btw, the main reason for the decline in food crops in Zimbabwe was actually
price controls not handing farms to black folks: food crops declined because those had
price controls on them, whereas export crops like tobacco did not, so as inflation rose, food crops became ridiculously cheap at "official" prices, so farmers switched to things like tobacco where you could still make money. Price controls are also responsible for:
- hyperinflation in Zimbabwe
- the massive inflation in Venezuela
- russia queues, shortages and inflation in 1970s
So most of these crises are actually directly attributable to Price Controls. But "politics" drives the media to blame various other things like "socialism", "communism" and "black people being farmers". Whereas none of those things is a proximate cause and the negative effects of Price Controls are in fact a well researched phenomena:
- government caps e.g. food prices in response to inflation
- food becomes
ridiculously cheap (and gets even cheaper as inflation rises)
- people hoard the cheap food, leading to shortages
(this is the main reason for the queues in 1970s Russia. the government was obligated to sell the store food at price-controlled prices which ended up being below the cost of production, and then to prevent one person hoarding it all, they enacted limits on purchases. people still hoarded anyway and sold stuff on the black market for a profit.
food production didn't actually decline at all. This was purely a self-inflicted monetary crisis)
- a black market opens up, people sell the hoarded food at inflated prices
- the more food that is hoarded, the more people hoard (either to eat or to profit)
- stores start to empty out as it costs more to sell things than you get from them.
At this point you have a runaway process. Price controls themselves create artificial scarcity and themselves are the leading cause of hyperinflation.
So nope. Unless South Africa enacts price controls, none of this is going to happen. It's well known why Zimbabwe had hyperinflation, because it did the same thing other countries who have suffered hyperinflation did. And "giving land to black people" wasn't part of that process.