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Author Topic: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure (Ended)  (Read 184947 times)


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #135 on: December 21, 2016, 05:21:06 pm »

Find the moron who killed our moron. Jump him. Give him a nice non-lethal sting, slap the heaviest helm and armor you can find on him, and string him up to a post in the middle of camp with webbing. Then make the following announcement:

"This fine gentleman killed the man I was going to have help organize my battle entourage, as such he will now be helping me run tryouts. For the rest of the day, he will be hanging here, and anybody interested in fighting at my side may express their interest by using him as a target to prove his or her skill a single strike from a ranged weapon. If you own no ranged weapon, I will provide you with a Handcrafted silken Bola to use for this trial."

Run 'Tryouts' until it is time to help prepare dinner. Take the six best ranged users to demonstrate for you, and make note of other interesting applicants; We might take one or two on merits other than ranged skill. After dinner, drill with our new squad until bedtime.

Don't forget to make our prisoner scream at least once today.

+1, dont forget that smug guy may have killed him- his bag of gold had blood on it, and the other guy died around the time he acquired that gold.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #136 on: December 21, 2016, 07:55:21 pm »

If it is smug guy, -1 to attacking him. Instead just make a vaguely human looking target from whatever you have on hand.

If smug guy did do the killing, ask him why. If it is for our sake, he might be head over heels for us, and we can use that.

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #137 on: December 22, 2016, 04:26:01 pm »

The Testing

You easily find the smug guy from earlier, and ask if he saw who killed the idiot you were going to use.
Well, it wasn't me. That guy you were talking about had it coming his way for quite some time. You can't be too aggressive when you're surrounded by hundreds of killers. Too much attention, and people start getting... stabby.
Did you do it?
No. I killed the guy that stole my money yesterday. I believe you picked me up while I was lying down just after. The guy was big, but a good stab while they're sleeping, and nobody survives. He chuckles to himself.
Still, I'm assuming you wanted to get some people under your direct command, no? Most lieutenants try to. I can get you some proper guys, if you want.
"Nobody does anything for free". Those words echo through your mind as you look at him. He's got all the airs of a conman, but still...
What's the catch?
He freezes for the tiniest moment, and then rapidly proceeds to smile even wider than before.
I knew I liked you... some suspicion is very healthy! Anyway, there's no catch. Consider it pay for getting me more popular. People that saw me cooking appreciate me quite bit more.
You look at him with suspicion, but eventually, you relent. You let him gather up some guys for your ranged training.

While you wait for him to get back, you try to convince karliah to scream again. It's not quite as spontaneous as last time, and it's a little stiff. You pretending like you're going to sting her turns it around into a genuine scream. You apologize right after, but she knows that this is still better than actual torture. She goes back to laying on the furs, looking quite bored. Knowing the horrors of boredom, you eventually decide to take her with you. The chains will give everyone the idea that there's no shenanigans going on between you two, so it should be fine. You're interested in seeing how people react, anyways.
When you walk outside, with your "prize" right beside you, the smug guy is already here, with some lean looking people. Most of them don't look like much, but they seem a lot smarter than the average bandit, at least. You make Karliah and the smug dude carry the extra bolas you made, and you try to find a nice open spot to begin the practice. You find a perfect spot with little trouble, there's even some men made of straw still there, though they look quite damaged. Some silk makes sure it doesn't fall apart completely, and you order them to hit the target at a distance using either bolas or a ranged weapon of choice. Most pick the bolas, although some went for daggers. The results are... surprisingly good. The smug guy knows how to pick them, and they quickly learn how to do a basic throw. Their form's not great, and the aim is a bit off, but strength and speed is certainly there. The people that used daggers, which includes the smug guy, range from utterly disappointing to impressive. Smug dude hits the straw-man straight-on, not missing once. Some others fail to even come close.

A small crowd has begun to form, looking at your training. You decide to make this an advantage:
It's try-outs, you motley bunch! Hit the target at this range with a weapon of your choice, and I'll consider keeping you around as my little entourage. If you have some other type of skill, feel free to show it!
This proved to be very effective. Dozens of people actually applied. Most of them boring, however. Some tried to impress you with some basic tricks, such as a handstand. The second one that tried that was quickly pushed over by you, and the withering made it clear you might prefer something more... substantial. After a while, they were really laying it on thick, even bringing you something to sit on as you watched. You rather appreciated it, actually, and you made note of the main ass-kisser here. A small, green guy with some massive ears. A goblin, from the look of things, by the name of Geldstone. He's quick to try and please you, which he succeeds at. Most bandits try their hand at the ranged test, but very little of interest seems to appear. The collection of people trying to impress you, however, is worth it all. You feel a strange sort of satisfaction at seeing them all scurry about trying to beat what the other does. It makes you feel like a queen.
You can CERTAINLY get used to this feeling.

Still, after some time, most of the people have tried their best, and Geldstone delivers you a piece of parchment and an inkfeather ( a small, enchanted feather that holds about just about an entire inkwell inside. They are very inexpensive.) You write down the impressive ones.
Smug Guy is at the top of the list, for a combination of connections and throwing knife accuracy. His name is, as it turns out, Laiko. The following people are new to you and are as follows:
Geldstone: Excellent assistant and asskisser. Small, and non-threatening in combat.
Robbie, Bobbie, Flobbie: Teamwork and Bola-throwing. Also shown to be tricky combatants. They are a team of brothers, so they are inseparable.
Nakir: Massive guy, that cleaved one the wooden training dolls in two in a single strike of his greataxe. Seemed quite stupid, but eager to please.
Rouge: A strange lady dressed in black leather. Extremely agile, but seems very suspicious. Would not give her proper name.
Midas: Twitchy, screamy guy. Extremely fast and accurate, but will never, ever shut up. Was also dressed in what seem to be a jester's rags.
Thorgal: well-built guy, showed off some skill with his longsword. Seemed a bit quiet and potentially aggressive, but mostly just lonely.
Skoom: A dwarf that destroyed a small boulder with his warhammer. Has no tongue, but seemed clever, otherwise.
Harahkilaka: A beastman, looking like a mix between a human and a hare. Jumps good, and has unorthodox weapons. A sai and a long dagger. Strange figure, in general.
Yunikki: Oriental lady, with heavy armor. The only person here to wear a lot of armor. She wielded a longsword, and didn't have much skill with just the weapon. She can still move comfortable
Howard: A duckman. Nothing special, but he was hilarious. although he also gave you a poison-box of his own make, which is a sword-length metal box with a leather cover, allowing you to sting it and poison swords. otherwise, however, he seemed mostly unremarkable.

The crowd has dispersed, and you have a list to ponder. Dinner will need to be taken care of soon, so you've got a choice in what to do next, and also what to make for tonight. If you don't choose the food now, you'll think of something when the time comes...

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« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 03:04:06 pm by Liquefied Spleens »
Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #138 on: December 22, 2016, 06:33:53 pm »

Laiko is obviously going to be very valuable to us, but I am not sure if he will want to stick with us. Midas has potential, and might make a good companion for our prisoner (or at least a good passive torture tool.) let's remember not to confide in him though, since he seems to be the sort who can't keep a secret.

The bolas brothers (hey, it's a good name for them!) should be our sparring partners, since they're clever and good at co-ordinating.
Everyone else is rather bland, though. I suppose Geldstone could be taught to cook and made into a good man/goblinservant
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #139 on: December 22, 2016, 07:01:41 pm »

Dinner should just be well seasoned salmon steak, with a side of potatoes. Bring Geldstone and Howard to the kitchens with us, and have them join in on the cooking. Make enough leftovers to smuggle some out to our new squad

Now for our squad. I think we can use all the notable NPCs mentioned:

The Goons:
Nakir: Fights close by our side when we enter melee combat.
Skoom: Same as Nakir. Have a sit-down with him, hopefully using a shared written language, and see what skills he might have. Dwarves are good at making things ya-know.
Yunikki: Same as Nakir.

The Front Line:
Robbie, Bobbie, Flobbie: Fight defensively and use ranged weapons to hinder and distract foes for us and the Goons to pick off.
Rouge: Same as the brothers.
Midas: Same as the brothers. See if we can get him to talk crap and boast about our merits; If so, we should generally keep him on hand as a sidekick when not in battle.

The Chasers:
Harahkilaka: Watches the flank and moves around the battlefield to pick off fleeing or injured opponents.
Laiko: Same as Harahkilaka, but also our second in command. Privately give him permission to prioritize his own safety in battle.
Thorgal: Same as Harahkilaka, but sticks a bit closer to the frontline to provide them with extra muscle when needed.

The Extras:
Geldstone: Equal in rank to Laiko when not in battle. Works the kitchen with us, procures supplies for the squad, and preforms other non-combat duties for the squad when we can't be bothered. Drills with the front line to keep up appearances, but is not brought into battle.
Howard: Geldstone's designated assistant. When/If our squad is ever operating without the rest of the bandit army, will be brought as a lookout, using duck calls to tip us off to enemy movements and other danger, but otherwise avoids battle. Drills with the front line to keep up appearances.

Spend evening drilling the squad in general discipline, cardio, bola use, and moving in formation.

Make Silk Body Ordiments and jewelry for the squad to set them apart from the rest of camp.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 07:06:16 pm by Weirdsound »

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #140 on: December 23, 2016, 05:55:44 pm »

Training at camp.

Teaching them how to make a proper salmon steak isn't hard, and they still remember how to properly boil potatoes. The only snag is getting them to use the correct amount of spices and lemon. Ultimately, they have a lot of luxury items around, such as the aforementioned spices, but they couldn't really figure them out, for some reason. I suppose, when you raid nothing but rural towns, you're bound to end up with a lot of food. You personally make the food for the lieutenants, mostly to assure you get a proper salmon steak. The cooks seem unsure, but it is't that hard to put a fish on a hot slab. The main difficulty at this point is just getting enough fish.
Geldstone and Howard are there as well. Geldstone proves to be a very capable cook, while Howard is... considerably less so. He hates cooking as a whole, and calls it demeaning to work here. After enough complaints, you just let him go. He'll still be around to help out the squad, of course, but he stubbornly refuses to do menial work. "Let the goblin take care of it". Before leaving, he says that he is a tool-maker and a fighter. While you doubt his combat prowess, it can't be denied his poison-box is quite clever.

Still, you manage to squirrel away some extra steaks for the entire roster you built up, with some difficulty. Eventually, you tell Laiko that he should just bring all of them here so they can grab an early fish. As you are responsible for getting proper food in this camp, none of the cooks complain about it. Like last time, there are few people around, so most people don't see you cook. You finish up early, and most people will get a good meal (at least the ones on this side of the camp. The camp is, on a whole, too large for everyone to proper meals). You sit down with the rest of the lieutenants and Vvulf and eat your meal in silence. Your salmon steak is delicious, and most seem to agree. Nothing of note happens, apart from one of the lieutenants choking on a bit of fish-bone. They manage to dislodge it with a solid slap against the back.
After that adventure of a mealtime, you attempt to find your collection of misfits. It proves easy enough, as they're a recognizable bunch.
They have formed a circle, and Midas is walking on his hands while telling a story of how a fox outsmarted a bear. Most of the crew seems amused enough, and Nakir is giving a belly laugh during the description of the humiliated bear. When you come close enough, they turn to you, looking quite pleased. Midas seems to speak for the group, however even if it is nonsensical.
The spider approaches! Does she bring tears or joy, perhaps both? Haha Heehee...
...Right. You're all part of my crew now, if the fish wasn't clear enough. We need to talk about positions. Geldstone, Laiko, you first.

They come closer to you, Laiko saunters while Geldstone eagerly scurries close. When you tell Laiko he's second in command, he gains a downright devilish grin. You whisper in his ear that, because of his status, he can prioritize his own safety. He merely chuckles at this, clearly that was already planned. Geldstone was positively giddy when he heard that he was second in command out of battle. Whether that's because he doesn't have to fight or his new position of power, you can't really tell. While you're busy with giving ranks, you also tell Howard he is to be Geldstone's assistant. He takes it... poorly. He stomps his feet at this, and yells that he won't be a "back-up moron". He calmed down when you explained that is to be the main scout, but he will not serve as assistant, unless it's to create something. You decide to accept this, for now.

You then move on to your goons. As your second in commands, and Howard, take their seat, Nakir, Skoom and Yunikki stand. They cut an intimidating figure, being very broad and tall(except Skoom, who remains somewhat short.) Nakir is dumb as a rock, and happily stands by your side when you tell the group that they are to remain close. Yunikki scoffs at the notion of being a bodyguard, but will comply. Skoom merely nods. You ask him if he writes Common, to which he nods yes. is wild hair covers his eyes from it, but he flips it back. You tell Geldstone to get you some paper and a way to write, which he quickly delivers. You order Skoom to make a list of his skills, which causes him to make a funny look. He just writes down "hit things with hammer". Evidently, while he isn't stupid, he is a bit of a one-trick pony. Yunikki says she knows how to ride a horse, though you doubt that'll be useful anytime soon. You tell them go sit down with the rest, as Midas begins another story of the fox, and how he outsmarted the lion.

The chasers understand their role easy enough. They're hardly stupid, after all. Thorgal sits down before you give him leave, and begins to sharpen his sword. You don't really mind, as there's little to say other than the tactics. He doesn't look that happy, really.
Midas, Rouge and the Bola Brothers are a hoot to talk to. The brothers talk, act and gesticulate larger than life, exaggerating their motions and speech to a comical degree. They fit together perfectly with Midas, who is still standing on his hands as he speaks to you. He manages to shut up for a while as you talk about their role for weakening the enemy so you and the goons can crush them. Nakir gives a shout of approval as he overhears that. They nod, and agree among each-other. The brother rub their hands and make overly dramatic "sneaky" movements. You take Midas away and ask if he could sing your praises a bit around camp. He... doesn't seem to answer your question. He just says "I shall not weave the spider's web, but I can be her perfume". You just shrug and tell them to get ready for some training.

The formation is easy enough, and they figure it out easily enough. You rush through the camp, to see if they can keep up and stay in formation. The formation proves to be no trouble, but the problem lies in that you're just too damn fast for most of them. The only one who can keep up properly is Midas, Rouge and Harahkilaka, while you leave almost everyone else in the dust. Spiders move really fast for their size, after all. After you slow yourself down a little, the going is better. Midas changes his position far too often, but he keeps his distances well enough. You order him to stay as it is, to cover more ground as a group. Eventually, things prove to go... well enough. Still, you'll have to see how well it remains in an actual combat situation. When you return to an open space, some people are winded enough to fall to the ground. Most are up and about soon enough, however. You tell them to just spar a little with the bolas you made while you get to work with Geldstone to figure out some jewelry. As you hear people around you hitting the ground or groaning in frustration, you eventually manage to make a collection of things. As you and Geldstone are quite adept weavers, you can figure out how to make some simple garments to the satisfaction of your new accomplices. The white, reflective color makes them very easy to see, and most of the people here take a liking to their look. They each find a way to make their bit of silk their own. Nakir, for example, uses it as a sort of wide necklace, to keep his shoulders warm while Thorgal uses it as a wrap around the handle of his sword and a bit around his bicep. Yunikki makes a headband, and Skoom uses it as a belt. They're all quite original in the end, and your motley crew looks quite a bit more like... well, a group at the end of it. You feel a sense of pride when you look upon them.
Your minions. And no-one else's.

Night falls, and the group disbands to their tents. Most leave happy, but they haven't socialized much in the wake of Midas' stories and theatrics. That will have to change as time goes on. You can go to sleep now, and plan what to do tomorrow, or you can use the cover of night to do... something.

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« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 03:04:31 pm by Liquefied Spleens »
Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #141 on: December 24, 2016, 07:09:41 pm »

Let us rest for now. we can do what we need to in the morning.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #142 on: December 24, 2016, 07:22:52 pm »

Let us rest for now. we can do what we need to in the morning.



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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #143 on: December 24, 2016, 09:00:50 pm »

Let us rest for now. we can do what we need to in the morning.


We've invested a lot of trust into a lot of... interesting people. Methinks we should be on our toes for a bit until we see how all these foreign elements interact with each other. Let's sleep softly and get up a few times in the night to make a tour around the camp and see what's going on.

We could also tie strings connected to where we sleep so we know if someone tries to approach us in a moment's notice. Perhaps a good habit to get into. Someone might be able to get past it but we'd be safer than without.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 09:06:28 pm by roseheart »

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #144 on: December 25, 2016, 02:44:48 pm »

The Cripple

You decide that,while you will rest and do what you need to do in the morning, a few nightly walks shouldn't hurt. You climb inside your hammock, and just nap. You try to avoid a deep sleep, but you feel relaxed either way. After a few hours of drifting between the real world and that of the mind, you get up to begin skulking around camp. Karliah is sleeping soundly on her furs, and you try not to wake her. as you peek your head outside your tent, you consider putting up strings to make it clear when somebody tries to sneak up on you. You put some strings on your mat and to the closest surroundings of the tent. It's no guarantee anybody will even step on it, but the security is something extra. Peace of mind is such a costly thing...

As you begin walking, it becomes clear that the camp is far from lifeless at night. A different type of bandit is more common, the skulkers, schemers and cutthroats. Mostly the smaller ones. One thing of note is that the goblin population is much, much larger at night, along with half-lings and similar small races. Mostly, however, they do the same thing as any bandit would during the day. Talk, walk, steal and fight. Mostly, the foodchain is a lot lower, for the most part.
"Most part" being the key word here. You come across an open area with a large group of people training. They seem a motley crew, but they all seem much more skilled than the average bandits. in the middle of it all, you see a woman in a wheelchair. She bears the markings, signifying her as a lieutenant, but there are far more markings on her. The extra markings don't seem to be pain, but more like some glowing things under the skin. You watch from behind the tent, carefully watching the movements of the whole group. The build-up is similar to your, except there are no assistants and a few more people you'd list as "goons". One of them looks to be a half-giant, based on his size. He would dwarf anybody, even Nakir! His club, made out of a boulder and what must be a tree, is nothing to be scoffed at either. A solid 3 meters or more, by your estimation.

Suddenly, the woman in the wheelchair yells out: Come closer, drider! I mean you as much harm as you would! Her voice sounds hoarse, and forced, but it has a strength to it. You freeze up, and consider just fleeing, but eventually, you decide to check it out. Whatever she has to say MUST be interesting. You saunter over to her, slowly. Most of the men keep on training without even turning to look at you. The smallest one of the bunch does turn to you. His eyes widen and his mouth falls open. You see him mouth a "wow" before shaking his head and continuing his training.
Now that you're closer, you see that the wheelchair-bound woman looks...  fragile. As if the life was sucked right out of her. She looks elderly, but her face looks too well preserved for it to be natural. Also of note is that she wears a strange blindfold with a floral pattern. She must be completely blind
A striking figure I strike, no? Ah, but I suppose we share strange bodies. Let me ask: Why are you skulking around camp and spying on a broken woman and the nurses?
I... I was curious to see if anything was happening around camp.
A half-truth, if I ever heard one. And I have. You fear something, I'd wager... This is the first time you walked around at night, and you still stink of a home and happiness. I suppose you made your own motley crew of fools?
You take a small step back and look at her questioningly. How does this woman know so much already?!
Have you been spying on me?
A whispery croak emanates from her throat. After a little while, you realize that she was laughing.
Got it right the first time, then?! Hah... No, girl. I may not see your world anymore, but I can see much more. For instance, I can taste you when you stand so close. You are quite sweet, I must say, very enjoyable. Not to mention, your magical potential is... refreshing. I can feel the mana churning through your body... It's a crime nobody taught you anything.
She suddenly turns, faster than anything in a wheelchair has a right to. You grabs your arm with a vice-like grip. You give a yelp, and attempt to pull it away as you feel a strange burning sensation. You eventually manage to pull away, but the burning remains. She actually left a mark in your flesh!

Let that be the first lesson. Nothing comes easy, and everything will hurt. You will know what to do in time... Return to me if you wish for another lesson. You have other things to do now, I'd wager. Leave the crazy woman be...
What did you do!?
I awakened something in you, Sydney. Time will tell what that would be. Now leave, or I'll let Sven escort you away.
But i-
A massive hand suddenly grabs your torso and the underside of your spider abdomen as the half-giant pick you up like a baby. He lifts you in the air and unceremoniously drops you a few meters away from the training ground. The half-giant doesn't look particularly bothered by his job, and he even gives a strangely kind smile to you as he waves you off. You feel insulted, but you know better than to bother a small army on your own. You wander back to your tent, trying to ignore the spreading burning of where she burnt you. When you reach the tent, it's just about gone. You decide to take another nap for now. It's a bit harder to find sleep, but you eventually manage. A strange dream seems to spook through your head, but by the time you wake up you forget it too quickly to make sense of it.

You take another walk through camp, and find nothing of interest. After about half an hour of wandering and finding absolutely nothing except for the runts among bandits and one corpse(looted to the point of nudity). You are about to run back when you see another lieutenant in front of you. He is painted unusually, with his left side being blue and the other green. When he spots you, he SPRINTS towards you, screaming! You barely have the time to raise your arms to defend yourself as he grapples you in a bear-hug! You struggle to get free as he... Just kind of hugs you tightly. It doesn't hurt much, but his nails scratch your bare shoulders. You struggle a bit more, but he does not let up.
When he licks the side of your neck, you finally manage to a fist in his stomach. He falls backwards, to his knees. Your use your body to rush him down and keep him down with your legs. He hasn't stopped smiling in what looks like ecstasy. He begins to speak:
I have found you once more, My queen, my lover, my godess! You promised your return and here it is!
You keep three legs squeezed down on him, preventing him from getting up. You shout at him:
What the hell are you talking about! I never even saw you before, you disgusting little worm.
B-but we have, my queen! Twenty years ago, in the caves! You must remember. His voice begins to sound strained. The leg on his throat may have something to do with that.
I'm sixteen years old. So how about you rethink your little adoration here, buckaroo.
You squeeze him a little harder, but his struggles have ceased by now. He looks confused and hurt, now.

But... You look so much like her. I *glck* I worshipped her, I killed for her! Please, Godess, st-*Cough*stop this joke, it has been too long! My queen, my Myrcella!
You press down even harder as you spit out the following words:My. Name. Is. Syney.
Whatever light there was in his eyes seemed to suddenly extinguish. He shakes his head and closes his eyes as he begins to cry. The tears roll across his face and he croaks out a choked yell. Then, he calms down entirely, and grabs the leg pressing down on his throat. He slowly manages to get you to release it, but you can keep it in place without much more effort.
He surprises by calmly asking you: P-please let me go... I made a mistake. You looks so much like her and I was looking so long...
So you can assault me again!?
Years of worship leave their traces! I... I turn into someone else when I fall into my frenzies. Whatever I did, I apologize!
Panic creeps into his voice as your legs begins to inch close to his throat.
What should you do with this wretch?

Let him go
You took him down once, you can do it again if he tries anything.You want some information out of him.
Try to tie him up.
It will take a lot of effort to do so, but you can attempt to tie him up with your silk. You aren't really built to cocoon anything like a normal spider, however, so it could prove nearly impossible...
Choke him out
Just a bit more force, and you can choke him to unconsciousness. It wont last longer than a few seconds, but you can get away in the meantime.

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Merry Christmas, everybody!
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 03:04:47 pm by Liquefied Spleens »
Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #145 on: December 25, 2016, 03:15:25 pm »

He tecnicaly attacked us, right? And Vvulf said it was ok to kill someone if we are attacked, right? And we're eventually planning to escape, riiiiiiight?(?) Soooo... KILL HIM!
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #146 on: December 25, 2016, 04:08:50 pm »

He tecnicaly attacked us, right? And Vvulf said it was ok to kill someone if we are attacked, right? And we're eventually planning to escape, riiiiiiight?(?) Soooo... KILL HIM!
-1, this man is just remembering a old loved one of sorts. Instead, let's take him back to our tent and listen to his story. Not nessesarily letting him go, but not beating him up/shaming/directly restraining him.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #147 on: December 25, 2016, 06:30:13 pm »

Choke him out, then put our sword to his throat. Demand/extort compensation for his actions.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #148 on: December 25, 2016, 06:43:57 pm »

He tecnicaly attacked us, right? And Vvulf said it was ok to kill someone if we are attacked, right? And we're eventually planning to escape, riiiiiiight?(?) Soooo... KILL HIM!
-1, this man is just remembering a old loved one of sorts. Instead, let's take him back to our tent and listen to his story. Not nessesarily letting him go, but not beating him up/shaming/directly restraining him.
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #149 on: December 26, 2016, 01:44:52 am »

He tecnicaly attacked us, right? And Vvulf said it was ok to kill someone if we are attacked, right? And we're eventually planning to escape, riiiiiiight?(?) Soooo... KILL HIM!
-1, this man is just remembering a old loved one of sorts. Instead, let's take him back to our tent and listen to his story. Not nessesarily letting him go, but not beating him up/shaming/directly restraining him.

We arn't going to kill our dad.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2016, 01:47:35 am by roseheart »
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