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Author Topic: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - River Monsters☼  (Read 10762 times)


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☼Materketang - Paintedskin - River Monsters☼
« on: November 13, 2016, 08:21:41 pm »

-=+Welcome to Paintedskin+=-
=+=+=A Human Fortress/City Story Fort=+=+=

War is all we know.
It is our doom, our curse.
We must fight the elf because he denies us wood,
a critical resource to menfolk
that we may build our homes,
heat our food,
make paper upon which to pass knowledge to far-flung ages,
and craft our guns and lances. Our people however, are a dying one.

The gods have made their will clear,
and we shall flee as far as our beasts may carry us
and our supplies and tool permit.
The gods willing, you shall all find absolution,
and safety,
in our ranks,
should you find us.

Look to the joining of rivers,
and upon that place,
you shall find salvation
in the sea and river.

- Voice of the Waters, Prophet of Amsir and her husband-Clam - A note found nailed to the temple in


Hello! Today we have a special treat boys and girls: Masterwork! Specifically, the menfolk of The Kingdom of Filling, currently fighting a losing war against The Cobra of Comedy, an elven civ. The humans will not be played even remotely right. Mainly because I dunno what sorts of shit we'll have, and because fuck you, that's why. This isn't a tutorial. THis is Paintedskin. And no, I didn't pick the name, I actually forgot to.

Our merry band is composed...
The Prophet, A barely trained medic and writer, (Male)
Pilgrim A, a miner and engineer, (Male)
Pilgrim B, a woodworker and axeman should the need arise, (Male)
Brace, Captain of a recently mangled Mercenary Company, uses a zweihander, (Female)
Mercenary A, the only other survivor of the same company, uses axe and shield, (Female)
A random bard who was robbed of his instruments by bandits, (Male)
And a Journeyman Smith who came home to her homeland being destroyed. (Female)

We have come to a crossing of rivers, where we'll be building us a keep in hostile territory, partially due to us not knowing where we actually are (if you aren't the prophet and his followers anyway,) and partially as a giant middle finger to the enemy. We do have the good fortune of having an elephant with us. Sort of. Hopefully we'll get to make use of it.

Lets get down to business, shall we?

Earth Strikes Back! + Secrets. Maybe we'll get lucky.
Fear the Night Secrets.
DDD Animals.
More Leather.
Silk Eggs.
Standardized everything (sans meat, of course.)
Decaying food.
Mythical Monsters.
Odin's Ride (AKA The Wild Hunt)
Deep Cult (may not matter for us.)
Wizard's Tower.

First up, per the usual, is where we embarked. Right at a junction of three rivers forming into a small lake and feeding into an eastward flow.

Second up, supplies! The aforementioned elephant happened to be our embark animal, along with a mule, so lucky us. Usually I get horses. Supplies are very painfully limited right now. Hopefully we can fix that quickly. The river will provide the water we need once the initial little bit of rice beer runs out. I think we have access to dwarf animals because of our civ's proximity to a mountain chain.

With all this out of the way, let's consider this a humanized Riverrun. Now, with all this out of the way, let us begin with the Journal of Brace!


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2016, 08:25:36 pm »

Humans (includes human mercs): 74
Dwarves: 4
Elves: 0
Other: 1
Total: 71

CLAIMED (Bay12ers)
Brace, Militia Commander (Sword) - Splint
Meph, Tavern Keeper - Meph
Jumping Jack, Chief Architect - JumpingJack
Nebuchadnezzar, Prophet of the Waters - IlFedaykin
Lighter, Cleric/City Watch Commander - WhiteLighter

Mia, Militia Corporal (axe)
Marco, Bard/Carpenter
Arcadia, Knight


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2016, 08:27:22 pm »

!!Community Contributions!!

The Crimson Book, Excerpt 1
The Crimson Book, Excerpt 2


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2016, 08:30:26 pm »

!!XXThe Honored DeadXX!!
Current Bodycount: 16
Casualties will be color-coded as follows, and covers mercenaries, residents, Visitors, and caravaneers
Combat/Accidental (animals, invaders, accidents)
Old Age

Ito Culttribute, Visiting Bard/Noblewoman, Drowned
Lurit Matchivory, Farmer, Drowned
Pan Budonaquuv, Visiting Poet, Drowned
Tun Vutokmuthkat, Visiting Dwarf Bard, Slain by the Giant Cougar Gorgeriddle
Stipouth Besoustra, Visiting Bard, Slain by the Giant Cougar Gorgeriddle
Birod Hopefulfuture, Amsirite Miner, Slain by the Giant Cave Spider Playedangel
Cegad Urdeatem, Engraver/Mason, Vampire Victim
Muthkat Biseklolok, Visiting Dwarf Bard, Drowned
Ezum Fikodoslan Visiting Dwarf Bard, Drowned
Obler Gasomnastrip, Craftsman, Vampire Victim
Usmik Akulozo, Peasant Child, Vampire Victim
Eman Asmioshok, Legendary Fisherman, Drowned
Kem Miloidem, Spearman, Vampire Victim
Rilstud Zoptokri, Amsirite Planter, Beaten to death by Zombie Marco
Marco Otngueti, Town Chef/Bard, Zombified/Driven mad by Ancient Carp, Struck down by Arcadia
Lighter Lulthalmef, Watch Commander, Zombified/Driven mad by Ancient Carp, Struck down by Utsesh the Pikeman


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2016, 08:32:06 pm »

28th Obsidian, 227

Been two weeks since the battle, and my last entry. My boys and girls did their damndest, but I have never seen so many maned wolves in my life. Got overrun, lost my hunting knife, breastplate was in ruin, helm too dented to really use anymore. Only thing I still had was my sword. Well, my sword and Mia. Good girl at heart, probably a little too gentle for soldiering, but she survived in the thick of it where I saw more veteran men and women die, so I'm glad to have her with me.

3rd Granite, 228

I have never seen such a thing in my life. We met five people roaming the woods in a wagon drawn by a godsdamned elephant. Well, four of them were. This nutter wearing a doctor's robe was spouting some sort of nonsense about a clam and someone named Amsir until he spotted Mia and I. Asked if we were "Shieldmaidens sent by Amsir," or something, and I just told him we were some sellswords who needed a new  employer. Chucked a bag of gold coins at me, said he didn't have any need for it, and asked if it would do for payment.

I split it with Mia, and we're rolling out tomorrow morning. They even gave us some simple armor to replace the junk gear we were using.

14th Granite, 228

It's been a fair week or two, and we've hit a snag. We were travelling north, and hit a damned river junction. Stream's too deep to ford, massive lack laden with tribals and carp, and worse. That lunatic said that the clam and Amsir have "made their will clear,"  and he told the others to start knocking down trees and shit. Can't say I'm against the tree felling stuff, though.

But there's something wrong about this place. The bare patches of ground? Glassy. Like someone dumped a giant bucketful of magma all over the place.

And there's all sorts of freakishness abound, along with a fucking dragon in the river, or something. Saw some croc-headed tribal get ripped to shreds when it went for a drink.

15th Granite, 228

We can't wait for it to come to us. The prophet asked us to deal with the damned dragon, but it's because of it wandering closer and closer to the cattle. MIa was... Eager, I guess. Sometimes gentle souls feel a need to prove they can fight as hard as any grizzled old veteran. She charged forward even when i told her to wait for me to get my sword, and by the time I had even got near, she was already fighting that thing.

When I caught up though? I didn't do the little dance of dodging and blocking. I jabbed the fucker right in the top of its head.

Five minutes of us both hacking, slashing, and for me, stabbing the damned beast felt more like five hours, but ultimately? We won, and without a scratch.

The Prophet said he'd "offer the beast up to the gods and bless the meat," something about "not being afraid to bloody his hands with beastflesh" or some nonsense. All the same, Mia and I got a ration of what little rice beer we have out of it.

18th Granite, 228

A tick...Woman? I think? Tried slipping into camp. It didn't go over well for it. Also had to run off some asps that picked a fight with one of the dogs. And that holy man is... Pretty strong, actually. Mia woke me up asking what a dragging sound outside the wagon was (poor girl's absolutely terrified of dusk and dawn cause of the battle, so she refused to stick her head out,) and found him getting the thing to where he could take what I think was a crude butcher's knife to it.

27th Granite, 228

We've spent I dunno, a week or so running some two-man drills and the like. Groundwork of a tavern's been made, the digger has hit stone and says there's some kind of glassy rock down below. The resident loon stated quite enthusiastically that "the castle of glass" will become a reality and the gods have favored us. I dunno about that, but that glass rock would make for a pretty impressive keep.

We've also had another tribal fuck try to pull something. Added another notch to my belt.

7th Slate, 228

I wonder how the dwarves' calendar ended up the standard? Were they some super powerful united empire in the past or something? Would've hated to see a thousands strong shieldwall of dwarves coming for me, if that was the case.

9th Slate, 228

We're doing pretty well as far as training goes. Mia's gotten a better handle on using her shield, well enough that I think she's pretty competent at using it.
The others kept themselves busy building the bottom floor of an alehouse, and even built a depot and some meager goods to sell. Everyone else seems convinced a few caravans may pass through the area and they want to let others know we're here.

But I have to ask, are they nuts? Letting other kingdoms know we're here means the elves will catch wind of us before long, if the trees haven't already.

21st Slate, 228

We've gone off "active duty" as they say to help out around the place, since the giant roaches that have been flying around for the better part of two months and tribals are mostly gone. I've been gathering plants and Mia decided to try her hand at farming. After all, Marco picked up woodworking pretty well for a bard, so why can't a soldier turn her axe into a plowshare, in a manner of speaking.

28th Slate, 228

Have had a pretty good week of gathering. Sweet Galena, corn, cotton, yams... Good stuff, I think.

Felsite, 228

Nothing much happened over the course of the month, beyond the groundwork for a smithy being built, and mining being expanded slightly, mainly to get more stone for building civvie buildings. We also found a pretty nice gray stone that I think would be good to build a proper barracks from, that if we ever get large enough, we can give to the town watch when we move into the keep.

2nd Hematite, 228

Saw a caravan pass through, and oddly enough they were lead by an uruk, or so he says. Can see smoke from campfires that say traders or robbers regardless. I talked to him, asked why a plainsorc was leading a caravan instead of a warband, and I was surprised by his lack of an accent. Said that "some of us would like to live to enjoy any wealth they gain. Other uruks? They don't get that." Gotta say, an orc with brains is a rare thing indeed. Says he admires humans. Good fighters when we need to be, and good traders. Although he agreed with me that firearms? Not really either of our cups of rice beer.

Oh, and we found what I'm pretty sure is copper. It isn't much, but copper mail and leather is better than no armor at all.

5th Hematite, 228

Caravan arrived a few days behind the caravan leader. Said he wanted to scout us out when he'd arrived the other day, make sure he wasn't wasting his caravan's time.

10th Hematite, 228

Between a new supply of beer, however finite, and some new arrivals? Today's been.... Interesting. They brought some yaks and a sheep, plus someone had a pet moleweasel, which will be good to keep the food safe from rats. Seven of them in all: A jeweler, armorer, engraver, a tanner (which our resident holy man was pleased by, since he barely managed to treat that giant lizard's scales last time,) carpenter, mechanic, and a...Craftsman, of some sort. He didn't actually say what it was he crafted.

11th Hematite, 228

Got a surprise this morning. Was sleeping under a date palm and got shook by one of the new people. The gem worker and armorer asked if I was in the one in charge of the militia, and when I said yes, they said they wanted to enlist. So, I took two of my coins and gave them each one. Told'em was glad some of the new people were willing to take the king's sovereign and all that.

20th Hematite, 228

Been needling the others about getting some actual weapons for my new soldiers. Been told next month'll be earmarked for ripping all that copper out of the mine.

Okay! So, the first season and a third are done, and we now have a total of 14 oomans, four of them in the militia. We've dealt with a giant saltwater monster, killed some tribals, and established ourselves some crops (potatoes and corn/maize, specifically.) We also have a presently almost finished tavern and partially built a small smithy and house for our journeyman. We're also shaft mining, because I don't feel like having a big fuck-off pit covering half my map.

Next projects are ripping up enough copper to arm and armor our two new recruits (they're a hammerman and axeman - both male,) and building a bunkhouse for everyone to get a proper night's sleep. We also have andesite, for some nice gray buildings, and obsidian, if we wanna go for maximum style points, as a layer stone to build a biig kick-ass castle with. Wood and alunite, our other major stone, is gonna be used for civilian stuff.

I also have to admit, I'm actually concerned about our food supplies, as a lot of them are already sitting at x(item)x wear. I can hopefully salvage this some via cooking and distillation though (and as we all know, drunken and well-fed people are happy people.)

I have only given names for three people - Brace, our Captain, Mia, her right hand, and Marco, the bard-turned-craftsman. This lack of names make this a bitch and a half to do, since I want to leave room for you guys to forge the people of the town.  I also discovered that clay boulders cn be used at the brick splitter, which I think actually kinda makes sense: It has little value and is painfully ugly, but it allows for fast construction of basic amenities. Can probably see it as being shaped and sundried enough to build with.

I've played a little past the update, so I have a question: Journal entries, or nay to that? Or alternate it?

I do so hope you guys enjoy this, as I play humans as horribly wrong as possible!


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2016, 01:14:04 pm »

Wow! Nice work Splint!
I think journal entries are fun and easy to read, so please keep it up!
If you could upload the legend export i'd love to write the background of our civ and of our Most Glorious Prophet
On a side note i'd like to claim the first squire that shows up (if he/she ever will)


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2016, 01:45:17 pm »

I'd like to request a human. Meph. Your pick.
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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2016, 02:05:14 pm »

Could I have a human? A knight (swordsman) who will lead us to victory? Male, and named Imic, of course.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2016, 02:19:53 pm »

Color me intrigued. Humanize(?) me as anyone as well, if you'd like.
Imagine how much more exciting the dinosaur exhibits would be if we had necromancers.


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2016, 03:25:28 pm »

Wow! Nice work Splint!
I think journal entries are fun and easy to read, so please keep it up!
If you could upload the legend export i'd love to write the background of our civ and of our Most Glorious Prophet
On a side note i'd like to claim the first squire that shows up (if he/she ever will)

I can do that. As to squires, to my knowledge humans lack non-adventure combat castes in this version for some reason. But, we do have four eligible soldiers to pick from if you'd like (axe, spear, mace, and hammer man are currently available)

Meph, JumpingJack: Welcome to life as a tavern keep and high master mason respectively
Imic: might be a bit. Gonna have to wait for a braver fellow to show up or someone with preexisting sword skill.


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2016, 04:27:08 pm »

I can do that. As to squires, to my knowledge humans lack non-adventure combat castes in this version for some reason. But, we do have four eligible soldiers to pick from if you'd like (axe, spear, mace, and hammer man are currently available)

Meph, JumpingJack: Welcome to life as a tavern keep and high master mason respectively
Imic: might be a bit. Gonna have to wait for a braver fellow to show up or someone with preexisting sword skill.
Last big fort i had a ranger and the one before a squire so if Meph didn't change that in latest versions they should still be there, just very rare. Anyway i changed my mind. I want the Prophet. His name shall be Nebuchadnezzar (if you don't have bigger plans for him)
I was actually planning to compile an antology of orations, one per year, that he gives on the anniversary of the foundation.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2016, 04:36:13 pm by IlFedaykin »


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2016, 05:29:04 pm »

IlFedaykin: It's my understanding humans have five adventurer/mercenary castes: Warriors (sword and board fighters) Barbarians (great axe. basically,) Rangers (better version of Garrison/Levy Marksmen) Monks (Master Martial Arts - that is wrestling - users,) and Clerics (Medic and Hammerman,) which replaced Conjurers from 34.11 (who would summon mephites to use as meatshields or food supplies as needed.)

For whatever reason, Meph did away with the human's Garrison castes that could be joined, and there's no way to get the mercenary castes but blind luck. Among the scraped was the Squire, Knight, and Paladin, which is a shame, but I plan to make use of them as titles if nothing else once we have a temple constructed. Personally, I'd like to have these castes back, as it was what kept me from turning on harder learning for this fort.

And the Prophet is yours! I'm home now, so I can properly update the human list and upload the legends stuff.


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2016, 06:12:33 pm »

They have both, the 5 castes you described and the 5 military castes (marksmen, guard, squire, knight and paladin). I simply disabled the upgrade system and joining for the later 5, because they dont work in the current DF version. I'd have to redo it. Better, I hope.

But all 10 can arrive as migrants.
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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2016, 06:34:47 pm »

They have both, the 5 castes you described and the 5 military castes (marksmen, guard, squire, knight and paladin). I simply disabled the upgrade system and joining for the later 5, because they dont work in the current DF version. I'd have to redo it. Better, I hope.

But all 10 can arrive as migrants.

Ahhh, now see, based on the manual I was under the impression you'd scrapped the latter five completely. Anyway...Here's the legends files, for those interested in a perusal in Legends Viewer.
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