OK... since you seem to know what you're doing to some degree, can you quickly go over what needs to be done?
My understanding is that we need to insert a little header into our RC file with our team name and captain, and the captain needs to have the team name and the rest of the team members. Is that correct?
Sure thing.
The team captains need to add two lines to their rc file (I'm assuming you know how to do that and/or can figure it out - if not, let me know):
# TEAMNAME nameofteam
# TEAMMEMBERS player1 player2 player3 player4 player5
Substitute nameofteam for the team name and player1-5 for the names of the players. Save as the absolute top two lines in your file.
In my team's case, my rc file looks like:
# TEAMNAME Bay12_Blacksmiths
(note that teammember names are NOT case-specific)
Team members just need to add one line:
# TEAMCAPTAIN nameofcaptain
Sub nameofcaptain with the name of the team captain. So for members of the Blacksmiths, they'd put this as the absolute top line in their rc file:
(same deal - names are NOT case-specific)
The tourney pages update every few hours (6?), so don't worry if you don't see the change immediately.
Also, while the tourney itself starts in 1 hour, team changes are available for up to a week into the tournament, and points scored go with the player. (Incidentally, this is usually why we generally don't merge teams - someone might come along later, and we generally don't play super competitively so having gaps in the teams doesn't hurt anyone.)