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Author Topic: Wands Race - [Arstotzka] {COMPLETED}  (Read 386976 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3150 on: June 13, 2017, 05:25:32 am »

I am not sure if we will ever be able to make the ICE in just one action, but at least most of the mechanical difficulty can be solved by our 3D printing crystalworks. not needeing fuel pipes and stuff simplyfies things a lot. coordinating explosions can be done by the movement of pistons opening and closing circuits. lubricants are still needed however and possibly valves to allow exhaust ( depends a lot if the explosion produces actual gas).
It should be within the scope of a single turn to make a working one, however.

That or we use pulsejets.

@RAM about furryboom
I don't need illustration of why concussion may be useful, just I didn't find the description clear enough to understand what exactly was going on and the name of the design wasn't helping.  [hyperbole] As far as I knew, it might have been summoning  afurry armadillo rolling toward enemy lines [/hyperbole]. Nice to see it clarifyied.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3151 on: June 13, 2017, 05:44:06 am »

@RAM: I'm not even going to bother actually addressing your continued attacks on my stuff, as it seems you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the game's mechanics.

But this turn wasn't as useful as it couldn't have been since we got a 2 in our design's effectiveness and in our revision. Despite this, it's going to help a lot this combat phase.
The revision is actually really useful, it just could have been better. Keep in mind that their lightning has been hitting our steam engines, causing the rest of the boat to catastrophically explode. Now, their lightning should mostly just immobilize our boat for minutes at a time until the mages+self-regen can restore the engines. Our cannons can now reliably survive lighting at least once. That's 200% of its former durability, and it's just at least once - not only once or no more than once. At least.

Before, they could one-shot our cannons to destroy them and kill their crew. Now they need to sink at least two hits into each cannon before it goes down, giving their crews time to react and for AA fire/Falcons to hit the carpets/airship. Our Crystalclads can reliably kill airships, it's just that they used to not last long enough to do that. But with our lightning-resistant cannons and engines now our Crystalclads should be able to easily take down airships before they're sunken. Carpets now have to consistently attack each ship instead of the ship being sunk as soon as a single carpet gets in a shot.

The rifle isn't useful this turn, but it has extreme potential. With just one revision, the rifle can become a very competent weapon that we'll be able to field very effectively.

@Andrea: My point is that I don't want to have to spend design after design to make a sidegrade to the Steam Engine. Spending a revision or something to fix it or something similar is fine and all, but at this point in the game we shouldn't be wasting too much time on theoretical stuff.
The IDE is already very possible - Pistons and the like are a reasonable step up from our current mechanical knowledge, the combustion/detonation stuff should be handled with Blastballs, coordinating can be handled with circuits (like you said), and materials-wise it'd just need some kind of upgrade to crystal making it more blast-resistant. For engine lubricants, it can be handled via changing the properties of Crystal or something. Maybe somehow using some fluff with Crystal regen or just include a minor tweak to the crystal in the design.

I do really want to make the Internal Detonation Engine. Perhaps with a few more revisions that double as preparation for the IDE in addition to their main goal, we can make the IDE. Though probably a better idea is to just make vehicles first (even a Gyrocopter) then making the IDE so we get definite substantial improvements.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3152 on: June 13, 2017, 08:16:30 pm »

Evictedsaint? From observations of the mountains, are the enemy aircraft basing their maximum altitude from ground-level or sea-level? And how light is the atmosphere at the altitude of the mountains?

@RAM: I'm not even going to bother actually addressing your continued attacks on my stuff
But this turn wasn't as useful as it couldn't have been since we got a 2 in our design's effectiveness and in our revision.
That looks a lot like addressing to me, but ehh. We rolled a lottle over 3.4 average last round, which is very close to average, you really can't complain about that. It was upgraded to a 4 with the wasted credit, which is a decent increase. More to the point, it got us two sixes, and zero ones, which is a huge bonus. The first six meant that there are enough to actually use, even though we don't want to use them. The absence of bugs, and this scroll thing that I don't entirely understand yet, seem good, if it had bugs then it would be a probper disaster trying to field them, as it is we just don't want to because, well... A 2 effectiveness is enough to get a useful item if the design is good. We already pushed the small cannons angle as much as we could reasonaby expect to, and you took out a major component and expected a bonus rather than a penalty... Not to mention that we are effectively fighting vehicles. Carpets may not be armoured, but they could be, and they could phase out the carpets completely and concentrate on airships, they already did that with their ground-ballista... Fundamentally, the issue with vehicles has always been that small-calibre guns don't work. Smaller and lighter are fundamentally weak in terms of range and effectivness against armour. A very good man-portable rifle might get close to a kilometre in range, or almost 2 kilometres if they are using obscenely large calibres and thus hope to have something other than their arm to brace it against, which is not likely to happen if they are shooting up and aiming along the barrel. Then there is the issue of firing angles, 2 kilometres horizontally is easier than 2 kilometres straight up and if you are shooting at any sort of angle then you start rapidly losing altitude.

There have been large-calibre artillery with more range than that since long before The Great War... A man-portable gun just isn't a good choice against aircraft.
it seems you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the game's mechanics.
My understanding of the mechainics:
It is easier to do things with magic than mechanisms, but you can get greater effects from using magic to leverage mechanisms. Also great rolls can do amazing things. Our armour was the product of many many good rolls, and it got us stuff almost as good as gothic plate. We also got some good swords. This is what we can do with mundane equipment combined with very good rolls. Given the materials and methodology that we had on hand, the steam engines should have been impossible. Making somethign that doesn't break wasn't really an option. E.S. said as much but by the time anyone noticed the ship had sailed. The ame thing happened with lightning. If our armour wasn't heavy, if it wasn't full-body metallic, then it might have made sense, but heavy full-body metallic armour should, at the very least, make serious internal injuries from lightning nonexistant, The worst case ought to have been more hit with less severity, which is pretty much what heavy armour does to everything else too. But by the time I noticed it the lightning thing had many turns sunk into it and it was an established break from reality. We CAN slip these things by if we have no shame or genuinely don't notice it. I am kind of perturbed about the rifling too... But using summoning justifies the otherwise impractical manufacturing processes of things like rifling, and we can also justify extreme material stresses with large volumes of regenerating crystal and large crystal constructions due to its low weight meaning that it has less of itself to support.

In short, it is about 1000 A.D. and has the mechanisms and materials to match. If we try to do anything mundane it will use those technologies, with a bit of a boots to what is possible, but still fundamentally limited to that timeframe. Every thing that exceeds that timeframe needs to be leveraged with magic. If there is a mundane component then we need to justify how magic is leveraging it or else we will get a penatly to it.

 An internal combustion engine(I.C.E.) is a mundane object. Using material and construction from 1000 is not going to produce an I.C.E. that functions. Our crystals can help, they are equal to steel in general performance and the regeneration largely mitigates their brittleness. Unfortunately, they are equal to steel from the year 1000... We could potentially force the crystal to grow/summon through a metal in order to enhance its shock-absorbancy. Or we could summon crystal around a lump of metal with a hollow in it, in order to make a pressure-sink. Or we could just build the thing our of normal crystal and pray for a 6 on bugs and a generous adjudication. And then there is the complex structure. To the best of my recollection we haven't been summoning a lot of moving parts. I don't doubt that we CAN summon a spoke with rotating attachments and perfectly-sealed cylinders and whatever else, but it seems like spintaneously generating a complex mechanism like that would, at the least, be the primary element of a whole revision that could easily end up with no useable products and might be best done as a pure technology revision with no products attempted.

If you are trying to build something that is impossible with current tools(most everything that you would want to make at this point in the game) then you need to point out why magic makes it possible, or suffer penatlies to the roll.
Magic research on the other hand consists of progressing from existing magics.
A completely unrelated magic is very difficult and very weak. Plant growth and mind control both granted us very little, and the mind control was a leverage for quickly taming existing animals, but it still only got us ordinary hawks.
A magic that is already possessed is very easy. We can make pretty much any solid shape of crystal and smaller fireballs are a non-issue. We just know this stuff and can pile a heap of it on without concern.
A magic that is related is a judgment call based upon how related it is. Rapid plant growth to larger plant growth is moderately easy. Rapid animal growth is slightly difficult, but doable, as plants and animals are very different but it is the same effect. Either of these might be a revision, but both at once is too much, and without a bonus effect from a six, we would be limited to just that instance and further instances, such as giant horses, would be a revision and freedom to make everything giant, thus turning our entire civilisation into some sort of land of frost-giants or something, would be at least a design and probably a couple of revisions beyond that to get a happy ending.
 Giant killer man-eating vines would be quite difficult, we can get them to grow, but it move and murder? It would be a somewhat difficult design, but doable. We would most certainly end up with something out of it, even if that something wasn't overly impressive. Using tree-roots to grab things and crush them? Or even to perform manual labour with the sort of strength that can rip into the side of a mountain? With constant direction, sure, should be fine. Bake a living tree that can help out around the place under its own discression? I would think that to be too much of a departure from "tree grows fast". We would need to justify it with something, like "we already have this root moving spell, we just keep training the trees to act as hard-working members of society, along with a gentle nudge from the wasp-summoning spell to imprint them with a snese of awareness, and then throw in a dash of hawk-taming magic to grant them the sort of ordered mind necessary to compose epic poems about the struggles of a tree that is assigned to work in a dark mine, and we have our treeants in only a couple of design actions a revision to teach them to walk and to stop them from eating people.

The "game's mechanics" is a simple matter of expanding our magical knowledge, either by easy steps or difficult leaps, and simultaneously leveraging that magic into practical uses, which might be allowing otherwise impossible mechanisms to function for more effectiveness, or might be doing directly impossible things with pure magic. There is also a limited pool of magic based upon our apprentices. So highly intensive activities may result in more power for a shorter timeframe or a reduced quantity.

Does anyone have a different concept of the game's Mechanics that they can put into words? I tend to be terrible at putting things into words, so I imagine that it is not difficult to best me in this field.

Code: [Select]
[b][u]Every Life Magic(E.L.M.)[/u]
We have many instances of life magic, but it is all haphazard and specific. By extending mathemagic into this field, we hope to isolate all our knowledge of magic's interactions with life and forge a unifying theory of all such interactions. We know the spontaneous generation and cessation of life from summoned wasps. We know the form of life from mondifying fire wasps, we know the mind from taming hawks, and we know the progress of life from growing plants. Thism combined, is enough for a full life barring one vital element. We hope, with this grand effort, by identifying all that exists of life except the most important element, to isolate the pure Arstozkan spirit. With knowledge of birth, growth, death, and beyond, knowledge of mind, body, and spirit, Knowledge of form and substance, we hope to begin a grand venture into the shaping of our living world to meet the ever-changing needs of survival and glory.[/b]
Grants a comprehensive understanding of life magic and should make future efforts in that field easier.

Pear trees that draw gems from the ground and deposit them into fruit. Granting a greatly increased gem harvest and furthering our knowledge into plant modification.[/b]

[b][u]Glowood Staves[/u]
By implanting powdered gems into the nub of a forming dogwood staff, we create one that shines in the light and has the same effect upon gems that a normal dogwood staff has upon plants. It was made possible by the discovery that gems, like salt and sugar, can grow, and that they do so in a way similar to wood, and posses a structure similar to wood. This made it easy to transfer the effect of the staffs onto gems and cause them to grow. A large gem can be broken into many smaller gems and the growth can be commenced upon those smaller gems, so this is hoped to increase the quantity of gems and also produce much larger gems. Thus gem products should be come cheaper and a larger form of mage gem, named "B" Mage Gems or colloquially "Magam Bs" for inverstion appeal and brevity, is created.[/b]
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3153 on: June 14, 2017, 10:15:55 pm »

Combat for 939

Arstotzka is working on something secret and mysterious for their design, but it's not quite ready yet.  For their revision, they make their cannons out of crystal in order to combat Moskurgs growing lightning advantage.  The cannons can survive getting hit, usually, but may not hold up well to multiple strikes.  More delicate crystal structures, however, are likely to suffer from the first strike.  This crystal effect also applies to their steam engines, which are now made of crystal as well.

Moskurg develops (to everyones surprise) a new weather spell that affects their lightning.  Named the "Wrath of Allah", the spell fails to distort the winter storms into warmer weather, but does allow lightning to be called down despite the snow.  Their revision turned out to be a bit harder than they expected, and will not be making an appearance this turn.

Moskurg hits hard this turn.  The jungle is the first place to see the effects of their new spell and just how powerful a naval advantage is.

For the first time in three decades, one side has actually managed to land troops behind their enemies lines.  With enough coastal ground gained, Moskurg can safely use their fast-moving Sirocco's to deploy troops far up the coast to flank Arstotzka troops.  The glowing ships are very visible at night, so the crews generally paint the Adamantium black with tar.  This makes many soldiers nervous that they may be blaspheming the holy metal, but our mages assure them that it's fine and there's nothing to be concerned about.  The landings occur in the snow, which isn't unusual for the jungle at this point - what is unusual is the fact that when the two sides join in combat, pin-point lightning strikes down from the heavens to fry Arstotzkan troops.  The Spear of Allah, which has been unusable for two decades, finally sees use in danger-close situations with enemy troops.  Mages standing aboard Alsamma Safina's high above have a clear vantage point of the carnage below, and much like mighty Allah himself they are free to pick-and-chose their long as they can see them.

Arstotzka makes good use of their artillery, when they can.  Landing ships are bracketed with artillery fire, but the lack of explosive ammo means they must hit the target dead on.  A single HA1 shell will sink Sirocco, but the cannons rely on mass-firing solutions and flare-based spotting (which also helps defend against night landings).  Their HAC-1's are good for defending at closer ranges, but the slow rate of fire means the gap can be closed before enough Moskurg soldiers can be killed to make a difference.  In fact, the debilitating cold weather kills more Moskurgers than the HAC-1's (if you don't count carpet-bombers shot down by sharp-shooters).

Being able to finally use their lightning after multiple decades of absence has certainly been a boon to Moskurg, and combined with their naval advantage they manage to push Arstotzka back a section of jungle.

Moskurg gains a section of jungle.

The mountains likewise see pushback.

The new crystal cannons are nice and shiny, even if they are a bit bigger.  Crews quickly get used to firing them with no real penalty to the switch over.  Artillery emplacements in the mountains are still subject to Moksurg carpet-bombers, but the fact that a bomber must loiter and strike an emplacement multiple times means a nearby HAC-1 gunner has plenty of time to line up a shot on the completely undefended rider.  War Pegasi riders mostly give up on trying to strike down and disable the cannons, instead going for crews instead.  Their airships must likewise hang back, but all they need to cast from their deck is line-of-sight with their target.  They can't get close enough to the emplacements to cast the more accurate Spear of Allah, but the Hammer strikes indiscriminately around the mountain.  Blasted rocks hiss as snowflakes land on their charred surface, and Arstotzkan soldiers hunker down and pray that they don't get smited by the divine will of Moskurgs God.  Castles are a bit harder to displace, but non-stop lightning strikes and carpet bombers buy ground troops time to get close enough to storm the gates.  Crystal Caltrops, Firewalls, PSF's, and  HAC-1's do a decent job making life difficult for ground troops, but Moskurg eventually prevails secures a foothold in the Mountains once more.  Their men are still dying from cold and artillery strikes, but at least they're not being struck by lightning constantly.

Moskurg has gained a foothold in the mountains.  Arstotzka loses their metal bonus.

Again, the plains see Arstotzka pushed back and Moskurg regain a section of the flatlands.

Moskurg lands behind Arstotzkan lines, Moskurg mages fry Arstotzkan troops, and Arstotzkan guns smash ships and men alike.  Had Moskurg not been able to put out their lightning again, or gone without their naval advantage, it would have been a close match up - Arstotzka's artillery is much more powerful here, and there's no tree cover for fliers.  But as it is, Arstotzka gets pushed back and loses a section of plains.

Moskurg gains a section of the plains. Arstotzka has failed to hold it for a year and will not gain the plains bonus.

With Arstotzka pushed out of the Eastern and Western Seas, most of the fighting ends up occurring in their home waters.

Their engines see a more profound effect from their new crystal structure than the cannons did.  Rather than exploding in a critical, devastating ball of steam and twisted metal, the engines usually are just knocked off-line when struck.  The crystal is thicker than the metal walls were, and more brittle, but it conducts electricity without melting and forming a weak spot.  The worst effect is when the few remaining metal components are destroyed like the turbine fan and a few valves and gears, but those can be easily replaced.  The nickel circuits don't slag and run out of the engravings like gold used to, so a Crystalclad can usually survive being struck by lightning once or twice before a crack becomes too critical for the self-administered microrepairing to fix - but the on-board apprentice can usually patch that before it's too late.

What's more devastating is the fact that the crew is forced inside by the lightning strikes, meaning they can't man the cannons without risking being struck by lightning.  Without a way to fight or flee, they're easy prey for Moskurg ships.  It takes a lot of work to sink the ship with the ballista, but eventually enough bolts in the same spot will start a crack that propagates throughout the hull.  It's not as much of a one-sided fight as it was last year, but Moskurg manages to maintain the upper-hand on the seas and push their control further north.

Moskurg gains a section of the Northern Sea.

Revision Credit!!!
Spoiler: Moskurg: Hayat Salbi (click to show/hide)

Both sides call their Master Wizard from the front-lines to train their heir.

Hayat Salbi, daughter of the late Queen Sofia and Sultan Salbi, is trained personally by al-Mutriqa.  Her education delves mostly into the theory behind magic, building the foundation for future growth.  She is trained in meditation, physical strength, Divination theory, the effects of the Tubikh Rrahim, and lots of prayer.  For actual spells she is educated in how to use Gust of Wind and the Wand of Thunderbolts, which her teachers insist on limiting her progress on - she quickly grasps the knowledge of how to fire off lightning bolts and fry targets with surprising accuracy for an Apprentice-level mage.  She takes to flying on the War Pegasi easily, and to no-ones surprise becomes one of the best riders in the kingdom.  She names her personal War Pegasi "Queens Will" to match her eventual ascension to queendom.  Much harder to learn is the Gust of Wind and Mind-Reading spells, which due to their expensive nature are difficult to grasp.  She makes surprising progress though, and at the end of the year can - with great difficulty - cast both spells.  Because her training includes physical training, she also grows to be quite the warrior.  Acrobatic and fast, she periodically performs daring stunts on her War Pegasi over the city, such as balancing on one-hand on the very end of the rolled-up carpet.  Despite scaring her handlers, she lands safely and with a round of applause from al-Mutriqa.

Bjorn Lodbrok, son of King Lodbrok, is likewise trained personally by Myark.  His education is one part formal and two parts informal; he begins at the Arstotzkan Academy of Adequate Apprenticeship and goes through the same rough, rudimentary training that all apprentices go through.  From there, he's taken up by Myark for a more hands-on training.  His education largely consists of the fundamentals of magic - how it works, what's known, unknown, and how to manipulate it.  He gains the rank of Mathemagician by the end of the year, having barely managed to gain the necessary knowledge to earn the title in time.  Unlike his father, Bjorn is smaller, skinnier, and grasps magical concepts much more quickly.  He takes up the Fireball spell easily, as it's in his blood as an Arstotzkan.  He also learns the rudimentaries of crystal-casting and falconry, and gains a pet falcon that he promptly names "Reckless Effect".  Everyone agrees that it is a cool name, and is very fitting.  His training extends into the Tower of Frost, but unfortunately not enough time is spent there to learn how to power it himself.  He does get plenty of training using the cannons and trains, and by the end of it all he's quite tired of being used as a living battery, but at least understands the use and tactical effect of the equipment the side uses.

Hayat is ultimately frustrated, feeling like she wasn't being taught enough and that she was being coddled.  She performs her daily prayers in the morning, noon, and evening, but does so with little apparent enthusiasm.  Her tutelage under al-Mutriqa sees her begin to adopt his rather unhinged love of chaos, if not his fervent religious faith.  Towards the end of the year of her training she is absent several times from her prayer and training sessions; each time Queens Will is missing from the stables.

Bjorn ends up being frustrated as well, feeling as though the many mages in Arstotzka are being underutilized as batteries.  He is interested in magegems, but they ultimately are not included in his training.  The train ride proves to be his greatest test, powering a steam engine for long periods of time without getting bored.  The trip to the mountains proves to be disastrous, as Moskurg makes an unexpected incursion up the slopes.  He is nearly killed by a Moskurg carpet-bomber, but Myark manages to save the young princes life before pulling him further north to safety.  Myark seems to have rubbed off onto Bjorn, as the berserker periodically flies into a blind rage for one reason or another.  Myark adopts his own brand of fury, but a different one - cold and deadly.

Ultimately, both sides train their heirs rather equally.  Bjorn ultimately learns more, but most of the training involves powering devices rather than the fantastical feats of magic mages are known for.  Hayat learns a little less, but her training proves to be a bit more practical and useful on the battlefield. 

Both sides gain a Second Revision this turn.

It is 940, the Design Phase.

Spoiler: State of Forenia, 940 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Arstotzkan Elite Units (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Arstotzkan Spells (click to show/hide)

Behavior Rules.  Please Read.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3154 on: June 14, 2017, 10:38:12 pm »

Yeah, if we can't get a naval advantage soon, we're dead.

No more cannon improvements for the moment. We need area advantages, anti-flying, and better shells.

Here's my plan.

Design: Exploding Shell: Yeah, enough with this. We make use of our knowledge of the Powerful Streamlined Fireball, which can take out a squad in one shot, and do two things to it: emphasize the explosive power as opposed to the burning power, and stuff it in a crystal shell(made by crystalworks!) so that when the shell breaks, as occurs upon impact, but not when being fired due to the increased toughness of the back side, it goes off in a large explosion. Stretch goal: different levels of Exploding Shell with different explosive potencies, Exploding Shells for all of our cannons. If we can only do one caliber, do the HA1 size.

Revision: Conjure Water: We've worked out how to adapt our Conjure Fog spell into a variation that conjures the liquid form of it: water. This can be used to speed the firing rate of our cannons, provide nourishment for our men(if a permanent version is used) and get our AS-R1 working properly.

Revison: Beachfront Frost Tower: We've created a Frost Tower variant that projects only in one direction, but more potently. It's designed to be placed on beaches, freezing the water there and preventing disembarkment.

1 - Fallacy's Plan: FallacyofUrist
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3155 on: June 14, 2017, 10:59:19 pm »

Future revision.
Energetic Transfusion

A long thin stip of metal, fixed upright. It can be fixed to the ends of ships, or carried into a battlefield by specialized soldiers.

This is the entirety of the physical design. It should more or less be a non factor.

The majority of the design is the energetic transfusion spell. The idea that magic is something from beyond our world is a myth. It, quite obviously, exists within our reality, and while it may not be a natural process per se, it still interacts with physicality in predictable ways. As our mathemageicans have quantified and come to understand these interactions in ever greater detail, our ability to direct it has grown exponentially.

Regular magic is the idea of turning magical energy into natural forms. From mana, to fire. Energetic transfusion seeks to turn natural energy into magical energy. For the sake of simplicity, it only focuses on electrical energy for this first foray. The setup is simple. Use a lightning rod to attract the lightning. Route it through a circuit with the appropriate spell, and pump that magical energy back into a mage gem. It is simply the inverse of what we have been doing for a long, long time.
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3156 on: June 15, 2017, 12:07:38 am »

Energetic Transfusion is a must. Personally, I think some rewording is needed to make its logical steps from our current knowledge more obvious, but other than that it seems like a great+easy way to counter their lightning.

And their lightning has switched from hurting our cannons to hurting our personnel. Our Crystalclads are destroyed because their crews are forced inside to avoid the lightning, and on the ground they're targeting our people with their lightning and not the cannon. So what if we made some new armor?

Design: Combat Armor
Plate Armor has been a great boon to our soldiers, but the advantage it has given them isn't as great nowadays due to changes in the battlefield. The soldier is still critically vulnerable to lightning, gaps in the protection can be exploited by Lucky Strike and just luck in general, the weight slows our soldiers down, and more.

But we can fix that!
Combat Armor is a new crystalline form of Plate Armor, modified to take full advantage of its crystal nature and to protect our soldiers as the nature of combat changes.

The first change is, of course, Crystal. The metal in our plate armor is replaced with 100% crystal. Crystal protects more against every threat and self-regenerates. It's also significantly lighter, improving our soldiers' combat agility in addition to making piercing their armor much harder, especially for Moskurg's armor-piercing arrows.

Next is the helmet. Previously, the slits for vision were exploited by Moskurg's lucky shot. But by tweaking the Crystalworks circuits, a new kind of mostly-transparent Crystal can be made. This crystal is used in the helmet's faceplate instead of cutting small holes for vision. The result is a much more secure and safe helmet with greatly expanded field of view+vision thanks to the fact that practically the entire upper front portion of the helmet is made of transparent crystal.

Finally, as a part of the Combat Armor design, we make some general modifications to Crystal.
The first modification is electrical insulation. By making some tweaks to the Crystalworks formulas, we make crystal an insulator of electricity. This will stop lightning from being able to affect the occupant in combination with the other properties of Crystal.
The second modification is tougher crystal. We make further changes to Crystal's structure. Crystal should be significantly less brittle and be notably tougher in general. It'll still have its self-regeneration, but will be much more resistant to blasts and any other damage. With this change, Crystal should be undoubtedly superior to steel. It'll be more durable, less brittle, harder, and just tougher in general.
These modifications can be made at the sacrifice of Crystal's sharpness if needed, as we have no need for sharp crystal when it's used in a structure or armor.

The armor also benefits from crystal self-regeneration, as one would expect from armor made of crystal. Therefore, maintenance is nearly obsolete as nearly all combat damage (and most lightning strike damage) can be repaired by the crystal self-regeneration. Because of the scale of the armor, damage enough to necessitate repair by a Mage is much rarer in Combat Armor compared to our larger-scale crystal armor. And the fact that any Mage can easily repair critically-damaged Combat Armor is still very useful, as steel armor that badly damaged would have to be sent back to Arstotzka for repair or just straight-out replaced. If the occupant survived.

As Combat Armor is made out of machine Crystal and is essentially an advanced revision to Plate Armor, it should be Cheap. But in the case of a limited supply, the armor is to be given to those crewing artillery emplacements, those on the decks of our Crystalclads, and other roles essential to combat.

Combat Armor should make Moskurg's lightning practically useless. The lightning will virtually be ignored by the armor, and as our magitech is now largely lightning-resistant, their lightning will no longer have the effect it used to have. Our crews can continue manning cannons to shoot down carpet riders and airships even as lightning hits them. And the rest of the Crystal improvements will make the armor a very protective design.
The increased protection from crystal means our soldiers live much longer in combat. The decreased weight makes our troops more agile and able to do more while retaining their increased protection. Our troops will do much better in actual combat.
The transparent faceplate and crystal means our soldiers will be practically invulnerable to Moskurg arrows. Even their bolts will have to be more accurate to kill a soldier, now.
The ease of repairing crystal and its self-regeneration means maintenance is practically obsolete as most combat damage is quickly auto-repaired and critical damage can be easily repaired by any apprentice.

TL;DR: Crystal plate armor that uses a transparent-crystal faceplate and insulating+tougher Crystal. Lighter, no more weak-spots for arrows and other lucky hits, better protection in general, self-repairing/easy-to-repair, and protects against lightning. See above lines for a bit more detailed description of benefits.

Crystal Material - Combat Armor's base "feature" is essentially just a material swap of plate armor from steel to crystal. Crystal is lighter, increasing agility. Crystal is harder, increasing combat protection. Crystal is slightly more brittle than metal, but at this scale an explosion that would shatter crystal would likely kill the wearer anyways. Benefits from the Crystalworks.
Transparent Crystal Faceplate - We tweak some crystal to become mostly transparent while retaining all other crystal qualities. As a result, the majority of the upper-front section of the helmet is transparent crystal, allowing greatly improved visibility over platemail and eliminating the weak point that Moskurg lucky strike exploited. Combat Armor should basically be immune to arrows because of this and its harder material. Considering we have the Crystalworks and immense experience with crystal, a simple tweak lke this shouldn't really be difficult at all.
Crystal Electrical Insulation + Tougher Crystal - Modify Crystal to insulate against electricity, and modify Crystal to be tougher/more durable + less brittle preferably to the point where Crystal is straight-up superior to steel. These are done via tweaks to the Crystalworks, which should make changing Crystal's structure easy. That plus our extreme amounts of experience with Crystal should make this change easy to do. This can be done at the expense of Crystal's sharpness, as that's not needed in armor/structures.
Self-Regeneration - Crystal is self-regenerating, meaning this armor is much easier to repair. Most combat damage is pretty small-scale, and should be auto-repaired, making maintenance largely obsolete. And critical damage that would normally render steel armor useless or at least requiring a skilled smith to repair, can be easily and (relatively) quickly repaired by any apprentice anywhere.
Difficulty - Combat Armor is a natural evolution of plate armor, so if anything we should gain bonuses for that. The crystal material swap is an extraordinarily easy task that could likely be done in a very easier-than-normal revision. The transparent crystal + crystal modifications are simple as we have extensive experience with crystal's properties and we have the Crystalworks which should make modification easier. Combat Armor should be easy to make.
Expense - Considering that Plate Armor is cheap and that we have the Crystalworks, Combat Armor should very easily be cheap. It's more-so a material swap to Crystal, which is as-cheap as Mountain steel if not cheaper plus some modifications to Crystal that shouldn't increase expense, especially given the Crystalworks + our experience with Crystal.

EDIT: Added expanded tl;dr section.
EDIT: Swapped lightning resistance for electrical insulation + tougher crystal.

Makes Energetic Transfusion easier to do in a revision, and makes their lightning much less effective against our soldiers which was our weak point last combat phase. And for our revisions, we should do Energetic Transfusion and Blastball. Get our rifle working and negate their lightning advantage even furter.

1 - Combat Armor: Chiefwaffles

1 - Fallacy's Plan: FallacyofUrist
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 04:12:54 pm by Chiefwaffles »
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3157 on: June 15, 2017, 01:20:07 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Couldn't resist a quick doodle of the future arstotzkan soldier.

He wears full fitted crystal armor in a sealed suit. The suit is made from solid crystal plates with internal joints layered over a sealed rubberized interior. A patch of transparent crystal provides vision from within the armor. The crystal itself provides unparalleled protection against physical threats, and the sealed suite even provides protection against environmental hazards.
He is armed with an AS-R1, with an attached bayonet. His backpack contains extra mage gems for his weapon, and a small lightning rod funnels enemy attacks down into an energetic transfusion array, that protects him from lightning and recharges his used mage gems so he is always with an ample supply for his weapon or any other field devices he may need to operate.

Black crystal

Crystal is a strong and cheap substance, far better than the materials we had access to before. However, this does not mean it cannot be improved.
The main weakness of crystal lies in its homogenous nature. While on one hand, this make it strong, it is also what allows cracks to propagate, and shattering to occur.
Black crystal is ultra thin layers of regular crystal summoned asynchronously over one another. A special process is than used to magically bind the plates together. Each sheet is regular crystal itself, and this allows the material to keep the super resistant properties of regular crystal, but the asynchronous nature prevents shattering, or cracks from propagating. At best, immense force from an impact can shatter the outer layer of the material, but the remaining layers would stay unaffected. If a layer is not shattered by a blow, it is thin enough that the regenerative properties of crystal can repair it in short order. The crystal is "Black" because the asynchronous traps light, and prevents it from propagating the way normal crystal does. This requires a bit more time dedicated to the production, but produces a far superior product. It is intended to be used for vehicle and naval armor, in in rare cases for elite infantry units. ((Crystal Commandos when?))   
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3158 on: June 15, 2017, 03:20:06 am »

So let's explore how to fix the AS-R1!
  • Crystal Jacketed Lead Bullets (Making the AS-R1 extremely effective in terms of armor-piercing. Personal armor shouldn't be a problem now, but it could be one in the future.)
  • Blastball/Muzzle Velocity (Highest priority - we can make do with our current bullets if we give them a reasonable muzzle velocity.)
  • Better Mundane Use (Right now it has a slow RoF and is Very Expensive for mundane users. Considering it was meant for mundane users, this is a problem.)
  • Smaller (Just generally more portable. Not a pressing issue, but it'd just be nice to have the AS-R1 be a rifle and not a hand cannon.)
  • Better bullet loading (Low priority - mundane use is important and right now mundane use is limited by Magegem reloading. Would still help for Magic+Mundane users regardless though.)

I think +Powerful Magegems would really help here in addition to the Blastball. More powerful magegems means we can use AA Magegems in the AS-R1 and with a high enough roll, could even get more shots out of a single Magegem clip. The AS-R1 would be just Expensive for mundane users and could have a bit of a higher RoF because the AA Magegem Clip would be smaller and thus easier to load.

And now for things we could do just in general:
  • Lightning Counter - We're losing in every theatre solely because of lightning. We need to counter lightning.
  • Effective AS-R1 - Make last turn's design useful; it has potential but that potential has to be realized first.
  • New Crystalclad - See my Dreadnought design for last turn. We need a new boat to cement a sea advantage. Having an advantage at sea would really help with our battles on land as well.
  • Better Crystal (Blast Protection [Black Crystal], etc.) - Keep our crystal stuff from suddenly being countered with one Moskurg action
  • Better Steam Engine/Internal Detonation Engine - Getting a better engine helps our Crystalclad + Train and opens the door for further use of the engine, such as the Gyrocopter.
  • Gyrocopter - A competent air unit to counter their air + provide ground/sea support. It may be harder than Giant Birds, but it's more versatile and has more potential - adding more seats/increasing power, upgrading its cannon, etc.

Also helmacon, I really like that doodle! It's actually remarkably similar to my iron man perfectly historically accurate interpretation of Combat Armor.[/list]
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3159 on: June 15, 2017, 03:33:24 am »

For revisions, I think blastball + magegems would be solid. Fixes the rifle and gives it to many more soldiers. Plus, blastballs are a foothold in further faster firing cannons and IDE, while magegems have overall all around utility with our approach of indirect magic use.

As for design, we need something to fight them on the sea. Dreadnought would be nice, I guess. Although, going for fully enclosed crystal armor is very tempting... In one turn we would introduce super infantry.

edit: a good anti lightning is also a fair possibility. They are pushing that angle a lot, but a few lightning rods or faraday cages should help greatly. Just like our fire can be countered by ignifugous things because it is mundane after summoning, so can their lightning be countered by electrical conductivity.
If we manage to use it to recharge our batteries, all the better.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 03:35:58 am by andrea »


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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3160 on: June 15, 2017, 03:42:06 am »

The problem with Blastball + Magegems + Dreadnought is that it leaves our soldiers on land vulnerable to lightning. Rifles will help against air units, but their lightning would probably beat our rifles.
If we could develop a really nice actual anti-air cannon then I'd probably support a non-lightning-counter design, but as long as they have an air advantage they'll be able to use their lightning. As long as they can use lightning we'll be at a large disadvantage. Countering lightning can really help us in every theatre.

For now, I mostly just want to do Combat Armor first then see how it goes. If Combat Armor goes well, then we should be fine in the area of lightning because right now their lightning advantage stems from being able to annihilate our troops on the ground/boats regardless of whether the magitech survives or not. So if we protect our infantry, then we can focus on non-lightning-counter things for our revisions. It'd even help at sea since it's been stated that the reason they're winning at sea is because our soldiers manning the cannons on the Crystalclad are vulnerable to lightning.
I'm a bit of essentially completely countering lightning in a single revision. It shouldn't be that hard, but I'd be more comfortable during some precursor work in the design or another revision. Like the anti-lightning element of Combat Armor.

So something like Combat Armor + Blastball + Magegems could definitely work.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3161 on: June 15, 2017, 03:53:57 am »

yes, rereading the turn we absolutely need anti lightning. I suppose the combat armor will help, although from the description of charred rock it may be hard to make our people survive. But, well worth trying.

( and now I am thinking of lightning powered power armor. The ability to store magic in the combat armor is something we can really build on in the future, especially after we get better magegems)

Ok, you convinced me, I will vote for the armor. I like it, and it works well with the planned revisions.

2 - Combat Armor: Chiefwaffles, Andrea

1 - Fallacy's Plan: FallacyofUrist


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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3162 on: June 15, 2017, 06:18:29 am »

Been reading this for a while, and I had an idea. We keep losing the mountains. So why not build a wall? The Chinese did. Maybe add a circuit into the wall, that when broken, releases a flare to notify of breaches?
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3163 on: June 15, 2017, 06:32:03 am »

I kind of want levitation magic (not wind magic) or hydraulics so we can actually make power armor. But that's a lot of steps for an infantry bonus.

Also, here's an idea for a counter to their air:
Future Revision(/design?): Anti-Magic Mist

We modify a variant of our Obscuring Mist/Channeled Fog spell to include mass amounts of tiny anti-magic crystalline particles (of a variety fairly similar to our anti-magic bomb arrows and Equalizer) in the summoning procedure at the cost of a large portion of the actual mist.
The result is a lighter mist embedded with anti-magic. The anti-magic particles don't do anything individually, but all together they can effectively cancel out magic inside the mist. The Anti-Magic Mist will rise up into the air, above our forces, and won't affect anything on the ground. Its decreased density makes it very easy to see through and decreases its weight, allowing for it to not sit on the ground plaguing our forces.

When a Moskurg air unit, such as a carpet or airship, passes through the mist, the mist will cancel out the spells and enchantments used to make their carpets and ships fly. The Moskurg air unit will begin rapidly plummeting towards the ground/ocean. At some point they will leave the area of the influence of the mist as they come closer to the ground/ocean, but by then their downwards velocity will be too great to remedy and they'll be doomed to collision.

This project shouldn't be too difficult. As this revision is focused on just swapping out large amounts of mist for the anti-magic particles. That alone is enough to make a revision, though, and we can't do much else. But this should have wide-reaching consequences as our mages will be able to provide an Anti-Magic Mist cover protecting our forces from overhead aerial attack.

TL;DR: Anti-magic mist which cancels out magic inside the mist. Less dense so it rises up off the ground and doesn't impact visibility. Can be used to cover our forces as any Moskurg air unit inside will have their magic canceled out and will fall towards the ground. Because it rises, our forces stay out of its influence and thus aren't affected by its anti-magic.

@Gwolfski: Because the mountains are low-priority. Moskurg occasionally gets a foothold, yes, but getting a foothold is easier than advancing further. We don't really need the Mountains bonus anymore because of the Crystalworks. That, and a design that only helps in one theatre means every single other theatre will be left without a new design. So while we may make the Mountains harder to capture, Moskurg could get a design that helps them beat us in every other theatre.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Wands Race - [Arstotzka]
« Reply #3164 on: June 15, 2017, 08:23:18 am »

I think we need to counter lightning too, but the way to do it is with a design for energetic transfusion, (which gives us lightning rods) and a revision of it integrated into Crystal armor. Then we can use the other revision on the AS-R1.
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.
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