Year 149 September 8
MusicLast year, Osmite forces had attack Kimeaslo Ori twice ; once with a professional army from their capitale city, and once with the retainer of a local lady. The Aconilun had anticipated their return and had started to fortify - but those preparations were futile to stop was what about to hit the bridgetown.
One hundred goblins mounted on beackdogs and one hundred trolls - or so about. Even with the recently upgraded Aconilun military, the attack was totally out of scale. The militia had about thirty soldiers - of high skill, but lacking equipment.
From the moment they appeared in the forest, the fate of the town was already sealed.
The first clash of the battle happend in the open mass grave, where the other battles happened before. The hope of the Aconilun was to use the comparatively poor enemy morale to their advantage.
But the numerical difference was tilting the balance too much - and soon Hauben's men started to dwindle.
It is unknown what happened to the rest of the town, but it is unlikely anyone survived.
The kingdom of pearls will have to find a way to react to the event, which effectively cuts it in half.
Sorry for the lack of narration, but there is really not much to tell. The military was defeated without gimmick, by an overwhelming number of cavalry and shock troopers.
I don't really know what to do next. If you have an idea I'll take anything.