I really shouldn't be a surprise at this point, and yet I somehow continually find myself amazed at how our current president can mess up even the most basic of responsibilities.
So, a major attack has been carried out against the citizens of an allied nation. As the leader of a major world power, what do you do?
A) Publicly condemn the attacks and make a show of solidarity with the families and friends of the victims.
B) Remain silent.
C) Offer material support to the victims and/or their families in a time of hardship.
D) Insult the mayor of the city where the attacks took place, clumsily attempt to push your own confused political agenda, make bizarre remarks about the gun control debate, and blame the "MSM" when the previous comments are inevitably condemned by anyone with even a modicum of decency.
During the DNC last July, Khizr Khan gave a speech addressing Donald Trump, to which the then-candidate responded by insulting Khizr and his wife, Ghazala, and downplaying the service of their son, a deceased soldier. To quote John Oliver on that subject: "[...] we may be on the brink of electing such a damaged, sociopathic narcissist that the simple presidential duty of comforting the families of fallen soldiers may actually be beyond his capabilities. And I genuinely did not think that that was a part of the job that someone could be bad at."