Tick 29.0: Reach for the Sky!The Landrian Priest Kings have begun unifying Cortex under themselves, using their administrative efficiency to win the mandate. Their palace contains the beginnings of electronic bip-boops and blinky lights, although the magically inclined remain somewhat unimpressed by this.
Gandtrael looks at the creaking space and notices that it must be a result of trying to build two cities in the same space.
Gandtrael delays the festivities by holding a massive welcome festival with magical displays, cook offs, and illusion food cook offs. (Gandtrael: -10E)
Neuronite baskets have been distributed for collecting the few magical crystals that can be found in populated areas. (Gandtrael: -2E) Peace alleys with trees have been made. (Gandtrael: -2E) Gandtrael has begun attempting to split up Rorrim. Gandtrael has ordered the construction of many monasteries in Cortex along with a council to discuss political and religious issues. Landria blesses such a council, providing insights into Rulership. (Landria: -2E)
Landria sends fireworks, ferris wheels, roller coasters, and helicopters to the festival.
Landria inspects the Katt races and recoils from the smell, but a throne has no nose!
OISEAVX is no longer active.
Gandtrael encourages replication of Landrian technology.
Wstfgl detects several candidates for being causes of mass-murders by various mechanisms. Of the known gods, Landria, Katzerie, Captain Praven, Mani, and Zenrach may be somewhat responsible. (Wstfgl: -5E) Presumably, sealing the cause of the mass-murder would seal one of these if it ended up targeting a god.
Katzerie has published an
impressive record of the early creations of the gods. How far they've gone!
Kriege quickly copies books for the scribe, who, flustered, points to the small stack of handwritten copies the scribe made.
Kriege has also created trees with brain-like fruits. Gandtrael has planted quite a few in Cortex, perhaps to prevent cannibalism.
Mongrel Hunter: "Tree brain not talk brain! But yum yum too and not run and not scream!"
Kriege has also created Pyon, an Advanced artifact hammer that allows the user to craft/build anything they want more easily than usual. (Kriege: -3E) The builder gets to work pounding out very blockish buildings.
Katzerie listens to prayers:
Jakatt aristokat: "Thank you for the servants!"
Kattav foreman: "We have completed a navy to escort the
Leo Norkatt smelter: "What metals should we look into?"
Fortuna has upgraded the Fhortan further, presumably gifting them with even more Luck. (Fortuna: -48-29E)
Frami has created more Hyrrans in the caves. (Frami: -30E)
Frami listens to prayers:
Nautil guard: "The ships are getting stranger and stranger"
Arani evolver: "Those...those insects! They've given evolution magic a bad name!"
Hyrran explorer: "Do igneous provinces have rulers?"
Katzerie has descended to the Katzerie and created the best forge, the Panzerwerk. (Katzerie: -25E) Katzerie has then smelted samples of Blood Saland, a stronger, heavier derivative of Saland made with Saland, Neuronite, Emberglass, and steel through a ritual of blood and fire. (Katzerie: -10E) Katzerie has also created Panzerfaust, gauntlets granting facility with fire and earth magic and regular strength.
Kriege has created the Gotious, giant wolves and potential companions for the Mongrels. Unlike mundane wolves, the wild Gotious have an alpha-dominated hierarchy.
Visalash has created the Epperts, psymentally adept spreaders of advancement. (Visalash: -8E)
The following god has been marked as inactive: Sadiq.
Landria (Ruling, Technology) 33E
Katzerie (Luxury, Comfort) 28E
Mumuski (Music, Culture) 154E
Captain Praven (Piracy, Sailing?) 196E
Wstfgl (Dreams, Sleep?) 98E
Sadiq (Friendship, Engineering) 97E
Mani (Machine) 115E
Xislo (Magic) 69E
Zenrach (Death, Chaos) 142E
LIGHT (Light, Truth) 125E
Gandtrael (Brains, Spirit) 24E
Fortuna (Luck) 57E
Death (Death) 16E
Frami (Life, Evolution) 65E
Kriege (Strength, Power) 56E
Visalash (Science, Empowerment) 20E
Nameless god of Desolation and Destruction (Desolation, Destruction) 0E
Nameless god of Fear (Fear) 0E
Landria 37
Katzerie 29
Mumuski 9
Captain Praven 8
Wstfgl 57
Sadiq 41
Mani 11
Xislo 23
Zenrach 34
Gandtrael 18
Fortuna 12
Death 8
Frami 34
Kriege 3
Visalash 1
Nameless god of Desolation and Destruction 0
Nameless god of Fear 0