I'm well aware of the facts, but you're looking at it from a rational point of view, expecting that nobody will push for irrational legislation and so forth.
Obviously nobody would begin trying to do things like that, obviously nobody would elect a reality tv star, obviously nobody would fly a plane into a skyscraper, obviously nobody would shoot a president on live tv. I'd be quite happy to see something forbidding any consideration of natural respiration, is basically what I'm saying.
It isn't like this is something brand new to be alarmed about, I was shocked back in 2009 when something which we
exhale and plants depend on was classed as a pollutant, just like I was uncomfortable when people started seriously talking about getting it classified as one.
20 years ago it was weird to see it pop up like that:
Another pollutant generated from coal burning is carbon dioxide.
The carbon dioxide emissions from coal burning is larger than any
other energy sources such as, petroleum and liquefied natural gas.
In addition, analysts argue that increases in carbon dioxide will
contribute to global warming. Besides carbon dioxide, sulfur
dioxide, which is believed to cause acid raid, is another pollutant
generated from coal burning.
Now it's normal to discuss CO2 as a pollutant without even specifying the source, or just talk about "carbon" as a catch-all. It took almost ten years to go from the first serious pushes for the EPA to do it before it happened, but it did. I thought it was absurd to imagine CO2 as a pollutant being taken seriously, just like it is absurd to imagine the more extreme routes which "fighting the good fight" against CO2 could take us down.
As it happens
I've had almost this exact discussion about how alarming I found people slipping up and calling CO2 a pollutant was, and I've been told that it is absurd and it will never happen. I don't like being right about this shit, but "don't be ridiculous, Max" is little comfort at this point. You hear "we have to save the planet", I hear "we could save the planet if only people weren't such assholes... and there weren't so many of them either" and sit here wondering if it really is just me that's uncomfortable with this.
Here's a question: what do you think will happen to carbon taxes if we manage to cut all fossil fuel burning, switch all of our industries which involve CO2 emission, and so forth?