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Author Topic: Kingdom Death: Monster - Lanterns in the Dark. A White Beast Devours Hope...  (Read 2214 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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\\ Kingdom Death: Monster //

The game of Kingdom Death: Monster is one of a Boardgame which melds together 4 challenging game styles into one seamless Nightmare.

The Fear and Dread in Darksouls.
The Thrill of the Hunt in Monster Hunter.
The Growth and Prosperity in Civilization.
The Personality and Life in Dungeons and Dragons.

It is a game that many of us would most likely crave to own a copy, and envy those that already do, as it satisfies the cravings for a challenge that is the struggle of things being just out of our reach, but knowing that a single slip-up is totally our fault. You can play by yourself or with others. For this game, we will be working together as a group to try and keep these Survivors alive.
My role is that of the AI Coordinator in a way. You will be designating the method of survival and they will play out for a few moments before you can voice any regrets or cheer the triumphs.

The Game begins moments after the introduction story, with Four Survivors standing against that of a White Lion. The Beast is idle in the center of the area, as will be each Beast during the Hunts. But with no terrain. This is what one could call a Tutorial, akin to that of Darksouls Asylum Deamon first Encounter. But this time there is no escape. The Hunters are going in with just the scraps of clothing on them and a Shard of Founding Stone, though they do have enough time to position themselves for the coming fight while the Beast devours whatever appetizer is before it. But first, we must learn about ourselves.


:: The Survivors ::

:: Story So Far ::

::Survivor Creation::

Survivor Creation is a simple matter, all other Survivors are pulled from a pool of nondescript Survivors. There is nothing more needed than that of naming them, choosing their Gender and finally, for this Lets Play, choosing their Trait. Fleshing out more about them though is up to those that embellish their characters, while not needed to start playing, the Backstory option is there if you so desire, though for the Founding Four, leave that for later.

For the Four Founding Survivours, please Fill this out. After the First Four, the rest will become Settlement Survivors.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Naming a Survivor is more important than one would think, in a world where nothing is known, knowing yourself is the simple ray of light that breaks through the Darkness. A Name will give SURVIVAL which is the desperate desire to cling to life.

The Gender of the Survivor is something that is needed to grow and form. A Settlement full of Men is never going to grow further than those that stand in it without Women to guide them.

The Colour allows one to identify oneself in the Field. A Streak of colour in the darkness identifies who is who.

Traits are what will determine the actions taken to survive in the Abyss. Traits are something that can be designed as you see how the story unfolds. There are three traits offered as examples, these are listed below.

Foolhardy - A Survivor with Foolhardy will attempt to keep the Beast's attention on them. This is a dangerous trait because those who have this trait are usually treated as Bait by others as they position themselves in a more advantageous position.
If the Monster Targets the Survivor, +1 Insanity.

Sly - A Survivor with Sly will attempt to keep to the Beast's Blindspot. Unseen and Sneaky they are, sticking behind the beast to maintain a constant upper hand on their target. But sometimes even they are victims of a sudden Lashout.
Attacking the Beast from its Blindspot gives +1 Accuracy to the Survivor’s Attack.

Cautious - A Survivor with Cautious will attempt to keep just out of sight of the beast. Hit and Run tactics to the beast’s sides whenever possible, though sometimes this can leave them open to unexpected responses.
Movement actions will always have the Survivor move out of LoS, then either attack Monster's Side or Away from Monster if Attack has been made.


::The Attributes::

The attributes of a Survivor describe their advantages or disadvantages, as the story unfolds, each survivor has a chance at growth through these different attributes. They are as follows;

Movement – (5) – A Starting Survivor’s movement is 5. Movement is the maximum number of spaces a Survivor can move in a single action. A Survivor with less than 1 movement can still move 1 space every turn. Movement is done in 4 directionals
Speed – (0) – Speed is the attack rate of a survivor. Speed is added to a Survivor’s weapon speed to determine the number of dice rolled to hit in an attack. Speed can be a negative number, in which case it is subtracted from the number of dice rolled.
Accuracy – (0) – Accuracy is the attack precision. Accuracy is added to a hit roll result to determine if it was successful. Accuracy can be a negative number, in which case it is subtracted from the roll result.
Strength – (0) – Strength is the attack’s wound potential. Strength is added to the result of a wound roll to determine the force of the attack. Strength can be a negative number, in which case it is subtracted from the roll result.
Evasion – (0) – Evasion is how hard a survivor is to hit. Evasion is added to a monster’s attack profile accuracy to determine the difficulty of the attack. Evasion can be a negative number, in which case it is subtracted from the attack profile’s accuracy.
Luck – (0) – Luck determines how likely a blow could strike critically. Luck can adjust what the roll result is needed to cause critical wounds. At 0 Luck, only on a 10 is a hit considered a Critical Wound.
Survival – (1) – Using a point of Survival allows the Survivor to activate an ability such as; Dodge, Dash, Encourage and Surge. Survival is only gained through Gameplay and isn’t replenished easily. Dodge is the only Skill the Survivors can spend their Survival points on at the start. There is also a Limit on how much Survival a Survivor can accumulate, as the Story unfolds, this amount can increase.



The Founding Survivors start with only 2 Items. The Cloth around their Waist (Amour) and the Founding Stone (Weapon).
As the Story unfolds, more kinds of Equipment can be constructed from the Resources gathered from the hunts, these items have better Attributes and Special Abilities attached to them. More detail will be shown as they become available.

The Founding Stone is a weak weapon, but it is better than fighting with “Fist and Tooth”. The Founding Stone has a special ability that can be used by spending an Activation. The Survivor may Sling the Stone from any distance to cause an Automatic Hit that inflicts a Critical Wound. Though the stone is considered lost and is removed from the Survivor’s equipment.

The Founding Stone has stats of
Speed - 2 - The Number of Dice Rolled.
Accuracy - 7 - The Target Number needed to Hit.
Strength - 1 - The Amount of added to a Wound Roll.

The Cloth Armour increases the Armour of their Waist Hit location by 1 Point. While a hit to the armour decreases the points, it does not destroy it. Though the amount does not replenish during the Encounter.


:: Showdowns ::

A Showdown is a series of Turns taken by the Monster and the Survivors. Each Showdown starts with the Monster acting first. Survivor act in Order of Posting, that means the first to act is the first who posted after the Monster's Turn 

On the Monster's Turn, an AI Card is flipped over and the Monster Acts on the presented action by going down a list of conditions. For "The First Story", the first AI Card is "Claw". The Monster picks a Target by via the Conditions presented.

Closest Threat - any Survivor that is within the fewest spaces of the Monster. A Threat is any Survivor that is not KO'd or using Gear/Terrain that makes them not a Threat.
Facing - all tiles that are in front of the Monster.
In Range - within the maximum movement of the Monster.
Field of View - all tiles are considered in Field of View, unless blocked by terrain or in it's blind spot.
No Target: Sniff - if no Survivor meets any earlier condition, the beast Sniffs, now all Survivors are considered Threats regardless of any effect that says otherwise.

If a Condition is reached, the Monster moves to their target and attacks. Like with a Survivours weapon, Speed is Dice number, Accuracy is ToHit amount and Damage is Wounds. If the Monster Wounds a Survivor, a d6 known as the Hit Location Dice is rolled, this will show the Hit Location that will be attacked for the Damage listed.

At the start of a Survivor’s turn, they get 1 Movement and 1 Activation. They can spend their Movement to move only once up to the amount shown by the Movement Attribute. They can also spend their Activation on Attacking, Activating Gear, Interacting with Terrain or using Special rules. Any unused Movement/Activation is lost at end of turn. Attacks are done by rolling d10 and comparing the amounts shown on the dice to the numbers given by three factors.

The Survivor’s Stats
The Weapon’s Stats
The Monster’s Stats

If an attack is successful and a Hit is confirmed via meeting or beating the Accuracy of the Weapon. A Hit Location Card is flipped. For "The First Story", the first Hit Location Card is "A Strange Hand". On this card, there is, most of the time, a Failure Condition. If the Wound Roll does not beat the Toughness of the Monster, the Failure Condition is met and the Monster acts according to the Condition. If the Wound Roll does beat the Toughness, an AI Card is placed into the discard pile facedown. When there is no AI Cards left in the deck, the Monster is defeated. On the Hit Location cards, there is also sometimes a Critical Wound condition. If the Wound Roll was a Critical, an event happens. For the case of the "Strange Hand" card, the Survivor that dealt the Critical Wound can spend a Survival to gain +1 Strength. The Card also has a Persistent Injury, on the Critical Wound, the Card is then placed aside as an Injury that will effect certain AI Cards in the Future.


::Hit Locations::

Hit Locations - These are areas of a Survivor’s Body that can wear armour and suffer damage. The hit locations are; Head, Arms, Body, Waist, and Legs. Hit Locations have a space for armour points. Without armour, hit locations have 0 points. Hit Locations have Light Injury levels (outlined by the light-lined box) and a Heavy Injury levels (outlined by the heavy-lined box). The Head is an exception. Since it is a fragile area and cannot with standing less injury, it only has a Heavy Injury level. Whenever a Survivor fills a Heavy Injury level on the sheet, they are knocked down.

The Brain - This is a Hit Location that is different from the other Hit Locations, it represents a survivor’s mental fitness. The brain can only be damaged by brain damage. Since the human mind is fragile, there is only one Injury level for the brain. Unlike the Body, the Brain has no armour. So it uses Insanity as its armour. Though at a certain amount of Insanity, you become truly Insane, which can stand in the way of making rational decisions during some events.



Courage and Understanding – These two stats grow through events, after a survivor gains enough in one or the other, the story unfolds and more things become open to the Survivors as a whole.

Hunt Experience and Weapon Proficiency – After every hunt made by the Survivors, those that come back alive, grow in experience. This helps them become wiser with each hunt they take part in and live. After a certain amount, they retire from continuing any more hunting expeditions. Weapon Proficiency is gained after a certain amount of Hunt Experience is reached. A weapon type is chosen and from, then on during each following hunt they take part in, each time a Wound is made on a monster, they can more experience with that weapon, but only if they are using that weapon type.


:: How to Play ::

Now that you have read through the Explanation of the Rules, let's explain how you post an Action.

After the Monster has taken its action, the AI Coordinator (Me) will move the Survivors and take their actions according to three things:

Trait - Set what Trait you set for this Round.
Special - Set what Special Actions you wish to take here.
Extra - Set any extra condition you want to achieve.

Here is an Example of an Action:

Trait - Sly (The means the Survivor will attempt to move into the Blind Spot of the Monster)
Special - Dodge: Prevent Heavy Injury (Spends a Survival if the Monster attacks due to a Reaction to dodge an attack that would cause Heavy Injury)
Extra - Throw Founding Stone if unable to reach Blindspot. (The Survivor will use their activation point to throw the Founding Stone to cause an Automatic Hit/Crit)

As the Story Unfolds, more options for Special Actions and Extra Conditions can be used when they become available.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 10:12:01 am by Neyvn »
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...


  • Bay Watcher
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The Battlefield is barren area, blood of those that were consumed now soak into the Stone Faced ground. Except for the Four Survivors and the White Lion not another soul stirs. As the Survivors position themselves for the attack, the White Lion releases its grasp on a half devoured corpse. It reaches out a paw and starts to stroke the hair of what had once been the woman’s head, it then lifts its paw to run its Five Fingers through its own mane. With a satisfied snort it reaches down to grasp the woman’s remains, tearing into the remaining flesh. A bellowing roar erupts of the beast as the last chunk of its meal is eaten, it turns to face those that remain standing...

Good luck brave souls, may your Lantern Light give you Hope in the Darkness…
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...


  • Bay Watcher
  • A squid
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KDM is great but a play-by-post KDM is going to take literally forever.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nope~
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Man, I keep trying to get into this but it feels so clunky. Plus the hit/AI decks piss me off because they're essentially noninteractive; I'd think if hurting the monster disables one of its moves or taking a shot at it has a chance to trigger a vicious counterattack, there'd be some kind of player decisionmaking involved there to back off or go whole hog or something. But no, let's just roll blind 10% crit 30% hit 60% get fucked checks on its left buttcheek and hear about how that went later.

Might as well give it another shot here, though.

- Name: Meat
- Gender: Female
- Colour: Red
- Starting Location: 8, come at me bro
- Backstory: spoiler: she ded

KDM is great but a play-by-post KDM is going to take literally forever.
Probably, yeah. Less so for everyone but the GM if we're using AI dispositions rather than concrete actions, though.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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