drunk out of small glasses, but you are given half the bottle in a drinking horn, and expected to finish it. Eventually the booze compels you to stand up on your bench and give a speech!

"My brutish friends, your hospitality honors me! But I fear I must not linger long in your home. I will stay until Wor-Rippa gives birth, but no longer. The truth is, I am on a quest!"

A cheer erupts, and before you can even continue, Toogool booms out "Then in the bonefather's name, I promise you the aid of my colony!"
You had not expected that. "Umm... Thank you. You see, I came from Fenwick trying to get into the Terminal Woods. I am seeking my brother Highmage Clancy of Fenwick, who had traveled to Deltaport to help the city overcome the plague that terrorizes it, but has not replied to any letters from home for the last two years. He is... missing. I need to reach Deltaport to start my search, but the navy of Terminal Woods isn't letting ships from Fenwick in by sea, and the army of the slaver Cyrus is blocking the coastal route by land."

You pause for a second to let your words sink and and compose your next ones. "I... I... I've been told that the wisest way to go about this... quest is to find a guide and supplies, and travel inland before crossing into the Terminal Woods and looping back to Deltaport. Along the way, I have also promised to return the robes of the dead mage Dunn to his academy, Eye of Storm Lake, so that they may list him among the honored dead."

Toogool considers your words briefly before speaking. "You have saved the life of my mate, and are owed a life debt. I am needed here, and can't give up strong adult ogres while slave-catcher Cyrus is around, so you will get ogre child. You may have Ippsie, Por-Ung, or Doomtin to serve you for life and do your bidding."

Although you are not sure it would be wise to keep an ogre around once you make it back to civilization, you don't wish to insult Toogool by turning him down, and you suppose that even a small ogre is still more than a match for most men. You pause to consider your options.

Ippsie is the largest of the ogre children, and will likely grow into an impressive specimen even by the standards of her race. She can already fight with the Brute-Sword and Flail, and knows how to use a kite shield. Communication might be difficult at first, as Ippsie knows none of the civilized languages, and this could be trouble as the child has a fierce temper and overprotective nature.

Por-Ung is a runt by ogre standards, but has a bunch of useful skills to make up for it. Trained in the outdoor arts, Por-Ung can hunt, track, trap, gather edible plants, catch fish, and navigate the wilds with ease. He is skilled at both making and throwing nets, and is learning how to use a steel trident that was captured with Cyrus' raiders. Por-Ung can speak a bit of the Terminal Woods language, and is very fond of you... to the point where you fear his attention might turn romantic when he reaches puberty.

Doomtin is an apprentice smith, who knows how to work with copper, silver, and bonemetal, and is notable because he suffers a condition called 'Iron Ogre Syndrome'. IOS victims have super-hard skin that is tough to pierce or burn, and largely impervious to pain, but they are doomed, however to die in their late 30's or early 40's when this condition spreads to their vital organs. That is decades away, however, and Doomtin will make a great meatshield and test subject in the meantime.

You wonder if it would be wise to try and bargain for Hor-Shell, whom Toogool didn't offer. You agree with the child's father that the boy is bright enough to someday be a mage. Already he is studying under the colony shaman, so he knows much of local lore and religion, and claims that he can preform feats of divination and fire breathing if provided with memory chips.

While you consider which child you wish to serve the life debt, Toogool pitches a couple ideas as to how his colony might help you on your quest. Needless to say, they both involve you hanging around for at least awhile longer.

"If you give my brewer a memory a day for fifteen days, we can make huge batch of blood and pearl spirits for trade. Our trade convoy will go to Sno-Skull and Pine Labyrinth, and you can go too protected by strong ogre guards and merchants. From either of those places, you can take the Dread Road south into the Terminal Woods, far from Cyrus' slavers."

The ogre leader pauses to pick his nose. "Or... You stay. Provide power to our smith and enchantress. Help my colony grow strong once again. If you do, in several months, all 144 of my able bodied ogres will have full bonemetal armor, and we may march to Deltaport in your name, feasting on the flesh of Cyrus' wicked slavers as we travel! I am tired of launching only small counter-raids against them! They have taken some of my Kin who I wish to take back."

Clearly you have some decisions to make...
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 01:17:02 pm by Weirdsound »


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2017, 01:16:21 pm »

Okay... wow. Damn. Those are some tempting offers he's throwing out there. Gonna have to think about this one. 15 days seems like an awful long time to stay, but... the extra protection offered by a trade caravan of don't-screw-with-us ogres could help us avoid potentially even worse setbacks if we get captured, wounded, or lost on the way. Not to mention that these are already grateful and prestiged ogres to have us around, and they'll have very high morale if they know they're carrying an enormous batch of valuable trade goods to enliven their colony further, singing songs in glory of their chief and his new son in the process. We'd gain a lot of positive memories from that, I'm sure, not to mention valuable wilderness and combat experience learning from their kind.

I suggest consulting their shaman. Ask him if he can perhaps give you a vision, prophecy reading, or something of the like. Smoke a weed pipe and enter a trance, or read bones. See if anything really bad's likely to happen if we stay here too much longer; or if we don't stay here for a while longer.


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2017, 01:42:35 pm »

(I'm partial towards asking if we can take Hor-shell as an apprentice and teach him the ways of the mages so that one day he may return and help the colony in the way you have over these few days.

I'm also partial for ridding the area of the slaver bandits. I'm sure the unnamed village would appreciate it, but more importantly, it may gain us some renown in delta port if we rid them of their slaver problem. Furthermore, if your brother was captured by slavers, a few captured prisoners may know a thing or two. Actually, we should interigate the current prisoners (on fear of being magically rumored) for information).

Stay, learn as much as we can, help as much as we can. Work with the bone smith and the enchantress learning how to do some basic enchanting and bone smithing for future use (magical talent). Continue tutoring Hor-shell and ask Toogool if we may take him as an apprentice to teach him so that one day he may return and help the colony in the way that you have. Ask the prisoners for information, at tumor-point, about your brother and the slaver's organization. Then in a few weeks(?) go with the ogres to riding the area of slavers.

Also, read Dunn's book and try and figure out what can from it.

It's been two years since we received that last letter IIRC, we can pause to do some good deeds. Plus, it may help us find him if he crossed pass with any slavers.


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2017, 01:57:06 pm »

Hmm... good points... maybe it would do to stay for a bit longer? I mean, we're in a friendly area, might as well make as much use of it as possible. Still, I do want to consult with that shaman just to be safe.


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2017, 02:56:30 pm »

We should stay for the 15 days and get the trade escort, several months is way too long.


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2017, 03:42:18 pm »

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You pause, and a grin spreads across your face. The opportunity to lead a pack of ogres against a bunch of filthy slavers... Priceless. "Toogool!" you roar with drunken enthusiasm, "I think I shall stay and prepare your colony for war!"

A cheer of approval begins to rise from the assembled ogres, but you cut it off. "I would, however, like to consult your shaman before I make up my mind, just to be sure."

Toogool offers a sage nod. "A wise choice, my Shaman will guide you true, Shay of Fenwick... But what of the life debt, have you made up your mind as to which child you want?"

"Not yet. I was hoping you would permit me time to make up my mind... but while we are on the topic of... Ogre Kids... I would like to take Hor-Shell with me as an apprentice, and teach him myself until he is ready to enter an academy. Once he is done with the academy, he will be a mage like me, and free to return serve the colony as I do now!"

Toogool, drunk and grateful, is quick to grant both your requests, and Hor-Shell is quickly ushered to the main table to sit at his master's side...


The evening rolls on, and eventually you, Toogool, the Shaman, Hor-Shell, and several other drunk and curious ogres gather in front of the statue of Horgole the Bonefather to read your fate. To power his divination, the Shaman, an elderly ogre by the name of Smut-Luck, requests the energy from one unit of memory. You wind up drawing from your fear for your brother's safety, hoping that a related memory might give clearer results.

Smut-Luck mashes the memory-chip up with some tree sap and sacred herbs to make a gum, a portion of which he places in his mouth to chew. He shares a piece with Hor-Shell so that the child may try to read as well. "We is gonna doo two kindsa readings. The first will need oonly a clip-o-your hair, and will help lead you ta your hearts desires. Toh second is gonna hurts a bit, it needs blood, but ish good far looking at tha fate of imperiled kin."

You nod bravely. You've been cut and even operated on many times by your fellow students back the academy, and have no qualms bleeding for the sake of magic.

The first procedure is simple; A small fire is built, and some herbs and a lock of your hair are thrown in. Silence falls as Smut-Luck spends the better part of an hour watching and inhaling the smoke, and is only broken periodically when the Shaman speaks to share what he is learning.

"Yu will attract that which you seek if you topple Cyrus and his raiders...

Tha interests of ur heart align... align closely with the Justice sought by Yao, Minotaur lord o' Pine Labyrinth...

Blud... Blood spilled by others. You must accept it on your hands to claim what you wunt most...

Ur greatest joy may come in the seeliver lining of a tragedy... terrible tragedy...

Thar is an elf in Deltaport... sells trinkets. Will help you fur a price...

Thuh letter... A clue is in the lettur...

Oou may confront natural forces which despise you... Sign you are going right way... Overcome... Master...

Foor ur dreams, the ends weell justify the means. Failure... fail... means terrar 'n death await many..."

As you listen to the prophecy, you begin to question yourself. Smut-Luck is guiding you to your hearts desires, but those may not purely represent your drive to rescue Clancy. You feel some of what the old ogre says may relate to your desire to generally prove yourself... to show that you are not just some charity case who only got into the academy on the merits of her much more talented brother... to prove that you were no fool for turning down Count Ricken's marriage proposal... to demonstrate to the world that a lords youngest daughter can be more than a pretty face.

For all you know, the shaman could be steering you towards taking over Cyrus' land for yourself and gloating about it.

+Doubtful Memory x2

Eventually the fire burns out, and Smut-Luck moves on to the next procedure. He calls for a knife to slash your wrist, and a silver dish for you to bleed onto, explaining that he can read the fate of imperiled kin in the pattern of the blood-spatter.

He has another ogre hold you up for this procedure, as the blood must fall from a height higher than you can reach on your own. Smut-Luck then deftly finds and cuts across a vein. This stings a bit more than you had expected, as you are used to being prodded by enchanted painfree surgical tools when defiling your body in the name of magical study, but you manage to keep a brave face. The shaman allows you to bleed over the dish for about half a minute, before ordering you lowered and wrapping the wound. You choose not to waste magical energy healing the injury yourself.

Once the wound is wrapped, Smut-Luck turns his attention to the dish and frowns. "The body of your brother is safe, but 'is spirit... is curropt and imperiled. He hash found a new femily, and they be using 'im to a dark end. It will be dificult to... difficult... diff.."

Suddenly, the blood on the dish begins to turn black and boil, and a powerful nausea begins to manifest in your gut. In a matter of seconds, your ears are ringing and you are on your knees puking up Toogool's feast! It is hard to think clearly, but there must be wild magic about... Nausea and headache are symptoms experienced by practitioners of the Progenitors magic when exposed to the resentful remains of the magic that has not been tamed by mages. Perhaps it is in your fate or in your brothers... Perhaps...

The last thing you recall before passing out is Smut-Luck vomiting all over the silver dish of boiling blood.


You wake up to see Hor-Shell standing over you, and you are glad to see your new apprentice even you are feeling the effects of a terrible hangover. "Can you believe it? Actual wild magic, here! At treasure caves! I hardly ever practice, and even I got a tummy ache!"

The young ogre helps you to your feet, with an obnoxiously wide grin. "Also, I didn't want to show up the elder last night, but I think I saw something in the smoke last night that he missed. There is a centaur loyal to Cyrus, who might fall in love with you and betray his master! Crazy, huh?"

You do your best to shake the cobwebs from your head. You suppose the choices you had before your late night prophecy session are still on the table, but you have the feeling that the stakes got higher, and that by now everybody in the colony knows it. How do you proceed?
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 04:15:16 pm by Weirdsound »


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2017, 05:27:09 pm »

Prepare for war. Learn how to bonesmith and enchant. Gather information and transfer tumors. Tutor Hor-shell. That sorta thing. 
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 06:58:29 pm by Roboson »


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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2017, 08:09:26 pm »



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Re: (SG) Sawbones: Adventures of a High Fantasy Surgeon Mage
« Reply #29 on: May 24, 2017, 09:33:16 pm »

Prepare for war. Learn how to bonesmith and enchant. Gather information and transfer tumors. Tutor Hor-shell. That sorta thing. 
A New Weird Sound game! And I even got here Soon after it had began!
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“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.
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