Demonic Spoon: Thorny mist: Executing now/soon/previously
LordPorkins: Just post a sheet in the following the form given at the start of this thread. There seems to be a slight push to reboot, which I will note implies no progress will carry over, but joining now would allow you to mess around a bit to get a feel for the game
Re "Retry": Time for more reforms (assuming we reboot after all)!
Census: Leaning on accurate at the moment. Obfuscating or hiding doesn't do any good for transparency
Influence: Probably going to be helped out a bit by introducing some sort of soft action limit
Action limit: Adds overhead but can improve SNR, which I'm not sure is always a good thing for this sort of game.
"Action": A bonus or a lack of penalty on something done
Essence actions: Bonus or lack of penalty for first 2 (or maybe first ceil(# of players / 8 )) actions, penalty or no bonus for further actions
Free actions: Bonus or lack of penalty for first 2 (or maybe first ceil(# of players / 8 )) actions, penalty or no bonus for further actions. May be treated as an action under the limit if performed with a nominal 1E?
Reactions: Always treated as action under the limit if directed properly (i.e. no borrowing actions by arranging to get punched by others and doing something irrelevant in "response")
Secret actions: Count toward action limit at least as fast as usual (but maybe less detectable/traceable than in previous YGs)
Essence inflation: And how! Probably need caps, preferably increased by something easy to track like overflows or usage rather. Also needs to be balanced to avoid creating massive time-dependent disparities (again)
In any case, I'll probably sleep on the ideas for a few days (hopefully getting suggestions too).