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Author Topic: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.  (Read 52197 times)


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #135 on: November 08, 2016, 04:38:41 pm »

Pass time until I'm needed watching ultraviolence.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #136 on: November 08, 2016, 04:38:54 pm »

'Boris Mundus, please. Not Mr. Mundus,' Boris muttered. They never remembered. He eyed the deadly supervirus that'd no doubt kill them all at some juncture and regretted his decision to come here. 'I'll... pass. On all of that.'

The fungus had been left there for a reason. That meant he was meant to learn something from it, but he wasn't sure what that something was. The Fin could perhaps help him figure out what the voice had been. Perhaps. Probably not, though. At least the danger of rad death would probably keep her from barging in the reactor core to look for it.

'Hrmh. No radiation? Could it neutralize radiation? An organic rad sink... hmh. Probably unreliable. Organics usually are,' Boris said. 'In any case... I discovered this thing somewhere it had not been moments ago, after I was addressed by... a voice. Without a source. It seemed to think I was its creator. I will not discount that possibility. My work is... unpredictable, sometimes. Your thoughts, Miss Sadish?'
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ˇNo parmesan!


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #137 on: November 08, 2016, 05:13:31 pm »

"My apologies, Mr. Boris.

I would expect a Radiation consuming organism would have at least some trace of it's diet. There is none on this, indicating it's either very strange-perhaps consuming radiation with perfect efficiency-or my bio-field actually working really quite well. I'm surely going to need another fresh sample to test it for the voice, ah, well that is odd. Let's just assume you're not going mad from prolonged radioactive fungus exposure, advance stage senility and possibly a degree of cyber-psychosis. That's always a good place to start from.


So, it referenced you specifically as a creator? That implies a certain intelligence...and, that is somehow tied to your work in the reactor. A being that gained sentience, knowing only you as first theory is that it came with the furniture, as the saying goes.

If I recall, you scavenged the reactor from a Toriad carrier, correct?

I wonder if this being was lurking on that derelict, and followed you aboard-perhaps it was no more than an egg at the time...of course, it might have been here all along, bathing in the radiation of Lys. I would do some tests of your equipment, Mr. Boris. The habitat it must have come from, no matter where it was, can't be the same habitat that you are providing for it now. Our power needs are different. Match the habitat you have provided, with subtle inaccuracies you have noted and perhaps passed off as mere glitches and dings-an intelligent creature would have attempted to alter it's environment to be more comfortable. Perhaps, the same patterns of energy match either Lys, or the specs of the carrier you took it from.

Also, do you remember anything about the ship you took it from? For example, what sort of weapons might have been used against it...? The Carrier, it's name and function? A long haul exploratory vessel taken from it's normal function, and pressed into military service quickly due to the civil war, might have picked up some extraordinarily odd things that have found their way to your doorstep, as it were.

If all else fails, I suggest going back to your reactor and striking up a conversation. I might even accompany you when I have some time, but...child-parent bonds can be very strong, and we don't know what this creature is capable of if it feels you're in danger."

Action: Sadish tries to recall potential Toriad biological developments that could have clues to this mystery
« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 05:25:18 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #138 on: November 08, 2016, 08:14:46 pm »

Scarlet frowned a bit more than usual before doing her best "concerned and frightened citizen" impression. "Y-yeah, it's not a problem." Taking cues from Aubrey, she scanned the room for anything else unusual, disguising the action as the nervous glances of a young woman in a stressful situation. The entire trip was a bit off; even bored controllers in a backwater would usually be a bit more curious than this, especially with a ship like the Reunion showing up out of nowhere. It didn't exactly help that they'd been expecting some sort of trap to add a layer of lethality to an already ridiculously dangerous dangerous mission, possibly set by people controlling something that their resident doctor had characterized as a veritable deity of biology. . . Suffice to say, she wasn't going to part from her gun unless she absolutely had to.

Follow Aubrey through the scanner. Hope that it's not so sensitive that it can pick up nanites; those will be harder to explain.
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #139 on: November 09, 2016, 09:43:37 pm »


Trying not to actually visibly or audibly speak, Aubrey mutters to Scarlet next to her:

"Should be able to get us through them... the scanners... that is... Perhaps you should relinquish a firearm to make it convincing..."

Action: Go through the scanners, Aubrey first. First use of mindhack, go! Ideally scramble them just enough that it shows up as nothing incriminating at all, then same again for Scarlet - can even her protection be hidden?

If success, then we should ask directions to a food exchange, and then find the target room. If failure, then we need to reassess rather urgently.

"Jean Aubrey, sirs. Pilot of the cruise ship Reunion, at your service if I can be. We... we didn't expect anything like this on an agriworld. I can't say the... the company parked outside makes me comfortable."

Aubrey was visibly not at ease as she talked, trying to use this to her advantage to cover the small movements she needed to deceive the scanners' sensors and computer.

The human of the pair of guards grunted in what might have been commiseration when Aubrey spoke, but made no further commentary. Security guards weren't exactly known for being terribly talkative, but it still made Aubrey slightly nervous- though thankfully she didn't need to hide shifting her feet. Activating the mindhack implants came with a sudden awareness of the electric fields surrounding her, and her toes twitched in short, sharp motions as she snagged through various currents and flows to find the signature she was looking for.

Aubrey was familiar with contraband scanners, and, by and large, they were solidly designed systems that excelled at catching complete morons who hadn't though through their plan beyond the payday. The scanners worked based off of chemical detection, limited depth imaging, and pattern recognition but, problematically, the problem of separating mundane objects with high-energy components (or even detecting what was a high-energy component or not) from weapons was rather difficult. Scrambling it a little bit, enough to confuse the scanner, was easy- problematically a place like this had the ability to just ask Aubrey and Scarlet to hand over anything that looked suspicious, which meant Aubrey would need to employ some finesse to make sure nothing seemed suspicious enough to check.

Unfortunately, Aubrey wasn't detecting anything that felt like a weapon scan.

She could feel the station humming around her, electrically alive. She could sense the faint, heavily masked, pulse of the constant tether between herself, Scarlet, and the reunion. She could feel a similar connection running between the guards, the receptionist, and parts of the station as yet unknown. She could sense the artificial gravity, the lighting, the receptionists terminal, even parts of the air-processors, but she couldn't detect the scanner.

Aubrey was beginning to panic when the guard stopped in front of a unmarked door, opening it with a keycard swipe. The interior was pitch black.

The Cane sat outside the door, a holographic display flashing up in front of his eye. "Please face that wall when you enter, spread your legs, arms or wings as necessary," he said, clearly reading directly from the prompt. "After five seconds there will be a flash, after that turn ninety degrees. This process will repeat until you have made a complete circle, at which point you will be free to continue if the scans are clear. If you experience any pain or discomfort, particularly in the regions of any implants, please notify us immediately so that we can stop the scan and adjust as needed."

Pulse scans, Aubrey though, older pulse scans judging by the cool down times, but typically used for deep imaging. Also somewhat more difficult to fool owing to the burst transmission, but not beyond Aubrey's abilities. She entered, tuning her implants to the fullest sensitivity, waiting for the moment when the machine powered up in order to twist it to her will. Legs spread, wings wide, Aubrey waited like that for a good half minute, until her ability to sense the electrical fields immediately outside the room, already dimmed by metal walls, cut out completely. 


No scan.


Scarlet frowned a bit more than usual before doing her best "concerned and frightened citizen" impression. "Y-yeah, it's not a problem." Taking cues from Aubrey, she scanned the room for anything else unusual, disguising the action as the nervous glances of a young woman in a stressful situation. The entire trip was a bit off; even bored controllers in a backwater would usually be a bit more curious than this, especially with a ship like the Reunion showing up out of nowhere. It didn't exactly help that they'd been expecting some sort of trap to add a layer of lethality to an already ridiculously dangerous dangerous mission, possibly set by people controlling something that their resident doctor had characterized as a veritable deity of biology. . . Suffice to say, she wasn't going to part from her gun unless she absolutely had to.

Follow Aubrey through the scanner. Hope that it's not so sensitive that it can pick up nanites; those will be harder to explain.

Scarlet kept her head on a swivel and followed Aubrey. If the guards thought it odd that the pilot was leading, they didn't show it. The walked like trained gunners, with a rolling stride that would keep their shoulders level during a firefight. Scarlet supposed it was possible that they were cast-offs from real AL-Loy military, stationed here with second rate supplies, but that seemed to be more a hopeful conclusion than a practical one.

Devoid of any other major option, Scarlet hoped Aubrey had the situation well in hand. The crow should be able to fool whatever scanning these guys wanted to do, she had a talent for that, but something still seemed off. It niggled at her, and it continued to niggle at her until the guards led her into a dark side chamber to be scanned. It stopped niggling at her rather abruptly after she spent a good half-minute standing spread eagle, staring at a wall she couldn't see. There was no scan coming, there never had been.

They'd been set up and sequestered.

"Umm... H-hello?" The voice, timid and human, came from one of the dark corners of the room. "I-if I ask who you are, will you h-hurt me?"


Action: Sadish tries to recall potential Toriad biological developments that could have clues to this mystery

Though Sadish tried, and indeed, she had done extensive research on the culture that had created both major components of the reunion, she couldn't really conjure up any particularly novel bio-tech that they had utilized similar to this black mold. The Toriad had been fairly decent in their time, but their biotech had been nothing special. Crop engineering, limited personal engineering, a few luxury items, and one or two local oddities she could think of (including a rather interesting method of body fluid reclamation they had employed on one of their desert worlds, but she hadn't read anything special about a mold in their history. Although...

Sadish pulled up her tablet again, looking for an old series of messages from the reunion. It certainly hadn't made Toriad history, but there had been something in the Starset resort's promotional material, spammed to her long before Aubrey had managed to get the ship's computer to stop advertising to the crew. It had been for those bathing in the light of Lys, a cosmetic rub designed to help transfer the 'healing energies' of the sun to the clients. Sadish stopped scrolling suddenly, coming across the message, the Starset logo emblazoned brilliantly across the surface. Down at the bottom, along with a picture of a floating Fin getting an ash colored putty massaged into her skin under Lys' angry light, was the advert Sadish had been looking for.

Powerful herbal massage techniques have a long history of use in the oldest roots of the most civilized and ancient parts of the galaxy- with written records of such practices emerging in some empires centuries before the Toriad system was ever colonized! The Razeshi soldiers, noted for their impossible stamina and the ability to return to life when not dismembered completely on the battlefield, were often treated with such massages to ease their mental states and help to relax their bodies after reanimating. We've brought the medicinal blends and techniques they once used to you, carefully extracted based from their oral traditions and highly specialized recipes. Sample the secrets of an ancient empire, and reanimate the warrior inside of you!
Knowledgeable herbalists and healers prepare our massage blends based on your individual needs, but each is grounded in our all-purpose recipes based on the unique healing rays of the Lys, the Welcoming Eye of God! Utilizing a unique species of Stachybotrys, our herbal rub screens out any harmful radiation from the sun and transforms it into soothing waves that permeate your body to induce total relaxation and promote physiological and psychological well-being. Don't wait, take the first steps to gaining outer beauty and inner bliss with just one hour of relaxing sunbathing and massage!

Stachybotrys would indeed be a black mold, but Sadish and Scarlet had done a rather thorough inventory of the Reunion's herb stocks from their various 'health improving' sections, finding most of it better for making tea than treating injuries. As far as Sadish remembered, they hadn't found any of this stuff when going through inventory.
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #140 on: November 10, 2016, 12:17:19 am »

God damnit, I knew this was a fucking setup. Should have gone with my gut and just refused to comply. Fuck. I'm here now. I think I've gotten out of shittier situations. I think. Though post-apex tech is a new one. Her thoughts continued largely along those lines until they were interrupted by a new stimulus.

Scarlet chuckled grimly at the voice. "Even if I wanted to, I don't think I could get away with it." She sighed. Actually a kid, or just another trick? Obviously stupid enough to fall for the first one. . . but hey, may as well play along. She did her best to turn her head toward the voice in the darkness. "What kind of question is that, anyway? I'm not here to hurt anyone." Largely true. Eliminating Varkonius was optional; all they needed was the Star, and she did her best to avoid any civilian casualties (beyond incidental property damage, anyway.)
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #141 on: November 10, 2016, 12:32:52 am »

"Uh, well, good, t-thanks," the voice said, sounding rather relieved. "I, uh, I'm sorry I didn't try and warn you, they said they'd s-sh-shoot me if I made a sound before the doors closed."

"My name is, ah, Clarke. I used to work the reception desk. S-so, ah, welcome to the Flounder?"
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #142 on: November 10, 2016, 12:46:57 am »

Scarlet grunts. "So is this how all the welcomes go, or is it a special occasion?"
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #143 on: November 10, 2016, 02:07:58 am »

"Um. Hello? Is the scanning going to start? Is it done? I'm afraid I don't... I'm not... I'm not terribly keen on the dark, you see..."


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #144 on: November 10, 2016, 02:12:08 am »

((In which I'm totally late :V))

Kesari's message to the away team was partly delayed by several issues on her part (mostly being busy with handling multiple sources of information).

Quote from: Kes :D
Good to see you all have arrived safely--one issue though, the buyer seems to have arrived in the system.

And by 'buyer', I mean 'the only ship that stands out purely because of the presence of electronic warfare-type defenses'. I'll try to transmit the information to you from here, or at least reconfigure your sensors for it there.

Be prepared team, I haven't gotten its trajectory course or its destination however, but the buyer is in system.
Do you copy?

Transmit, upload, and commit preparation for the away team--all within reason of subterfuge!
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 02:17:51 am by Tiruin »


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #145 on: November 10, 2016, 08:15:12 am »

"Um. Hello? Is the scanning going to start? Is it done? I'm afraid I don't... I'm not... I'm not terribly keen on the dark, you see..."

"I don't think so, ma'am. T-this is a storage room for priority micro-shipments, there's n-nothing here but food."[/yellow]

"Um. Hello? Is the scanning going to start? Is it done? I'm afraid I don't... I'm not... I'm not terribly keen on the dark, you see..."

"Oh, no no. I don't typically see this many people, mostly I keep things t-tidy and send personalized 'thank-you' letters. This has never happened before- first it was a man bringing a p-p-panther aboard, then it was all those people with guns, then the ones that came and locked me in here and threatened to kill me..." There's an unsteady inhalation from the dark space where the voice comes from as the man tries to calm himself. "We've never had anything like this before, but AL-Loy will come save us."
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #146 on: November 10, 2016, 09:43:32 am »

Sadish told Boris all the things she had recalled, and showed him the advert.

"Curious. So the mold, if that is what it is, has properties that block out radiation. I wonder if it's what we think it is, or if it's what they thought it was. I doubt they really knew much about the culture they were borrowing from.

Or maybe this hypothetical creature was using existing stocks of the the black mold to protect itself from radiation. It might explain why we didn't find any on board when we searched..."

Action: Surely I know something about the Razeshi! How could they reanimate their bodies?

Also, time to get to work on identifying this mold. Science!
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #147 on: November 10, 2016, 12:16:55 pm »

”Scarlet – we will get out of here now then. Prepare to exit in approximately 120 seconds, dependent on the difficulty of these locking mechanisms…

Here is what I propose. We call our backup. I open the door. Under your cover I access the door controls and seal off the area as backup arrives; you pacify area. Then we see if we can lockdown the station and proceed with our mission.

Whilst I open the door please subdue ‘Clarke’ unless he agrees to cooperate by indicating the position of the door controls in the reception area and by maintaining absolute silence thereafter.


Aubrey assesses the difficulty of opening the door either electronically or mechanically before proceeding with making a hole for comms.

((I am not sure if Aubrey would know IC which of the two would be most likely detectable, trying to hack through a comms block or giving the door a very light examination – I assume her experience would mean she doesn’t need a thorough examination to estimate the time required to break the door and this is safest first.))

”I estimate opening of the door in… XXX seconds, Scarlet.”

Now Aubrey tries to break through the comms block to warn her comrades, prioritising Khate as per order of following message:

”All: this is Aubrey. Priority message. Khate. Require assistance in reception in XXX+1 seconds. Ultraviolence. Kesari. Require total electronic assault of station in XXX-1 seconds. Block all comms. Boris Mundus. Please prepare ship to leave. Unfavourable conditions.”

If all has so far gone to plan... start work on the door.

((edit: wait! increase estimate of time if Scarlet indicates she needs more to assemble the laser!))
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 12:18:32 pm by lawastooshort »


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #148 on: November 10, 2016, 01:17:42 pm »

Scarlet nods - somewhat belatedly realizing that the gesture wasn't particularly helpful given the situation - and immediately sets about withdrawing the assorted parts of her weapon from where they'd been stashed around her person. She'd taken it apart and reassembled it enough times that it was basically muscle memory at this point, and besides, these kind of things were designed for this process to be quick. "You heard the woman, tell her what she needs to know." Her voice echoed over the clicks generated by her preparations.
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #149 on: November 10, 2016, 02:01:30 pm »


Aubrey assesses the difficulty of opening the door either electronically or mechanically before proceeding with making a hole for comms.

Going over the door blind wasn't the easiest thing to do, but a quick flare from her implants and a bit of guesswork got Aubrey most of the information she needed. Just working with her implants would make opening the door a long and arduous process with the suppression field in place, but the lockpicks would let her make a direct connection to mechanism interior. Maybe seventy-five seconds to get the door unlocked with that method, plus or minus fifteen.

The suppression field itself was another matter. It seemed to have been designed to black-out the contents of this room completely, likely due to 'priority micro-shipments' occasionally containing sensitive or illegal materials. Rooms like this were not uncommon even on completely above-board ports. Having officials that could be trusted to take the right kind of bribe and store contraband in a known location typically controlled corruption far more effectively than a police crusade. Of course, it also meant that this sensor blackout was professionally done.  The hole she could open would be a momentary pinprick, enough to send a very short signal out, but not enough to get anything in.

Aubrey's best guess was that she could probably get at least 75 characters in the message, maybe 150 in ideal circumstances.

((This is a time where you can choose to take on a puzzle for a bonus to your roll to actually break through the shield. Also, you should revise your message so that it fits the 75-150 character limit. Anything that gets left out due to a bad roll will be truncated))


Scarlet nods - somewhat belatedly realizing that the gesture wasn't particularly helpful given the situation - and immediately sets about withdrawing the assorted parts of her weapon from where they'd been stashed around her person. She'd taken it apart and reassembled it enough times that it was basically muscle memory at this point, and besides, these kind of things were designed for this process to be quick. "You heard the woman, tell her what she needs to know." Her voice echoed over the clicks generated by her preparations.

Scarlet could have her rifle together in less than a minute, easily, which fit just fine with the plan. Without stopping her reassembly, she casually prodded Clarke for more information.

"Oh, no. P-please, just let them have what they want- I don't want anybody to get hurt... The door controls for reception are all tied to my computer, or to the reserve s-system in case of emergency."


Action: Surely I know something about the Razeshi! How could they reanimate their bodies?

Also, time to get to work on identifying this mold. Science!

The Razeshi, assuming its the same Razeshi Sadish had heard about, didn't exactly reanimate, and they were hardly a great empire. They'd been bio-engineered colonists on a rather unforgiving planet, capable of entering a sort of biological stasis at will- dehydrating tissues into a series of centralized fluid sacks and entering a semi-dreaming state where they were capable of 'thinking' at a very slow pace and self-reviving.

While this state of stasis was useful in surviving critical injury, it was hardly revivification, and more a rather advanced form of playing dead. Though, in the case of the Razeshi, herbal massage was probably quite helpful in making sure that all the fluids got back to their proper places.

As for the mold... Sadish hummed merrily as she transported the jar of slightly crispy mold over to her work bench, letting it jump the line over the myriad other things that she had yet to poke and prod in the name of science.

((This is also a place where, if you like, you can have a puzzle to increase the risk/reward of your roll))
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."
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