Slurred, my good sir. As in, you are finding it more and more difficult to speak-- the words are not coming out the way you want them to.
Dilate, as in, expand and contract. The little black area inside your eye is supposed to get smaller when I shine a light on it. Yours does not.
It does not really matter to me which choice you make; I can seek another neurologist for a consult, but by that time you will have lost consciousness. When he makes the same determination that I have, which he will, you will be too unconscious and and too convulsive to dispute his interpretation of the lab findings. As a result, at that time I will consider you to not be of sufficiently sound mind to refuse treatment. Having gotten the second opinion, and being unable to refuse treatment, we are legally obligated to perform the necessary surgery to save your life at that point. You can file grievance with the hospital at such time that you are able to contact your lawyer.
This brings us back to the original choice I gave you.
Clock is ticking. Do you accept the procedure now, and walk out of here with the better part of your brain intact-- OR-- do you choose to deny treatment, and leave here as a vegetable or as a corpse?
Your choice. Choose quickly.