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Author Topic: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh  (Read 23605 times)


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #120 on: April 04, 2017, 06:03:55 pm »

Karses II, Friend of Caesar, Heir to the Loam Coast, and Descendant of the Divine Clay Elf Bloodline:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Upon returning home you send out three important messages. First you write to Tsunamia's fleet, informing Jericho that his banishment has ended. You are a bit leery about trusting him after hearing Caesar's view on the matter, but you sure as hell are not going to deny a friend until he gives you reason to do so.

The next message is sent to Princess Sliepers of Silvershoes, the mother of Tiiecieus. Sliepers, a friend of yours, used to be her hometown's ambassador to the empire until she left two years ago to rule Silvershoes while her brother the king was busy at war with your father. You politely request that she contact the alleged Wyrven Clans on your behalf, inform them of your ascension, and warn them that you will not tollerate any action taken against the Loam Coast.

The final message goes out to multiple recipients. It is a summons for many key elf rights advocates to attend a conference at your manor discussing the future of the Loam Coast. In the invitation, you hint that you are looking for apointed officials to aid your reign as governor.


It takes several months for the elf rights advocates to assemble, and the world moves around you as time passes.

Four of Tusnamia's and one of Jericho's ships arrive in Portum one day for repairs, and the crews bring news from the east. Bronzespear is besieged by both land and sea, and its fall is only a matter of time unless something changes for the worse soon. Still, there are some reasons to remain cautious. Princess Kailine reportedly slipped past the siege, and is reportedly on the East Coast of the Southern Continent, trying to whip up a mercenary band from the savages, rebels, and pirates that one may find there. Likewise her cousin fled East of the Imperial Border, and is rumored to be courting the support of some of the dangerous Kahns who like to mettle in Imperial affairs.

Even if the siege spells the end of the monopoly, it could very well create a longer term problem. Prince Terriz Algers seems dead set on annexing Bronzespear for himself. This would leave your investor in control of two wealthy city states, and closely aligned through marriage to an Imperial Governor of dubious loyalty to Caesar. You doubt the Emperor would allow such a powerful alliance to exist unopposed within his own borders for long.


Eventually guests start filing in for your meeting. Princess Sliepers makes a personal appearance, and informs you that your message to the Acid Elves has been sent, and that she should know if it has been safely received or not by the time she returns home.

The first order of business, once everybody is gathered, is to consider potential applicants for the judge and admiral positions. You have three local judges, an optional high judge, and the provincial fleet commander spots to fill. The latter seems to be the most difficult, as there are only two interested applicants.

Info-Dump on Positions Available:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Fugit Figulus is a Clay Elf born and raised in the Imperial Heartland, and like most of your kind living within the empire, a sailor by trade. Fugit is a distinguished captain in the Imperial Navy, and has fought against your father on Caesar's behalf in both of the recent wars between the Loam Coast and the Empire. He admits the reason he wants to relocate to the Loam Coast is because he fell in love with an enemy sailor he was holding prisoner, and wishes to track her down and make her his wife. His credential's are appealing - he is certified and trained to command fleets, although he has never been given the opportunity to do so in practice.

Oovost is a Frost Elf originally from the Everstorm Lands, who fled south to a more hospitable climate and eventually obtained Imperial Citizen. He is uniquely interested in either the naval command or a judgeship, and is somewhat qualified for either. Although he obviously wont admit to treason, it is generally understood that he once lead a small fleet in rebellion against Caesar on behalf of an Eastern Province Governor. Although he is well educated, he has no special training in Imperial Law, but is a prominent scholar of various elfish legal and religious practices, including those of the Loam Coast. He admits to practicing the divine magic of an eclectic collection of carrying elfish gods.

Avarui Tiber is a mutt of mostly human and clay elf descent who happens to be the wife of your personal captain. To the best of your knowledge, Avarui enjoys living in comfort and throwing the occasional party as a fundraiser for the movement. She claims to have studied Imperial Law so as to homeschool her children on the subject. Although you somewhat doubt her credentials and abilities, giving her the title of Judge would be a good way to reward Tiber for many years of good work in your service, and to keep him close at hand without having to keep him on as your personal captain.

The scholarly Boil is an old friend of yours. As the spare heir to an Acid Elf Wyrven Clan, he was sold by his tribe for some baubles to an Imperial Circus, where he spent much of his life enslaved until you managed to end the practice of keeping Acid Elves as spectacle for display... But a spectacle he truly is: As a war-monarch caste Acid Elf he stands seven and a half feet tall and his dark grey flesh is spotted with patches of putrid green scales that protect his vital bits. Since receiving his freedom, Boil has done little but study and practice law in the hopes of helping other elves, and is likely the most qualified and worthy candidate looking for a judge's appointment. You must, however, consider the fact that most of your kind does not particularly care for his species, and his appointment could cause tension.

Reginae Leo, or Princess Chewy Redmane in her native tounge, was only recently granted imperial citizenship as reward for her father Chief Redmane's help defeating your father. Chewy knows absolutely nothing about imperial law, but can read the imperial language and seems clever enough to pick things up as she goes along. In private, she offers to try and smooth things out between you and her father if given the job. You can just by the way she looks at you that Chewy finds you attractive, and her connections might just be worth the element of physical danger that comes with a mistress who possess claws like knives and teeth the size of your thumb.

Hareno Exercitus is a mutt of mostly high elf descent, who claims to be experienced with Military Law. He also comes with a signed letter of recommendation from your friend Jericho. Although he would never admit to such treason, Jericho's letter blatantly implies Hareno used to serve as a strategist and commander for his father and uncle against Caesar. Your brother-in-law Senator Brutus Cainus mentions that Hareno was also one of the valiant leaders who organized the Coal Elves of Timber Province against a planned genocide attempted by the governor's son twelve years ago.

On the topic of Coal Elves, the Dust Crone Pyriusia knows imperial laws on magic and witchcraft in and out, mainly through her many trips to court as a defendant. She is a skilled physician, potion brewer, and alchemist in practice, and has an encyclopedic knowledge of theory behind most magics related to mineral or flame. In recent years she has devoted her time to the treatment of elfish miladies that human leaders of the empire tend to ignore. She mentions that she has a good idea as to how Claychantment works, and could help you reverse engineer it should its practitioners resist your attempts to spread it beyond the Loam Coast.

Ambiinop, an ancient and respectable Clay Elf who has filled many military and government positions for your father and grandfather, feels more than qualified to hold power in his homeland. He was assigned to your sister Pulchra as a private tutor in the art of war, and traveled with her when she moved to the Heartland to marry Brutus Cainus. Since then Ambiinop has managed to win Imperial Citizenship and has become heavily involved in the elf rights movement through his relationship to Brutus and Pulchra. Ambiinop has some understanding of imperial law, and would be greatly respected by the inhabitants of the Loam Coast, but in recent years he has developed a serious drinking problem, likely to mask the pain brought about by loosing friends and family on both sides of the war between Caesar and Xamut IV.

Labrum Radit is the only human tied to the Elf Rights movement interested in a judgeship. A renowned adventurer, now well into middle age, Labrum's travel logs always depict distant elfish societies in the best possible light, so much so that you have personally sponsored some of his trips and writings in the past. Labrum is really only interested in the Judgeship so that he may have a stable home and job on the Southern Continent, which he may use as a base of operations to explore the vast country of the Acid Elves and beyond. On one hand, Labrum would likely be traveling often enough to interfere with his duties, but on the other it wouldn't hurt to have somebody with the skills and courage to travel south in your employ.


Once you hear the pitch of each applicant, you open the floor to public discussion, and all hell promptly breaks loose. The gathered Elf Rights Advocates are divided down the middle on how the populace of the conquered Loam Coast should be treated.

One faction, lead by the High Elf Merchant Jaridgar, a friend and business partner of yours, argues that the Clay Elves were clearly in the wrong with their piracy and trouble-making, and that if a leader tied to the Elf Rights Movement were to show them leniency, it would paint the entire Elf Rights Movement as a threat to the very concept of justice. He argues that the people of the Loam Coast should be taxed heavily for generations until all the damage caused by piracy dating back to your great-grandfather Karses I has been repaid with interest.

The second group, lead by the halfbreed mutt Piger Auribus, a socialite and close friend of your sister's, suggests that treating the Clay Elves harshly would send a bad message to elfish populations the Empire may war with in the future. She fears that those who hear tell of the harsh treatment of the Loam Coast will be inspired to fight the Empire harder, and perhaps even to the last man, knowing that surrender may bring them the same fate.

Those seeking appointment do their best to remain neutral on this matter, with the exception of the two Clay Elves. Fugit Figulus, who has spent much of his adult life fighting your father's pirates, speaks passionately about the wanton death and destruction they spread and your father's complete lack of regard for non-clay elf life. He tells the tragic tale of the time a dying merchant refused his aid because Fugit looked the same as the man's assailants. He admits he used to think his own race was beyond redemption until he heard of your deeds, but now he thinks there is hope. Through harsh, perhaps even cruel, discipline, Fugit feels the inhabitants of the Loam Coast might someday become respectable Imperial Citizens, at which point he could be proud to call himself a Clay Elf.

Ambiinop, a former member of your father's court, publicly repents the crimes he was accessory to during that time, but passionately states that the common Clay Elf should not be held accountable for the cruelty of their superiors. He then goes on to add that by naming member of the Divine Bloodline governor, Caesar himself has publicly forgiven the members of the Loam Coast Elite willing to accept his rule. With the commoners un-responsible, and the highborns already forgiven, Ambiinop wonders rhetorically, who is left to punish?

You listen intently to all arguments, before diplomatically drawing the meeting to a close without taking a side. It would seem you have to walk a tightrope moving foward unless you want the coalition you built to explode.

All the delegates in attendance will remain in Portum for the next few days, some of whom are even staying as guests at your mansion. Now would be a great time to catch up with your Sister Pulchra, her husband Senator Cainus, or Princess Sliepers, your friend and neighbor to the Loam Coast.

You could also call in any of the applicants for a private meeting in which you may ask them specific questions.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #121 on: April 04, 2017, 06:54:49 pm »

And the complications come a-rollin' in.

For the Bronzespear-Otherplace-Governor alliance, we might be able to keep our prince in line through our personal involvement in his economics, and thus off Ceasar's plate. If foreign mercs show up, on the other hand, we'll have to decide whether to let the prince keep mucking about or try to get him to accept a settlement. Either/all has complications associated with it.

For the elven rights schism, yeaagh. Ideal plan is probably to ensure the Loam Coast becomes a center of elven and imperial usefulness, so the Punishers feel they're redeeming themselves and the Forgivers feel they're being treated fairly. Will that work? Find out next time, on the next exciting episode of You Are Whipping Your Slaves Too Much And Not Enough!


Fugit Figulus is probably our best Provincial Naval Commander, as he's both qualified and a Clay Elf. The only particular reason I'd see to go for Oovost would be to try to get as much elven variety in our leadership as possible. Which is noble in its own way, but I don't think especially necessary in this case.

Ambiinop would make a fine High Judge. We will most likely be too busy with business and diplomatic affairs to want to mess with the law all that much, and having a highly respected and capable Clay Elf for the job would be ideal. The drinking is unfortunate, but probably shouldn't impact his duties too badly. Especially when one of his duties is "convince commoners the government is respectable and fair by existing."

Boil will make a fine Judge of Stimilif, and likely successor to High Judge when Ambiinop retires or kicks the bucket. Yes, his race will cause tension, but he's eminently qualified and highly pro-elf, so any elf with a halfway open mind should warm up to him a bit as time goes on. Furthermore, we are surrounded by Acid Elves and hoping to make peace with them and so on, so we're gonna need to start getting everyone acclimated at some point. A highly benevolent and qualified government official is a good point. He'll do best in the city with the most elves to help.

Reginae Leo will make an okay Judge of Icarixip and fantastic mistress and diplomacy point. Nothing like sleeping with a man's daughter to make him hate you less! Or... something. As the only non-Acid bruisers around, Lion Elves are most likely kissing up to, though. She'll do best in the war-city.

Dust Crone Pyriusia should make a fine Judge of Traggix. She's a caster, which is nice, her violation of Claychantment is nice, and again is fairly benevolent and elf-focused, which is nice. She'll do best in the most Claychantment-focused city, especially as we're rebuilding its capabilities.

For visiting, we should really catch up with our sister and her husband if we can catch them both. Knowing more about how the imperial senate operates, and thus how we might be able to benefit from it, would be fantastic. The princess would be good too, but we'll probably have time to catch up more when we're neighbors.

I'd also like to chat with Labrum Radit to see if he's interested in being our official Acid Elf Investigator. We will want to keep tabs on a LOT of different elves, especially if there's a staggering variety of Acid Elf tribes as I assume there are, so paying him to do that as his literal job could be superior to hiring him as an absent judge for both parties.
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A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #122 on: April 04, 2017, 07:32:33 pm »

We should announce low or no taxes for the next 2-5 years while rebuilding is under way, then heavier taxation to repair both imperial and foreign debts after that for a time.

Have our brother meet with Boil to gauge his reactions to a civilized acid elf. 

I would rather have Oovoost or Labrum Radit then the Dust Crone, but I understand we want to seize control of the clay production and I guess this is how we will do it?


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #123 on: April 04, 2017, 07:45:40 pm »

My thoughts:
+1 the suggestion of Fugit for Naval Commander

Offer Pyrushia the judgeship of Traggix. I agree with IronyOwl that her expertise takes the best advantage of the resources of the city.

Give Boil the judgeship of Stimilif As the population most harmed in the war, we can expect chaos, and chaos may require a talented and diligent expert to attend to local legal matters. We should consider footing the bill for bodygaurds to keep him safe however, or simply make sure that any gaurds in charge of his person are particularly loyal.

Offer Ambinoop judgeship of Icarixip I don't think we should offer him a High Judgeship right now, until we get a better measure of him. For the moment i'm thinking it might be better to hold that position vacant until we get a more firm grasp of the situation back home. As such:
Do not offer the position of High Judge to anyone yet.

I considered Offering the Ixarixip position either to Reginae or Labrum, the former for political reasons (we don't have reason to think she'd make a very good judge, and she's probably trying to exploit the situation for gain. Though it would potentially be a viable political move for military reasons.), but if my plan is acted on that position may vacate. As such, perhaps we can Extend invitation to both Reginae Leo and Labrum Radit to join us in other capacities, open for negotiation.

Make contact with Princess Sliepers while she is present. We may have need of allies that can provide either military or economic support soon, with a potential invasion incoming. We should curry favor while we can.


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #124 on: April 04, 2017, 08:10:14 pm »

D is the reason we need to be careful about local judges, they are sub governors.  I wouldn't want a drunk making decisions to over rule our authority in times of crisis.  It is also why having the daughter of the lion elf chieftain in control of the fort is a good idea, she can emergency dispatch troops if needed with the possible aid of her father.

Giving Ambinoop the high judgeship means that he can overrule judgements of less qualified judges if we choose them and that we do not have to perform those duties ourselves.  We need to delegate.  Having a respected local at the top will do much to reassure the population.


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #125 on: April 05, 2017, 03:16:07 pm »

Sooo while there might only be a few available positions, whats stopping us from just hiring everyone in other positions?

Local Judges:

Dust Crone Pyriusia for Traggix. The Dust Crone will be useful for well, everything.
Oovost for Stimilif. He's an experienced elf and while he might worship foreign gods, I don't see why this is a bad thing. As a god ourselves, its good to have an easy conduit to other gods.
Reginae Leo forIcarixip.

High Judge: Ambiinop . He's a drunk but he's also the only one fit for the job.
Provincial Naval Commander: Fugit Figulus. Duh.

I'd also like to chat with Labrum Radit to see if he's interested in being our official Acid Elf Investigator. We will want to keep tabs on a LOT of different elves, especially if there's a staggering variety of Acid Elf tribes as I assume there are, so paying him to do that as his literal job could be superior to hiring him as an absent judge for both parties.


Make Avarui Tiber  our Master of Ceremonies. This comes with a huge paycheck. Obnoxiously wink and smile as we mention her few responsibilities.
Also, before offering the Dust Crone a Judge position, see if she's content with being the court Alchemist/Philosopher. This way she can focus on the Clayenchantment without the legal nonsense. If she would be, please for Karses sake, please don't give her the Judge position.

Does our brother approve of himself marrying a high elf?
Does  Terriz Algers have any female relatives that would be suitable for a diplomatic marriage?

I'm thinking if we can get the Dust Crone and our Flower Demon to work together, they can crack the secret of Clayenchantment and after that we can train up a cadre of Clay-gineers both to increase our GDP, but also to build up are fleet. We should really also repeal our grandaddy's laws about forbidding clayenchantment for non-military use. Ets stu-pid.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2017, 03:23:35 pm by micelus »
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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #126 on: April 05, 2017, 04:46:35 pm »

Also, before offering the Dust Crone a Judge position, see if she's content with being the court Alchemist/Philosopher. This way she can focus on the Clayenchantment without the legal nonsense. If she would be, please for Karses sake, please don't give her the Judge position.

I'm thinking if we can get the Dust Crone and our Flower Demon to work together, they can crack the secret of Clayenchantment and after that we can train up a cadre of Clay-gineers both to increase our GDP, but also to build up are fleet.
Bear in mind, we will have actual Claychanters that are in theory loyal to us. The Dust Crone's primary advantage is that she brings an outsider's perspective and complementing skills, which should be handy for our advancement and warping of the art. We won't, in theory, need her or the demon just to rebuild the practice in general.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #127 on: April 05, 2017, 04:54:20 pm »

In theory. I'd rather hedge our bets.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #128 on: April 05, 2017, 05:08:51 pm »

(Note: Going mostly with IronyOwl's suggestion as Voidslayer seems to nominally support it, even though he didn't give a proper +1. I'll do the meeting with the princess rather than the sister for Mlamlah though. Micelus is sadly a ninja today.)

Karses II, Friend of Caesar, Heir to the Loam Coast, and Descendant of the Divine Clay Elf Bloodline:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Labrum Radit is invited to your balcony for late night drinks and discussion. You spoil the man with the fine wine and exotic smokes you know he appreciates, before breaking the bad news: He wont be getting a judgeship. After giving Labrum a few minutes to process, you give him the good news: You would like to give him a home and salary in the Loam Coast so that he may help you investigate and perhaps re-establish ties with the Acid Elves. Labrum seems fine with the idea, and the conversation moves on to other topics.

Your guest knows alot about the places and people just south of your province, and as such you learn much from talking to him.

Assuming the same Acid Elf tribes to the south are in power that were when he last visited the region four years ago, Labrum can offer a good guess as to how the invaders might arrive. "The path of least resistance... the turf of the weakest tribes that Wyrven Clans from further south could push through to reach the coast... that would be to the South East of the new Province. If the invasion comes from that way, they would first encounter the imperial naval base at the cape, which is just outside your borders. As it seems neither invading party is fond of the empire, they would likely fight that first, giving you plenty of time to prepare."

If Labrum is correct, this is good news for another reason as well. The Naval Installation of which he speaks is just east of Icarixip, which you understand to be the most defensible position in your new domain. This means that if the Acid Elves make it past the the Southeast Cape, you will be fighting them with the odds stacked as much in your favor as possible.

The explorer also knows a good amount about the catacombs of Sandwalls, the city South of the Loam Coast that houses the runes Tsunamia wishes to study. You strike a huge lucky break when Labrum claims to have seen the runes in question. "The King of Clearsun is an old friend of mine, and last time I was up there, he showed me the runes and asked for my advice. I don't know runes all that well, but I know the history of Sandwalls. It was originally founded by a wicked Swamp Dragon whose name I can't be arsed to pronounce, who allegedly had a habit of sealing away his offspring before they could grow big enough to challenge him. Greater Dragons are nothing to mess with, so I advised the king to let nobody see the runes, because if there is a dragon held there, and some meddler frees it, the consequences could be dire."

Before he departs, Labrum tells you that if he is to become your full time explorer and diplomat, he would like to round up the best possible crew of Acid Elf experts. He requests a sturdy warship laden with gold and baubles, and a year and a half to travel the pirate and rebel controlled cities on the East Coast of the Southern Continent, where he can recruit people who regularly conduct business with the warrior race.


Like most high elves, Princess Sliepers likes being seen publicly in places of cultural significance, so you agree to accompany her on a trip to the nearby Imperial Museum of Naval Warfare. After touring the exhibits for a spell, you sit with her on a bench and have your guard disuade the public from approaching so that you may speak to your friend in private.

Sliepers tells you that with the war over, she will likely return to the imperial capital soon as re-assume the role of ambassador to the senate and Caesar's court. Before that happens, however, she would like to host you and Tsunamia at Silvershoes, so that she may introduce you both to her brother the king and her son Prince Tiiecieus, who she hopes will become your steadfast allies. The princess proposes you and Tsunamia use your Honeymoon as an excuse to visit her city, as the timing should line up with a month long feast in honor of a local god of marriage.

On the topic of introductions, Sliepers hopes to meet Tideus at your wedding. Silvershoes lost a good chunk of its navy in the war against the Loam Coast, and she has heard that the sea demon keeps excess ships that her brother might be able to purchase, quickly replenishing the loss.

Lastly, Princess Sliepers floats the idea of arranging a marriage between your future children and her family. She notes that you are distant blood relatives, her mother was also the grandmother of your great-grandfather Karses I, and that both her daughter Princess Sliepils and her nephew Crowned Prince Nashom will both be of marrying age at about the same time as any children you might have in the next half-decade or so. She suggests any official arrangements to that end, as well as any requests for military or financial aid, would have to go through her brother the king, however.


You send word to both the senate and the candidates that you have made the following appointments:

-Ambiinop for high judge
-Boil for Judge of Stimilif
-Reginae Leo for Judge of Icarixip
-Pyriusia for Judge of Traggix
-Fugit Figulus for Provincial Naval Commander

A week and a half later, you receive word from the Senate. The appointments of Boil, Pyriusia, and Fugit Figulus have been approved straight up, but Ambiinop's appointment has been outright rejected. Reginae Leo has been conditionally accepted, but must spend two years as an apprentice to a judge or barrister at the capital, so she may learn about imperial law, before assuming the position. In the meantime, the Senate has decreed that Detestabilis Superb, a retired general and one of the most elfphobic fuckwads you have the misfortune of knowing, will serve as interim Judge of Icarixip.

You are quite shocked by this turn of events. The senate usually rubber stamps any appointment made by an incoming governor, so much so that the possibility of rejection hadn't even crossed your mind to this point.

The following day, you receive a letter from your brother-in-law Senator Cainus, explaining the situation. It seems you have offended many in the senate by refusing to nominate a single human for any position. Initially, it looked as if all your appointments would be rejected to send a message, but several factors came into play that saved most of your candidates.

Boil was saved because some of the less-than-qualified bigots feared that he might try and take their senate seat in retaliation should he denied a judgeship. Fugit Figulus and Pyriusia were both in town to personally witness the hearings, and both interceded to save their own appointments. Your new naval commander took the floor and won the support of the bigots by denouncing his own race and promising to punish the inhabitants of the Loam Coast to the best of his ability and authority. Pyriusia took a different approach, and bribed a handful of senators with rare life extending potions. The senate feared undoing Caesar's hard work to earn the trust of the Lion Elves by rejecting Reginae Leo. She was going to be appointed outright, until her fellow candidate Fugit Figulus came up with the idea of the two year delay and temporary appointment of Detestabilis.


Several weeks later, you receive a letter from Legatorum Eunuchus, Caesar's top man when it comes to keeping tabs on the troublesome Eastern Provinces. He has figured out that it is you are the one behind the siege of Bronzespear and the growing power of Prince Terriz Algers. Legatorum notes that Caesar would be most displeased if he were to be told of this.

Legatorum, who does not want the Emperor mad at you as it is your wedding that has the potential to bring peace with the Everstorm Lands, will keep Caesar in the dark if you help him ensure Terriz Algers does not grow to strong. He requests that you give the order for Bronzespear to be burnt to the ground and its citizens massacred once your side takes the city. This will not only deny the upstart prince the income of a second prosperous city, but will also saddle him with the reputation of a war criminal, likely hurting his ability to build alliances in the future.


Word comes in from Princess Sliepers regarding the messengers she deployed. As you anticipated, one of the Wyrven Clans trying to reach the coast belongs to Whipscale, who smuggled herself north to Silvershoes with the returning messengers, and will be attending your wedding as part of Princess Sliepers' party.

According to Sliepers, upon learning of your wedding and ascension and before leaving, Whipscale ordered her clan to push North along the route predicted by Labrum. The war queen is intent on paying you tribute and providing you wedding gifts, and has sworn an oath that all who stand in her way of doing so shall be offered as bloody sacrifices to your ancestors. This could prove troublesome if the Southeast Cape Naval Installation doesn't let her clan pass, or outright disasterous if the other Wyrven Clan, the one hell bent on harming both the Empire and the Loam Coast, decides to let Whipscale's soldiers do all the hard work of clearing a path to the coast before attacking her.

You send a message to the commander at the Naval Installation, and hope for the best. You should be able to talk some sense into Whipscale at your wedding if the situation doesn't devolve further by then.


Time passes, and the wedding draws near. Fleets from across the empire and beyond gather outside of Portum to witness your union, and final preparations begin. The question of 'who should officiate the wedding' is posed to you, and it is one worthy of consideration. Under Imperial, Loam Coast, and even Everstorm Lands law, anybody can perform a wedding aboard a ship they command. Captain Tiber, Xamut V, Jericho, and Fugit Figulus are just a few of the people in attendance with a ship or ships of their own on which you could tie the knot. It might also behove you to request a high ranking naval offical from the Empire, Everstorm Lands, or even one of the nations neighboring the Loam Coast to run the proceedings - In theory, you could have Caesar Menas or Tideus themselves do the deed. Although unorthadox, it would also not be unprecedented for Tsunamia to preside over her own union.

Caesar, Tideus, your bother, your bride-to-be, Jerhico, Prince Terriz Algers, and all your appointees are already in town for the wedding, so now would be a good time to speak to any of them if you wish to do so before the ceremony.


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #129 on: April 05, 2017, 05:35:49 pm »

...I'm guessing enslaving the people of Bronzespear isn't an option (yes, slavery is my solution to everything)?
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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #130 on: April 05, 2017, 05:51:00 pm »

Yeah that's not a good idea, what with us being a civil rights icon.

That said, we're still going to need a high judge. Anyone opposed to sending a letter to Canius asking him for a recommendation for a high judge? And is anyone opposed to trying to murder Detestabilis via murder-suicide? (Not ours, of course :P )
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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #131 on: April 05, 2017, 06:19:42 pm »

As opposed to massacring them?
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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #132 on: April 05, 2017, 06:20:53 pm »

Well, yeah. I mean elf killing elf is fine, slavery isn't. At least for our reputation.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #133 on: April 05, 2017, 07:07:48 pm »

Tell Terriz that Bronzespear must be razed to the ground and its people scattered. Give him a bit of the truth: we've been strongly requested to tell him this under threat of imperial punish for both of us. Leave out the part about massacring the citizens though. Perhaps Terriz can be compensated in other ways.
Irony's idea is better .+1
Speak with our darling bride and see if she knows any magic that could get Detesabilis killed off or otherwise made incapable of the position without arousing suspicion around us.

Ask Pyriusia if she can brew up anything that would make Detesabilis unfit to rule without leaving a trace of the potion. We could slip this into his meal sometime after he begins judging and simply use the stress of the job as an excuse.

Does Detesabilis have any scandals we know of? If not, can we pay some people to find out? Actually we should ask Jericho if he can scoop up anything.

Also, see if we can in any way get the senate to appoint anyone else who isn't elfphobic. Perhaps a few bribes?

I'm tempted to ask Xamut to officiate our wedding, but I think its best to get an imperial captain to do it. That or Tideus, although with our reputation at stake, I would prefer the imperial.

Also, ask Xamut if our father had a spymaster in his service. I have a feeling that we need to set up an intelligence ring soon.

Agree to Labrum's requests.

Speak to Ambiinop and tell him that while our attempt to get him a position has been thwarted for now, we'd like to keep him at our side as an advisor.
Make Avarui Tiber  our Master of Ceremonies. This comes with a huge paycheck. Obnoxiously wink and smile as we mention her few responsibilities.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2017, 09:17:16 pm by micelus »
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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #134 on: April 05, 2017, 08:42:39 pm »

In the meantime, the Senate has decreed that Detestabilis Superb, a retired general and one of the most elfphobic fuckwads you have the misfortune of knowing, will serve as interim Judge of Icarixip.

It seems you have offended many in the senate by refusing to nominate a single human for any position. Initially, it looked as if all your appointments would be rejected to send a message

And is anyone opposed to trying to murder Detestabilis via murder-suicide? (Not ours, of course :P )
I think the real question is which of our many, many options for savage murder and/or thorough blackmail we're going to use. He's the judge of a military city and everyone likes us. He's fucked.

Speak with our darling bride and see if she knows any magic that could get Detesabilis killed off or otherwise made incapable of the position without arousing suspicion around us.

Ask Pyriusia if she can brew up anything that would make Detesabilis unfit to rule without leaving a trace of the potion. We could slip this into his meal sometime after he begins judging and simply use the stress of the job as an excuse.

Does Detesabilis have any scandals we know of? If not, can we pay some people to find out? Actually we should ask Jericho if he can scoop up anything.

Also, see if we can in any way get the senate to appoint anyone else who isn't elfphobic. Perhaps a few bribes?
No particular reason not to, though my personal preference is for him to flagrantly disobey our orders, attempt to block off the city to a friendly visiting Acid Elf clan, and lose his life in the ensuing and unnecessary bloodshed before we're able to smooth things over and bring greater peace and stability to the Loam Coast and empire as a whole. Couldn't have told a better morality lesson myself if I'd invented the whole thing as a cover for his brutal murder by callous Acid Elven thugs.

For the senate, I would similarly like to take the chill-challenged option of finding out the names of those who crossed us, so that we might contemplate repaying the favor at some point in the future. Similarly, if we have any allies we might want to make life better for them. Probably starting with our brother in law.

The princess proposes you and Tsunamia use your Honeymoon as an excuse to visit her city, as the timing should line up with a month long feast in honor of a local god of marriage.

On the topic of introductions, Sliepers hopes to meet Tideus at your wedding. Silvershoes lost a good chunk of its navy in the war against the Loam Coast, and she has heard that the sea demon keeps excess ships that her brother might be able to purchase, quickly replenishing the loss.

Lastly, Princess Sliepers floats the idea of arranging a marriage between your future children and her family.
This all looks good. As mentioned, trying to arrange marriages for children who haven't been born yet is a risky business, but I like the principle.

Several weeks later, you receive a letter from Legatorum Eunuchus, Caesar's top man when it comes to keeping tabs on the troublesome Eastern Provinces. He has figured out that it is you are the one behind the siege of Bronzespear and the growing power of Prince Terriz Algers. Legatorum notes that Caesar would be most displeased if he were to be told of this.

Legatorum, who does not want the Emperor mad at you as it is your wedding that has the potential to bring peace with the Everstorm Lands, will keep Caesar in the dark if you help him ensure Terriz Algers does not grow to strong. He requests that you give the order for Bronzespear to be burnt to the ground and its citizens massacred once your side takes the city. This will not only deny the upstart prince the income of a second prosperous city, but will also saddle him with the reputation of a war criminal, likely hurting his ability to build alliances in the future.
Legatorum has no chill.

(yes, slavery is my solution to everything)
It gets results damn it! That and incest.

Well, yeah. I mean elf killing elf is fine, slavery isn't. At least for our reputation.
Tell Terriz that Bronzespear must be razed to the ground and its people scattered. Give him a bit of the truth: we've been strongly requested to tell him this under threat of imperial punish for both of us. Leave out the part about massacring the citizens though. Perhaps Terriz can be compensated in other ways.
Oooooor we could just order him to sign a treaty but leave Bronzespear autonomous, with the same reasoning. We could even eat Caesar's displeasure if necessary, particularly if we promise to keep a leash on the good prince. Or discretely ask about it, if we wanted to visit him.

Wedding: I'm a fan of Caesar or Tideus doing it themselves. Since Tideus is providing the bride and Caesar providing the adoptive groom, I'm slightly inclined to favor Caesar officiating our wedding.

Also, ask Xamut if our father had a spymaster in his service. I have a feeling that we need to set up an intelligence ring soon.

Agree to Labrum's requests.

Speak to Ambiinop and tell him that while our attempt to get him a position has been thwarted for now, we'd like to keep him at our side as an advisor.

Make Avarui Tiber  our Master of Ceremonies. This comes with a huge paycheck. Obnoxiously wink and smile as we mention her few responsibilities.
+1 to all of this. In order:

*sigh* Sad but true. Come to think of it, we still also have a bunch of rebellious kin hiding out in the south. We'll probably want to get more intel/contact, see if we can resolve things peacefully.

Pirate adventure is go.

Yeah, he'll be good to keep on hand. Especially if our other judge is found in an undersalted stew.

Oh, very well. We should handle the swap with Tiber as well. The real question is whether we want a reasonable choice in Xamut's mistress, or telling the senate to go fuck themselves by appointing This Is Why Elves Are Bastards The Elf.

Pre-Wedding Chats: We should probably go smalltalk Caesar into explaining his exact interests and concerns regarding Bronzespear and the east, or more directly approach Prince Algers and explain our (meaning his) difficult situation. He'll no doubt have a variety of opinions and options on the matter. Most of them poor, but he was admirably competent and ambitious the last time we put him in charge.
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A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.
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