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Author Topic: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.  (Read 54496 times)


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #315 on: March 24, 2017, 10:47:27 pm »

"Do I look okay to you? I've got a half hour before I dissolve and my main method of surviving this long was trying to kill myself faster than that fucking rainbow mutt was already." the woman replied in a voice that was generously described as irritable. This roughly translated to "thank you for your concern." She could have sat up, probably, but really didn't want to; her everything hurt right now and her main source of solace was the fact that it was liable to stop hurting in about thirty-five minutes. Oh, and she was about to help out the notorious serial killer who also happened to be the reason they were on this godforsaken space station in the first place. "Now, that cat. . . Doesn't that sexbot know anything about claws? They're the same damn thing everywhere but in the head. If that waste of transistors can't figure that out, I've got some death stickers in this pocket. . ." She moved one arm limpy toward a pocket on her leg, but in her state couldn't really manage to even undo the button. "Won't be a high enough dose, but might slow the bleeding down."
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #316 on: March 25, 2017, 01:08:15 pm »

"Right, so they're hungry. Let's hope they're not speaking in metaphorical symbols...then we'll never get anywhere. Though if I had a symbolic gratification, it would be knowledge, of course. Maybe they're just bored. I know I would be.

...I have no idea what to feed a hologram, however. Lacking any further information, I will assume they are somewhat similar to you Aimasc-a sentient swarm of...somethings, self directed, able to shift light and sound into a non-solid state.

Aimasc, what is the closest activity you could conceive for yourself that would be similar to the act of eating for a biological being? Do you have to..replenish your...nano-bot...swarm?"
Sadish wasn't how to phrase it without sounding impolite, as if she were talking about a bipedals under-garments.

She considered for a moment.

"Also, I wonder if they can access my rig directly and sift through information. They are me, after all, they probably know my password...interfacing through technology might be a way for us to communicate."

Sadish's password was Ecco, in case you're wondering. It was the name of her first Cambria, a common family pet in Fin families, that roughly resembled a Chambered Nautilus.

"...I have plenty of time, anyway."

She tapped her rig and pointed in the Mini-Sadish's to get their attention.

Action: Sadish sends the following sequence of images in whale-moji

[Puzzled Sadish, hand scratching chin]
[Pointing Arrow]
[A holographic Sadish with a robotic face and an antenna, tinted blue]
[Pointing Arrow]
[A symbol for a file opening] (Even after all this time, it still resembled a paper folder)
[One of Sadish's hands picking something up] (see previous item)
[Robo-Holo-Sadish now wears a devil's grin, and has a mask on, like a spy] (go previous)
[Question mark]

Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #317 on: March 26, 2017, 05:43:48 pm »

Kesari was happy for that one digit that tapped around her ideas to others. It's like the many other spindly digits that did her work for her, thanks to both the control circlet, and the integrated tech harness--she wondered when her pay will come so that she could upgrade it to better her manipulation skills.

...It was like that one ancient movie her family kept playing from the classical archives. Ghost in the Shell, was it? That was presumably the first time she had ever seen those kinds of 'typing at the speed of thought' bits. But the matters now were important! She tried to recall Boris' information alongside what the drone could pick up about Sadish--the shuttle crew won't mind a few seconds of a missing, hovering, and nicely sounding aerial drone moving about anyway.

Quote from: To:Sadish | Kes :D
Heya Sadish!
I just...confirmed from Boris about your whereabouts. Or your non-whereabouts for that matter. I . . .don't believe you're gone because I'd feel both terrible, horrible, and in a state of shock that would particularly get to me only after imminent and present danger has finished--like pacifying the crew on ship and stuff; that's done, by the way, but we're still in progress of rescuing the folks on the Flounder. Will keep you updated if I can; am real glad the Reunion has the same comm signal capabilities like those telecom qualities I had back home--messages will be read and probably bottleneck your receiver when you're back in range-

Oh and that reminds me--Boris just said that you disappeared but the drone says otherwise. I think he saw that too but was too busy with his own thoughts. I...don't know what to make of it all but it seems like you did a rather good job with the third merc! I think.
Probably best to adjust your weaponry there as I remember seeing it before; it wasn't that kind of lethal to make those wounds.

But please me safe! I do recall you have a personal frequency with your drone so...please sound off if you ever can read this! By the way this is transmitted on all inter-comms on the ship that can use our comm frequencies so I hope that the range could get to you.

I'll be cancelling my subscription to the local ICT and upgrading it if I can.
...I'm typing everything in mind and yet not everything at this speed. Apologies!
Hope to hear from you soon, miss you, please reply back! Take care!

Pressing 'send' was one of the antiquated technological functions she loved--it never changed over the years, or at least the meaning behind it did despite the many synonyms being used. She didn't mind speaking her mind, if unless her tech harness was even capable of reaching that speed one day; she felt a tinge of sadness that she wasn't able to convey her words, and that Sadish if receiving them, would notice and humor her with how many times she had repeated the same meaning in three paragraphs.

Oh, she missed Sadish. How would she feel if anyone on the crew suddenly-...didn't?

The young wolf pressed a button and a snack compartment slid out. She thought about pasting sticky mag-notes everywhere just so that she'd remember where stuff was (and for anyone else to better use this unlabeled place), as she took out a chocolate bar for herself. One of the more beautiful rations that her ancestors never touched thanks to its toxic content regardless of the type of chocolate, or canine taking it. In the modern times, it was like the spiciness of squijium to humans: less of food, more for other reasons; in her case right now, it was less an item for joy and consumption but something to keep her up and awake, like for people who hated coffee but took it anyway.

She shuddered as the packets for coffee rolled out, promising to place them where they were needed rather than in her area.


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #318 on: March 27, 2017, 06:50:52 am »

”Okay, everyone get on board immediately. Come on…”

Aubrey felt she should shout NOW or something to get them moving, but imagined that they could understand the urgency of leaving a potentially decompressing station. And she was tired. Part of her felt numb at leaving Khate and Scarlet to their fate - or rather, not knowing yet what was happening with them.  She couldn’t really feel guilt at what was the only logical thing to do, and instead should have felt pleased at doing it under pressure. She guessed. Anyway, there was stuff to do here, right?

”Boris, there’s nothing we can do for Khate or Scarlet, they’re either already out of that or they’re dead. I believe they are out of it; very probably with Varkonius, unless he’s crossed them. Scarlet is severely injured. Khate is fine. Was fine. We’ve done our best. We need to get back to the ship. You drive?”

(Assuming Boris pilots…)

Aubrey hustled everyone aboard and did her best at empathy, asking along the line of refugees if there was anyone needed urgent medical care, come on everyone, we’ll get you somewhere safe as soon as we can… Although there wasn’t really any urgent medical care she could give, and she didn’t know that they could get anywhere safe. Not from the thing that had touched Scarlet. Shit.

She sat in the co-pilot seat next to Boris.

She was tired, but it wasn’t over yet. She re-concentrated and tried to think of what she could possibly do to increase their chances of getting home.

Quote from: Aubrey to Kesari
Kesari: Boris and I are returning with refugees. Please prepare departure.

Hopefully that would contain enough information without giving away too much to any eavesdroppers.

Sit at the scanners – is there any way to monitor surrounding space traffic? If so, if I notice anything potentially hostile (but not Varkonius’s ship because it’s a fair guess that’s where our friends are) do whatever I can to stop/delay/ruin their departure or movement. I.e. cover our flight back to the Reunion.


Can Aubrey do the below before...
Can Aubrey delete all record of the Reunion and its crew's presence on the Flounder/in the system? Ideally leaving it looking like a mercy vs Ka-tuean confrontation did all this (which is true) and leaving us entirely innocent.

Aubrey will chase after Boris to help him enter/steal the nice ship. Utilise as much caution as time allows!

« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 11:59:20 am by lawastooshort »


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #319 on: March 27, 2017, 08:36:34 am »

Kesari: Boris and I are returning with refugees. Please prepare departure.

Quote from: Kes :D | Re: Going too soon?
Got it! Glad to hear he got you all safe!

Please contact the rest of your team; somehow I'm detecting in a strange way Khate and Scarlet...somewhere where I saw you all earlier. That path to Vark's ship or somewhere near there--signal is fuzzy. What happened? Lost video feed when Varkonius did some acrobatics with Khate.
Also tech harness' hands need upgrade. Gonna spend my pay on that someday soon. can't type enough. DOing too many things.
CAps lock habits always coming back to me. Nevr used shift key.

Best suggestion: get someone to bore you back here. LAst resort--moving Reunion to a trajectory near your location.

((Just noticed that the code is quote=, which translates into "Quote From", so my edits just placed the name first then any humor/creativity later on))
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 08:45:52 am by Tiruin »


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #320 on: March 27, 2017, 08:47:54 am »

Quote from: Aubrey to Kesari
They… are missing, presumed with Varkonius. Presume will make their way home. Unsure who can do that for us.



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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #321 on: March 27, 2017, 09:05:02 am »

They… are missing, presumed with Varkonius. Presume will make their way home. Unsure who can do that for us.
Quote from: Kes :D |Re: Presumptions!
Presume you can contact them. I had sent a message earlier; no response. Hopeful for their word soon.
Supposedly your signals are stronger. Do try.
Trying is worth it.

Trying is half the battle.
The other three quarters is doing and mental preparation, and punctuations.


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #322 on: March 27, 2017, 02:44:54 pm »

Aubrey was not the naturally happy and optimistic person that Kesari often seemed to be. The same way she was not naturally chatty, or, say, a morning person. Or, really, an afternoon person. If pressed, she would describe herself as a 20.00 to 21.00 hours person who would frequently put on headphones playing no music to avoid conversation.

That said, she was keen on correct punctuation. It was a basic form of respect.

Quote from: Aubrey to Khate, come in Khate
What's up, Khate? This is Aubrey speaking. We are interested in departure. What is your situation, over?

She was also very silly, but it took a long time knowing her to work this out, and even longer to work out when.

Quote from: Aubrey to Kesari
Indeed, Kesari. Forgive me if I enter a tunnel and lose signal temporarily. Can you start plotting a bore out of here?


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #323 on: March 27, 2017, 05:17:43 pm »

Indeed, Kesari. Forgive me if I enter a tunnel and lose signal temporarily. Can you start plotting a bore out of here?

Quote from: Kes :D | Re: Boring!
Will do; have done. Our friends have a safe place there.
Have been doing so for the past several minutes. Wondering WHERE though, but I've an idea for it.
Problem is inputting yours. Have setup a solution for incoming ships though--problem is who will bore you all here or nearby.

Err, future action--set bore solution for pretty much a hypothetical scenario of:
> Mickaw's shuttle team
> Varkonius' ship (or at least its presumed size)
> Us. The Reunion
> Probably another shuttle incoming that is most likely Boris.
> Probably any other tiny objects the size and shape of the Star. :P

To follow that up--turn all my attention to scanning and navigation:
++ What are the areas we can bore to!
+ Is there anyway I can attempt to detect the star by inputing to our eccentric CPU, its details and a local search?
+ If there's enough time (and work on my stress/tech harness), try to check the Cloaked ship or any hostiles I've missed; it's been a while since I turned my attention to...actually anything other than comms splicing and inter-station "hacking".
« Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 05:38:52 am by Tiruin »


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #324 on: March 27, 2017, 11:12:05 pm »

Quote from: Aubrey to Khate, come in Khate
What's up, Khate? This is Aubrey speaking. We are interested in departure. What is your situation, over?
Quote from: Khate to Aubrey
I'm fine, Scarlet has 30 minutes to live. We're on Varkonius' ship and he is most likely coming aboard the Reunion to have Sadish treat his panther.

If you and the hostages are able, suggest leaving immediately.
Quote from: Khate to Sadish
Scarlet has been afflicted by Vera and has 30 minutes to live. An important panther also requires assistance, long story.


Khate began wondering if she should have been paying more attention to Kesari's data stream.

Gently fish the death stickers from Scarlet's pocket, and either gently apply them to the panther's wounds or let Varkonius snatch them out of my hands to do it himself.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #325 on: March 28, 2017, 05:12:55 am »

Boris took in Aubrey and his flock of refugees with a nod, masking his immense relief at finding at least one of his team alive. The crow's update on the situation dampened his mood a little.

'No time to waste,' he muttered, settling back in the controls.

As they took off, he noted Khate's message. That was bad; really, really bad. He glanced at the refugees crowding the shuttle and called out:

'Hey! Hey! Any of you got any medical training? We're going to need your help.'

Hit it! Full speed to the Reunion, straining those engines for all their worth. See if anyone knows anything about medical matters.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ˇNo parmesan!


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #326 on: March 28, 2017, 06:32:33 am »

Quote from: Aubrey to Kesari
K & S confirmed with V; intend to return. S requires medical assistance <30mins. Another victim requires medical assistance. Life/death importance.

Quote from: Aubrey to Khate
B is leading us out as we speak. Godsspeed, both.



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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #327 on: March 28, 2017, 06:44:53 am »

K & S confirmed with V; intend to return. S requires medical assistance <30mins. Another victim requires medical assistance. Life/death importance.
Quote from: Kes :O | Re: Which ones?!
Will prep Reunion team.
...That means just me. Sadish is nowhere to be found. Will use on-ship intercomms and...try to inquire Mickaw's team for aid.
Can't leave C&C room. Busy doing a lot of things.

I've got 30 minutes to multitask weeks of work away. After this, promise me a good meal together. We'll all make it through.

Give me details. You're on the shuttle with Boris. How many people? Next; any of them as wounded as stated?
Alongside that--what had happened since the video feed got cut off? I'm presuming explosions; unaware of what had happened to everyone including Ka-T and his cronies.

I need those details for Mickaw's team. We've pacified them but...yeah. Would be great to have an extra hand on deck now. Home alone; don't want to be robbed!

Can't get to medbay without leaving my post! :I

Kesari checked the on-ship video feed and comms, testing frequencies with the ambient feedback of her typing, and noticed that Mickaw's team was pretty...comfy in the hangar area. She couldn't find where Mickaw was though! And without knowing even the basic information of who to be treated, this would be a wild ride in...touching Sadish's things.

And she disliked to de-organize Sadish's things. It was like a habit she had back when she was a University Instructor. Everything in its place, moreso for ease of 'getting this to do this', which usually had her working less hours and having more free time...spent cleaning everything being touched.

But what to say to the second-in-command? She was sure she had a name but at the moment it was out of mind.

Find Mickaw! D:
Also, try to talk to Mickaw's team. Alongside previous post's actions.
Goal of talking: Inquire their thoughts and what they're doing right now. If benign or benevolent: Detail OUR current situation and our having spaced Ka-T given the least Kesari can infer from video footage and/or added info coming from Aubrey later on.

((Ironically, nobody updated Kesari that Ka-T had been spaced, but looking back in the IC posts, I think I can infer that with seeing the bore jumper Varky do his stuff alongside Khate
If lawas mentions it in latter posts, consider this bolded action including that.))


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #328 on: March 28, 2017, 07:36:02 am »

Quote from: Aubrey to Kesari
There were explosions. I left with refugees; everyone else blown into space. Mickaw blown into tiny bits prior. All known hostages rescured. At least 1 badly injured, will update if more. Nothing as urgent or important as Scarlet and her +1.



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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #329 on: March 28, 2017, 07:54:06 am »

There were explosions. I left with refugees; everyone else blown into space. Mickaw blown into tiny bits prior. All known hostages rescured. At least 1 badly injured, will update if more. Nothing as urgent or important as Scarlet and her +1.

Quote from: Kes :D | Re: Space!
I think you mean Wilcox there, love.

That's great though; will be mentioning the details to Mickaw's team on board--would be thinking they'll be happy to hear this? Will apply tact.
What about Ka-T? He's part of the everyone, right? No shenanigans or whatnot? I'll relay that too.

It'll be hilarious if he can harm us from space now, unless there's someone piloting a ship to scrap him up.
Do brief the folks with you please, I'll try to get some signal jamming around Boris. In the least, signal interruption.

Also will try clearing logs of our tampering on station and blame it all on Ka-T or Wilcox.
...I think that's morally okay.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 11:51:46 pm by Tiruin »
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