Would you be happier with 'reality has a reactionary alt-right bias', Loud?
Where'd you get that from?
It's based on a snarky old joke. Right-wingers say "the media has a liberal bias", left-wingers say "reality has a liberal bias".
The honest truth is that reality has a realistic bias. If you're going around trumpeting inane bullshit you're inevitably going to run into the wall of rationality telling you to cut that shit out, regardless of what particular mold your crazy is stamped in.
That's what happened to the regressive left. They were chugging along to the tune of "Censorship - Progressive! Free Speech - Fascist! Bigotry - Progressive, but only when it favors us! Bigotry - Fascist, but only when it disfavors us! Atheism - Fascist and Racist, but only when attacking Islam! Atheism - Progressive, but only when men aren't involved and attacking Christianity!" and so on. Then they steamed right into the coastal batteries of the Right, and the far-right nutjob broken clock managed to tell the correct time for once, so they came under serious fire instead of more Lolbertarians and Stormfuck morons pissing in the wind. Shortly after, progressives started noticing the dogmatic authoritarian fuckwits working against social progress in their name, so now they've got a fleet sailing right up their arses sailing the flag of egalitarianism.
Yeah, the two sides might despise each other too, but right now they've got a common enemy stuck between them, if you'll excuse the rather tortured analogy. And as soon as the loonies on the left loose traction, the loonies on the right will run out of ammunition and the moderate conservatives will remember that calling for race war and outlawing homosexuality doesn't win elections any more.
It's gonna be a shitty decade, but as long as the badwrong thoughtcrime laws and attacks on free speech don't become too deeply entrenched (and nobody starts a serious armed revolt) the seething majority of people who want to be left the hell alone will eventually shed all of the ideologues Othering like it's 1932. Remember, if you're not with us, you're an evil Nazi scumbag terrorist hatemonger trying to destroy American society.
Or, y'know, the regressive left manages to do to progressivism in the U.S. what the Libertarian party did to libertarianism. In which case, HELLOOOOO GILDED AGE Mk.II! Enjoy being paid in oh-so-efficient company scrip, and make sure to praise Smith for the privilege of being killed by National Guard strikebreakers!