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Author Topic: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure (Ended)  (Read 184892 times)

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #45 on: December 14, 2016, 04:06:21 pm »

Town In Chaos

You grab your bolas, and climb out the window. Seeing how in all the years of evolution, man never evolved the reaction to look up, he doesn't notice you crawling across the wall to his side. There is about ten meters between you when you call out to him.
Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!?
He jumps in surprise, and turns to you. There is a pregnant pause before he charges towards you, brandishing his torch and unsheathing his sword while he runs. You throw your bolas at his feet, tripping him. The torch bounces out of his grasp and lands before you. You decide to pick it up before it burns anything. You look at your opponent. he doesn't seem to be moving. As you move closer to investigate, you notice a pool of blood soaking the soil. The idiot managed to fall on his own sword.
That's going to be hard to explain to the guard. You kick his body over to get a better look. Yep. Right through his heart. He died just about instantly.

Then the door to the inn slams open, and your father comes out, fully dressed and wielding his hook. He looks around wildly, ready to strike. He actually rears his hand back to throw before he recognizes you.
Sidney?! What are you doing outside!? Didn't you hear the guy trying to smash our door in?
Look at the ground, dad.
...oh. Alright. Good job. Now get dressed! He wasn't the only one...
You look towards the town. There are many figures running around there. You didn't notice because the inn is quite a distance from the town itself but you hear faint screams and the clashing of steel on steel. you skitter upstairs in all hastes, putting the torch in an empty sconce on the way.. You put on some basic protection over your elbows and front knees, and a tough leather apron. You then grab your sword and attach your shield to your right arm. You take a deep breath and go back outside.

Just in time, as two other men with green caps have appeared. They nod to each-other and spread out, one coming from the left, and the other from the right. You wait and see, keeping your back(well, abdomen) to your father. Your father pulls out his hatchet. The man on your side charges forward with his sword in the air. You block with your shield, and stab him in the belly. You pull it out with little difficulty, as he falls to the ground. You quickly turn around to see your father drop to his knees to slam his hook into the thigh of his attacker as he parries with his axe. The green capped man scream in pain, and you make use of his distraction to poke the point of your blade in his throat. He drops his sword, grabbing at the wounded area. Your father finishes it off with a quick hack to the skull.
Look at the caps. This is a bandit raid.... Come on! We have to protect the town.
You and your father rush to the town. You're scared sick for your friends. Tommen and the guards are the only ones with combat experience, so these bandits are very bad news indeed. 


When you arrive, you see the first building catch fire from a thrown torch. The town guard is corralling the people as best they can to the town hall, the only defendable building in town. You see Reynauld and Dismas holding of a collection of bandits with ease. Reynauld's armor provides very helpful as the thunder of Dismas' pistol echoes across the battlefield. You leave them be as you help the guards in keeping the townspeople to safety. Your father stays close to you, to help defend. Most of these bandits are hardly trained, and there are no archers for the moment. The first contender steps forward, wielding a shield and axe. He slowly steps towards you with his shield raised, in reponce, you raise your own shield and dare him to come closer by clattering your weapon on your shield. you attempt to block his axe as he rushes forward, but he surprises you and instead hits your side with his shield. You spider body keeps you balanced however, and you counter with your sword to his arm. He makes a clumsy swing with his wounded arm, allowing you to catch it with your shield. The blade gets stuck, and you chop at his neck, killing him. As your pull the sword from his body, you hear a cry behind you. Another bandit was trying to sneak up on your, but your father threw his hook, nabbing him by the arm. As he is twisted from the pull, you slice him open. You someone shout to get around you, as they started considering you a high-priority target. You father stands by you, and roars in anger.

Four men come to you at once, with a varied collection of weaponry. they form a defensive position, as two men stand in front with shields, while the two with longer weaponry get ready to hit you. They didn't account for you father's hook, however, and he manages to hit a backliner in the head with the blunt end. As the man stumbles back, he suddenly crumples to the ground as another of Dismas's thundering shots echo through the battlefield. Reynauld charges in the thick of the formation, shattering it. You make use of the distraction and shank the one that fell on the floor, using your surprising speed. Reynauld does a two-handed cut with his longsword, outright dismembering the other backliner. He clutches the stump of his arm as he falls to the ground. The remaining frontlines, with his shield, screams in fear and attempts to run. His head outright explodes as Dismas fires another shot.
He sardonically states it's a pity that he missed the man's eyes. The rest of the battle is quickly won. the town guard's experience wins out easily against the small number's advantage of the bandits. There is only one casualty on your side, a guard is laying in the ground with a knife embedded in his leg. Tommen is carrying him towards the last clump of civilians that are trying to enter. The town's smith takes the guard with him, doubtlessly to take him to mister Ambrosius.

All the people are inside the Town hall after the skirmish, without any loss of life. The guards call out to the mercenaries, and they form a circle around the town hall. The local captain stands atop the stairway into the town hall itself, giving him the best possible view. This gives you to idea to climb the walls and get a look at what you're dealing with yourself. You had to get an idea of what's going on.
When you reach the roof, you see everything is far worse than you feared. A whole ARMY of people stands outside your village. There's no possible way that you could hold out against this...

You report this to the captain, who swears loudly and yells that the town needs to be evacuated. He was in the middle of explaining that people were going to have to stay behind to hold them off until...

The house closest to the town hall violently explodes, sending pieces of rubble flying towards the guards and you. You feel something hit your shoulder as a massive figure steps out of the smoke and debris. An elder giant of a man, wielding a massive shield and a collection of bombs steps forward. He wears a wolf's pelt over his massive shoulders, and is holding a bomb in his right hand. dozens of figures come out of the house behind him, and around you the army you saw in the distance has come in at full force! In just a few seconds, you are completely surrounded. You feel a deep, sinking panic as you look around you.
There's no way out.

A deep, rumbling voice emanates from the giant man.
You fought well! Most of the other places gave up without a fight, but this town? Hah! I actually had to step in to keep this motley crew! He gives an intimidating laugh as he looks at the defenders of the village. You notice that his eyes lock on YOU.
Aha! I see that the girl my newest man told me about is still alive! I believe you tried to sting him, two years back. He's one to keep grudges, you know! another rumbling laugh echoes through the town. There is no sound other than this man.
Spider! Step forward! I'm going to cut this town a deal! They get to leave, but only if my new guy gets to have a little fun with you. A one-on-one duel. Right here, right now. If you win, you're free to go as well!
You see a man step forward. It's the same little puke that stabbed you two years ago. You had nearly forgotten him by now, but seeing him again makes your blood boil.

Impress me! If you do, I'll make you lieutenant, boy. Show me you have some style!
He shakes his shield, and some of the bones attached to the shield rattle around. He clearly means to make good on his threat.
You can save everybody if you just fight this one guy. But of course, sacrifice doesn't sound so fun...
The rest of people around you shuffle awkwardly. They seem intent on making you choose. Your father looks terrified.
What do you do? (Note, If you're going to fight, escape or something else, remember to explain how. Add a strategy.

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I'll have to get better at these action moments, but I think I'll get the hang of it later on.
I'd also be interested to know if you like the idea of me adding music for some of the larger events.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 02:50:06 pm by Liquefied Spleens »
Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #46 on: December 14, 2016, 04:18:29 pm »

Fight him using every single thing we can possibly use against him, stinger, sword, shield, maybe a kick to the dick, just do whatever the hell it takes to KILL THAT PERVERT, AND SAVE THE TOWN!!
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #47 on: December 14, 2016, 04:26:22 pm »

Well, I vote that we fight him, but we should, of course, be careful about it. Someone else can come up with strategy, I'm no good at it.

As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!

Dustan Hache

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #48 on: December 14, 2016, 04:58:48 pm »

accept Vvulf's wager and duel this bastard!
Lets test our foe with a couple of probing strikes, see how he will react before we press our attack. Maybe we can bait him into overextending
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 05:34:31 pm by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #49 on: December 14, 2016, 08:28:00 pm »

First turn to the guard captain and whisper. "If I'm going to do this, a better sword might help. Would you or one of your men care to lend me some proper steel?"

Lets try to impress/frighten the bandits, even if it means scaring the townsfolk a bit. "Fight him? That is your big scary ultimatum? I should be thanking you for feeding this shithead to me! I've been dreaming about this moment for two years!"

Accept the challenge. If we win, proceed to eat the pervert in front of everybody to scare or impress the rest of the bandits.
Strategy: Open with a bola shot; If we knock him down, go right in for the kill. Failing that, Lure him over to a wall, or something else you can climb on for a height advantage. Stay out of reach, and jab with your sword and stinger.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 08:33:22 pm by Weirdsound »


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #50 on: December 15, 2016, 11:40:31 am »

((What weapons does the other guy have?))


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #51 on: December 15, 2016, 02:59:18 pm »

Well he had a sword two years ago.

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #52 on: December 15, 2016, 03:11:04 pm »

Two enter, one leaves

You nudge the closest guard as you drop your sword. He quickly understands, and hands his sword over to you. The guard is a little bigger, and it's made of proper steel. This will do nicely. The other guy steps forward as well, wordlessly. He's heavily armoured now, and wields a single long-sword. His off hand is empty, and he stands towards you with his body twisted a little to the side. His bucket helm makes it impossible to see his expression, but you get an intense feeling of hostility. His armour has a human jaw attached to the shoulder, disgustingly. He seems for more repugnant now than he did two years ago. You decide that you need to get intimidating as well. You stretch yourself a little, giving you quite a bit of height, and yell: Fight him!? That is your big scary ultimatum!? I should thank you for feeding this bastard to me! I've been dreaming of this moment for two years!

The bandit leader laughs and nudges his closest minion. He's the only one laughing, however. Most seem more disgusted and wary. Your opponent's expression is unreadable behind his full helmet, but he steps forward, intent on beginning the fight. The leader shouts at the townsfolk to leave, and they go inside the town hall. You heard of the escape tunnel before. Everybody leaves, and the captain gives you a nod of respect. Your father refuses to leave. Wordlessly, he sits down on the stairs, with his hands in his hair. He looks ready to break. You cannot afford to lose this battle. The bandit horde closes in, encircling you. You are left with about ten square meters. The bandits chant: NEW MEAT! NEW MEAT! NEW MEAT! NEW MEAT!. You circle around each-other, with five meters between you. You are awaiting him, and he is awaiting you. A dance of death.
Now we see who knows the steps.

He is the first to break the stalemate, holding his sword diagonally to defend himself, he rushes towards you. You throw a bola to him, getting ready to finish this as fast as possible. The rope flies towards his legs and he attempts to jump over. Your throw is absolutely perfect however, and you still manage to snag his foot. It twists around, and the weight crashes into his ankle. As he stumbles, you attempt to go in for the kill. You try an overhead strike, but he parries it with his sword, badly. You manage to chip the blade, and jump back to avoid his counterattack. He cuts your bola apart to free himself, and goes back to his defensive position. You see that he has a minor limp now, but not enough to slow him down to a noticeable level. you flash a smile at this either way.
He didn't like that. His body tenses, and he bellows a war cry as he charges again. You back away a little, and sidestep(more accurately, sidejump, due to your size) his clumsy charge. He makes a wild slash to his side, however, preventing you from striking at him. He rushes forward again, this time with the point of his sword towards you. You raise your shield and attempt to block the attack. He must have expected this, however, as he bends his sword downwards just enough to slide past your shield and hit one of your front legs. You yelp in pain as you smash him away with a shield bash. His armor allows him to stand his ground, but he does flinch, allowing you to back up.

Now we're equal, aren't we? Your opponent mockingly yells.
You mockingly shake your seven other legs. Your wound hardly matters, as it wasn't even deep. You give him a rude gesture, and attempt a backhanded slice. You miss, but follow up with a tackle. This knocks him off balance, and you attempt to use your stinger. He rolls away, and manages to cut your arm during the roll. Another superficial hit, but still....
The bandit leader laughs. Your opponent twists around in surprise, allowing you make another rush and strike at his head. You hit.
His helm flies off, revealing his face. Without the helmet or cap, you can see his face clearly, for the first time. It is covered in sweat, and he has the scraggly beard of a man who will never grow a proper one. It looks silly, honestly, even with his scowl. Still, you can't lose focus. You ready yourself again as he charges again with an overhead strike. You raise your shield to block, but he stops his attack! He uses his other hand to punch you in the stomach. The blow winds you, and you stumble back. He laughs as he tries to follow through on his strike. Your spider body gives you much better balance, however, and you manage to dodge his strike as you try to catch your breath. After this, you both trade blows, neither of you gaining any advantage. His parries remain poor, and by the end of it, his sword is chipped in many places. But the fatigue of battle quickly enters, and the earlier punch takes his toll on your stamina.

You clutch your side, hang low and take several deep breaths. The bastard smirks at this. Thinking himself won, he charges again with his sword in front, intent on finishing you off.
As you expected.

You quickly drop your free hand into the ground, and grab a handful of dirt and sand. You throw it at his face, and manage to blind him. You stand on your hind legs, and use his momentum to spear him with your stinger. It just barely manages to pierce his chestplate, and you pump in a good amount of poison. He screams in pain, and drops his sword as he clutches his chest. He coughs, and begins to crawl away from you, towards the bandit chief. You see nothing but scorn from the leader as he crawls.
He is weak

He is scared.


You walk over his body, and sting him straight on the neck. He gurgles out another cry, but he rapidly loses consciousness from shock. You take him by the shoulders, and take a massive bite where you stung him. The stung flesh gives way to your jaws, and you rip out a massive piece of gore, which you eat and swallow. The warm blood is one of the most satisfying things you ever felt. You dumb his body on the ground, as you laugh in an almost hysterical manner.
You stomp on his body, making it twitch as you screech in victory. An inhuman sound emanates from you, a primal noise that makes all but the bandit chief flinch in fear.
Including your father. When it ends, you sit there, wounded, tired and more alive than you ever were.

Level up.

HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! The leader laughs loud enough to quiet down everything around you.
A good fight! A fine fight indeed! You are free to go!
The bandits around you make a tunnel towards the open road. Your father wordlessly stands in the middle of it, looking worried. There is a pleading look in his eye.
But! I have a proposition! Anything that can fight so ferociously, deserves a place by my side... As my lieutenant, you will see riches beyond your wildest dreams, and unmatched power! You can be an apostle of the Red Moon, along with me!
You turn to him, feeling the rush of victory wearing off. The leader in front of you took every thing you ever had, and now he wishes for you to join him?! You turn to your father, who reaches his hand out to you, wordlessly asking you to join him.

What now?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Bestiary of the fantastical: Addendum on driders
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

In order to properly level, you will have to rest somewhere first.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 02:50:35 pm by Liquefied Spleens »
Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #53 on: December 15, 2016, 03:17:24 pm »

"You know what I think, Mr Evil Bandit Leader? Fuck you." Go with Father. Make sure the name sounds as sarcastic as possible.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2016, 03:21:07 pm by TankKit »
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #54 on: December 15, 2016, 03:57:38 pm »

"You know what I think, Mr Evil Bandit Leader? Fuck you." Go with Father. Make sure the name sounds as sarcastic as possible.
I'd rather not piss him off. Don't think we could fight him.
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!

Dustan Hache

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #55 on: December 15, 2016, 04:05:27 pm »

"sounds enticing, but I don't trust you or your men to stop raiding My home. You want me to come along, then you're going to have to leave this place be as long as I live."
lets see if we can strike a deal with Vvulf. He leave our father and the hamlet alone, and we become his lieutenant.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #56 on: December 15, 2016, 04:06:42 pm »

"I will gladly accept this opportunity. I request only the honor of recieving guidance from your esteemed self."

((Might as well take the opportunity, this will help broaden our horizons, and make us stronger in the long term. Also, I bet we can learn a thing or two from this dude.))


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #57 on: December 15, 2016, 04:10:45 pm »

Am I the only one who would feel really bad leaving the character's father? He has been with our character for 16(?) years, we can't just dump him!
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #58 on: December 15, 2016, 04:13:03 pm »

"Sorry, but no"
« Last Edit: December 15, 2016, 04:22:56 pm by endlessblaze »
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #59 on: December 15, 2016, 04:24:52 pm »

"sounds enticing, but I don't trust you or your men to stop raiding My home. You want me to come along, then you're going to have to leave this place be as long as I live."
lets see if we can strike a deal with Vvulf. He leave our father and the hamlet alone, and we become his lieutenant.

+1: If you can't get him to agree to protect the whole town, at least see if you can get him to spare the homes and the inn.
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