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Author Topic: A Dwarven Story: Trials of Storytelling and Incompetence (my first tale...)  (Read 1133 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Hi everyone!

First Post! (been reading this forum for years, though...)

So, anyway, a while ago I started to write a DF-based Story, and recently I decided to pick up that project again.
 I only got the basic outline and a few chapters here and there, but i figured i might as well share it with you people :)
This is the first time i'm ever sharing something i've written, and english is not my native lingo, so plz. tell me about grammar/spelling mistakes, wrongly used Idioms, bad style and all that jazz.
I hope to continue and eventually finish this, but i'd really love some feedback (motivation has always been my biggest problem with these things... and yes, devastating critique is quite motivating, sometimes :D )
Anyway, here goes the Prologue:

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I hope you like it so far, first chapters will follow soon...

I'm not sure about the names, though... Dorfs will use any Noun as a First Name, right?

Please do tell me what you think about it, i'm really not very sure about this stuff...

EDIT: looks like i stole someones forum name, there's already a !!crundle!! out there... well, activation took long enough, so whatever. sry dude.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 04:07:47 pm by crundle »


  • Bay Watcher
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(Note: I'm not very good at critique, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.)

First off, for a prologue, this is quite good. Your grammar's passable overall, and the only typo that I've noticed is "noone" instead of "no one", which is a fairly common mistake. The format's a little jarring, to be honest, but not terrible. I'd recommend not starting a new line after every two sentences or so. Take a reformatted version of the first paragraph, for example:

Amal was busy cleaning the corridors. That elf had left bloodstains everywhere as they dragged him to the dungeons. But she didn't grumble about it. Cleaning was a proper task for a child of her age, after all. When Amal would reach her twelfth summer, she would get to choose her crafts. She already knew she'd choose to be a metalsmith, like her grandfather. She was already pretty good with copper, and old Likot had even let her work platinum once. Most of her friends wanted to join the armies, and prove themselves in the wars. They dreamt of being called to the mountainhome as heroes, like her brother Kivish. Amal didn't like war. It made too much of a mess. Too much blood to clean up. She continued to wipe away the sticky bloody trails that trailed along the engraved floor. It was still four years until she could join her grandfather in the forges. Until then, she would do her children's chores: hauling, cleaning, and helping in the fields. Likot always says there is nothing worse than a lazy dwarf. And that was that.

You have a good sense of when to separate paragraphs, so just arrange the sentences in less of a script-like way. That way, the reader won't need to keep jumping back to the left margin every few seconds and feel like a human typewriter, if I may be blunt. You did well establishing the setting in the first paragraph, though if I had any gripe with it I'd say that there was little to visualize. The first-half of the second paragraph seemed abrupt, or in other words the sentences were too short to allow the reader time to fully picture the scene. However, from the moment you began describing the dungeons till the end of the final paragraph, I'd say you painted a very good mental picture.

All in all, good work. I certainly wouldn't mind reading the following chapters. And yes, as far as I'm aware, Dorfs will use any noun as a name.
Imagine how much more exciting the dinosaur exhibits would be if we had necromancers.


  • Bay Watcher
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It was a good read and the story flows well. 

The introduction sentences are indeed short bursts of info, and I think you can re-write them together into more descriptive prose.
Amal was busy cleaning the corridors.
That elf had left bloodstains everywhere as they dragged him to the dungeons.
But she didn't grumble about it.
Cleaning was a proper task for a child of her age, after all.

Something like, "Amal busy herself cleaning the streaks of elf blood that stains the smoothed floors leading down to the dungeons.  She does not grumble at this task because it is proper for any dwarf child of age eight."


  • Bay Watcher
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Thank you for your comments, this is quite encouraging :)

The format's a little jarring, to be honest, but not terrible. I'd recommend not starting a new line after every two sentences or so.
Yeah, it is. I actually wrote it without those newlines, and put them in because i posted this on a pc with a big screen and a small font. Most of the paragraphs ended up in a single line, which was even worse to read :)
But i'll keep it in shape from now on, no more extra newlines :D

The introduction sentences are indeed short bursts of info, and I think you can re-write them together into more descriptive prose.
I actually did that on purpose as well, because i wanted to convey that childs viewpoint and figured a 8-year-old wouldn't think in long convoluted sentences. But I guess I might have gone too far there, I'll see if i can rework that to make it more reader-friendly :D

anyway, heres the opening part ... or better, the first part of the first part
I just keep posting as i write, so the next piece of that chapter should be ready tonight (hopefully) :)

Edit: actually i just added another small piece... more to come later :)
Edit2: larger fonts seem to be a good idea :) -  also reformatted the prologue in the op

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« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 04:08:28 pm by crundle »


  • Bay Watcher
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Good flow and details.   The last part had some inkling on how the brother might not have survived, but the previous part he did ok and reached the 100 kill milestone. 

Perhaps it would have been more suspenseful if  Kivish and Tharnas were discussing the kill count 100, and ending the scene charging to help Bloodsmith so I will not be quite sure if he survived the battle until the last part where Amal got the invitation.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Novice Wordsmith
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Good flow and details.   The last part had some inkling on how the brother might not have survived, but the previous part he did ok and reached the 100 kill milestone. 

Perhaps it would have been more suspenseful if  Kivish and Tharnas were discussing the kill count 100, and ending the scene charging to help Bloodsmith so I will not be quite sure if he survived the battle until the last part where Amal got the invitation.

You're totally right about that, didn't notice when I wrote it :)
I also like your suggestion a lot, but I feel it might be too much to introduce a character on one page and threaten to kill him on the next one. So I'll change the ending of the last paragraph to make her reaction less extreme and soften that thing up a bit.
I will probably work that idea into some later part of the story though - its going to be pretty long anyway, and I got a few good place for that later on (So far this was the start of act I, and theres three more to go - act II is mostly done already, though :) )

Edits and next chapter should be done by sometime tonight (CET, that is)