I had no errors prior to running kill-lua.
This is the trace on kill:
[DFHack]# kill-lua
hack\scripts\masterwork\/base/periodic-check.lua:9: interrupted!
stack traceback:
... V1.26 (43.05)\Dwarf Fortress\hack\lua\persist-table.lua:152: in metamethod '__index'
hack\scripts\masterwork\/base/periodic-check.lua:9: in local 'script_code'
...terwork V1.26 (43.05)\Dwarf Fortress\hack\lua\dfhack.lua:562: in function 'dfhack.run_script_with_env'
(...tail calls...)
[C]: in field 'runCommand'
...terwork V1.26 (43.05)\Dwarf Fortress\hack\lua\dfhack.lua:580: in upvalue '_run_command'
...terwork V1.26 (43.05)\Dwarf Fortress\hack\lua\dfhack.lua:595: in function 'dfhack.run_command'
hack\scripts\masterwork\/base/periodic-check.lua:26: in function <hack\scripts\masterwork\/base/periodic-check.lua:26>
I used the Magma Well, which uses the tables to spawn liquids sources. Also used the "Den of iniquity" (convert invaders) and the *Glass shaper (using magma from the magma well).
I restarted DF and the problem persists.
In stderr.txt there isn't anything outstanding:
Invoking: succubus/waterwell
Invoking: succubus/power-learning
Invoking: succubus/teleportbase
Invoking: fix/smartpets
Invoking: :lua print(' ')
Invoking: :lua print('Map Initialization Complete')
Invoking: :lua print(' ')
Invoking: :lua print('Seeking to Initialize your Civilization')
Invoking: modtools/if-entity -id "MOUNTAIN" -cmd [ script "raw/dwarf_init.txt" ]
Invoking: modtools/if-entity -id "KOBOLD" -cmd [ script "raw/kobold_init.txt" ]
Invoking: modtools/if-entity -id "ORC" -cmd [ script "raw/orc_init.txt" ]
Invoking: modtools/if-entity -id "PLAINS" -cmd [ script "raw/human_init.txt" ]
Invoking: modtools/if-entity -id "SUCCUBUS" -cmd [ script "raw/succubus_init.txt" ]
Invoking: :lua print(' ')
Invoking: :lua print('From hell the Sucubbi writhe, twisted with lust and hatred...')
*reaction-trigger calls from succubus_init*
Invoking: succubus/hfspets -civ SUCCUBUS
Invoking: succubus/init
Invoking: :lua print(' ')
Invoking: :lua print('Succubus Initialization complete. Turn up the heat!')
Invoking: modtools/if-entity -id "HERMIT" -cmd [ script "raw/hermit_init.txt"
Invoking: base/periodic-check
Invoking: base/periodic-check
Invoking: base/periodic-check
Invoking: base/periodic-check
*lots more of base/periodic-check*
Here is the full stderr.txt:
https://pastebin.com/y5Ct5RzkIs there is a verbose mode? I can turn it on and report any additional errors in the logs.
I'll post my save game and my profile JSON once it's done uploading.