Okay, I've downloaded, and looked at the 0.4 release.
First, Gwolfski, creature_foresttech_p17, and item_gav should have '.txt' at the end of them.
Second, Gwolfski, item_gav was created by me to hold the two items of gav, because he isn't still creating, and there wasn't really any reason to have two seperate files for just 2 items. So, delete the 'item_weapon_ranged_gav', and'item_ammo_gav' files, please.
Third, Gwolfski, please delete exile_file. It is where I store uncompleted or abandoned stuff. It was not intended to actually go in the mod.
Fourth, Dunamisdeos,I haven't tested this, but I think with ATTACK_PREPARE_AND_RECOVER, neither can be more than 6. With a recover of 15, it probably won't attack at all. probably. Again, I have not tested this, just based it onexperience with creature attacks.
Fifth, Dunny(I hope you don't mind me calling you Dun, or Dunny, your username is just hard to remember how to spell.), I notice you have created graphic files your creatures. Would you mind making some for my creatures?
Sixth, Dunny, the only creature you have added with creature classes is the carcharok rex, and the only class it has is AQUATIC. This should not be, as any creature should have at least 'ALL', 'ORGANIC'/'INORGANIC'/'INCORPOREAL', and 'MALE'/'FEMALE'/'NO_GENDER'(in the case of 'FEMALE', and 'MALE', probably relegated to caste). Also, many of your creatures should have 'VERMIN', and 'FISH_VERMIN'.
Seventh, related to the above, incidentally, you could have the surf carcarok(sic) be an actual creature that gobbles up creatures of the class 'FISH_VERMIN'. It wouldn't have to have the actual tag LARGE_PREDATOR to do so, either. Also, you can the 'and tastier' part of its description to the game, by adding a syndrome that gives them a happy thought for eating it. Then again, they are unlikely to eat a non-vermin fish, but maybe they could. Oh, and none of your creatures have the tag "LARGE_PREDATOR", not even the ones supposed to be predators.
Eighth, I think I have already said it, Dunny, but many of your fish don't have bodies, materials, or tissues. Vermin still need bodies.
Ninth, What is with inorganic_generic? We already have non-generic organics.
Tenth, Gwolfski, have you already tested inorganic_stone_cer? I am not sure if the inorganics of that file actually show up.
Eleventh, I think that the next time there is a stable release, we should maybe make a community game. It would be handy to find bugs, and it would maybe attract modders.
Woah, that was a much longer post than I thought it was going to be.