No, if a human did that I would freak the hell out, and demand they leave.
Want to discuss deep intellectual topics, like comparing and contrasting Kant and Nietzsche? Fantastic!
No, not all sexual people do that, no. However, nearly all have great difficulty with the concept of being sexless, and not feeling deficient about it. If I had a dollar for the number of times I've been asked about masturbation... Yeesh.
And yeah, the grey area of asexuality is bigger than just my version of it, much like any other orientation. There us both romantic and nonronantic asexuality, as well as aesthetic biased flavors. I don't have a real preference for gender, I have personality preferences, and honestly feel I could have a nonphysical romantic crush on either gender, as long as they had beautiful minds, and strong, independent personalities. This is not true of all asexuals.
From the discussion, I take it you are still young. Me? I am 37, and the hormones turned on years ago, as evidenced by the beard on my face. It really didn't change much in my case. If I were suddenly going to lose my mind and chase after something, I think it would have happened by now.
You might find you just have a weak libido, instead of no libido, like me. That's fine, as long as you are comfortable with it.
The world likes to make a big to-do about gender expectations, but I find this is usually tied to transparent marketing, and mental laziness. Normative females are marketed jewelry, cosmetics, shapely clothes, fancy shoes, etc. Normative men are pitched "male enhancement", ads for tittybars, gruff merchandising for mechanical things, and the like. People expect these generic mental shapes, and get all confused and disturbed when something different shows up.
I dislike the " pink aisle madness" and "testosterone man!" Archetype roles. I also dislike the "metrosexual man", " butch girl", "raging Queen", and " burly letcherous gay man" archetypes being portrayed.
I much prefer the way people relate to food in thus respect. Does liking candy mean anything particular about you? No. Does liking pizza? No.
Why does your preference in sexual partners need to have such baggage?
I see no compelling reason, other than people just being strange about overhyping how good their sex is, and how strange that other kind of sex is.