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Author Topic: Hello, I have questions.  (Read 13373 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #105 on: November 18, 2016, 11:32:12 am »

I have LOTS of booze, I went kinda crazy with plump helmets and always buy from traders since ive got so much crap to trade.  I do plan to make more pots though.

Hospital is what im thinking.

No jail yet.  need to figure out how that system works then do it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #106 on: November 18, 2016, 12:34:15 pm »

Dorfs tend to be "helpful" and bring water to uninjured dorfs who are thirsty on the job. Since the thirsty dorfs tend to amble off to get a drink while the helper is on the way with the vile wet stuff, they then drop buckets with water all over the place.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mad Overlord
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #107 on: November 18, 2016, 12:37:54 pm »

You can opt to play with jails entirely off.  Just don't appoint a Sheriff or Captain of the Guard.  The side-effect of this is that Nobles might get overly upset about dwarves failing mandates or disobeying export restrictions.  Enabling it on the other hand means you need to build a jail and room for the Captain/Sheriff, and appoint someone to administer punitive beatings (which can be deadly).
ProvingGrounds was merely a setback.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #108 on: November 18, 2016, 01:28:54 pm »

I have my nobles locked up with the vampire. 

I might want some jails eventually either way.  Ive run out of jet to make blocks out of so building my castle has slowed down.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #109 on: November 25, 2016, 12:16:15 pm »

Alright, I decided to start a more conventional fort because I have learned so much that I figured I could do better. 

Turns out I was right, things are more organized, everything is underground and I learned how to smooth/engrave instead of worrying about unharvested gems in the wall and whatnot. 

However, I cant find any coal or flux stone anywhere.  I selected an embark area that was supposed to have some.  My only source so far has been what I think was a bug of some kind.  I was building a wall and accidentally cut off some wagons.  They showed up as the wall was being built in front of them.  They left when I told my guys to tear it down but when I went to build a drawbridge there was a pile of unclaimed stuff, including coal, just sitting where they had stopped.  Not sure what the deal was with that but it helped me out a lot.

A few questions though to help with this map, is there a specific range of layers for the flux stone types, (the z-level you tend to find it at) or coal?  I have a lot of lead and zinc, whats their best uses?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #110 on: November 25, 2016, 01:38:46 pm »

Merchants dump their stuff and flee at the sight of a kea (almost: they're very easily scared). The fleeing merchant then brings the rest of the caravan with him. It can be noted that any piece of sapient remains (such as half a goblin tooth) will cause merchants to bolt (the guards are more resilient).

You don't need mined coal as you can burn wood to get your steel carbon source, and you can use magma for the power.
Lead can be used for the minecart in a Quantum Stockpile in your magma workshop down by the magma sea. It's fire safe, so fire snakes won't destroy it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #111 on: November 25, 2016, 01:52:12 pm »

I wasnt aware of any threat that would have scared them but OK.

I have a lot of wood and am using it for now, Ive yet to find magma, but am slowly drilling down looking for it.  I just picked a smaller embarkation site and don't want to run out of wood.

I really need to learn how to make Quantum Stockpiles but they seem like a major pain.

Fleeting Frames

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #112 on: November 25, 2016, 07:24:22 pm »

They're slightly bigger pain than just designating one at start but overall I like them. Also makes haulers useful for important jobs and the like. Minecarts in general can be learned very much piecemeal, what you need for current task.

As for QSPing, short guide:

Things you need:
  (produced in either Carpenter's workshop, or at Metalsmith's forge under Other objects)
1 building material item for the track stop.

Also, you need to decide what to stockpile. It's entirely possible to have multiple inputs and multiple outputs, but now, lets limit it to just one wood stockpile of each:

In-between them, build a Construction - Track Stop.

Use d to make sure it dumps on one of the stockpiles. Here, dumping west:

A mechanic will come and build it. Meanwhile, some logs were already hauled.

Now, to make use of the minecart built earlier: go into hauling. Make a new route. Move cursor over the track stop and make a new stop.

Assign vehicle.

Select it with + and Enter.

Now, Enter the Stop menu and you'll see some default conditions.

ix-nay three times. Then, press right to move cursor over the wood stockpile on the east and make a new stockpile link. It will only take things from it it wants, so Enter the desired item list and use your cursors to move mouse over wood, then enable it.

After this,
Escape back to stop menu,
Escape back to route menu,
Escape back to main menu.

Watch dwarves qsp the wood

• Since you're likely setting up stockpile settings three times, use macros/custom stockpiles to reduce the amount of micromanagement you need to do for even slightly complex stockpiles.

• The input stockpiles don't need to be adjacent to the minecart.

• Unlike most buildings, stockpiles can be placed over stairs and ramps.

• The input stockpile doesn't always have to be exactly like the output stockpile.
A common example is heavy items - you'd have output be "take from links only", with input stockpile having wheelbarrows enabled.

• Multiple minecarts can draw from a single, or multiple input stockpile(s). With this, you can have 1 "heavy items" input stockpile that draws both stones and caged and dead animals from quarries and caverns below, whereupon they're directed to masonry and meat industries.

Food: You typically want a larger input pile than 1-tile, since food tends to rot. (Refuse can have similar problem underground.)

• Finally, lot of things don't need to be quantum stockpiled or even just stockpiled and can be kept in the workshop.
For examples of the first, things that can fit into 1-3 bins or barrels or just produced in that amount and aren't likely to cause interruptions when tasked.
   ex: Cut gems with single jeweler's workshop, milk produced from a pig herd.
For examples of the second, light things that you're not going to transport a distance for another workshop are a common example.
   ex: Thread that will be taken right away by the adjacent loom, goblets that will be carried whereever drinks are as necessary.

As only food rots, depending on how close to the wire/just-in-time production you run your fortress the second category can include actually heavy things like beds.

Now, troubleshooting:

Q: My dwarves are not moving anything into the minecart?
A: You forgot to Enter the desired items menu

Q: My dwarves are putting things in minecart and they remain inside?
A: You forgot to set the track stop to dump in desired direction.

Though this is fine for some things, such as eating unpackaged food, booze for cooking (but not drinking), trade goods (when trading the minecart too).

Q: My dwarves are in a hauling loop?
A: Barrels, pots and bins tend to be owned by stockpiles - frequently the input stockpile. So, they'll haul it back to them, and then store into minecart again. Beware, for many stockpiles come with bins/barrels enabled by default.

Alternatively, you set the minecart to dump on input stockpile.

Q: My dwarves prefer other jobs?
A: "Store item in Vehicle" is low-priority task.

Q: Everything is set correctly and I have idlers, yet nothing is happening?
A: Rarely - and similarly to libraries - the minecart gets invisibly TSK'd - tasked - with a job there isn't a dwarf for anymore for some reason. Delete and relink, or forbid, unpause, unforbid the minecart.

Q: The minecart is killing passing dwarves?!
A: Typically happens if they dodge into it. Don't have fights occur near minecarts.
Q: I have no fights and I moved the minecart away but it is still killing passing dwarves?
A: Build a bridge over a volcano and make a garbage dump zone. Toss it into a volcano to be melted down by the fires it was forged.
Q: What if I made the minecart of steel, not wood or gold?
A: Place it under a raised raising drawbridge, or the hinge tile of lowered raising drawbridge. Pull the lever to make it disappear.
Q: I put the minecart into the busiest stairway of my fort and it killed everyone who went near?
A: You will be undone by the monster you bought into this world. Isolate, contain, and then hit it with another minecart to push it under a bridge to be disposed of.
Q: The second minecart also killed everyone who came near?
A: Weaponize your machine overlords. Make enemies path through them and be pureed.
Q: Enemies picked up the minecarts and killed my dwarves with them?
A: The enemies are mortal. The minecarts are not alive. Slay the mortals and seal the machines. You can still live.

Q: I unforbid the decade-long garbage cloth QSP and game crashed?
A: You have bested your machine overlord. Go on, be free!
« Last Edit: November 25, 2016, 07:25:59 pm by Fleeting Frames »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #113 on: November 25, 2016, 08:09:31 pm »

However, I cant find any coal or flux stone anywhere.  I selected an embark area that was supposed to have some.
If your embark site had more than one biome but the biome with the flux stone was only in the upper left of your 3x3 embark region then that is where you need to look for it. For the z-level location, most flux is located between the surface and the cave levels that have a water layer.
Quote from: dragdeler
There is something to be said about, if the stakes are as high, maybe reconsider your certitudes. One has to be aggressively allistic to feel entitled to be able to trust. But it won't happen to me, my bit doesn't count etc etc... Just saying, after my recent experiences I couldn't trust the public if I wanted to. People got their risk assessment neurons rotten and replaced with game theory. Folks walk around like fat turkeys taunting the world to slaughter them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #114 on: November 27, 2016, 10:33:24 am »

OMFG!!! QSs are way easier than what I thought!  Got one working and its awesome!  Going to save so much space now!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #115 on: November 28, 2016, 09:17:36 am »

Alright, new map (not flat at all but oh well) there are metric shit tonnes of chalk (flux) and coal so I got steel covered already.  The new quantum stockpiles are working great.  I did mine with an input pile 1x3 so I can have wheel-barrels help.  A few questions though as always.

I made gauntlets for a military squad but nobody is wearing them, they took axes, bucklers, breastplates, and helms just fine.  Why did they leave the gauntlets?  Any other armor to make instead?

Also, I have steel picks now, I wanted to replace the copper and iron ones I have but forbidding them wont make the miners drop them.  Any ideas on how to force it?  I know they are functionally the same but id like to swap them.

Why would my dwarfs not be melting a bronze axe I told them to melt?  They melted an iron anvil just fine, nobody is using the axe, i gave the order to melt at the smelter on repeat and priority, nothing.

I learned how to channel inconvenient lakes and get rid of the water, is there any way to fill in dirt?  I doubt it but thought id ask.

Also, can (or should) i carve fortifications between bedrooms to allow for people to see vampires feeding?  Dont have one yet but I was wondering.  Can fortifications be smoothed/engraved?

What use are slabs?  Ive set one in front of each coffin, none occupied yet, do I only need to worry when I have a ghost or what?

Will booze taste funny now that I have it stored in chalk pots?
« Last Edit: November 28, 2016, 12:23:56 pm by JimmyAgent007 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #116 on: November 28, 2016, 01:22:19 pm »

Gauntlets: You probably have set the uniform to be worn over clothing. A number of clothing items conflict with a number of armor pieces so you can wear one or the other. Check the wiki page on armor or change to replace clothing.

Disable the mining labor on miners, unpause, reenable mining. If the old picks are forbidden they'll have to find other ones...

Axe: A lot of possible reasons. Inaccessible due to hauling, in a blocked bin, in a QS feeder stockpile (scheduled to be put in the main one), the furnace operator on a break...

No way to move dirt for the time being. You can obsidianize it, but that's really overkill.

You can either engrave or carve fortifications in a smoothed wall. Not both. Dorfs don't have a sense of privacy, but there are reports of vampires feeding in crowds with nobody seeing a thing (like alcohol poisoned unconscious guests in the moddle of a crowed tavern).

Slabs are needed when the body cannot be recovered (such as when it's atom smashed, lost at the bottom of the sea, or burned to a crisp by magma). They're more or less replacements for coffins (one or the other is needed to keep a citizen from rising as a ghost/put a ghost to rest).

You can safely use lead or pitchblende goblets, so no, container material doesn't affect contents (for the time being, at least).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #117 on: November 28, 2016, 01:37:00 pm »

Thanks, Ive got it set to replace clothing and they took everything else.  I will double check in case its only one of them replacing and not the whole squad or something.

I will try this when i get home

Totally free, no blockings and the operator is smelting away with other things.


Engraved looks better, I can find vamps other ways.

hmmm... guess I can remove the slabs but they are already up so I will leave them in place, just in case.

Figured, mostly kidding though lol


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mad Overlord
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #118 on: November 28, 2016, 11:49:13 pm »

IIRC melting is pretty low priority, I seem to recall that when I've got other smelting chores going on, melting takes a back seat.  Also, the axe might be owned and have been dropped for some reason.  If you have DFHack check the item properties and you might find the name of the owner.  From there you can go in the military equip screen, find the dude, and force him to equip something else.  If its a woodsman, disable his Woodcutting labor.  Owned items lying around are often stubborn to deal with.
ProvingGrounds was merely a setback.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hello, I have questions.
« Reply #119 on: November 29, 2016, 09:22:28 am »

Figured it out, the labor cancel got them to finally drop their tools.  Axe got melted when i dropped the other work orders entirely. 

Still not certain my squad is 'active' but they seem to be training now and their icons look the part.

Got an Artifact horse bone pick, not sure I want anyone using it or not.  A few craft artifacts as well.  Any way I can 'display' artifacts like statues so everyone can admire them?  I got them stuck in a special stockpile right now.

How do I get people to clean up vomit?  Ive got some here and there, and blood in past games, that never seemed to go away.

Now I need to figure out how to make soap, never seem to have animal fat.
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