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Author Topic: Wands Race - [Arstotzka] {COMPLETED}  (Read 386135 times)


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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3585 on: July 05, 2017, 04:33:43 pm »

You know, you're all forgetting the Mind of Madness.

Time to do something different.
1 - AS-R2: Andres
2 - AS-LFV-2 "Titan": Chiefwaffles, Andrea
0 - Manticore:
2 - Aethergems: Chiefwaffles, Kadzar
2 - Mind of Madness: VoidSlayer, FallacyofUrist

1 - Just give him Crystal Lances, Crystal Axes, and one of our many squad-destroying Wands of Fireball, if he can learn to use it.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 04:36:13 pm by FallacyofUrist »
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3586 on: July 05, 2017, 05:03:32 pm »

Could we maybe try to keep the designs to under a thousand words? Just as a general guide-line? I appreciate that some designs are complex enough to warrant it, but the volumes of text seem like they might be slowing down updates...

RAM-MAP-943 "Pashmad" Mobile Artillery Position
The protector demonstrated clearly that a slow vehicle is as bad as no vehicle. We need to close range with the enemy and they are too mobile for half-measures to work. We need something aggressive, fast, and dangerous. Fortunately, our crystals are light, with some ingenuity, we can maintain significant armour while massively improving performance.

The first and most obvious issue is weight. Things keep breaking. We revise the armour to contain complex structures. It ends up being formed of innumerable little pyramids, inspired by hawk eggs, that lose strength per volume, but are much stronger for the same weight, and hopefully regeneration rate. While we actually reduce the thickness, and thus leave the vehicle potentially vulnerable to sustained artillery, the armour should still be capable of deflecting an initial hit and its speed should make for a very difficult target. There have also been hints that the new structured armour is much better at insulating against heat.

Then there is the force on the wheels, to reduce this we further take weight off of it. We start with a protector and split the wheels into two axles with their own power plant. We then thicken the axles and transmission to make them more resilient. We then separate these two assemblages from the rest of the vehicle and implement a suspension system using crystals. The axles are guided by heavy crystal beams that pass through grooves on the axle to prevent nonvertical mobility. The craft is then suspended over the axle by a thick layer of innumerable fine crystal spikes. These spikes crush as the wheels encounter shocks, allowing them to rise gradually instead of lifting the whole vehicle, and then the very fine crystals all regenerate simultaneously, pushing the wheels back to their original position. If the crystals break too much then the vehicle can be slowed or they can just continue with the hopes of nothing catastrophic happening.

Finally the wheels are made wider and sturdier to handle uneven terrain and a lead keel is added to improve stability. The armament is replaced by a single centrally-mounted cannon of a type deemed appropriate by the commander, but noting the need for mobility. The central gun allows the wheels to be moved further towards the edges, to further enhance mobility, and a central pair of unpowered wheels are added to inhibit getting stuck. Steering is assisted by a large crystal sail summoned at the back as appropriate.

I dislike the R2, it seems like the weather effects will only get worse and are already enough to overcome small arms at any sort of range, and long-range is what we need. Maybe they will come up with some sort of super-armour that lets them ignore close-range fire? Let's hope not, because we are way too overspecialised in guns to recover from that, and we have already seen that ignoring thermal energy is possible, so kinetic energy can't be far off... Really, I just find small-arms in general to be missing the point. Yes, they may become useful in the future, but for now there is precious little opportunity nor need to use them. A silencer would be a better investment as that would allow us to use our existing small arms in more situations.

Mind of madness seems plausible, and would be lethal, and can be revised to let us do our own long-ranged stuff if we want. I would rather get living magic out first as a pure design, it seems sort of ambitious, but I could easily see this working as a conjuration and ought to play merry havoc with their air forces.

Demondium feels off to me. We have plenty of Kegger prisoners to sacrifice, but the production time feels a bit high and the material, while useful, seems a bit too close to crystals, which we have sunk a massive amount of resources into. Finally, and this is the real killer, it feels like a new field of magic, which could really hurt our rolls. After two designs and a revision I am sure that it will be a valuable addition, but now? I am not convinced that it will be worth it. Maybe it can be worked into some sort of summoning ritual? Summoned by sacrificing a large number of Kegger prisoners, most of which go to the other side but some of their energy is imparted into the material that we summon? Of course, then we don't get as much soul and material experience... There are reasons why new fields of magic can be worth it, but I would rather get something out of our mind-control and plant growth magic.

Titan is useless. "Multiple decks" was enough to make that clear so I stopped reading. Even if it can move, it is not moving quickly. It is a massive target for their firepot ballista, they don't even need lucky strike. They can just lob rocks at it and the weight of rocks will eventually crush it. We already have stationary fortifications... AND a national effort for that matter...

Weightite ought to let our artillery work regardless of weather. It is also way-tight! It is the artillery upgrade that we actually need and can be revised into complex shells with even more effective range and extremely strong armours which may be needed if they decide to start countering armour. It also has the advantage of not being crystal, which means that a universal crystal destroyer is not going to shatter it. It also hopefully counts as metal, so perhaps we can double-dip our production bonuses...

Celestedemorte is what we should have built a decade ago, and it is even more relevant now. Their power is entirely dependant upon the clouds, this thing turns clouds into mist, and aircraft into pancakes. It also helps to spread the cold effect to mitigate their fire weapons(Fire will be less effective against prechilled crystals) and the desert's heat. It also churns the air to suck weverythign into it, which means it will be more difficult for them to maintain range. And sucks the air down, which is the opposite of tornadoes sucking air up, and given the immense and universal scale of our chilling effect, we ought to win, it is very difficult to form a spiralling updraft in the middle of a direct downdraft...

Living magic has all sorts of applications from "The Mind of Madness" to universal antimagic resistance to guided weapons and automated turrets to magical computers to enhance research and coordination...

I do not see where the Manticore becomes faster, and thus able to engage their airships.

The Aethergem is actually a really good design right now, but it would be better if it didn't try to be a battery. Let it focus on energy accumulation, there are plenty of ways to get our power into the field...

1 AS-R2: Andres
3 The Mind of Madness: RAM, VoidSlayer, FallacyofUrist
0 Demondium:
1 AS-LFV-2 "Titan": Andrea
0 Weightite:
0 Celestedemorte:
0 Living magic:
0 AS-AMA "Manticore":
2 Aethergem: Chiefwaffles, Kadzar
0 RAM-MAP-943 "Pashmad" Mobile Artillery Position:
0 :
0 :

1 - Just give him Crystal Lances, Crystal Axes, and one of our many squad-destroying Wands of Fireball, if he can learn to use it: FallacyofUrist
I removed Chiefwaffles' vote from the Titan, as they were voting twice. If they legitimately intended to vote twice, then I apologise.

Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3587 on: July 05, 2017, 05:15:47 pm »

1 AS-R2: Andres
3 The Mind of Madness: RAM, VoidSlayer, FallacyofUrist
0 Demondium:
0 AS-LFV-2 "Titan":
0 Weightite:
0 Celestedemorte:
0 Living magic:
0 AS-AMA "Manticore":
3 Aethergem: Chiefwaffles, Kadzar, Andrea
0 RAM-MAP-943 "Pashmad" Mobile Artillery Position:
0 :
0 :

1 - Just give him Crystal Lances, Crystal Axes, and one of our many squad-destroying Wands of Fireball, if he can learn to use it: FallacyofUrist

Changing vote.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3588 on: July 05, 2017, 05:20:46 pm »

1 - AS-R2: Andres
3 - The Mind of Madness: RAM, VoidSlayer, FallacyofUrist
0 - Demondium:
1 - AS-LFV-2 "Titan": Chiefwaffles
0 - Weightite:
0 - Celestedemorte:
0 - Living magic:
0 - AS-AMA "Manticore":
3 - Aethergem: Chiefwaffles, Kadzar, Andrea
0 - RAM-MAP-943 "Pashmad" Mobile Artillery Position:

1 - Just give him Crystal Lances, Crystal Axes, and one of our many squad-destroying Wands of Fireball, if he can learn to use it: FallacyofUrist
Re-added my vote to the Titan. I intended to vote twice, but it's understandable that one could think it was an error.

And I'll make my design as long as I want, thank you very much. There's a reason why I put so much effort into the TL;DR.

RE: The Pashmad MAP;
Just seems like unnecessary sacrifices. The reason the Protector is slow is because it has buggy mobility-related systems. The engine and weight is fine, but its wheels, transmission, and suspension all work together to make the Protector breaking down a frequent occurrence and to make it slow.
Note how Evicted included this in the design post:
The entire device is heavy enough and enough power is lost from the conversion to the wheels that the Protector could probably outrun an unencumbered man on foot, but not a horse.
Normally, the weight wouldn't be a problem. But our transmission sucks. So much so that it's causing significant losses of power between the engine and wheels, notably slowing down the Protector.

Titan is useless. "Multiple decks" was enough to make that clear so I stopped reading. Even if it can move, it is not moving quickly. It is a massive target for their firepot ballista, they don't even need lucky strike. They can just lob rocks at it and the weight of rocks will eventually crush it. We already have stationary fortifications... AND a national effort for that matter...
"Massive target for their firepot ballista" would be a problem if their firepot ballistae could damage the Titan at all. As it stands, the only thing their Ballistae can do to the protector is A.) Break its wheels or B.) Cover it in enough fire that the occupants have to depart to avoid asphyxiation.
The Titan solves both of these problems. It uses crystal treads, and A.) The atmospheric control system makes asphyxiation impossible + B.) The Titan is so big that covering it with enough fire to asphyxiate the occupants even if it didn't have the ACS is practically impossible.

We do not already have stationary fortifications, pal. The only "fortifications" we use are the old castles in the mountains, which we do not make. The Titan is also not a stationary fortification.

the weight of the rocks will eventually crush it.
They're using ballistae, for god's sake. Even if that's how their shots worked, they'd have to spend days - probably weeks - of literally 24/7 shooting at the Titan with massive amounts of ballistae to even start to make the Crystal groan from the weight. But that won't even happen because their bolts will either deflect off or shatter on the crystal armor. Then the crystal armor will self-regenerate after shrugging off a ballistae bolt as it always does. And even if they for some insane reason started doing that, they'd never get that far because the Titan has a large amount of weaponry that can easy eliminate their ballistae before anything like that happens.

I do not see where the Manticore becomes faster, and thus able to engage their airships
It's pretty obvious how it becomes faster. It fixes the transmission, thus radically increasing the speed. The transmission in the Protector, as I said, was what was limiting its speed in the first place.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3589 on: July 05, 2017, 05:51:29 pm »

The frost towers were noted as being fixed fortifications.

We cannot shoot down their long-ranged artillery.

Any vehicle we build needs to either have longer range then them, or be faster then them. Their airships seems to be plenty fast. And I would not say that the air filtration is any more likely on the Ttan than Protector. Now, if it were made the first priority, then I might concede that air filtration might prevent fire from being effective. Rocks, however, would be effective against anything with a flat top, which the titan would appear to possess, or they could use lead balls instead. And I feel that they would only need a few hours, maybe a couple of days, to get a large enough section heavy enough, but they do, in fact, have weeks or months if they need them. They are faster than it and have more range. Our lack of speed and range has us at a technical disadvantage and if we don't address it then we are fighting n uphill battle to upgrade our thick, slow armour to the point that we can somehow deal with being unable to engage their best forces at all.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3590 on: July 05, 2017, 05:54:39 pm »

I know the Manticore seems ambitious, and possible as a revision, but there is a reason I chose to post it as a design.
We are close to winning, and I don't trust the RNG to keep us rolling. As simple as the changes of the Manticore are, I'm hoping to get a +2, and would be surprised if we didn't get at least a +1.
Despite its simplicity, it has the potential to be a total game changer.

I like the idea of aether gems, but seeing as we already have a credit for our next gem thing, and it's really not all that different from a mage gem, I think we ought to do it as the revision.

The fact that the Manticore can move an HA1 at all makes it a soft counter to their range debuff. Regular artillery (presumably) has to be dragged from one location to another, meaning or artillery line can't move up until the area ahead is secure or they would be destroyed in transit. The Manticore can move and shoot at the same time meaning we can push back their lines. Furthermore, it's armoured and would take a long time for them to destroy, even if it wasn't destroying them at the same time!
Furthermore, it improves the transmission and switches from wagon wheels (eww) to proper tank treads. This means it won't get slowed down as much by soft sand or light mud, and it won't be disabled by every rock or pothole it comes across. Even if it isn't necessarily fast enough to chase down and destroy enemy skyships, it can push through no man's land without being destroyed and force them to retreat, meaning we gain ground.

Its essentially taking what was a theoretical research design with the protector and making it into something realistically built for use in combat. The titan pushes ahead to something ambitious and theoretical again without first makeing use of what we already have. The Manticore is something almost guaranteed to be effective, which is what we need for this final push.
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3591 on: July 05, 2017, 06:16:37 pm »

The frost towers were noted as being fixed fortifications.
Semantics. The towers are not of any use for defensive purposes.

We cannot shoot down their long-ranged artillery.
We don't need to if we can just make things on the land (which decides who wins) that can just ignore their artillery.

Any vehicle we build needs to either have longer range then them, or be faster then them.
No they don't.
If we can annihilate them when they get close and their long-range stuff does nothing against them, we win. For example, see this combat phase where we just won everywhere except the jungle and where we won at sea even though their airships outrange our Crystalclads.

Their airships seems to be plenty fast. And I would not say that the air filtration is any more likely on the Ttan than Protector.
"This is a stupid design because I'm deciding that it's stupid."
You can't just pick and choose what parts of the design you want. 

Now, if it were made the first priority, then I might concede that air filtration might prevent fire from being effective.
There's also the part where we don't even need air filtration to make their fire largely useless. They would have to uniformly cover every inch of the Titan with fire, even the sides, to start asphyxiation. And then the fire would run out before the air supply inside the Titan runs out.

Rocks, however, would be effective against anything with a flat top, which the titan would appear to possess, or they could use lead balls instead.And I feel that they would only need a few hours, maybe a couple of days, to get a large enough section heavy enough, but they do, in fact, have weeks or months if they need them.
Oh, a few days?
You do realize that we still outrange their ballistae, right?
Also switching to lead is a revision they'd have to explicitly do.


They are faster than it and have more range. Our lack of speed and range has us at a technical disadvantage and if we don't address it then we are fighting n uphill battle to upgrade our thick, slow armour to the point that we can somehow deal with being unable to engage their best forces at all.
They outrange us with two weapons:
1.) Lightning. Useless against the Titan.
2.) Tornadoes. Useless against the Titan.

Their airships have zero weapons useful against the Titan and are in the air. If they get close to the Titan, they're dead. So we can easily capture things uncontested.

Aethergems are without doubt a Design. Think about precedence. Magegems were a Design - a well-rolling one too - even though you could reason them juts as a revision to anti-magic charms so they don't release energy anymore.
Explosive ammunition could be reasoned as a revision - just sticking a scroll + magegem inside an existing shell.

With Aethergems we are creating an artificial link to the Aether, something we have never done before. We are using that link to charge a Magegem with no human interaction involved. That's definitely worth a design.
I'd love it if they were a revision, but they're certainly not.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3592 on: July 05, 2017, 07:38:52 pm »

1 - AS-R2: Andres
4 - The Mind of Madness: RAM, VoidSlayer, FallacyofUrist, helmacon
0 - Demondium:
1 - AS-LFV-2 "Titan": Chiefwaffles
0 - Weightite:
0 - Celestedemorte:
0 - Living magic:
0 - AS-AMA "Manticore":
3 - Aethergem: Chiefwaffles, Kadzar, Andrea
0 - RAM-MAP-943 "Pashmad" Mobile Artillery Position:

1 - Just give him Crystal Lances, Crystal Axes, and one of our many squad-destroying Wands of Fireball, if he can learn to use it: FallacyofUrist
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3593 on: July 05, 2017, 08:18:39 pm »

Alright, here's the deal. I'm worried that Moskurg is going to develop anti-crystal measures shortly, as soon as common sense kicks in. If I were on their team, it would only be a matter of time before I pushed for using wind knowledge to develop sound attacks, which is a hard counter for crystal once revised to use resonance.

I want to diversify so that when Moskurg inevitably counters crystal(I suspect they'll start that next turn due to seeing how tough our Crystalclads are) we won't be totally doomed.

Mind of Madness will take some time to develop, but 1, we're winning heavily right now and have some leeway to develop new stuff, and 2, we do have some experience with this from our Falcons, and 3, it looks to be extremely useful at disrupting weather magic. And divination. And basically everything Moskurg's good at. Meanwhile, the disruption to our own mages is minimal, we don't really manipulate things at a distance, at all, save our Wasp spell, and even that I'm not sure of. Our mages mainly occupy artillery nowadays, something which shouldn't really make them vulnerable to Mind of Madness.

If we have the second revision(Evicted: do we have the second revision from having our Heir fight?) or we don't need to revise Mind of Madness, I'd be fine with revising the Protector, for all you naysayers. Armored transport is an excellent concept, it's just that I want to diversify into other fields of magic right now that we have the advantage.

Other possibilities for expansion that we have (varying amounts of) building blocks for include plant magic, human sacrifice, aether generation, and the best idea of all, catgirl assassins, nyah!
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3594 on: July 05, 2017, 08:25:04 pm »

Where do we have experience with human sacrifice?

Also, catgirls never!!
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3595 on: July 05, 2017, 08:25:15 pm »

Now is not the time to do something that will take "Time to develop." Now is the last time to do so.

"A malignant incorporeal supernatural intelligence is summoned to the battlefield to assault those foolish enough to project their minds outwards.  Any attempt to control or perceive at a distance with magic and the mind will result in an assault on the senses sure to drive the wizard mad."
Ah yes, malignant incorporeal supernatural intelligence. Something we have literally zero experience with.
The best thing we can summon is a wasp. It's a... pretty significant jump from a wasp to "incorporeal supernatural intelligence." We'd have to somehow make the intelligence supernatural instead of just summoning a standard living thing from a standard schematic.

This is not "a few revisions". This is "numerous revisions and designs" if we're lucky.

We will win in two turns if we can keep the advantage. We just need to keep the advantage for those two turns. Now is the last time to do theoretical research into something that won't prove viable for a long time. Doing so lets Moskurg actually counter our stuff.
And you know how hard counters turn out. They'll get countered as well.

So we'll spend multiple designs and actions on this while Moskurg turns the tide in the Desert. Then once we make it useful, Moskurg will spend a revision undoing our counter and continue with their newfound advantage.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3596 on: July 05, 2017, 08:34:42 pm »

The frost towers were noted as being fixed fortifications.
Semantics. The towers are not of any use for defensive purposes.
Because they are too slow and lack range. Their fortifications are weaker than the titan's, but they still function as a strongpoint, so no, not semantics, they are defensive structures, literally and practically. Yet, as you said, they are not of any use. It is not that they are not defensive structures, because they quite clearly are, and they function in that capacity, it is that defensive structures, such as the Titan, are not of any use. So you yourself are saying that that the Titan is useless unless it is at least moderately fast, and a multiple-deck tank is not going to be fast. It is somewhat unlikely that it could cover a single terrain section in the span of a year. And almost certain that it will take years to get to the desert from the crystalworks in our homeland. No doubt the G.M. will not be that strict, but we really wouldn't have any avenue to complain if they deemed that it can only be deployed to a territory if it is adjacent to that territory and has spent a full year in its current territory. It is basically a Ratte, with inferior transmission, suspension, engines, and tracks. We have better fuel, but that won't get us the same speed and the ratte's claim of 40kph is a bit ambitious for something that was never made...

We cannot shoot down their long-ranged artillery.
We don't need to if we can just make things on the land (which decides who wins) that can just ignore their artillery.
They are pretty certain to attempt something that can penetrate armour. Land doesn't "decide who wins" any more than air does. It is the lines, and they CAN stop the Titan. Firstly, the Titan will never meet specifications. It is asking for at least two new technologies along with completely unprecedented scale and enough minor details on top of that for another design. Secondly, they can just pile broken shells on top of it. Bursting shells will kill anyone who tries to clear it. Our range has been reduced to the extent that they are very much able to shell us at present. with complete immunity. Or they could sneak up to the thing and use an antimagic spell to turn it off...

If we can annihilate them when they get close and their long-range stuff does nothing against them, we win. For example, see this combat phase where we just won everywhere except the jungle and where we won at sea even though their airships outrange our Crystalclads.
We took massive losses at sea, that was just a zerg-rush, the sea proves that they can mess us up as it stands. The desert was a coin-toss, and assuming that the Titan can even get there, AND prove more effective than the Protector even though the latter was less of a prototype, then it will still lose because it is just more of the same and they will counter it. Far more likely one of those things will not be true and assuming the enemy does nothing then it will be another coin toss.
Their airships seems to be plenty fast. And I would not say that the air filtration is any more likely on the Ttan than Protector.
"This is a stupid design because I'm deciding that it's stupid."
You can't just pick and choose what parts of the design you want.
Well now you are being wilfully ignorant. I am sorry to be so blunt, but that is the simple truth of it. I am very clearly pointing out that it factually did not happen the last time that it was attempted. It WAS tried and it DID fail. It has been said that insanity it doing the same thing and expecting a different result...

Here, let me do it:
"This is a great design because everything will go exactly as I say it will"
You can't just pick and choose what a design action can achieve and how it will turn out!
See? It is silly when I do it and it is silly when you do it. If you want your arguments to look credible, try actually addressing the argument.

 The air filtration didn't happen on the previous design, because it is close to a design of its own. We were lucky that the G.M. chose to just skip it entirely rather than say "Well yes, you have an air-filtration system, but you still die of CO2 poisoning, You have wheels that don't turn because they are overloads, guns that can't aim because the armour gets in the way, and doors that sometimes don't open, killing the crew from CO2 poisoning, because your design was too ambitious". We got a working design because the G.M. is waaaaay too kind to us. If we are EXTREMELY LUCKY we would be skipping air filtration on this design too. Or we could get our completely new technologies in magic and construction and transmission and tracks and everything else but have a design that can not, in fact, perform any function at all, and a bunch of partial researches that still take a full design action to uncover so all we got was a few small bonuses that are not worth a full design action even if we did bother to explore all of them.

Now, if it were made the first priority, then I might concede that air filtration might prevent fire from being effective.
There's also the part where we don't even need air filtration to make their fire largely useless. They would have to uniformly cover every inch of the Titan with fire, even the sides, to start asphyxiation. And then the fire would run out before the air supply inside the Titan runs out.
... really?
That is simply untrue. The fire sucks the air into itself. It could potentially suffocate the vehicle just with a fire on top or to the sides. With both the top and to the sides it is basically certain. If it were actually ON the sides, like, occasionally, here and there, then it is so utterly doomed that the words don't exist to express it. Every inch would just be a ludicrous frenzy of doom that would spell instant death to the entire populations of both nations just by being associated with such a magnificent behemoth of irrevocable doom which would be promptly ripped from the planet and cast to the depths to prevent the malignant doom infection from spreading. And don't forget that their fire is specifically noted as being extremely persistent...

You do realize that we still outrange their ballistae, right?
Also switching to lead is a revision they'd have to explicitly do.
It i lead balls, that does not take much revision, they could mix it with armour penetrating rounds if they liked, and they probably will.
As for the range, they do, rather explicitly, outrange us right now. You seem to have skipped over the bit where they invented a spell to reduce our range.

Thankyou, this confirms quite nicely that it will shatter into a mound of heavy material that cannot be easily expelled. That is quite exactly as I predicted. Thankyou for comprehensively confirming my point. Not also that this is against protectors, with more of a "deflect" philosophy. The Titan has "decks". It is basically a giant landing strip for enemy munitions. They can probably land boarders and infiltrate the thing and use it against us for a turn before game balance destroys it if they are so inclined...

They are faster than it and have more range. Our lack of speed and range has us at a technical disadvantage and if we don't address it then we are fighting n uphill battle to upgrade our thick, slow armour to the point that we can somehow deal with being unable to engage their best forces at all.
They outrange us with two weapons:
1.) Lightning. Useless against the Titan.
2.) Tornadoes. Useless against the Titan.

Their airships have zero weapons useful against the Titan and are in the air. If they get close to the Titan, they're dead. So we can easily capture things uncontested.
1.) Lightning. Causes surface damage OR penetrates straight through the hull and fries the crew. Choose one.
2.) Whirlwinds. Causes extremely low pressure, can be revised to suck the air out. We need the Celestedemorte to counter these with a high-pressure effect. Also they probably render the artiller unusable for their duration.
3.) Ballista. with enough shelling they can get through. They totally have the range since the enemy invented a range-reduction spell.

The titan is not invulnerable, and even if it were, it can only be in one place at a time, it is hardly capable of single-handedly quashing an entire country. Especially not one with enough air-ships to put its government into orbit...

Aethergems are without doubt a Design.
And suddenly you talk sense! Yes, adding a new mechanism of magic generation to our army is, indeed, a design of its own. If we could also recognise that "building a super-massive object is most of a design, putting it on land instead of the sea is most of a design, transmission is a revision, tank tracks are probably a full design, Air filtration is definitely a design... Although it would be better if they were based on antimagic charms and not on magems though. Adding a battery capacity can only serve to weaken the power gathering aspect. It is easy enough to put magems on a charging circuit or to put a power generator directly onto a dedicated circuit. Making them as powerful as possible serves our purposes much better than compromising them by incorporating a storage function.

Plagiarism HO!
Based upon Bjorn's thesis.

Gemerators are ultimately a variation of the Magegem antimagic charm, which already largely performs this function.  Gemerators mimic the connection a human mage has with the World Tree, something we've studied for decades.
Scroll circuitry embedded into gemerators allows them to use this energy to create an artificial link to Yggdrasil. Once this link is created, magical energy flows freely into the Gemerator and from there, into any attached circuitry, powering it. Gemerators can thus distribute magic to magic devices such as cannons or Magems via circuits or similar devices.

Gemerators aim purely to be able to accumulate magic at as fast a rate as possible while being stable enough for use.

We hope to incorporate these into all larger devices, prioritising those that will free up the most wizards. Additional powering grids for magemes will be constructed to provide gems for lighter users such as small-arms where a gemerator in the device itself would be cumbersome.

Yes, Mind of Madness benefits from conjuration, as it is a conjured entity, and Hawk taming, which is a mental effect. It is ambitious, no doubt, but not to an extreme degree. I could certainly see it failing, but in the absence of anything else I want to support...
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3597 on: July 05, 2017, 08:44:39 pm »

If you want mobility and firepower, vote Manticore!

It gives us working APCs and Tanks! Even if they develop some sort of crystal counter, it's still a tank! IRL, weapons specifically designed to counter tanks don't make tanks obsolete. It preempts a vehicle counter by the keggers, makes our battle lines flexible and reactive, gives us an edge in melee with a working APC, and lets us make serious offensives with true armor units.
The only way they can kill our tanks would be with artillery, (and even then it's not easy) and we are winning when it comes to artillery. It would be almost impossible for a pure infantry force to advance against tanks. It would be GLORIOUS!   
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3598 on: July 05, 2017, 08:49:24 pm »

Because they are too slow and lack range. Their fortifications are weaker than the titan's, but they still function as a strongpoint, so no, not semantics, they are defensive structures, literally and practically. Yet, as you said, they are not of any use.

The tower is not a defensive fortification.
It is a tower that makes the area cold. It is of no use defensively.
It does not move.
It does not have weapons.
It is not armored.
It is rare.
It is small.
It is not a defensive fortification.

It is not that they are not defensive structures, because they quite clearly are, and they function in that capacity, it is that defensive structures, such as the Titan, are not of any use. So you yourself are saying that that the Titan is useless unless it is at least moderately fast, and a multiple-deck tank is not going to be fast.
Quite literally never said that. Please don't make up things.

I was going to continue arguing, but then I realize that your entire argument is just...

I'm tired of dealing with your constant petty counter"points".
RAM, your arguments are idiotic.

You constantly make up things. Constantly.
Hell, I've pointed this out before yet you keep on doing this. You make up everything. It's like you use a random number generator to pick a conclusion then just make up random crap to try to justify that conclusion.

I can keep on picking apart your crappy arguments and point out the blatant falsehoods and assumptions dripping from every line, but I'm done. People can do that themselves. They can look at your argument and make the obvious conclusion that you are, in fact, making things up. And I'll be spared the trouble of having you making up more shit to "counter" my points.

I don't want to tire out Evicted (hell, or even toady) so this is going to be my only post regarding this. From now on, unless you start making posts/arguments with substantial amounts of content that I'm able to actually respond to instead of just pointing out the many wrong things, I won't be replying to anything argumentative from you. This isn't meant to be an ultimatum or anything, but rather because I'm tired of doing this and I don't want to pollute the thread with this kind of stuff anymore.

But with that being said, I have one last thing to post regarding something you said (though it's mostly for the fun last bit!):
Yes, Mind of Madness benefits from conjuration, as it is a conjured entity, and Hawk taming, which is a mental effect. It is ambitious, no doubt, but not to an extreme degree. I could certainly see it failing, but in the absence of anything else I want to support...
It's ambitious to an extreme degree.

Hawk taming is modification of an existing physical mind for minor effects.
We can conjure a wasp. With the intelligence of a wasp.

And you're saying that making a superintelligent being without a physical mind with a gigantic presence that can drive mages mad isn't extremely ambitious?
Well, on the bright side, I do get to say "I told you so" if the Mind of Madness goes through.

Actually, remember when you (RAM) said making a Falcon larger was impossible?
Almost like you have a vendetta against someone.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3599 on: July 05, 2017, 08:55:17 pm »

Honestly, I think we have sufficient momentum to keep winning for at least this turn.

And while the Titan is a good idea, like RAM said, you're fitting 3 designs or more into one. That doesn't work, even if we have every prerequisite necessary, and it'll be useless when they counter crystal.

If you want me to vote for something you propose, don't build off our main fields of expertise, build off our side fields of expertise. I would love to see an anti-weather spell, for instance. Or one that simply prevents them from casting as opposed to fighting the weather, which would be harder to counter. We need to be more diversified.

I will definitely vote for Catgirl Assassins if you propose it. That would be the best idea, actually. It definitely branches off what we already have more than Mind of Madness, and may approach Mind of Madness' usefulness.

Materials for Mind of Madness:

Fog. We can't make something that's truly immaterial without penalties, but a fog body could work.

Mind Manipulation(sadly, not from the wand, but from the Falcons whose minds we modified).

Various Magical Manipulations(we have plenty of experience manipulating magic, enough to start work on teleportation, really, which would be an acceptable diversification).

Actually, Mind of Madness doesn't need to be intelligent, it just needs to have a dumb little mind that detects projected minds and attacks. That's the only new part, and honestly, wasps are more complex than this.

It's basically a mind in the fog that goes: If detect mind, Then flay mind. Wasps have to do so much more than that.

VoidSlayer: Mind of Madness looks much more likely to succeed with this interpretation, please edit your design accordingly if you agree.
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