It's a large non evil embark (so the evil weather parameters are redundant, but won't cause any harm either),
I'm still learning show I can't handle evil embarks and weather.
no aquifer,
I don't know how to handle aquifers yet. The last time I tried doing the double slit method, the dwarves wouldn't pump long enough to do anything because they kept spending all their time hanging out by the river.
min height waterfall (where brook has been excluded as the source),
I need the waterfall to be at least 2-z high in order to get "donations". I need at least a stream for the same reason.
non freezing (which would probably always be the case for moist broadleaf anyway).
I'm still learning so I don't want to have to worry about ice.
However, demanding fire clay,
I'd like to be able to make at least one type of ceramic that doesn't need to be glazed (I'd prefer not to waste all my wood making ash glaze and then not have enough for everything else).
I'd like to eventually create a military and steel armor and weapons are necessary to defeat the goblins (I'd also like to be able to deal with things like the problem I had in my last fort where a human maceman kept finding his way back from the caverns where I repeatedly gui/teleported him to after he started sneaking around and scaring my dwarves while looking for an artifact that had already been given to somebody else and taken off the map).
Gypsum is needed to set broken bones.
kaolinite and
See above under "fire clay" (although it is more of a nice to have and not a necessity).
bit-coal is very demanding even without the other restrictions, despite the world gen mineral occurrence is set to Everywhere in a Large world.
For starters, is there any specific reason you demand bit-coal, rather than just any coal (further up in the list)? That would about double the chance for a match.
I'm looking for bit-coal because it gives more coke (but I suppose I could do with any kind of coal. I'd also prefer not to use up all my wood firing furnaces and kilns).
A short history reduces the impact of the demand for no necros in range,
while staying away from gobbos typically excludes most of the world.
I haven't figured out the military yet (I'd prefer not getting curb stomped into oblivion before I can really get anything set up).
My conclusion from looking at it is that the chances of finding any locations matching those requirements in any given world would be rather low, and I'd either ease up on the requirements,
I'll try, but I'm not sure it'll work. Some of the things listed above seem like necessities to me.
Also, it would be nice to be able to search for embarks that have at least one of either elves or humans instead of having to search for ones that have both.
or find a site that's near what's wanted, and then hack the site to match the requirements, e.g. using the Biome Manipulator to "correct" the biome, evilness, and/or geo biome.
Biome Manipulator?
I looked in the documentation for DFHack and the only thing I found was for something called Manipulator (which looks to be an attempt at making an in-game replacement for DT), but it didn't seem to have anything about "correct"ing any of the stuff you talked about above.
Also, what is a "geo biome"?