A person who is both socially and fiscally conservative may assert that there is not actually a real problem, especially if it is for a social cause.
For example, giving money to single mothers is not something a social+fiscal conservative will really want to do. They would rather see that there are no single mothers, rather than give them social acceptance as a normal thing. As such, they would be more inclined to see that single mothers get temporary support, while they find another husband, etc-- and that such temporary support is indeed just temporary, with finite, fixed limits, and that it is exactly just barely enough to support them until they do so. They would be very concerned about changes in the incidence rate of this issue, as they would view it as a serious social ill in society that there are children not being raised in classic nuclear families. If the incidence rate goes up, they would be in a serious tizzy over it, not be looking for ways to hemorrhage more money to support them.
I am a moderate, who is fiscally conservative, but socially liberal. I dont see a problem with single mothers, as long as they are able to properly provide for their children. Everyone falls on hard times, and having a social safety net is a good thing, but having people subsist entirely out of it is not acceptable. (For one, it takes money away from people who are just in a rough patch of road, which leads them to persistent poverty if they are not helped in a timely manner-- and two, enabling persistent populations supported by the state creates a persistent underclass which is deleterious to the society.) People getting government assistance should receive just enough to get by, and only for limited periods, and only recieve permanent assistance for VERY VERY special conditions, with strict requirements.
A social+fiscal liberal wants to accept every social choice as being valid, and wants to assure that everyone gets everything they want or need in a comfortable setting, regardless of price of impact to the rest of society.