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Author Topic: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 17: I Guess This Counts As Taking Casualties  (Read 28602 times)


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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Now Accepting Players! 0/4
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2016, 07:35:17 pm »


Dustan Hache / Drubjarred

Another day passes with you staring at the bottom of a glass in your favorite tavern, The Crazed Ferret. The hours seem to slip by as you sit basking in the complacent fuzzy glow of mild drunkenness, doing nothing and going nowhere. Between your periods of languid satisfaction, you contemplate the meaninglessness of the stupor that has taken over your life. Day fades into night. It seems like the years are slipping by fast, with each one looking the same. A new day rises. You remember better times, when your life had a purpose and you had a lot more money to spend on alcohol. Overcome by a desire to see those good days come again, you pay your tab, exit the bar, and walk into the blinding light of mid-morning.

Across the street, a slightly built, well dressed man is leading three people into the large house of the recently deceased Violaceous Turaco. You know who the house belongs to because he was a regular in the bar. Sometimes the two of you would bet the next pitcher of beer on a dart game. You always won. One night, he told you about his plan to encourage his inheritors to start an adventuring company.

This could be your chance. Visions of your time as the Hammerer of Routedmansions flash like lightning behind your eyes. The happy days could come again.

The door closes, and you are left standing, swaying slightly and covered in a very thin layer of perspiration, across the street. What do you do?

CubeJackal / Falvar Forgan
It was inevitable that the players of this game realize my true nature: I am a liar. I said that the game would begin immediately prior to your arrival in the city, but here you are, strolling down Minotaur Avenue towards the small cafe that the executor of your relative's estate requested your presence at on this date, at nearly this hour.

The buildings on Minotaur Avenue are old but sturdy, built of stone. Many small alleyways and cross streets intersect the wide avenue, bringing a sense of space to what would otherwise be a somewhat crowded street. Stray ads and wanted posters dot the walls. Far off in the distance on the horizon, you make out the hazy rugosity of a far-flung mountain range. A single blackish spire of rock stands up from the range, like an enormous talon. You catch many of the locals (small, thin people in sand colored clothes) looking at you, almost staring as you walk past.

You find your way to the cafe, a narrow building with large windows. You open the door, a bell tinkles, and you step inside. It's a small cafe, and you assume that the pale well dressed man who is the only patron at this hour must be Phineas Cladoc, executor of Turaco's estate. He looks up, sees you, and turns a paler shade of pale. Before either of you has a chance to speak, the bell tinkles again, and an angry looking woman and a filthy man step inside.

CubeJackal / Falvar Forgan, AbstractTraitorHero / Laura Ravencroft, Yoink / The Camel
Phineas Cladoc looks back and forth between the lithe man in scarlet robes, the angry looking and heavily armed raven haired woman, and the haggard man in dirt-caked canvas clothes, and his eyes and the corners of his mouth bespeak an emotion almost best described as exasperated disbelief at the task set before him. The room skips a quick beat, and the expression is replaced by a more jovial one as he rises to his feet to introduce himself.

"Phineas Cladoc, attorney to the late Violaceous Turaco. I'm honored to make your acquaintance. I presume you are Falvar Forgan," he enthusiastically shakes the hand of the robed man, "Princess Ravencroft," he shakes the woman's hand, "and, I apologize, but your name escapes me at the moment." He shakes hands with the extremely filthy man.

"Pyotr Alameus III, chamberlain of Torcia."

"Ah, yes, of course. Pyotr Alameus III, chamberlain of Torcia. Anyway, unless you three would like some refreshment here, I suggest we set off for the late Mr. Turaco's estate at once, as there is much to be settled."

(Referee note: I don't actually care if any of you want a coffee or a croissant or whatever here, you can come back later, I'm not holding up the rest of the turn for this nonsense)


It's only a short walk from the cafe to Turaco's house, which is easily the largest building within sight on the street. Along the way you pass numerous smaller residences, shops, and vendor stalls. Across the street is a bar, complete with a drunkard standing outside. Soon you reach Turaco's house. It is an immense building at least three stories tall and built from the same sand colored stone the other buildings are, but covered in a coat of very faded red paint. Numerous windows are set into the walls, and a few stone steps lead up to the heavy bronze door that stands high and imperiously facing the street, covered in a bluish patina of verdigris. Cladoc climbs the steps and grasps the doorhandle, turning and pulling hard as it slowly swings open with a creak. You follow him as he steps into the dimness of the house.

The front door opens directly into a spacious room, lit at an angle through the front windows by the rising morning sun. Mounted high on the far wall, painted in resplendent oils and in an ornate frame, is a portrait of a man who looks exactly like Falvar Forgan, even down to his scarlet cloak and the dark circles under his eyes. He stares out intensely, straight ahead, through the doorway and into the light. In front of the painting is set a long table, with a multitude of chairs on either side, one at the head directly beneath the portrait.

"Please, have a seat, gentlemen and your highness. I'll be just a moment." Phineas Cladoc deposits a thick stack of papers on the end of the table and makes a quick circuit around the room, lighting torches in wall sconces before he sits down across from the three of and begins rifling through his papers.

"Now, first order of business, why my client called you here and what you stand to inherit." Cladoc passes out a thick stack of papers labeled The Last Will and Testament of Violaceous Turaco to each of you. "As you can see, the will is quite lengthy, and you may read it at your leisure. To summarize pertinent points, Violaceous Turaco has left you joint possession and ownership of the majority of his worldly possessions, with some exceptions as noted in the will, contingent on your utilization of the inheritance to start an 'Adventuring Company,' which, as defined in the will, is essentially a freelance mercenary-cum-bounty hunter organization that specializes in dangerous quarry. A good portion of the actual will is a rambling list of demands that must be accomplished and pieces of advice that my client believed would be useful in the operation of an adventuring company. Of particular note is article 38 of the will, which states that, within 48 hours of taking possession of the inheritance, the inheritors must officially found and name their company. Please make a quick perusal of the document and sign the final page of each of the three copies, as well as on this fourth copy that I will retain in a safe in my office. If you have any questions regarding the layout of the building, the items within, or the city, please do not hesitate to ask." Cladoc sets his copy within your collective reach, turned to the final page, and waits.

Seven doors in total lead out from the room you are seated in. Two on the northwest wall, set on either side of the portrait, the front door (closed), and two doors on each side wall. What do you do?

i hope i didn't forget about anything i wanted to do here, heh


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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn One
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2016, 07:47:10 pm »

((It begins !))

Dustan Hache

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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn One
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2016, 08:16:38 pm »

Well the first thing I need to do is get on in after them! I move to knock on the door... actually, knock isn't the right word here. It's more like Bang. Or maybe hammer. Regardless, I apply hand to door to create sound and attempt to gain entry.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn One
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2016, 08:33:14 pm »

Inside: You hear a loud, incredibly insistent banging sound from the front door.


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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn One
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2016, 09:14:56 pm »

"......this is unfortunate."
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn One
« Reply #35 on: May 19, 2016, 05:58:46 am »

'Pyotr' leafs idly through the pile of pages before him occasionally pausing to study a particular passage or glance towards the others.
In truth, his average-at-best reading skills are struggling with the sheer number of words, many of them long or seemingly nonsensical. Besides, he was far more interested in milking the situation for all it was worth. He carefully considered his words before speaking down the table (he had chosen a seat somewhat apart from the others) to Cladoc in what he hoped was a sophisticated tone.

"Would it be possible to, er, bathe before discussing this further? It wouldn't do to make such important decisions looking like a common vagabond."
He looks down at his tattered, filthy clothes with a grimace for emphasis, then sighs.
"I lost most of my possessions to bandits on the road from Torcia. I hadn't realised quite how dangerous it had gotten these days."   
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn One
« Reply #36 on: May 19, 2016, 06:51:07 am »

Spend a little time examining the incredibly handsome portrait at the other side of the room. Once the banging starts up, excuse myself briefly, head to the front door and peep through the keyhole at whoever's making that racket. Hopefully, it's not the city guard...


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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn One
« Reply #37 on: May 19, 2016, 08:21:58 am »

Laura looks at the pictures and skims through the text....a satisfying reward but not worth the price her penpal is now gone...who shall she talk to her servant's? No they have to be polite can't have a backbone.Her family unsuitable they do not like her sense of humor much and she doubts some of them would want to be Friends..

"A good amount of who are you people?'
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn One
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2016, 04:34:25 pm »

'Pyotr' leafs idly through the pile of pages before him occasionally pausing to study a particular passage or glance towards the others.
In truth, his average-at-best reading skills are struggling with the sheer number of words, many of them long or seemingly nonsensical. Besides, he was far more interested in milking the situation for all it was worth. He carefully considered his words before speaking down the table (he had chosen a seat somewhat apart from the others) to Cladoc in what he hoped was a sophisticated tone.

"Would it be possible to, er, bathe before discussing this further? It wouldn't do to make such important decisions looking like a common vagabond."
He looks down at his tattered, filthy clothes with a grimace for emphasis, then sighs.
"I lost most of my possessions to bandits on the road from Torcia. I hadn't realised quite how dangerous it had gotten these days."   
[1] Read the will. (Result sent in PM).
[2] Appear to be a sophisticated person. [4] Lie convincingly.
You make an excellent show of appearing to be an honest victim of misfortune, but you accidentally let slip several small rusticisms in your speech. You're sure that Cladoc noticed your use of contractions while speaking, and you worry that 'gotten' might not have been enough of a fancy sounding word. Even if he did notice, he doesn't seem to care. You're not sure where Torcia is, but maybe it has a reputation for being a little rustic.

"Yes, of course, of course. Right this way, this house has several bathrooms." He stands and gestures for you to follow him as he walks towards the door set towards the back wall on the right side of the room. Passing through, you find yourself in a short, wide hallway with a large wardrobe against one wall, a door opposite that, and another door at the end of the hallway. Cladoc pulls open the wardrobe, revealing row upon row of red capes, robes, and hats. He pulls out a single drawer at the bottom, exposing a meager collection of normal people clothes.

"I'm sorry, but the selection is a bit limited. Please help yourself once you've gotten all washed up. The bathroom is through this door." He opens the door opposite the wardrobe, and you walk in. It's a spacious bathroom with very elegant and attractive tiling and all of the anachronistic conveniences to be expected in a fancy bathroom in this setting, including a large brazen bathtub with finely detailed decorative claw feet and a large cabinet full of various exotic soaps and concoctions.

"I'll leave you to it. Please rejoin us in the sitting room at your leisure." Cladoc leaves, closing the door behind him.

Spend a little time examining the incredibly handsome portrait at the other side of the room. Once the banging starts up, excuse myself briefly, head to the front door and peep through the keyhole at whoever's making that racket. Hopefully, it's not the city guard...
[3] Examine the portrait. You are somewhat disappointed when you notice that the small plaque at the bottom of the frame reads 'Violaceous Turaco' and not 'Falvar Forgan.' Oh well. You do notice a few things, the details of which I will send you in a private message.

You peer out the keyhole. It's the stubby bebearded drunkard that was standing across the street. You can only see his head because of how short he is. He is looking expectantly up at the peephole, still pounding urgently at the door.

Laura looks at the pictures and skims through the text....a satisfying reward but not worth the price her penpal is now gone...who shall she talk to her servant's? No they have to be polite can't have a backbone.Her family unsuitable they do not like her sense of humor much and she doubts some of them would want to be Friends..

"A good amount of who are you people?'
[5] Read the will. The writing is unmistakably Violaceous Turaco's by its style. You recognize many of the same favorite phrases that he used in his letters, and pick up on a few subtle jokes. You gather some useful information, which I am sending to you in a private message.

A few minutes pass, and Cladoc returns to the room, and asks who is at the door.

Edit: Also, for Dustan Hache: the door has not moved. It is still closed and very little appears to have changed about it, but the keyhole darkens; someone is looking out at you from within.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 04:50:12 pm by inaluct »

Dustan Hache

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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn Two
« Reply #39 on: May 19, 2016, 05:30:20 pm »

"Ey, this is the house of Violaceous Turaco right? I'm here to apply for a job thingy. He mentioned something about an adventuring company or some such a couple years back, and haven't seen him since!"
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn One
« Reply #40 on: May 19, 2016, 06:54:46 pm »

Edit: Also, for Dustan Hache: the door has not moved. It is still closed and very little appears to have changed about it, but the keyhole darkens; someone is looking out at you from within.
((Did Dustan Hache got forgotten ? If yes, this is going to become a running gag between him and me :P))


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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn Two
« Reply #41 on: May 19, 2016, 07:16:00 pm »

"The tiger Lilly's are nice this year."
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn One
« Reply #42 on: May 19, 2016, 08:42:20 pm »

Edit: Also, for Dustan Hache: the door has not moved. It is still closed and very little appears to have changed about it, but the keyhole darkens; someone is looking out at you from within.
((Did Dustan Hache got forgotten ? If yes, this is going to become a running gag between him and me :P))
No, he wasn't. His action was mostly communicative and I addressed the noise it would make in an earlier post. This isn't a super serious game, but it also definitely isn't the kind of game where I'm going to roll for him knocking on the door and have him break his hand if he gets a 1 or something stupid like that.

"The tiger Lilly's are nice this year."
"Yes, they really are. Such a shame that they only bloom in carefully watered gardens here, and not wild as in Asturia. Speaking of which, I have a letter here from the king and queen of Asturia, addressed to you, your highness." Cladoc pulls a letter bearing the royal seal of Asturia out of his coat pocket and hands it to Laura.

Spoiler: The Letter Reads (click to show/hide)

You immediately realize that this letter was not entirely written by your father. You recognize the style and the significantly greater writing ability as that of Leugim Zetnavrec, court poet, one of the few people in Castle Asturia who you can stand the company of. He's a grizzled old man from a faraway land with one functional arm, an inappropriate sense of humor, and he is not an obsequious wretch like most of the people you typically find yourself surrounded with.


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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn Two
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2016, 06:16:18 pm »

Pop the door open and allow the stubby. stubbly prospective employee free reign around the room. It's not like letting a drunk dwarf into a room full of fragile, expensive furnishings could backfire at all.


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Re: Name TBD Adventuring Company RTD: Turn Two
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2016, 06:23:26 pm »

She...slowly stands up eyes wide but a small smile joining onto her lips.
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.
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