Yeah, only liberals can be smug. ive literally never heard of conservatives being smug; just doesn't happen.
don't really see the point you're trying to make here
Read the article
There is a smug style in American liberalism. It has been growing these past decades. It is a way of conducting politics, predicated on the belief that American life is not divided by moral difference or policy divergence — not really — but by the failure of half the country to know what's good for them.
In 2016, the smug style has found expression in media and in policy, in the attitudes of liberals both visible and private, providing a foundational set of assumptions above which a great number of liberals comport their understanding of the world.
It has led an American ideology hitherto responsible for a great share of the good accomplished over the past century of our political life to a posture of reaction and disrespect: a condescending, defensive sneer toward any person or movement outside of its consensus, dressed up as a monopoly on reason.
Coming right after 'reality has a liberal bias' it is easy to see the point, even if you disagree. Liberal media tells all its liberal viewers that they're smarter than everyone else, and results come in: they agree
Well of course people see liberals as "condescending" - liberals claim that people are
wrong! They
challenge people's beliefs! And as for "defensive", well when you attack with ridiculous claims of us being "snobby" of course we'll get defensive.
See? I'm not actually serious, I'm just pointing out how hypocritical arguments like these are. It's some guy saying "look, these liberals are totally snobbish badguys," no evidence or supporting arguments, and of course conservatives will listen and agree!
I'm saying that people are wrong. Is that smug, really? That's a nice way of putting it. It lets you dismiss liberalism as "those smug ivory-tower coastal elites." Keep that bubble going, LW, don't let any reality in
I live in the epicenter of the global liberal world, am posting on a forum that is mostly progressive, spent my life in liberal education and liberal workplaces, out of everyone I know on a second name basis only three are not liberals
tfw bubble
your smug is too real
it's called TONGUE-IN-CHEEK and SELF-MOCKING HUMOR you british bastard
I'm saying that people are wrong. Is that smug, really? That's a nice way of putting it. It lets you dismiss liberalism as "those smug ivory-tower coastal elites." Keep that bubble going, LW, don't let any reality in
It may not be smugness from an objective viewpoint, but it is certainly seen as such from their subjective one, and, as we have already seen in this election, perception really fucking matters. If you want to influence the world, it's optimal to learn how to present your viewpoint in a way that will make it most accessible to the person you're talking to.
Otherwise you'll keep getting blindsided with Trump after Trump coming to power in all Western countries, with Putin and his ilk cackling at the backstage at the liberals' repeated failure to reverse the slide into unpopularity, as the new conservative world order continues to rise and destroy everything you love and care about.
Do you want that?
But if calling people wrong is "smug," how do we even
do anything?That's the smug-ist article I've read in a long time...
Oh, that fixes it then. Liberals need to be less "smug." Well, fine. Go ahead and call all Muslims terrorists. Allow cops to kill black people freely, who cares? Want to shoot gays yourself? Not a problem. Abortions? We'll compromise and just execute the mother too. And yeah, we'll even set up a nice system where you can have illegals work for you, then ship them off to the border instead of paying them. Global warming? Clearly a conspiracy, one including every reputable scientist in the world. is this a rebuttal of smugness, though? "Sure, we're smug, but we're also the most right!" is a rather smug sentence, from the perspective of a conservative.
No. I refuse. I will not normalize the ignorance, bigotry, and clannishness that has taken over the right wing of this country. There is a difference between the left and the right, and it is a meaningful one. BECAUSE it does not tolerate intolerance. BECAUSE it uses fact and reason through science. BECAUSE it values democratic ideals over corporate absolutism.
Erm, this is generally true... but liberals can be just as clannish as conservatives, and have you even seen the vaccination scare?
Also YES LET US DISCUSS THIS AGAIN: intolerance intolerance redux! Define tolerance, please!
To be "smug," in the sense the article claims, is to value one's own opinion as falsely privileged over your opponent's. The discrepancy in legitimacy is very real.
"Yes, we are very privileged, and this is for totally good reasons, also you're wrong." See how anything can be twisted into smugness? REALITY IS ENTIRELY SUBJECTIVE AND MUTABLE to these people. Oh wait, that's smug too.
But sure, let's talk about "smug."
smug bastard indeed