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Author Topic: Tengoku no Owari SI IC: Yuki Is (Not) Fine  (Read 223885 times)


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3855 on: December 15, 2019, 11:00:25 pm »

"<Not often.>"
"<Security's sooooo boring! Nothing ever happens!>"
"<Yeah but it's -easy-!>"
"<...Anyways we're kinda doing this more for the concert.>"
"<Should we check out the other brief?>"
"<Yeah probably should.>"

The second brief is, well it's a lot less professional, just a word document with quick notes jotted down and images placed haphazardly. The client is Charlotte Leitner, first year student. Judging by the photo she's not exactly the most outgoing person. You ever see one of those people who's just beaming confidence? Well she's the exact opposite of that, a fucking blackhole for confidence. Her senpai on the other hand... yeah it's like night and day. Name's Remigio Escárcega. Doesn't seem to like wearing shirts, not that you're complaining. Apparently she got into a spot of trouble with some delinquents before and he showed up as her knight in shining armor or something. Standard anime stuff. Do oiled abs count as armor? Hold that thought.

"<Well she could totally use some more confidence. And a makeover.>"
"<Already packed. Got the classic, the latest fashions, just say the word. And glasses! Can't forget the glasses! ...Though say, think we should use an illusion?>"
"<Why? It's not bad is it>"
"<Well yes but... she's not gonna get -confident- just because we Cinderella her up right?>"
"<He's got a point there. What are you thinking? We give her a fake identity?>"
"<Oh not a bad idea!>"
"<Wait, that wasn't your angle?>"
"<Nope! But I'm happy to take credit for it!>"
"<Why then?>"
"<It's obvious isn't it? If she screws up, we can just swap illusions and try again.>"

"<Gonna need a rain check on that skirmish.>"
Oh hey the student's just Ignis. You quietly ready your RAM under the table. No way this is his only illusion here. He's close, close enough  you have a shot at a grab, but you've the suspicion he outclasses you up close. Need an opening, just a small one, enough to grab him...
"<Exercise's canceled.>"
Wait what?
"<I spoke to the AIs already. I'm all for a good ambush but with things the way they are, it's just going to be me trying to pick you off after each of your other fights. Not the best learning experience, so I was->"

Minato, Shef, and Yuki
Voices. Faint, incoherent. The faintest ghost of an image. Fleeting, insubstantial. They begin to coalesce taking form within the mirror. A hazy half-remembered movie skipping back and forth at random. Each frame a different scene. Bewildering, incoherent. The cuts begin to slow, the image sharpens.

You see, you see a bar. The view is peculiar, details fading in and out, a sketch and a splattering of color on the same canvas, the two components blending into photorealism in small patches, raveling and unraveling with each second. The camera motions are odd, as if perturbed by- ah, perturbed by the motion of a body. Of course, this is a reconstructed memory, this is through Yuki's own eyes.

The audio hasn't quite stabilized just yet, it's echo-y and indistinct, the fact that Yuki's kinda just mumbling though it doesn't help though holy shit, that's, that's a lot of empty glasses. Why's Noriko patting her reassurin-

And we're skipping. Apparently.

"<Sorry! I'm still stabilizing the feed!>"

An Abyssal Choir is a colossal being ressembling the figurehead of a ship, discolored flesh a mix of wood, barnacles, and metal, so throughly fused you can no longer tell where one begins and the other ends.

Its body is wrapped in chains, bound to an enormous anchor of rusted iron that bobs up and down amidst the crashing waves and darkened sea. Dancing serenely neath the waters is a ring of corpses, drowned bodies joined hand in hand, their formation spinning faster and faster as the titan leans closer and closer.

Neath its ragged hood its face splits open, a maw filled not with teeth but malformed skulls singing a siren's song. Even now, through the haze of half recollected memory it's beauty is simply a otherworldly.

Yuki begs to differ. The colossus continues its song.


"<Do not think us so short-shirted. Your enlightment is an inevitability. All that lives will reach Nirvana someday. Now let us begin your training Miss Tatsumaki.>"
Isn't that the Bodhisattva?




"Is he a spy? Drug dealer? Arms dealer? Smuggler? Cocaine-based weaponry corporate spy?"

Maria looks fairly nonplussed.
"<That's a lot of content... is there anything you're looking for in particular? We um, might be here a while there's several hours of fooage.>"

Spoiler: Rolls (click to show/hide)

"<Aim up.>"

Dress comes up, shields flare pink, and you get the hell outta dodge. The ice hisses and cracks a you just ram your shield into it, discharging it's energy to burn into it as you launch yourself out.

[Now Playing: Glacial Skies]

The streets of flooded. Well, they're a little more than flooded. Flood waters are two stories high. And it ain't water either. No, it's nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen. And you, you can't even see it. So thick is the mist that veils it, so blinding, so impenetrable. You know it is there, you know that only because you just shot up out of it. Thank God your shield held.

Buildings and battlements just out from this new inland sea, frozen and frost-fucked, ice-capped mountains of cement divided by plunging valleys that were once streets.

Enormous flowers rest just above the mist, crystalline blooms of ice perched atop of tower-like stalks. Burning sunrays dance across their reflective petals, you know not where they came from - the beams bounce from flower to flower, stretching out afar and bouncing away behind corners. Where they are aimed, that's easier, much easier. They're aimed at the planes, the frozen interceptors screaming through the air.

Each interceptor consists of a tubular body with a spike-like nose, forward swept wings, and undulating tendrils. Sizewise, they're comparable to a bear, so pretty big compared to a person but pretty damn small for an aircraft. And naturally, like everything else in this godforsaken winter 'wonderland' they're made entirely out of ice with darkened tops and bellies to catch the sunbeams, glassy wings that snap and shatter under the stress of their harsher turns only to reform mere moments later, and tendril arrays that expand almost fractally as they hunt their prey.

Oh yes, their prey. The others, the others who escaped the weapon's activation. The civilians and adventurers. They're, not faring that well. The main thing is that well, a lot of them can't fly, and the ones that can, well they're not really ready to go toe-to-toe with the planes. Sunrays dance through the frozen skies, strobe lighting from plane to plane like a fucking rave as they rain freezing sleet and the occasional icey bomb upon the unfortunate stragglers.

"Hi Faith! I'm picking up some radio transmissions near you. Sounds like a tactical network. It'll patch you in now!"

Suddenly there's a gunshot and the Interceptors scatter. Reinforcements. A counterattack. A motley mix of adventurers and students, many flying with wings of white flame. Leading the charge is a knightly figure with a billowing cape and a pair of shoulder-mounted cannons. His crackles through your outfit's radio, voice tinned yet flamboyant.

Also Cynthia's next to the him surfing ontop of what appears to be a miniaturized Predator drone.

* * *

Nothing seems to kill the mood faster than the Russian winter. Seriously, this is the second time this week! Mere days ago you were engaged in the most serious of duels with your dear nemesis. It was getting good! He was invoking Zeus and Satan! But then he started calling on Stalin! And then boom! Gulag Sphere! What kinda lame name is Gulag Sphere? And it was so anti-fun too! He just sat in there and refuse to come out! It was like he doing it just to mess with you!

Ah! But where are your manners? Let's start with your introduction shall we?

Your name is Distance Dark, Sinister Space Magical Girl, Defier of the Great Powers, Traveler of the World, of Worlds, and Nemesis to the Baron of Ruin.

And you are here, in the great Fortesss City of Kingshaven, for tea!

At least, you were. Now you're here to vanquish the dastardly villain responsible with your SINISTER SPACE MAGIC! And then have tea! As soon as you find them!

Seriously! Why is everyone turtling so much?!

Oh hey! A girl just exploded up out of that building! And she's a magical girl too! Another potential adversary? A stalwart defender of justice for you to corrupt? Who knows! She does look like she could use one of these jetpacks though, and you just so happen to have a spare!

* * *

Interceptors scream through the frozen skies, arctic winds and cryonic magic funneling through their intakes. It looks like a ramjet. Isn't though, it's more a magic accumulator taking advantage of the magic saturated air. Saves on the weight. Lets them assemble and fire their weapons on the fly, no need to carry anything. The primary propulsion mechanism? Those beams of light. They're laser thermal rockets, internal fuel blocks heated by those lasers. Again, saves on the weight. Not a lot of mass. Not a lot of armor, though they do regenerate. It's all about mobility here and they certainly outclass your comrades here.

Don't get it wrong, you did soup up those jetpacks, add a bit of mobility you won't find off the shelf. Probably will burn out the enchantments, but that's fine, economy never was the focus here. Thing is there's a definite difference in speed and it will show soon enough.

That's fine, you'll make up for it with firepower. Besides, those drives only work with a power supply, take out the laser sources and they stop running.

Anyways, you're leading the charge with Distance and Cynthia flanking you. You grouped together with the TacNet app.

Interceptors are spinning around and swooping in and you're ready to cut them down.

Man compared to this, that first group of bank robbers were fucking amateurs. If you gotta rob a bank wrong, you better do it right. This General Frost fellow has the right idea.

* * *

The current theater of war is comprised of lines of buildings arrayed like concrete mountains with plunging valleys between them.

The aerial cavalry as of were are rushing down on side of the valley. Faith is in the air just in front of them, and past her are the interceptor swarms, spinning around to engage the interlopers, away from the frozen terraces and rooftops there terrorized mere minutes ago.

The sunrays focus on a small detachment for a few seconds long as they shoot up high and release their cryobombs. Airbursts most of likely, aiming to freeze or scatter the allied forces with the rest of the swarm readied to rush in and commenced dogfighting with those sleet-based weapons of theirs.

"It won't be hard to escape in this chaos, the boundary of the weapon's effect radius is just behind those adventurers. Whether you run or you fight is up to you."
"Will you be engaging?"

You're notice a large serpentine mass of a black ice tracing out towards you. Point of origin seems to be the building you just exited. It's closing in quick. Guess that's what Winter meant about the ice retaliating.

"<Miss Tatsumaki.>"
"<Over here.>"
Sol and Luna are on a nearby rooftop holding out some winter clothing.

Wait why are they not getting att-

You look up, traced into the skies above is a massive emblem, an inverted eye of providence overlayed ontop of a snowflake sigil.

You've seen something like that before. Their playing cards, they had a similar design on the back - an inverted eye of providence surrounded by interlocking gears, weeping a stream of blood that traces the shape of a pendulum.

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« Last Edit: December 16, 2019, 06:06:43 am by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3856 on: December 15, 2019, 11:18:06 pm »

"I, um. I hate to say this, but... wouldn't faking her identity to get him to notice her... kinda not fulfill the contract? I mean, the job is to make him notice her, not the disguise you've put on her, and if the problem is confidence I don't think just having an illusion on over her body is going to be the most effective solution... Do we know if the two of them have anything in common, some sort of shared interest, something that we could use to, um... nudge them together? You know, without engaging in the kind of thing that might cause their budding relationship to fall apart as soon as he finds out that she's not even vaguely the person she pretended to be?"
Quote from: Wing, via Discord
I want a coat that doesn't make me look like a rear admiral from the East India Company


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3857 on: December 16, 2019, 01:14:47 am »

"<Oh yeah, it's gonna crash and burn if she pretends to be someone else. I was thinking we could use it to make her open up, let her be her true self without any risk.>"
"<The mutual interests thing sounds good. We could go all stake out duty on him!>"
"<Or we could go through their search histories.>"
" <That sounds like actual work though! Can't we just lock them in a room and let them sort it out?>"
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3858 on: December 16, 2019, 04:40:22 am »

"Is that right? Fine by me if we've gotta set up something new." Shef trailed off, watching the memory replay. Holy shit that was a lot of drinks, no wonder they didn't remember anything.

But, it was strange then, that these recollections appeared in some clarity, he'd always heard that the vast majority of information was simply not saved by the brain. Possible, then, that the information didn't actually come from her mind. It was, however, an unnerving thought that his own memories might be just as easily accessed.

"Dunno what you've got in mind Yuki, but that one group with the baghead guy said you were involved in some obstruction of justice, and. . ." Shef trailed off, realizing what a stupid suggestion that was

". . .Nevermind that, she can just tell us."
« Last Edit: December 16, 2019, 04:47:27 am by Strider03 »
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3859 on: December 18, 2019, 10:30:58 pm »

"Hmm, hmmmmm, that's a good question... well a few things. Maybe see if you can find what kind of drinks we were given, and also where I got the dress thing and how much it cost, how'd we get to Kingshaven, and I guess what kinda stuff Noriko got up to with her date?"
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.

Powder Miner

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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3860 on: December 21, 2019, 06:48:28 am »

Honestly, Faith should have been much unhappier, she felt. Upon discovering an outright battleground outside thanks to some supervillain attack, she felt like she should have been furious or frustrated or sort of just resigned. But, instead... soaring through the sky, in the middle of an incredible large-scale air battle, she felt a bit gleeful! She was flying right now, and there was something about that feeling of freedom and the situation she was now in that was just... exhilarating! "Ahaha! Alright, uh, let's see, first, make my callsign on the network Sailor Sun. Secondly..." She did have to deal witht the massive ice tendril coming her way to ruin her day, but that was fairly easy.

Faith tried to orient herself so that she'd be shooting herself in the direction of Sol and Luna, and then, once the Black Ice got close enough. "HaHA! Eat this! Leap of Apollo!!" Bright yellow magic erupted from the area of her feet, meant to strike and shatter the Black Ice at the same time as it rapidly accelerated Faith in the opposite direction. As she flew, she spoke. Eagle █ Sailor Sun: <<"I've got a lot of destructive power here, so I should be able to pretty consistently blow those ice flower things up, if you all leave me the spaces!">>

Faith uses Leap of Apollo just before the Black Ice hits, to hit it with the spell as she also launches herself in Sol and Luna's direction! Alteration to 3.
World Line: 2-->3 1 5 1 1 1 4 3 4 6

Distance Dark, Sinister Magical Girl of Space, was feeling rather mopey. At this rate, she was never going to get her hands on her dear, darling nemesis! All she wanted was to get to him, beat him in combat (well, to be fair, losing was just fine too~) and then get close with him... but she wasn't getting to! First he decided to hide from her and be a tease, and now she had this to deal with. It was deeply frustrating to be interrupted by someone also from supervillain stock! When this was all over, she was just going to be allll over her most persistent foe...

But for now, well, she had to make it be over!
Eagle 2 ♡Nemesis♡: <<"Well hello there, newcomer! I, Distance Dark, Sinister Magical Girl of Space, Master o--">> Wait, oh, wow, okay, she was already all the way over there, Distance was taking too long talking. <<"Anyway, take this jetpack! It'll let you fly easier! Hey, wait a minute, why didn't we just give my nemesis one of these??">>

Huffing, Distance opened a wormhole towards the rooftop the new girl was heading towards, and dropped the jetpack through to her!

Distance pops the jetpack over to Faith with a Wormhole [3]!
World Line: 5 3 3 3 6 6 5 4 4 4
« Last Edit: December 21, 2019, 03:27:55 pm by Powder Miner »


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3861 on: December 21, 2019, 08:50:07 am »

Truth be told, an aerial dogfight wasn't how Immanuel expected to spend his afternoon, but sometimes shit happens, and you have to equip a ragtag group of adventurers with  napalm airburst grenades. Which sounds oddly specific, but you know, he's kind of glad he made them now actually.

Eagle 1 Challenger <<Roger that Sailor Sun. Legion, try to cut off the interceptor's air space, get them clumping up together as much as you can. Everyone else, let's turn up the heat, fire airburst grenades.>> Immanuel said into his radio, his twin plasma wand arrays still blazing at the interceptors, trying to herd some of them next to each other before he fired at them with a charged up airburst grenade sent from his railgun.

Immanuel uses Arcane Infusion : Leistungserstärker to amp his grenade's power before he fires it at the interceptors to break them up, Alteration to 3
World Line: 2>3 2 6 3 5 6 6 1 5 1
"I guess I gotta get all funky if I'm gonna make this work."-Stretch Armstrong


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3862 on: December 21, 2019, 11:19:43 am »

"<Oh yeah, it's gonna crash and burn if she pretends to be someone else. I was thinking we could use it to make her open up, let her be her true self without any risk.>"
"<The mutual interests thing sounds good. We could go all stake out duty on him!>"
"<Or we could go through their search histories.>"
" <That sounds like actual work though! Can't we just lock them in a room and let them sort it out?>"

"I do remember that last one being an old tradition back home but usually that's consensual and at parties, not concerts.. I mean, if they're going to both be at the concert, they're obviously both interested in the music and possibly getting themselves killed, aren't they?"
Quote from: Wing, via Discord
I want a coat that doesn't make me look like a rear admiral from the East India Company


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3863 on: December 22, 2019, 02:51:32 am »

Minato, Shef, and Yuki
"<Okay let see here...>"

So the footage starts skipping. First it skips back all the way to the very start to Yuki ordering the drinks. Looks like she start off with a couple of Auroral Blooms, which according to a quick search are... okay yeah, sort of like the Awakened equivalent of a Long Island Iced tea, which is to say delightfully tasty and almost certain to get you smashed if you're unaware of its potency. The rest, are a variety of cocktails some of which contain stimulants. Okay so pretty smashed but it's not...


Okay so now she's drinking a vial of godknowswhat in some kinda sci-fi temple lab or something while something is attacking her. You're not entirely sure what because she's not really looking at it, she's a little busy chugging, but you're guessing whatever it was, it couldn't really get past her toughness and regen.


Okay that's literally vodka. Enhanced vodka. How much is she drinking?


That's... Lunar Ray. Which is apparently sort of like moonshine but also pretty damn hallucinogenic. What follows is... well it's all disjointed and incoherent but the best explanation you've got is that she appears to be fighting er... herself. Her reflection anyways. It's a mirror. She's fighting a mirror. Well, less fighting more just driving her chainsaw into the mirror piercing her reflection's heart. It begins bleeding? She's standing in, you think she's outside the uh, metaphysical equivalent of a McDonald's parking lot. Which apparently looks awfully similar to a Burger King parking lot. Go figure.

Maria rewinds and you see Yuki entering a store in Pavilion Square. Audio's kinda distorted here but the price tag for the dress looks pretty darn modest. It seems unlikely it'd have any particularly strong enchant- ah, she's reading the label. Hmm... so it's warded against clothing damage and the plating is fairly receptive to combat enchantments.

Wait, so is the auto-censoring not part of the package then? And why did it get damaged so easily? Did the enchantments get modified somehow? Noriko floats into view, she's getting measured up for a suit.


Noriko's dressed in the suit and leaving the bar with Patricija. Yuki is close behind. Maria fast-forwards and you see the trio move in comically fast motion venturing through Kingshaven's vibrant nightlife, an ultimately uneventful meandering featuring highlights like Harold Holt Square, that indoor beachside with snow for sand and cathedrals in the water, and some kinda overgrown tree that showers the surrounding area with levitating detritus that seems to be half petal and half flame. Guessing those don't actually burn. Okay so it's basically a guided tour then.

So the questions that leaves then would be:
  • Why did Yuki stab her own reflection?
  • What happened to Yuki's dress?
  • What's with Baghead's vendetta?

Optional Battle 3 - Frozen Skies

Spoiler: Rolls (click to show/hide)

[Now Playing: Glacial Skies]

"We'll take that as a yes then. Updating your friends at Syrup now..."

* * *

Eagle 3 Legion <<Roger that Challenger.>>
Eagle 3 Legion <<Glad you could join us Eagle 4, mind if I call you Helios? Sailor Sun is a bit of a mouthful.>>

A new voice joins the fray, cutesy and energetic.
AWACS Fluffles <<Hi everyone! My name's Fluffles and I'll be your AWACS for today!>>
AWACS Fluffles <<Just keep calm, follow my instructions and everything will be alright! This'll be just like Sugar Mountain all over again!>>

Distance portals a jetpack over to Faith as she blasts the encroaching black ice with a frankly absurd amount of magical energy, vaporizing the entire tendril in a instant and punting her over to the twins. They toss over a fur coat and hat onto her, naturally it's enchanted and warmth wreaths her body soon enough, keeping the biting chill at bay.

"<Good luck Miss Tatsumaki>"

Plasma saturates the air, sixteen wands spewing bolts with wild abandon. The bolts were weak but that matter little, as droplets form tsunamis, so too did these bolts form a storm of plasma, twin streams roaring from Immanuel gauntlets. Four missiles streaked out from Cynthia's UAVs, adding to the deluge.

Eagle 3 Legion <<On my mark...>>

Strictly speaking, this was not enough to funnel the bombers. The sky is a large place, two streams and four missiles, they can only cover so much, shoot down so much. The airbust napalm? That could serve some purpose but the allied forces were not particularly coordinated as a whole, and indeed it seems a good chunk of them have decided to fire at the main force instead, a rather fruitless tasking given the general agility of these interceptors.

And yet, and yet the bombers formed up together herded by Cynthia's missiles, congregating in a passing gap in the napalm flak, at the point so had all so helpfully marked on the HUD.

Eagle 3 Legion <<Now!>>

A thunderous roar. The railgun fires, the charged grenade screaming into position, blooming into a cloud of burning napalm.

Engines sputter, steam hisses. They're off-beam now. Engines are dead. Fuselage is broken, broken but not destroyed. The material's ablative almost, outer layers bursting into steam and sparing the internals. They're fucked up but they're still coming. The fuselage and payload anyways, the cores reforging them into improvised missiles and ejecting down, aiming for the safety of the nitrogen sea, tendriled forms already coalescing as they fall from the heavens.

It's not going to be optimal for them, what should have been a tactical bombing run has turned into a clumsy crash, these weaponized husks projected to blast the frontal forces rather than scattering in the midst of the allied forces. Still all of you are up front and the frozen wreckage is coming in hard and fast. May wanna dodge. Shouldn't be too hard.

Still the main swarm seems undeterred, zooming forwards in loose formations, sleet machineguns readying to fire as the allied forces prepare to light the air up with napalm.

AWACS Fluffles <<Cryogenic munitions inbound! Updating tactical map!>>

That... that's a pretty big blast radius. Well, radii more like. There's some kind of ballistic missile high up above apparently. One with sixteen high yield warheads, each enough to plunge the surrounding area into instant winter. Looks like that's their Plan B.

Naturally you're all in the blast radius of a warhead too. You're all pretty confident in being able to escape, it's more a question of what happens in the aerial clusterfuck that will ensue.

One squadron is swooping towards Immanuel and Cynthia, another is swooping towards Faith and Distance.

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"<Well, they do go to a military academy...>"
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3864 on: December 22, 2019, 05:37:28 am »

Minato blinks.
"......okay, that's the craziest thing I've seen this entire trip. Never mind anything I said before."


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3865 on: December 22, 2019, 08:24:48 am »

"Oh my god." Shef groaned. "Know why you can't remember a goddamn thing at least."

Shef ripped his gaze away from the slide show, and turned his attention to the source of these memories. "Miss, you want to turn the clock to whenever your bag head guy met Yuki? Gonna want to know what that little vendetta's all about. Or maybe you could, I don't know, tell us." Other people could ask what they were interested in, but for him, well, the priority was the combat relevant aspects.

"And Yuki, lets go through those phone numbers as well."
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 08:27:38 am by Strider03 »
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3866 on: December 22, 2019, 03:25:48 pm »

Noriko catches the ball almost unconsciously; it was probably a good thing she was this good at multitasking. She passed the ball to Kouta, who then tossed it back to Patricija. "Oh, um, thanks. You, um," Noriko coughs, covering up her attempt to search for something decent to say. "I like your swimsuit."
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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3867 on: December 22, 2019, 05:34:43 pm »

Minato, Shef, and Yuki
"She never met him. But she did meet Lady Astria, he said something about 'perverting the course of justice'"
That doesn't sound good.

She fiddles with her phone and shows it to y'all. It's a group chat and in it is a screenshot from the attorney's phone. Name's Aurelius as it turns out.

It's, some kinda magical interface, one that shows er... it's his doujin recommendation feed? How shameless.

Apparently he gets it from that Lady Astria person?

Well, whoever this Lady Astria is, she's got excellent taste.

Astria? You recall seeing her name before when you were researching this place, only briefly though. You look her up and ah, insofar as those in Drakenvald are concerned, she is justice.

Right, so a bit of background first, Drakenvald uses the adversarial legal system like most western countries on Earth. Difference is, the showdowns are less like debates and well, more like magical duels between the defense and prosecution, fought with spells and weapons forged from evidence, logic, and reasoning. Judges serve as the umpires and game masters here, and Lady Astria runs the system itself.

She's also basically a tactical uplink for everyone working in the legal system providing counsel and precedents, plea deals and sentencing recommendations. And ever since this morning she's been providing some other unsolicited recommendations.

So when the attorney said that Yuki perverted the course of justice, he meant it in that she turned the course of justice into a shameless pervert. And flooded everyone's uplink with smut.

"Aww thanks! There's more left in the can if you want to try."
And the ball's back in your court now.
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3868 on: December 22, 2019, 07:51:23 pm »

". . .How even. . .?" Shef commented, thoroughly baffled. So, if Yuki was to blame for this, somehow, while drunk, she was much more aware of sexual matters then? Perhaps it was a complete accident. But the alternative implied that most of Yuki's public face was just that. A facade, feigned ignorance to avoid uncomfortable situations perhaps, or to cope with them. An excellent mask, if it indeed was.

"Yet again, Minato, I'm forced to disagree with you. Think this might be crazier. Uh, anyway, we're gonna find out eventually, so can we try to find the time when Yuki 'met' this Lady Astria?"
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Winter Is Coming
« Reply #3869 on: December 25, 2019, 09:04:36 am »

Minato, Shef, and Yuki
The spear crashes through the girl's chest, tearing out her heart in a shower of blood and pinning it to the wall.


A spark, a flickering ember. It burns red, a deep red. In the next instant it is raging conflagration, hurled forth from Noriko's hand. That aura, that horrid ominous aura, it catches fire and ignites burning the heart to ash. With that out of the way Yuki gets to work healing magic pouring into the GAPING CHEST WOUND and-


The classical depiction of a nurarihyon is that of an old man, a man of both wealth and taste, with vaguely reminiscent of a gourd in shape and an aura of authority that cows both human and yokai alike.

An actual nurarihyon is most of those things. It has authority. It has wealth. It has taste. An oddly shaped head. But it is not an old man, it is not a man at all, no, oh no, it, is an honest to god xenomorph, a Giger-esque terror equal parts skeletal and freudian with acid for blood and maws within maws. It's no wonder houses would serve as if they were their master - if you're living in Edo period and the fucking Alien just waltzed in sword at the hip looking like a goddamn Yakuza boss and started asking for sake, you'd give them that fucking sake, you'd give them all the fucking sake.

Course nowadays they look a little different, the ones still invested in the traditional business often trade the kimonos for suits with or without pinstripes, and the sword for glocks or chicago typewriters. And Yuki just so happened to be staring face to face, eye to eyeless maw with one of these things.

"<Excuse me dearie, would you happen to have seen my cat around here, he's->"


The chamber is spartan, minimalistic, bare marble walls illuminated by faux natural lighting. Floating in its center is Lady Astria clad in her usual attire, a dress of white and blue, augmented with electronic mechanisms and modelled after the robes of a QC, six seraphmic wings blazing out their back. An array of screens orbit her holding books and records, laws, treatises and precedents.

"<Very well, I would not mind making this trade.>"

And with that she accepts the tabl- ...Those were the Fleur tomes weren't they? The tomes set aside for Faith's training. In exchange she hands Yuki two pipebombs, a silenced pistol, and a reel of duct-tape.
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want
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