Has the bug with The Earth Strikes Back! been patched in the latest version?
No, create-unit is still the same script.
From TurambarFR's save, I was able to figure out there are two distinct types of crashes. The much more common one can be hotfixed by commenting out two lines of
tesb-wake.lua, but the correct way is to update Masterwork to use v2.13 of
The Earth Strikes Back!. It has some new features in addition to the bugfixes.
The other source is much more rare and hard to reproduce, and it seems to be in
create-unit.lua. Still working on that one.
Version 2.13: Fixed interopability issue with Standardized Materials; added a 250-mined-tile grace period before spawning Awakened Stones or Wyrms
Version 2.12: Additional bugfixes to creature raws; fixed pet rocks spawning hostile; clarified installation instructions; Rubble version now generates many small text files by script
Version 2.11: Revert to DFHack's create-unit for 0.43.03-r1 or later only; streamlined mod logic for spawning units; bugfix to creature raws; bugfix to extended item descriptions; cleared out depricated scripts
Version 2.10: Added Altars; added TWBT overrides for Tributes and Altars; bugfix for create-unit; future-proofed tesb-job-monitor by specifying job names instead of index numbers
Version 2.09: Removed forced attack for hostile Awakened Stones and Wyrms; made it more obvious if a Tribute is non-functional; added mod-specific descriptions for the extended item viewscreen; minor bugfix to Wyrm claws
The forced attack was the source of the relatively common crashes.