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Author Topic: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 3  (Read 26622 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2016, 12:07:34 pm »

Their body twitches In slight happiness and anger.
.....T-Thank you.
Devourer gives a strangled sound of some kind of emotion most likely outrage before they shake their body and....nod their body.
"Fine I shall not destroy that pathetic human Rin's remnants of a mind.They will wither and die on their own most likely anyway!"
« Last Edit: September 08, 2016, 12:12:20 pm by AbstractTraitorHero »
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2016, 04:01:18 pm »

The scaled beast clad in his red armor slowly stands up looking at the messenger
"Tell the King im working on it."
Turning around towards the Mountain he begins walking

Go to the Mountain of Orotar
On the way to the Mountain of Orotar recruit any monsters willing to join the King's cause and for the many battles to come where they can become great legends that are told about for centuries to come of their might and strength!
Gather information about the Mountain of Orotar on the way there


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2016, 07:52:45 pm »

Turn 2.1 : Year 0 of the Zethean Calendar ~Second Trimester~

Karc the Chained Wolffolk Alpha
Short turn
I - Diplomatic Visit :
The King needs armies so we may remain free from any who preach violence but not all are suited to fighting and he is wise enough to realize that monsters of all skills and types will be needed for a true kingdom.

If you could provide information, guides or assistance for my trips to the Hyalmenids and the Websivons it would be greatly appreciated. I would rather be able to convince them to join peacefully if possible

Continue to the Hyalmenids and Websivons leaders for peace talks.

Long turn
Same as above but recruit as I go along

(I'm going to say that Krac got some lessons in diplomacy from the King and if this keeps up I'm going to throw a feast as celebration.)
"We will provide you a guide to show you a safe way to the Hyalmenid Hives and the Websivon nests.
But I fear talks won't go as smoothly with them as it did with us. The Hyalmenids are fierce warmongers, and they claim a huge part of the Forests. They believe that might makes right.
Websivons are cunning predators with a strong instinct of self-preservation. They will never fight a losing battle. As such, they can be reasoned with."

You left the Fays territories with two Fay guides. Chidea and Rilys.

Long Term Actions :
-Meet Hyalmenids and Websivons for peace talks

  • I - Onward to the Hyalmenids Hives :

Recruitment : [1]

Thanks to your two guides, the journey to the Hyalmenids controlled territories went without a hitch.
As you approached to your destination, you met some Hyalmenids Workers and Warriors, and attempted to recruit them to your cause.

Your choice of words and your reason outragedt these armored giant ant-like monsters coursing with elemental power.
Your words insulted their pride, and were perceived as an offer to break the allegiance to their hives.

Word quickly got out, eventually reaching the higher-ups. You could only hope it wouldn't tarnish the future diplomatic action...

  • II - Diplomatic Meeting : [2]

You eventually arrived in front of the first Hyalmenid Hive. Constructed around and through a thousand-year old tree, the impressive structure was bigger than a human castle on the surface. Hundreds of busy insects flew and sprawled around, making the surroundings extremely noisy.

Suddenly a platoon of around ten Hyalmenid Warriors landed next to you. What appeared to be their chief moved forward.
"Move no further invader. Our scouts transmitted us your intents, and in the name of Kshiir our King, we order you to leave.

We won't bow before you. In the future, we won't show any mercy toward trespassers."

Hyalmenids declared Open-Hostility toward Zethe

Eversor the Death Lord -Animated Armor-
"I shall give you another chance, Bartoros. Pledge yourself to Zethe... or perish."

Should they join, get the locations of any major leaders in the Plains from them. If they keep being stubborn, slaughter them.

Take some time to recuperate our wounds before venturing forth in our quest to subjugate the Plains. If we need the support of blacksmiths to fix ourselves, come back to Tartarus.

The Law of the Strong [Str4] : [1+4] [5]

The last Bartoros Elder, half his face disfigured by blood and wounds claimed with a defiant voice :
"You may have bested us, but you will never break the greater clans ! We will never bow !"

"Enough." said Esl and Arp, who stood their swords draw next to the Bartoros.

Plunging their blades in the neck of the elder, they severed his head in a swift and perfect motion. Half of the remaining Bartoros trumpeted in defiance, and were all silenced by the blades of your soldiers.

Only 6 remained after the executions. The six who didn't defied you like the others. Head bowed, look down, they said with a submissive tone :
"We pledge ourselves to Zethe."

Those ones were more cooperative than their dead kin. They gave you the estimated location of all the major groups of Bartoros.
As a nomadic species, tracing them exactly was not an easy task.

Stand down and heal the wounded : [4]

Your soldiers injuries were nothing major, and they could regenerate over time, like living beings healed from their wounds.
You didn't know if this property belonged to their armors or to their souls.

Standing down for a moment, you gave time to recover to your troops. The Armors were soon ready for another fight, while the Bartoros recovered enough to journey once more. They were not at full strength, but were still in a good shape.

You also took advantage of this time to reflect upon the best way to approach the problem.
Would you have enough troops to deal with all the inhabitants of the plains ? Should you approach the problem differently ?

Spoiler: Eversor's Troops (click to show/hide)

A Messenger from Tartarus :

As you pondered this, Esl disturbed your thoughts.
"A messenger from Tartarus, sent by Azarian the Thoughbeast."

You dismissed Esl and met with the messenger. A silver haired harpy named Phyr.
The petite girl with white feathers approached you, taking out a large scroll from her shoulder bag.

Opening the scroll, you read with great interest. Within it was compiled valuable informations about the inhabitants of the Plains of Wenat. Marvelous !

Deep Knowledge about monsters of the Plains obtained [It is assumed this scroll contain a huge amount of informations]

Spoiler: Summary (click to show/hide)

Bloops the Entropic Slime
Bloops convinces his deserting soldiers to stay. He promises to take all his troops back to Tartarus for a while if they remain.

Nothing you could say would change their mind. All that was left was beating some sense into them, as per the traditional way.

Bloops Arguments [Mag2] : [4+2] [6]
Deserters Arguments [Str0] : [3]
You blasted them away with well placed Destructive Blasts, making sure they understood the extent of your powers.

They were convinced by your way with words, and stayed in your group. This argumentation session also touched the common sense of the other slimes, raising their loyalty. The morale on other hand, plummeted a little further.
Except for Cyanure and Waste, whose morale raised.

Loyalty is now Good

Doesn't it feel good to be right ?

Spoiler: Bloops Troops (click to show/hide)

Azarian the Throughtbeast and Rin/Devourer the Crin
"Devourer, I am Azarian, and I am assigned to keep you out of trouble. I will attempt to answer any questions you have, but we will be departing immediately."
depart for the shores of zethe with the watchers, and the devourer. Have one watcher attempt to scout ahead for any large groups.
Light airy unbroken sounding clearer and less mangled then Devourer's thought's
....please help me.
The devourer shudders in slight anger at..... something? If you can read thoughts you'd have heard it most definitely.
"...Nghh Pestering First what are your capabilitys?"

Endovar bade you goodbye, and wished you good luck. He acted as if Devourer/Rin didn't exist.

Long Term Actions :
-To the shores of Zethe
-Unite the shores

  • I - Scouting : [2]

The journey to the shores was uneventful, seeing as they were close to Tartarus.

Eventually you began to smell the marine wind, carrier of salt. You sent a watcher ahead, on the lookout for large gathering of monsters.

With their hundred, maybe thousand eyes, Churateth carefully scrutinized the shores. Nothing escaped its sight, and it reported back pretty quickly through mind communication.
"Lord Azarian. Inspection of the designated perimeter revealed no group exceeding ten individuals. It is all within the data you gathered, inhabitants of the coast are not prompt to forming communities."

Spoiler: Scouting Report (click to show/hide)

Ogg Goreth Junger the Oogr -Magi-

Skirmish -Round 2- :

Ogg -Attack Enemy Leader- [Str2] : [1+2] [3]
Adult Green Ogre -Counterattack- [Str2] : [2+2] [4]

Roaring and shouting brainlessly, the two leaders threw themselves on the other, turning their fist duel into a pitiful on-ground melee.

Locked into an improbable wrestling situation, they couldn't make head or tail of what was happening, and just tried to hit or grab whatever felt like not belonging to their own body.
Ogg got the shortest end of the stick though, being under the Ogre and eating the ground.

The leaders credibility took a massive step down.

Green ogre groups morale down to Bad
Ogg group morale down to Feeble
Ogg group loyalty down to Feeble

Ogg's Troops : (2d6) [2+3] 5 + (CR) 14 - (Morale) 2 — 17
Green Ogres Forces : (2d6) [2+5] 7 + (CR) 8 - (Morale) 4 — 11

Everyone kept punching and whacking their enemies. But the Ogres attacks began to diminish in vigor, from their dwindling morale.
It could be said the same from Ogg's fighters, seeing their performance decreased.

Eventually, 1 Juvenile Green Ogre was taken down.

Ogg's group morale rose slightly Morale is now Decent
Ogres morale is going down the drain. Morale is now Very Bad

Green Ogres Morale Roll : [2]
Not able to take anymore of this, the remaining Green Ogres fled in terror !
"NO ! COME BACK !" shouted the wrestle-locked leader.

Realizing he wouldn't last long if he stayed, he released his hold of you, leaving you face first in the mud and fled.

You could pursue them if you wanted.

Skirmish Over
Ogres Casualties Status : [5]
The incapacitated Ogres got only punched hard enough to black out, but had no lasting injuries. Those two are at your mercy, still being in a semi-conscious state.
[+1 Adult and 1 Juvenile]

Spoiler: Green Ogre Forces (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ogg's Troops (click to show/hide)

Rakar the Lryka
The scaled beast clad in his red armor slowly stands up looking at the messenger
"Tell the King im working on it."
Turning around towards the Mountain he begins walking

Go to the Mountain of Orotar
On the way to the Mountain of Orotar recruit any monsters willing to join the King's cause and for the many battles to come where they can become great legends that are told about for centuries to come of their might and strength!
Gather information about the Mountain of Orotar on the way there

Long Term Actions :
-Head to the Mountains of Orotar
-Recruit monsters on the way
-Gather Informations on the way

  • I - Recruitment : [1]

Along the way to the Mountains, you attempted to recruit monsters starting in the surroundings of Tartarus.
But you had some bad reputation among the current citizens of Zethe.

You were a strong quite capable leader indeed, and they respected you for that. But your troops were known for having a survival rate of 0%, due to your excessive warmongering tendencies. And many Zethe's monsters joined because of the prospect of living, not of dying.
Of course there were warriors dreaming of glory, but the ones you met weren't mad enough to join you.

Bad reputation discovered

  • II - Information Gathering : [5]

None joined you, but they still shared what they knew about the Mountains. They did't hate you after all, just lacked a wish of "immortalizing death".

It happens you encountered many monsters coming themselves from the region of Orotar.

The lower to medium ranges of mountains were inhabited by many harpies and other flying creatures.
Harpies lived in medium-sized communities, and competed with the Roc-like birds of the mountains.
Far into the highest reaches, unchallenged, lived Dragon-type monsters into clans. The strongest clan was known as the Thunderbreath Clan, led by a Celestial-subtype dragon named Bailas.
They were at peace with the Giants also living there.

Then near the active volcano known as the Gofentar lived mainly creatures made of magma. The salamanders also lived there, having a lot in common to harpies in term of organization.

There were many, many other species of monsters living there. Mainly Flying Beasts, some elementals, etc...

World Status

Spoiler: King's Current Order (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: State of Zethe (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 04:06:02 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #48 on: September 08, 2016, 08:02:01 pm »

Resume recruiting, but do my best to cheer up the troops. Leave the past in the past, eh?
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #49 on: September 08, 2016, 08:13:53 pm »

Short turn
Challenge their king to single combat invoking the power of right through might. If he refuses then claim he is cowardly and unfit to rule the strong.

Long turn
If I winContinue to the Websivons using the reputation boost to convince them that they should join the strongest
If I loseSend a message to Eversor asking his assistance with putting down a rebellion before it causes permanent damage then head to the plains to meet up with him
My Sig
Fluttershy jumps onto TCM, giving him a hug. "~Yay~"*Player TCM has left the server. Reason: HHHHNNNNNGGGG-

We Madmen are very ingenious.  Sometimes it just takes just a little less sanity to pull off something completely awesome.

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2016, 08:33:11 pm »

"Such cowardice!"

Short Turn? -Find a harpie community or a harpie thats willing to take me to their community

Long Turn -Recruit any strong companions/monsters while I move up the Mountain.

Dustan Hache

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2016, 08:42:49 pm »

"Then let us start our conquest with a small group, perhaps numbering four or five. I will attempt to reason with and recruit them. Failing that, Rin and the Devourer may have their ways with them. Watchers, you may participate and abstain from battle as you see fit."
Short term: Approach one of the less-than-ten groups and attempt to recruit or brainwash them. Should combat ensue, allow the watchers to avoid battle if they feel they are ill-matched for our foes.
Long term: Recruit or brainwash each group encountered, and beat the rest into submission with the new recruits.
Practice my leadership.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #52 on: September 09, 2016, 08:30:15 am »

Listen to orders begrudgingly and try to look intimidating.
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #53 on: September 09, 2016, 11:14:29 am »

Should we make 'em Join us? or Kill and Eat them?
I ask my Group.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #54 on: September 09, 2016, 12:02:15 pm »

Eversor skims through the scroll and nods. He then turns to the harpy.

"This will be useful in my efforts to subjugate the Plains. You may return to Tartarus. Should Azarian still be there, relay my thanks to him."

Gather soldiers in the Plains for now. If there are less aggressive monster tribes nearby, might as well try to bring those under Zethe while recruiting.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #55 on: September 10, 2016, 04:01:56 am »

Turn 2.2 : Year 0 of the Zethean Calendar ~Second Trimester~

Bloops the Entropic Slime
Resume recruiting, but do my best to cheer up the troops. Leave the past in the past, eh?

Long Term Actions :
-Head to the Mountains of Orotar
-Recruit along the way, priority to slimes

  • I - Cheering up the troops : [2]

You resumed your journey to the mountains. Every day you tried to cheer them up, but your attempts were unsuccessful.
Overall morale remained stagnant over the journey.

  • II - Recruitment : [4]
You crossed the path of many monsters in the surrounding lands of the forests. As soon as they heard you were on a mission for Zethe, they joined your group.

Word of the increasing number of Zethe's allies had spread, creating a domino effect. Following the lead of the bigger groups, smaller groups and individuals all across the forests decided to rally to Zethe.
Some of your comrades must have done a good job, soon your time would come. Thanking him in silence, your troops grew.

+20 Slimes / +7 Plant-types

Peculiar Individuals: [1]
No outstanding monster joined you.

  • III - The Mountains of Orothar : [6]

You eventually reached the lower ranges of the mountains, after many weeks of journeying.
Wildly different from the forests, these lands were being constantly swept by strong and cold winds, and a storm was brewing when you arrived.
The unwelcoming climate had a severe effect on the morale of your troops.

Morale down to Bad / Very Bad

Searching for its inhabitants, you first came across a small tribe of imposing beings made of rock. Standing from 5 to 10ft high, these monolithic creatures looked like two-armed boulders standing on four powerful legs.

You approached them, and one sentinel hailed you. With no visible face, its voice seemed to echo from the inside.
"You and your companions are not from Orotar. You are on Obeliths lands, what do you want ?"

Spoiler: Bloops Troops (click to show/hide)

Karc the Chained Wolffolk Alpha
Short turn
Challenge their king to single combat invoking the power of right through might. If he refuses then claim he is cowardly and unfit to rule the strong.

Long turn
If I winContinue to the Websivons using the reputation boost to convince them that they should join the strongest
If I loseSend a message to Eversor asking his assistance with putting down a rebellion before it causes permanent damage then head to the plains to meet up with him

"Ridiculous ! Who could call himself a soldier if he let any fool challenge his king ?!"

Obviously he refused. You retorted his king was a coward and a weakling, and he answered with outrage :
"You will pay for your foolhar..."

Challenging a King : [4]

And suddenly stopped.

A tremendous buzzing was heard, stronger than all of the others united. It made the trees tremble and the land quake in fear.

"Enough Ephtelos."

A colossal hyalmenid hovered above you all, standing right before the sun and covering it from your view.

A gleaming carapace with ever-changing hues of thunderous gold, cold turquoise and blazing red.
Massive glasswings making three time its own width.
Horns, claws, mandibles and eyes coursing with raging elemental energy.

"I heard of your King. I heard of his accomplishments. But what do you know of rulership ? What do you know of might ?"

He landed, and all hyalmenids turned silent. Raising his clawed fist as if to grab the sun, he crushed thin air and continued :
"You know nothing. I respect your King. And as a sign of respect for him, to you his subordinate, I will show you my power."

A circle formed as Hyalmenids backed down in haste, leaving you alone in front of the Hyalmenid King.

"I am Triastros, King of the Hyalmenids. Prepare to die."

Battle Start !

Round 1 :
Karc -Chain strike- [Str3] : [1+3] [4]
Triastros -Blazing Bolt- [Mag6] : [6+6] [12]

You made the first move, using your tremendous strength to swing your old bindings on your opponent. Splitting the wind, the heavy chains flew straight toward the head of the colossal insect.

Taking a firm stance, the horns of the king suddenly surged with power. And in an intense flash of light a massive, searing bolt of Fire and Thunder-energy fired from its horns. Such was the force of the attack that the kings feet buried slightly into the ground.

Your flying chains were instantly expelled by the shockwave, and began to melt from the heat.
The bolt engulfed you whole, burning your skin, flesh and internal bodies as the Thunder-element carried Fire-element through your whole body.

Across the forests, a blast of light was seen, and the ripple made the closest trees bow in awe.

Such destructive power. Nothing in its wake was left, nothing but black charred ground. Hyalmenids and your troops alike were caught in the attack, the weaker ones turned to mere dust.

Round 2 :

Somehow, you still stood your ground. Now completely defaced and barely recognizable. The Hyalmenid walked slowly toward you, and once he was in your jumping range you lunged at him.
Karc -Rip and Tear- [Str3] : [2+3] [5]
Triastos -Crush- [Str4] : [5+4] [9]

You bit firmly its arm, but with mundane ease it slammed you on the ground with a single motion, making you lose grip.
Then with its large clawed foot, it crushed you. Its weight and strength was fully applied on you.

Unable to move, unable to fight back.

"This is might. Any last word ?"

Rakar the Lryka
"Such cowardice!"

Short Turn? -Find a harpie community or a harpie thats willing to take me to their community

Long Turn -Recruit any strong companions/monsters while I move up the Mountain.

Long Term Actions :
-Find a harpie from Orotar
-Recruit strong monsters toward Orotar
-Find a harpie community once in Orotar

  • I - Find a Harpy : [1]

No one really knows what happened, but after trying and failing to find a harpy from Orotar, you were blacklisted by the Harpy community of Zethe.

  • II - Onward to the mountains [Recruitment] : [4]

Once you left the surroundings of Tartarus and began to travel in the surroundings of Orotar, you found more monsters fitting your criteria and willing to follow you.

Lone, clan-less wanderers who lived to fight and challenge stronger monsters. Exactly your type.
You strength impressed them, so they accepted to join you in your quest.

Peculiar Individuals: [3]
They all came from the mountains : a Griffin, a Storm Lion [Mountain lion with a roar similar to the storm], a Thousandblades Snake [Powerful giant snake with extremely sharp scales].

The mountains were getting closer, you would arrive in a week at best.

Spoiler: Rakar's Forces (click to show/hide)

Azarian the Throughtbeast and Rin/Devourer the Crin
"Then let us start our conquest with a small group, perhaps numbering four or five. I will attempt to reason with and recruit them. Failing that, Rin and the Devourer may have their ways with them. Watchers, you may participate and abstain from battle as you see fit."
Short term: Approach one of the less-than-ten groups and attempt to recruit or brainwash them. Should combat ensue, allow the watchers to avoid battle if they feel they are ill-matched for our foes.
Long term: Recruit or brainwash each group encountered, and beat the rest into submission with the new recruits.
Practice my leadership.

Listen to orders begrudgingly and try to look intimidating.
"We appreciate your concern. As you would have guessed we are not fighters, being supporters in the back line."

Long Term Actions :
-Recruit small groups
-Recruit larger groups
-Practice leadership

  • I - Approach small group : [2]

You approached one group at random, setting your sights on some Crustacean-type monsters. More precisely a group of giant crabs scouring the shore. But it turns out they were hunting !

Recruit [Str1] : [2+1] [3]
Brainwash [Mag3] : [5+3] [8]
They didn't listen much to your words, as they saw you as a weak and easy prey. As such you quickly put your backup plan in motion, using of psychic powers to bend them to your command.

Taken by surprise and not expecting a magic attack, they quickly became docile.

+4 Brainwashed Giant Crab-subtype monsters

  • II - Recruit more groups : [1]

Every recruitment attempt you met was met with hostility, and you had no choice but to rely on your powers to gather troops.
And where your powers failed, strength of numbers came to supplement them.

Brainwash [Mag3] : [2+3] [5]
The more you brainwashed, the harder it became for you to easily turn them to you. In part because of exhaustion, and in part because the inhabitants of the shore guessed you used some powers to gather followers.
Being on their guards made their minds much more resilient.

+3 Brainwashed Giant Turtle-subtype monsters

Devourer -Intimidation- [Str4] : [6+4] [10]
Thanks to the Devourer intimidating presence, you managed to gather begrudging monsters.
But the Devourer's presence had negative effects :
-first your group was recognized as a dangerous threat : hostility toward you grew, and monsters began to gather to take care of you.
-then the loyalty of the monsters you recruited was fickle. Your utter lack of leadership didn't help either.

+10 Crustacean-type monsters
+2 Amphibian-subtype monsters

"Lord Azarian. We have been detecting ever increasing gatherings the past days. The biggest one has close to a hundred individuals of Turtle-subtype."

Spoiler: Azarian's Troops (click to show/hide)

Ogg Goreth Junger the Oogr -Magi-
Should we make 'em Join us? or Kill and Eat them?
I ask my Group.

The Green Ogre shouted :

"Join me, We search for persons to join us in bringing land under the con-troll of Zethe."
Continue trying to bring monsters under my control
Indeed, you did said that.

The Red Troll said :
"I go for kill."

The choice remains yours to make.

Eversor the Death Lord -Animated Armor-
Eversor skims through the scroll and nods. He then turns to the harpy.

"This will be useful in my efforts to subjugate the Plains. You may return to Tartarus. Should Azarian still be there, relay my thanks to him."

Gather soldiers in the Plains for now. If there are less aggressive monster tribes nearby, might as well try to bring those under Zethe while recruiting.

The young harpy bowed, and departed for Tartarus. Then you pondered on your next move.

Long Term Actions :

  • I - Recruitment :

Scroll Analysis :
Studying the scroll, you searched for a less aggressive monster community nearby. And indeed there was.
Bartoros herds composed of young individuals were noted less prone to open-hostility, due to a more open-minded view of the world than those of the elders of the big herds.

Then there was an interesting group of bird of preys known for hunting not so far from your position. Despite being resistant to the idea of unification, they wouldn't turn aside an advantageous deal. As such negotiating with them would be feasible.

And finally, a peculiar place of the plain attracted your attention. A monster graveyard, where many creatures came to die.

Recruitment : [1]
You searched for the herds you read of in the scroll, but were instead found by a vengeful force of Bartoros coming from another clan.

Having heard of the message sent by the dying Bartoros, they decided to take revenge. They are approaching from a distance toward your position. The Bartoros among you are restless.

World Status

Spoiler: King's Current Order (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: State of Zethe (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 06:32:30 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #56 on: September 10, 2016, 04:36:43 am »

"Desert from Zethe, and you shall face a fate worse than death."

Remind the Bartoros in my ranks that they were beaten. Their lives are in my hands. And it'd be a shame to just throw them away.

Gauge the approximate number of Bartoros in the enemy herd. If it's larger than the previous one, try to pull back and retreat. Head to the monster graveyard.

If the herd is similar or smaller in size (or larger, but still of a smaller overall combat rating than my group) to the previous one, pull back and prepare an ambush.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #57 on: September 10, 2016, 05:02:20 am »

"Their minds are guarded now that they know we are here. If only they would listen to reason instead of being so hostile to good intent."
politely remind our unwilling troops that we offered them a chance to join of their own will, and they refused making it their own fault that they are now drafted. Either this will crush their morale to a pulp and make them rebellious (in which case, I'll just brainwash them too) or it will make them remorseful for being so hostile to us, increasing their loyalty.

After having dealt with morale issues, investigate the turtle gathering. This could be either a large threat or a great opportunity.

(So all 69 turtles that i have not recruited are gathering together? Well now.)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 06:05:26 am by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #58 on: September 10, 2016, 06:31:27 am »

((FUCK the RNG hates me. I didnt expect a physical god to settle for being a king in a forest))

Painfully and slowly Krac drags himself to his feet. Might as well die well

I die fighting to create a better world, a world where monsters have a chance to be more then warriors if they so chooseBreathing heavily Krac swayed dizzy from blood loss A world where humans can't kill who they please without having to answer to justice. What do you live for?
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 09:17:37 am by killerhellhound »
My Sig
Fluttershy jumps onto TCM, giving him a hug. "~Yay~"*Player TCM has left the server. Reason: HHHHNNNNNGGGG-

We Madmen are very ingenious.  Sometimes it just takes just a little less sanity to pull off something completely awesome.

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #59 on: September 10, 2016, 08:59:17 am »

Learn my beasts names

"All of you were born on this mountain werent you?"
Rakar looks at each of them then points to the Griffin
"Tell me about yourselves and where you were born on this mountain

Use "Mysterious Eye" on each of them and listen closely to the details to find out where the Griffins, Storm Lions, and maybe where the snakes reside as well as any other thing of importance
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