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Author Topic: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)  (Read 87660 times)

Eric Blank

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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #615 on: October 05, 2020, 06:36:47 pm »

If I were to have access to time travel, I would use it to go restore extinct species to the future, steal an egg or a DNA sample here and there, not mess with human history. It sounds morbid, but human history is a series of lessons that have to be learned. Imagine if the Nazi party survived in Germany and came to power after nuclear weapons had been invented. Or if a more competent Nazi leader had come into power, someone who was a better military strategist, and not a meth addict obsessed with designing weird architecture.

Maybe time travellers did assassinate Hitler, but the alternative turned out to be worse.
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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #616 on: October 05, 2020, 07:56:07 pm »

Basing this more on fiction than anything (but at this point, what's the difference) I prefer the "always was" type of time travel - Kyle Reese goes back in time to protect John Connor('s mother) but becomes his dad in the process. Who was the original father? Doesn't matter, that has been changed and not it always was that Reese was his father.
T1 indeed heavily implies that meta-time is static, in its universe, that it was a self-serving timeloop with no evitability (though Reese is apparently not made aware of this; possibly him being fully aware would not support the closed curve the cosmos needs, so from among all candidate cosmii the 'solvable' one we see here is one where he is not told, even though clearly John found out ahead of (future) time). See also Twelve Monkeys. And, interestingly, Bill & Ted.

T2/T3 seems to suggest mutability of the future. Though if you assume 'dishonest' (or, rather, deliberately misinformed) future knowledge brought back to the present day, the 'avoided' future could be a fiction the true future individuals (human and otherwise) knew were part of the mix of information that had to be inserted into their past.  This implies the temperal-theoriticians involved knew this enough to not even try to remake their history. Even Skynet, who sent back various 'failed' missions in order to support the situation in which Skynet does not have its own perfect machine-utopia. But then maybe Skynet is just the most logical (and willing to maintain the meta-time loop) of all parties, and is actually ultimate caretaker of ensuring the cosmos ticks over the way it clearly does. There are ways of the whole movie franchise to this point to be fully self-consistent, even when some (within it) believe otherwise.

From what I recall, Sarah Connor Chronicles threw that completely out (but I didn't see the whole series[1]) by making it a pliable-timeline universe in demonstrable ways. Which conceivably (NPI) might work just as well with John's movie-origin story (i.e. less self-bootstrapping than All You Zombies, but clearly informatically near-indistinguishable lineage each time round) but, as with othe Film-to-TV adaptations (e.g. Stargate) can probably be considered a different cosmos entirely with different rules in some aspects of reality.

[1] It was awkward to watch, as I recall, both when originally hoving into view and in later repeats, I kept seeing just the same half-dozen episodes over and over, and never did get around to look for tapes or torrents or whatever of the whole thing.

I have yet to see any fiction deal with [space-synchronisation across temporal movement] adequately. I suppose if we have that sort of travel capability, we would more likely explore the stars rather than go back and get revenge on history's greatest monsters.

The usual answer is just being tied to the same spacial Frame Of Reference as you propel (whichever way) through the temporal one. H.G. Wells's eponymous device sat in the same physical spot while travelling[2], so tied to the given shifting techtonic plate, upon the spinning Earth, in its orbit around the Sun, in its path around the Milky Way, in its route within the Local Cluster, as that itself travels as required by the forces in the respective supercluster(s) and also however the expansion of the universe itseld interacts with any atemporal drifting. If the Machine were not sat in a workshop but in an orbital position, or some other 'free' trajectory (even whilst still going at 1s/s existence without any special movement ±t-wise), it probably would not be tied so closely to the continuous view (for as long as possible) of the changing fashions in the shop window opposite.

Or, for those not yet ready to accept any Wellsian space-travel in that setting (or at least a derivative one), imagine you mounted your time-steed as it sat in a train goods van (or atop a flatbed, for that extra whistling wind) and then manipulating the controls to take you along in either direction of forced time, but are you 'tied' to the carriage? Go ahead three years, and you are where the (latest towing) train has moved your 'ground' to, back three years and you'd find where it had been. Before and after its true existence as a bogied and bodied platform do you find yourself within the initial fabrication location (or where it would later be built) or the scrapyard (or what comes to be once the scrap is also removed)?  It might assist tue understanding of fundemental Natural Philosophy to try such a machine upon the decking of a Ship Of Theseus, assumingbone were provided with full working warranty but absent any explanation (or sufficiently annotated manual) from the device's designer/constructor.

If not entirely a 'thing that the Universe does for you', constructed time-devices may have specific spacial-lock (or synchronisation) elements in their mysterious internals (such that, where plot has allowed but now requires it not to be, the secondary level of spacial control - that adjusts where the "autohover" facility thinks it should 'stick' to - can be made inopetable such that the user has no power to control anything other than the time movement, however much the unit has to strain to maintain 'formation' with the evolving terrain (perhaps accounting for eroding bedrock or accumulating silt, so as to at least 'ride' the geology).

Or, any attempt at (propulsive) time-travel just sets 'here' as some frame completelg dissaciated with the substrate (perhaps the 'absolute inertia', instantaneously upon departure, is extrapolated forward/backward through space with no contact or gravitational forces applying in your transitting stats, thus flinging yoy off-planet and off to where you'd end up (or have come from) in interstellar/intergalactic space if you had instead just designed an "all external matter vanishes" pod and waited/been waiting for the requisite time of freefall.

And I'd definitely say that this issue has been addressed in fiction. Maybe in a Handwavium/technobabble way tuned to suit the fiction's own conceipt (to support its intended plot), but while many works stick with the implicit "it just works", others at least pretend to construct a viable operational theory.

For non-vehicular time-transportion, like wormholes[3], the mechanism is whatever it is that 'anchors' (and/or tows) the respective wormhole-ends. Either as part of its natural evolution or in deliberate manhandling/installation by the creators/exploiters of the phenomenon.

[2] Ignoring "outside world is visible as times are passed through, but the 'travelling' machine isn't visible as passing through(/existing in, perhaps as a frozen 'shade') those times where there should be witnesses" - also in going forward and backward, in the same location, are you also co-existing with your other self(/ves) as well as the location travell8ng along 'natural' time. But Herbert George was very much new to this (then) very much new game, so we can forgive the odd question like this. ;)

[3] Not counting the vehicle you might need to use to traverse the hole, if it has no time-propulsion of its own, and is just being used to safely slide down/up the time-chute.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #617 on: October 05, 2020, 08:10:59 pm »

(...)restore extinct species to the future, steal an egg or a DNA sample here and there, not mess with human history.
You've not read/otherwise experiemced "A Sound Of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury, then?

By removing a single member of a historic species (or the egg of one, or 'interfering' enough to get a tissue sample) you could "squish the butterfly" as effectively as actually Killing Hitler, insofar as the historic future then rolls out again.

I mean, by breathing you could cause all kinds of Butterly Effect changes (notwithstanding pre-introducing a contemporary 'common cold' into an ecosystem that should never have seen it), so even the Time Safari precautions mentioned in that story seem woefully inefficient in any mutable timeline. You have to assume enough vanishing of returns upon the ripples eminating outwards and onwards on from your point of anachronistic involvement to dampen down your 'modifications', and I can't imagine the threshold between safe and unsafe being handily at the level implied within that story.

But if it's immutable, then it matters not how massive your potential changes will be, as they're actually already part of the seeding thst leads to your eventual exhibition to exact (intejtionally or otherwise) those 'changes'.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #618 on: October 06, 2020, 03:43:03 am »

I'll just leave these here:

Spoiler: Time Travel (click to show/hide)


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #619 on: October 09, 2020, 12:40:25 pm »

(...)restore extinct species to the future, steal an egg or a DNA sample here and there, not mess with human history.
You've not read/otherwise experiemced "A Sound Of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury, then?

By removing a single member of a historic species (or the egg of one, or 'interfering' enough to get a tissue sample) you could "squish the butterfly" as effectively as actually Killing Hitler, insofar as the historic future then rolls out again.

I mean, by breathing you could cause all kinds of Butterly Effect changes (notwithstanding pre-introducing a contemporary 'common cold' into an ecosystem that should never have seen it), so even the Time Safari precautions mentioned in that story seem woefully inefficient in any mutable timeline. You have to assume enough vanishing of returns upon the ripples eminating outwards and onwards on from your point of anachronistic involvement to dampen down your 'modifications', and I can't imagine the threshold between safe and unsafe being handily at the level implied within that story.

But if it's immutable, then it matters not how massive your potential changes will be, as they're actually already part of the seeding thst leads to your eventual exhibition to exact (intejtionally or otherwise) those 'changes'.

Or there's the more amusing Let's Go to Golgotha!.

In this one, time tourists are dressed to play the part and told to act accordingly at the historical events that they visit / "participate" in. I think you can guess where that's headed. They go to the trial of Jesus, they're dressed up as citizens, and told to chant "Give us Barabbas" at the right moment. All the chanters are actually time tourists.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #620 on: October 09, 2020, 08:30:16 pm »

The ethical crux of that latter story is not what is being presupposed though, by this math model.

Rather, you could attempt to go back in time to prevent Barabus from being freed instead of Jesus; EG, you specifically go back in time to chant to have Jesus freed instead.  The issue, is that what is 'fated' for you, is that you get arrested and spend the following day in jail, and thus cannot participate in the event at all.

Or, any number of other "things go spectacularly not according to plan", ultimately preventing you from saving Jesus (and thus, preventing the removal of the impetus the future you will have to create and then use the time machine.)

The butterfly effect is dealt with, because the future you come from, is already a product of the past you interacted with.  Since no TRUE outside influence has occurred, the same result gets turned out; In fact, the deal killer would be your failing to use the time machine. (because then the input to history that you provide does not occur, and thereby causing a different kind of paradox.)

People hate this kind of explanation, because it denudes the concept of agency-- that people make choices, and that those choices are imbued with magical person-ness, not definable by a system of rules that is predictable, and consistent.  "The future isn't written yet!" and all that. This has implications in everything from the legal system, to how people should interact with in a social setting, to religion, and everything between.  The very concept of "blame" revolves around "You made a naughty choice!!"  If you in fact, are not actually CHOOSING anything, but are instead just playing out the role prescribed for you by your environment, the very concept of "Blame" becomes wholly artificial, and capricious.  People don't like that, and a lot of other things, about the notion of predestiny implied by a static universe that cannot be affected or changed by human agency.

As far as I can glean from QM though, the waveform does not really care about person-ness, or any other such tripe the philosophers want to foist on it.  It's just the interactions of wave events over time, and that's it.  Allowing wave event data from the past to bleed into the future (and vise versa) would just make the computation more complicated, not disrupt it intimately.  I would go so far as to say that if they find a way to perform time travel, and it does indeed behave the way this mathematician postulates, then it is the smoking gun that choice is a farce, and so is free will.



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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #621 on: October 09, 2020, 11:05:44 pm »

Self-supportingness (of wave-forms, given a timey-wimey route to be their own input) is just so... neat and tidy. Given that it was like that (only like that does the loop get set up, to set it up with the loop that might be the only reason it's destined even to loop), it is like that meta-foreverly more.

The alternative is a bistable mode that in meta-existance is seen to have one future reality create exactly the past for another future reality and vice-versa. Possibly even polystable, with n>2 exact scenarios that spawn off the |next|n scenario. But in resolving a solution with finite states that perfectly loop, in a process that works outside of the time we can experience, I imagine (without rigorous proof) that some sort of equivalent of the Collatz conjecture sequence is followed down from whatever the starting parameters are, leading to the "1" endpoint. (Yes, totally unproven that the Collatz collapses for all values, but for the analogy assume that it does. Also, it might be considered 'artificial' that it ends at 1 and doesn't loop 1->4->2->1..., which would perfectly analagise a tristable time-loop.)

The most convincing argument I've seen against time-looping is that of entropy. Information that self-supports[1] must undergo a change of entropy as time progresses around if (including the offshoot time in the strange path that progresses 'forwards' to the past). So how come it can do that like a stairfull of Escher monks or a flow of an Escheresque self-powering watermill?  Fairly convincing, when thought of it that way.

But then "entropy" as an argument is given as an objection to self-organising life itself, by people forgetting that the Sun itself dumps energy into the system. So perhaps, similarly, a completely closed (in both senses of the word) loop is impossible, but by being open to (standard time) input to boost the pattern's entropy like a Shepard Tone, 'each'[2] pass.

So no problem there, then...

[1] As a more realistic 'thing that loops' than any physical McGuffin that only exists to be the thing sent back in time to be the object that makes it possible to send it back in time. Though if matter is just patterns (vibrating strings?) on the substrate of Reality then even that is just information. Depends upon the exact nature of the universe, and this whole discussion is already replete with that question!

[2] To the non-looping bits of the universe, there's only one materialisation, co-existance then dematerialisation (on its way to being materialised) of whatever-is-looping, and attempting to have a 'self-perpetuating' GoPro looping eternally must involve at least the wiping/resetting of all the data (including any built in RTC) at some point, or else be self-perpetuating always entirely full and clock-overflowed. Doesn't stop a GoPro from 'normal' times being pushed in at th future end, retrieved from the past end and then coexist alongside its own past self, so long as you only end up sending the past self (not yet looped) into the loop to become the future self (has looped). Or you can send it back in, but that'd be a second[3] re-emerging GoPro. Which you might or might not want to send to the past, but eventually the most dizzy and longest-aged version is the (only) one you refrain from relooping, because you never got it back from having done it. It's allowable that it just fell to bits due to being worn out and didn't survive the trip (except as dust clinging to the casing of its younger version(s)? ...which eventually fell off itself before it actually became that dust?), so just shoving all the things you got out of the time-tunnel straight back in isn't a thing. And your attempts to never introduce the never-looped one in are doubtless ruined when someone who came to inspect your attempt at paradoxying fumbles their GoPro into the time-tunnel, with or without you knowing.

[3] By increasing self-seniority. Nothing to stop you pushing pre-looped GoPro into the future end before you shove the virgin GoPro in, the result (already experienced) probably that the twice-looped one arrived out of the past end before the creshly cherry-broken one. Depends on the nature of the loop, of course, which is entirely theoretical as far as we're concerned.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #622 on: October 10, 2020, 01:44:43 am »

Another way of viewing it would be if Many Worlds is true, and then impose a simple rule:

No universe interacts with its OWN past, but interacts with the past of one of its quantum state partners.

Universe A has outcome 1, which interact with the past of universe B, resulting in outcome 2, which interact with universe C, which results in outcome 4, which then interacts with Universe A, which results in outcome 1.

Full causality is conserved, no universes are in limbo or are destroyed. Time travel occurs.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #623 on: October 10, 2020, 03:01:01 am »

It'd be good if we could determine that time is immutable. What happened, happens. Time travellers could then do what they want. Of course, knowing the past is immutable, setting out to kill Hitler is stupid. Because you won't succeed. And who knows what happens to stop you?
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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #624 on: October 10, 2020, 04:04:57 am »

It'd be good if we could determine that time is immutable. What happened, happens. Time travellers could then do what they want. Of course, knowing the past is immutable, setting out to kill Hitler is stupid. Because you won't succeed. And who knows what happens to stop you?

Just got a sci-fi idea where time-travel tourism relies on the immutability of the past to give every person the opportunity to go back and kill hitler. It may not change the present, but the catharsis comes back with you.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #625 on: October 10, 2020, 05:28:32 am »

Better still:

You ARE in fact, killing Hitler, and preventing Nazi Germany.  Just not in your OWN timeline.  You are sparing a potentially endless series of parallel instances of earth's timeline that atrocity.

Call it Heroes of Earth.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #626 on: October 10, 2020, 07:30:02 am »

It'd be good if we could determine that time is immutable. What happened, happens. Time travellers could then do what they want. Of course, knowing the past is immutable, setting out to kill Hitler is stupid. Because you won't succeed. And who knows what happens to stop you?
But I will succeed, or my name's not Claus von Stauffenberg!

No universe interacts with its OWN past, but interacts with the past of one of its quantum state partners.
Having spent a little too long playing one of those "build a bridge with linked beams" games, recently, I'm minded of the attempt to even out all the tensions and compressions of the links to be within the limit of all those links. Do we, in polystable linking between parallel strands, spontaneously (in multiverse-time) arrive at the perfect linkage of Many World strands to convey temporal stresses through both time-true and cross-linked paths of existence, or does it 'settle', perhaps even breaking the free-end links that create stresses[1], re-anchoring them until a fully interlinked subset mutually 'supports' the combined 'cable' of realities.

Quantum-level mini-time-links (single particles vanishing from one thread's future to arrive in another's past) might be used as safety-valves, in this process. Subtly killing just the right butterflies, as it were.

But I still rail against the possibility of a Time-Traveller creating a new Many-Worlds branch, by their 'arrival' (effectively taking their own universe as of their intended arrival point, sans arrival, and duplicating it entirely but with their travelled-selves now in its inception, as well as the all the 'fake past' copied from the original universe, for them to mingle with). If we have branching universes at all, it must happen anyway (possibly as frequent as every time a photon has to decide which slit it has passed through, etc, maybe not so frequent) and our traveller's journey, starting from one strand must arrive at a receptively-similar arrival point that corresponds to their (evil-twin-time-travellers'?) equivalent attempt across in this different reality.

Though if we have reality-branching, then why not branching within the back-linking time-tunnels, too? Assuming it's not an instantaneous transit, imagine sitting in your Time-Hopper vehicle (designed to withstand the rigors of the wormhole you use) using a double-slit experiment to determine whether you will interact one way or another with the past (Barabas/Jesus/Just Laser-Cannon Everyone And Take Over In The Confusion). Or, if it's that common, just let the branching happen without explicit invocation. Each dendritically-branched tendril of wormhole 'feels' for the arrival point that is receptive to (indeed, requires) its purpose and latches on.

Obviously this is where time-travel loops start, as however many travellers set off back (with a history of prior arrivals from 'their' future) more separately arriving individuals from will arrive. Some in realities that suffer multiple incursions from the 'same' travellers (with cooperating and/or competing aims), some maybe to strands where the intervention nixes the in-universe equivalents from making the same journey (Grandfather Paradox, or just solving the issue for which the trip was ever considered a solution). So, on balance, as many travellers arrived as ever will later have departed (minus any that were sabotaged in their journey by their good/evil time-twins and found their time-tunnel travel snuffed out, during transit), but spread across all realities.

And, to take this to a logical conclusion... Everybody wants to see what the Big Bang looked like, right? Well, sufficiently non-zero numbers across every reality thread for quite a lot of them to set their coordinates to <0,0,0,0> (or maybe <undef,undef,undef,-1>). Perhaps an entire cosmos-worth of people? All arriving at basically the same rather boring singular point of space-time simultaneously with everyone else who ever decides to try it? Remember, as you travel there, pull just the right pose as you do so and maybe, just maybe, you can influence one small bit of the ripples in the Cosmic Background Radiation..!

[1] Initially (in meta-time) perhaps the link is from a strand-future to the same-strand-past, and maybe with a time/space 'wobble' of the ends to try to seek out a singly-consistent solution. If that isn't found, it then tries to cross-link to nearby parallel threads (with a similar problem in its own attempts at a parallel consistency. If that fails, further cross-links are sought out and 'teased' in the attempt to establish the ultimate zero-temporal-tension setup. Which might be easier with not just a single (per thread) attempt to tunnel through time, but multiple ones that can cross-link into other alternate realities for cross-polinated influences from other realities. (Actually, not too dissimilar from fictional tales of Bad Time Travellers Create Evil Dystopia/Good Time Travellers From Evil Distopia Also Go Back To Combat Evil TTs and 'Restore' Utopia/Their Efforts Create A New Compromise 'Topia' That Contain No Reason To Do Either/But, In A Sequel-Teaser, Naive Time Travellers From This Reality Look Like They're Going Back To Interact Unwisely...)


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #627 on: October 10, 2020, 08:25:37 am »

There is no universal reference frame. Only relative reference frames.

This would be true for time travelers, and their reference frames, from their respective parent universes. The same mathematics that enables black holes and wormholes would apply. (The inversion of spacelike and timelike features after crossing the event horizon would still occur.)

If you are going for full scifi, just make some shit up.  Say that there is a conserved hyperspace between all possible universes, and this is where black holes and wormholes open to. (this would enable all universes to have relative coordinate systems, without a true fixed coordinate system, but enable a medium by which transits can occur. The hyperspace has a switched personality between spacelike and timelike features, since it exists on the opposite side of an event horizon. Moving through what appears like space is moving through the appropriate feature of time in the intended destination, with relative "distance" from your point of arrival inside the hyperspace governing your measure of distance, and where distance traveled from origin determines the degree of time travel. (there is no fixed reference other than this origin, which is unique for each traveler)-- Since the potential "direction" you travel in is infinitely diverse, in all axes of freedom, and you MUST move from your origin to accomplish the time travel, the potential to cross your own universe's timeline is not permitted to you-- Your perception of moving forwards in time in the hyperspace provides the movement through space, and the direction of movement specifies which universe you will emerge in, once you create the necessary singularity in the hyperspace, to re-enter "A" normal space coordinate system again.)

Thus, the time traveler creates the wormhole, which has an event horizon, and a functional singularity analog.  Crossing it, inverts the personalities of space and time, (but appears seamless to the traveler), as they make the crossing.  These gateways are one directional; You go in, but nothing comes back out.   This inverted personality "space" is the hyperspace.  All potential universes share this same space.  Passage of time within the hyperspace is functionally identical to movement through space in normal space conventionality. Since time is relative to your frame of reference (both in and outside the hyperspace and normal space), the orientation of your entry, the point of your origin, your momentum, and various other factors are conserved, and specify the parameters of your reference frame, and thus specify how you experience time, and or, movement.   This vector of ingress determines "time's arrow", and deviation from the true vector puts you in the potential exit points of parallel universes. (since perfect reversal of vector to afford time travel backward into time is not possible, you will always emerge in a parallel universe's past.)

This would give you all kinds of fun shit straight away in your fantasy setting-- 1) FTL--  Since time is effectively traded for space-ddistance, the more time you spend in hyperspace, the greater the "distance" of your exit point is. So, if you enter hyperspace, then somehow retain your ideal vector, but slow the fuck waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down, and just barely creep forward, but spend a shitload of time there, before re-engaging the drive again, you will be transported an epic assload of distance, stay on your course vector, and return to your parent universe, with "Very little time elapsed" (because you hardly moved at all in hyperspace).  EG, "FTL."  2) Effective short jump into the far future--- You do NOTHING to alter your vector, and enter at a very high "speed". You engage the drive as soon as possible. Your movement along the vector determines your degree time travel (still moving forwards, so still toward the future), and the amount of time you spend there determines your exit distance. You could thus pre-compute the vector of entry, inherit a vector in hyperspace, and have a reliable vector of re-entry, from which to compute both necessary time and space movements to have an effective time machine. 

This would "more or less" agree with penrose diagrams.

(Possibly better explained?)

« Last Edit: October 10, 2020, 08:40:23 am by wierd »


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #628 on: October 10, 2020, 10:34:38 am »

There is no universal reference frame. Only relative reference frames.
If this is in response to my "setting the coordinates for <a view of the Big Bang>", I was just using that has shorthand for... Well, a view/participation of the Big Bang.

(A Big Bang... You could be aportioned to become the start of a differing BB from which you arose. Probably should be, for the same reason as the GoPro example, eventually all matter that arrived in a 'loop' from a different origin misses the trip back to (different) startup events and now lives out its existence (up to proton decay times, or whatever its in-situ fate ultimately is) happily sat not in a circular-eternal loop.  -. But that does still require some 'virgin' matter from somewhere to make its first loop back, so it doesn't exactly answer more questions than it poses.)

Indeed, an 'unsustainable' attempt to time-tunnel back (one that cannot easily fit within the mesh of causalities it is aiming at finding its 'home' with -  a critical juncture in Causality like the death/survival of the latest Hitler figure to concern our particular 'version' of tunnelers) might be dealt with by the meta-cosmos by just being assigned to form (part of?) the moment of Creation. Much as it is practically theorised that black-hole mass (Hawking Radiation apart) is swallowed up into a Big Bang event on the 'other side' of the singularity. As well as all the people who put in the 'absolute coordinates' (sic, also why I added 'undef' for x/y/z or theta/phi/r or whatever elements) for unwitting participation, all the 'awkward' attempts to travel find their least disruptive destination not nearly in their own strand of reality, nearly in their intended location[1] or nearly at the right time (whoops, you're eaten - as you always had been eaten - by a T-Rex, and nobody got to kill anybody's grandpa or support young Adolph's interest in painting...) but for utterly incompatible attempts to change the unchangable you get put through the blender of the origin of all time.  But I'm not sure how that would be 'simpler' than just being shoved into the much more recent Late Heavy Bombardment era and suppressed into consistency by the tolls of time and immediately being pounded to fine dust by something that could easily laugh at the Dinosaur Killer one.

I nearly suggested this (safely at, or much closer to, the BB) for the "single, not-Many Worlded, self-consistent, time-loop-supporting" model, but then you hit the same questions of entropy re-ramping as I mentioned others have argued about.

((And I read the rest, just making a point about the bit I quoted. If you're inventing a fictional system, as you mention, you can do anything you want. From blasé Whovian treatment to something more akin to The Final Question - basically Big Bounce, perhaps with elements of the Lexx universe(s). But I'm seriously, but with large amounts of armchair-expertise, pondering about reality. And almost certainly missing the true mark, but it's a thought experiment!))

[1] If preservation of causality sends you 'a little way away', but far enough to be part of a completely separate time-cone (day you go back exactly one year, but are now ~4ly away in orbit around Alpha Centauri, in a way not incompatible with the system the universe has set up... And you can't go back a further year and back to Earth, but you can go forward a year and to Earth, perhaps now having been given a 'pass' on information you return with arriving two years ahead of the usual schedule...  Depends on your physics you rely on, obviously.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #629 on: October 10, 2020, 10:53:57 am »

It's impossible to time travel further back than the invention of time travel. Thus, immediately upon the creation of the first time machine, time travelers from the entire lifespan of the universe forwards all appeared in the same spot at the same time, trying to go back as far as possible.
This event was called the big bang.
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