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Author Topic: Grunts  (Read 139445 times)


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2016, 11:30:06 am »

I personally find it to be complete bullshit that you did one roll for all newcomers, and then executed us without any saving rolls. Ozarck, I am disappoint.
I have explained the premise very poorly. Expect to lose lots of Grunts. Hence the numeric designation. Over time, as you play new grunts, you will gain additional options, and the possibility for more long lived characters. However, as Vishdafish said:
This is warfare.
The intent for right now is an "Invasion of Normandy" feel. Lots of death, some of it completely "unfair."

Also, I did the same exact roll for the first Brick (Brick 01). It rolled a 3, whereas Brick 02 rolled a 1.

Now, grab your DH002, point your shooty thing at The Other GuyTM and get to killing and dying :P

Dustan Hache

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Re: Grunts
« Reply #46 on: August 27, 2016, 11:32:01 am »

I am almost certain I won't get it to do so because the next brick will roll a six. Just watch.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #47 on: August 27, 2016, 11:39:08 am »

Unit number: Czy001
Name: Shon
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Alive.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2016, 11:40:45 am by crazyabe »
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #48 on: August 27, 2016, 11:39:33 am »

Unit number: Yo001 (Brick1)
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status:Seriously wounded
         Missing arm [stabilized]
Get to cover.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2016, 04:46:24 pm by Yottawhat »
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #49 on: August 27, 2016, 11:45:22 am »

Don't eat ghosts, that's how we got into this mess to begin with.


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Grunts
« Reply #50 on: August 27, 2016, 11:50:18 am »

I am almost certain I won't get it to do so because the next brick will roll a six. Just watch.
There can be no bravery without madness.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #51 on: August 27, 2016, 12:26:22 pm »

Unit Number: DrM00?, platoon ?
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Awkward quantum state

Be confused.

((Oz- My character sheet was posted before turn 1, so technically shouldn't I have been on brick001?))


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #52 on: August 27, 2016, 12:41:05 pm »

Unit number: Rak001
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Alive & Ready to die!
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #53 on: August 27, 2016, 12:59:06 pm »

Room for more?

Unit number: Hat001 (Platoon 3)
Name: Shut up you sod. No one asked. No one cares.
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Alive!

Action (?): Run "That Way"TM and dive behind the first piece of cover which presents itself.
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #54 on: August 27, 2016, 02:35:31 pm »

((guys I love the fact that we are in giant ass metal bricks falling from the sky


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #55 on: August 27, 2016, 03:04:43 pm »

Unit number: AM 001 (platoon 3)
Name: Nobody
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Alive!

Go That Way!
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #56 on: August 27, 2016, 04:23:22 pm »

So newcomers from here forward start on a new brick right?

if so.

Unit number: Fail001, Platoon 4
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #57 on: August 27, 2016, 06:47:51 pm »

Check my condition. Can I still walk, talk, and shoot? Apply medical things as needed.

Unit number: Zr001, Platoon 1.
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Maimed, stabilized.


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Grunts
« Reply #58 on: August 27, 2016, 09:19:30 pm »

Round Three: Sandy Cracks
Platoon One

Unit number: NJW001
Platoon 1
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Maimed (lost arm)

Unload one-armed indiscriminately with my gun.

Have all characters do this automatically until 3rd September if not too much trouble.

I assume you mean to shoot toward The Other GuyTM, but this round, for comedic effect, and also because you are still in the Brick, and more likely to put holes in your fellow poor bastards than be able to fire through the hull at anything, I'm having you unload your gun. Good job.

Zii001 ,platoon1
inventory: gun, helmet, gum (chewed, in mouth), backpack
status: serious wound (stabilized)

Search for the nearby enemies
They are all probably behind all thoser bullets and stuff coming from That WayTM

Unit number: Su002, platoon 1
Inventory: Gun, helmet, gum, backpack
Status: Missing [RLeg], Bleedout [0/3]

Apply a hemostatic powder packet to the bloody nub where my leg used to be.
(5) You do the medical thingy and make your nub all not bleedy Stabilized!
P.S. I believe you are still on Su001, as you didn't die last round.

Unit Number: CR001, platoon 1
Name: Frank
Inventory: Gun, Military backpack, chewed gum, helmet
Status: Serious Wound; stabilized

CR001 immediately disembarks the brick via the hole in the floor, then seeks cover behind any nearby debris; there should be a lot of it, considering that the brick has a hole in it.
(2) you rush out of the hole in the side, which, sadly, is facing open sand and a hail of bullets. Not gonna get to safety this round, but next you could, if you survived, get behind the Brick.

Unit number: Ner001
Name: Femol
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
missing [L arm][L leg] (bleed out 1/3)

take matches/lighter, cauterize wounds.
(3) Well, that hurts like hell. You cauterize one of the two and remain at bleedout 1/3. You gain a new status I didn't expect to use: Horribly burnt 1/4.

Unit number: Yo001 (Brick1)
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status:Seriously wounded
         Missing arm [stabilized]
Get to cover.
(3)you manage to find enough of a chunk of debris to hide behind a little. It's not enough to cover you completely, but gives you a +1 for this round's bullet hell roll.
also, your status is maimed, if you are missing a limb

Check my condition. Can I still walk, talk, and shoot? Apply medical things as needed.

Unit number: Zr001, Platoon 1.
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Maimed, stabilized.
Depends on which maiming you take. Missing a leg, you can hop, but can't run. missing an arm, you can shoot, but not with great precision. Missing eyes, you can be a terrible liability to your team, but maaaaaaybe, you could gain points toward other things. (5) you apply the medical thing, and are stabilized.

Shellshock: HB001 (1/?), Bo001 (1/?)  (just an afk counter)

Death roll for Brick one. Shellshock round one are immune. That leaves seven to roll for.
NJW001 crawls on the floor of the Broken Brick, looking for the ammo he foolishly and indiscriminately unloaded, and survives without a scratch. He loads his ammo and prepares to shoot next round
CR001 takes minor wounds 1/5
Yo001 is protected from serious injury by the cover he has, but takes minor wounds.
Su001, NER001, and Zr001 all take another maiming increase bleedout counter by the number of previous maimings. That puts su at 1/3, NER at 2/3, and Zr at 1/3.
I'm getting lots of multiple maimings. I may cap maimings at 2 after this.
Zii001 Finds The Other GuyTM. Well, he finds The Other GuyTM's bullets. Or they find him. Anyway, he's dead.

Platoon Three

Unit Number: Xan001
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.

The doors are open, what are you waiting for, go shoot The Other GuyTM!

Fish003, platoon3
inventory: gun, helmet, gum, backpack
status: Top condition!

Fire That Way!
Now we're talking. a man of action. A goddam Grunt Genius. (5) Holy fucking shit. You got one. Congratulations, you've given platoon three an Objective! Your pick: Secure the Dune, Silence the Machinegun, or Clear the Fence. Successfully making the objective will allow your platoon to Advance, or to Aid Another Platoon.
You get one success point: Gun 'Em Down! You also get an Achievement: First Kill!

Unit number: Po002
Name: no one cares.
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Alive! :)

run for cover  and chew my gum
Your gum gets status: chewed. (1) you get status: caught with his pants down. You take a -1 on your "getting shot to hell" roll this turn.

Unit number: Jag002 [platoon 3]
Name: Shut up you sod. No one asked. No one cares.
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum

Return fire at the enemy firing from That Way™

((To be fair to Oz, we are doing a hot drop if your brick gets shredded by laser fire your going to die. Besides we get a free intro now from a non crashed brick.))
Holy Fuck, a second Grunt shooting at The Other GuyTM! I don't know what to do with all this talent.(6)You got a kill! Platoon 3 is on a roll now. You get two death rolls this round for that overshoot. You advance Platoon 3's Objective Counter by one!

Unit number: Czy001
Name: Shon
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Alive.
Point gun That WayTM. Pull trigger. Ttry not to die.

Unit Number: DrM00?, platoon ?
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Awkward quantum state

Be confused.

((Oz- My character sheet was posted before turn 1, so technically shouldn't I have been on brick001?))
Yes, DrM001 should have been on Brick 01, but this is the military, and clerical errors are a law of nature, and he was unceremoniously transfered (by gm accident err... I totally meant to do that) to Brick 02, where he died gloriously, in fire and explosions.

anyway, you are understandably confused and get one round of Shell Shock, rendering you immune to fire this turn.

Unit number: Rak001
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Alive & Ready to die!
Don't be ready to die, be ready to make The Other GuyTM die! Well, that and be ready to die. be cause you will. Painfully.

Room for more?

Unit number: Hat001 (Platoon 3)
Name: Shut up you sod. No one asked. No one cares.
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Alive!

Action (?): Run "That Way"TM and dive behind the first piece of cover which presents itself.
Oh gees (1) yo urun That WayTM into open sand. Cover is one turn away at least, and you have gained the status Exposed. for this turn you have a -1 to your death roll.

Unit number: AM 001 (platoon 3)
Name: Nobody
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.
Status: Alive!

Go That Way!
(5) You gain the status Leading The Charge! We'll see what effect, if any, it has next turn.

So newcomers from here forward start on a new brick right?

if so.

Unit number: Fail001, Platoon 4
Inventory: Gun. military backpack. Gum. Helmet.

Silly goose, you start in Platoon 3. I'll announce each new platoon as it is organized.

Now for Platoon 3's Death Rattle: Ten people, one shell shocked, and one with two guns aimed at him, for a total of ten rolls. (two with a minus 1 due to Exposure)
Remarkably, both our Exposed roll 6s. SO their -1 works to the platoon's advantage, and no one else gets shot at for them
Xan001, Po001, Rak001, and Hat001 all survive this turn with no injuries!
Fish003 receives one serious wound.
Czy001 takes two hits, receiving two serious wounds and bleedout of 0/3
Jag002 and Fail001 are maimed (loss of leg, arm or eyes
AM001, leading the charge on Platoon 3's objective, suffers the consequences, and is killed.

Instructions for next turn
Platoon 3 has gained an objective. Vishafish will choose which, between Secure the Dune, Silence the Machinegun, or Clear the Fence. Dune is a defensive post, from which advances, especially on enemy positions, can be attempted. Fence is an Obstacle, and removing it will allow the platoon to advance toward the line. Silencing the Machine Gun will remove a certain number of death rolls for the platoon per round. Additionally, securing any of these objectives will allow the platoon to Aid Another Platoon, or to Advance.

New characters now have a choice of spawn points: First Wave or Reinforcements.
First Wave will appear from a landed Brick, and have the Objective: Join Another Platoon. You will be absorbed into platoon one or two, upon finding them.
Reinforcements will spawn in another Falling Brick, and will be in Platoon 4. Bricks may be shot out of the sky.

How's the formatting? these turns are pretty big, so don't expect too much fancyness, but if you have constructive suggestions, I'll hear them. Ove r a nice steaming cup of Players' Tears, of course.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #59 on: August 27, 2016, 09:23:48 pm »

I Spray and Pray, Or at least Spray Bullets At Wherever I'm Suppose to be Shooting, Rather then Bleed out.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.
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