Encroaching grouth
Glowy backhands
fire fiend
All these depends on the demon arm, how long we will have it?
plus all this "it grew a bit further" in our arm looks like it got more advantage against us, remenber that it already grows a bit farther every time someone chomp it off, hear my words, will be there a time where this arm will try to control US not the opossite
adaptation looks plague dependent
blood twitch is vampirism dependent
silence the voices looks like a trap
those things that make our children bigger isn't thaaat attractive right now, although I love them,
I would vote for fertile (not only this produces minions but this also is a nice weapon to be inserted in others chests or neck, specially when we go dragon killing) or astral projection (spirits aren't crushed by our sword? we will go in THEIR FUCKING PLANE to kick their asses, or just sneaking into the next room to see what is happening)
but I will be a bit assholey and vote for MUSCLE UP to tie so people will have more time to decide
Options of way
the capital: NO! no way it will help, unless it is somewhat on the way to the tower
west: no! too far from either objective, but maybe we should send a letter to Eveline using our shitting companion (pidgeon) saying a bit about what happened recently to us, and that we are heading north before heading east for a cure for our friend (write in small leters what is going to happen to hal) if she has something to share with us or the tower she can use our pidgeon that will return to us, and if she want's we can say that we got some "offensive tech" that should be keep secret but it could help
east: yes!? I still think we can get some help from the tower and do two quests on the same time
tower: yes, but don't be fooled WE KNOW that the hamlets are weirdness breeding lands
I read the plague and the music of the opening of gravity falls start playing in reverse