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Author Topic: The Last Dwarves  (Read 12145 times)


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The Last Dwarves
« on: April 10, 2016, 08:29:41 am »

This is my first DF Story and is based on a modded world called the Everseeing Universe, modded of course with Forgotten Realms Direforged 2.1D.  I plan to play through the game, write down a log of what my dwarves are thinking in the style of a logbook and then copy up what I have written with certain changes to this forum.  Here goes the title page:

Background of the Last Dwarves

In the 200 years since the calender was reinvented following the loss of the first calender in the Age of Chaos brought about ultimately by the arrival of colonists from Faerun, things have not been going well for the mountain dwarves.  This is rather ironic given that it was they that the calender 200 years ago and were also the first to start to once again build established sites during the course of this Age of Chaos.  200 years ago there had been two mountain dwarf kingdoms on the Land of Neutralization, the Mine of Crowds to the north and the Wall of Gladness to the south.  Now only the Wall of Gladness remains, reduced to a handful of mountain halls and refugee camps; with their last fortress gone.  The howling ogres of the Thief of Tar had crushed the heroic but feeble forces underfoot but were wary to follow them into the cramped and dark tunnels in which the last free dwarves had taken refuge.

In desperation the mountain dwarves turned to their northwestern neighbors, the Learned Bushes rock gnomes only to be easily thwarted by ogre 'diplomacy'.  The kind of diplomacy to involve Dark Master Lest Glumcoastal stomping into the nearest rock gnome fortress, grabbing it's negotiator in one arm and it's dictator in the other before bellowing very loadly at the ruling tribunal: "Mountain dwarves are hiding in narrow tunnels!  Mountain dwarves be made to work to fill ogre bellies but bad dwarves are hiding! Learned Bushes must go bring bad dwarves to justice or gnomes be made to fill ogre bellies!".  In response to this steller display of ogre diplomatic prowess the ruling tribunals of all the gnome fortresses were most cooperative and the dictators of the Learned Bushes were soon leading their armies into the caverns in search for the Last Dwarves.

Background of the Treasury of Knots

When all seemed lost King Dugem Lancedvaults of the Wall of Gladness could not accept that the end had come.  A devout believer in the goddess Igril the Cave of Puzzling (and hence in Astrology) he knew that the planets were aligning for the first time in many centuries in the constellation of Armok.  In the legendary days of old, before the Age of Chaos Armok had been the legendary champion of the mountain dwarf people, so how could the end of the mountain dwarves come when the stars aligned in such a manner?  It had been understood by the more realistic dwarves for some time that if there was to be any future for the Walls of Gladness it would have to be far way from the ancestral homelands in the mountains of the Wall of Fights.  A small band called the Yawning Gloves had made their way northwards across the Muscular Hills, between the mountain ranges of the Blameless Horn and the Finger of Society, holing in an abandoned hamlet called Robustlock.  From there they reported back to King Dugem about the rich lands of the surrounding area (but somehow failed to mention the fomorian presence). 

King Dugem was particularly interested in a strange, apparently magical land to the south of Robustlock that the Yawning Gloves had named the Reticent Fields.  King Dugem quickly concluded that this land was the legendary field of Armok and the salvation of dwarfkind.  He ordered that a secret tunnel be dug to the surface and a single wagon earlier stolen from the gnomes was filled with provision for a long journey; seven were sent aboard the wagon, all ordinery civilians since no soldiers or nobles could be spared.  The group called itself the Treasury of Gnots and it's leader is a dwarf woman called Rodes Partnergirders.  While the other followers of Igril goddess of the stars were eager to echo their king's talk of a promised land beyond the mountains, some objected not to the group's existance but their precise destination.

Led by Gul Crystalmute, Baron of Trumpetoars the followers of Enuk the Aquamarine Cover god(ess?) of war mostly (also of:earth, mountains, volcanos, fire and fortresses) denounces the king's plan, such an evidently sacred land as the Reticent Hills could not be delved by sinful dwarves and Enuk would surely pour destruction upon the Treasury of Gnats for their sacrilage and the king's hubris.  Of course Baron Gul Crystalmute's words carried little sway, given that Trumpetroars, once a great fortress was now a crumbling virtual ruin populated by only a miserable group of a dozen dwarves labouring ceaseless under the name of the Immorality of Learning, which their howling ogre masters had chosen for them.  Would history however prove him or the king right?

Embark Map

Caption: The blue icons on the eastern screen are the few remaining holdings of the Wall of Gladness.  The scattered fortresses and hillocks in the southeast of the western window are the treacherous and cowardly Learned Bushes rock gnomes, only the fortress in the extreme south-east corner is an occupied dwarf fortress.  The Thief of Tar howling ogres originated in the yellow desert that can be seen to the east and from there they built up an impressive empire, expanding westwards and conquering lots of other civilizations and not just the dwarves; the remaining forest retreats in the vicinity of the rock gnomes that are still standing are all ogre controlled.  The yellow cross is the destination of the Treasury of Gnots, the surrounding pale blue patch is the Reticent Fields while Robustlock is one of the two blue hamlets to the north.  The Muscular Hills are to the east of the cross and pass between the Finger of Society which is the mountain range to the east of the yellow cross and the Blameless Horn which is the mountain range to the south.  The Wall of Fights is the south-eastern most mountain range on the eastern map and is where the expedition comes from. 

Colour Key
No position/Captain/Militia Captain:0
Mayor/Expedition Leader:0
Militia Commander/Lieutenant:0
Chief Medic:0
Sheriff/Captain of the Guard:0
Royal Liason:0
« Last Edit: October 05, 2016, 11:26:09 am by GoblinCookie »


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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2016, 08:34:00 am »

Good read, keep it up
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2016, 08:37:02 am »


It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2016, 02:50:53 pm »

Caption: The Treasury of Gnots arrive.

15th Granite 200: Foundation of Tinpointed
Here we are in the Reticent Fields at last!  This place feels odd, like I am trespassing in somebody elses room or I have won an award for something that I never did; bah! I wonder if the trees are really made of silver or wood that just resembles silver in every respect, actually in matters not.  That is what is wrong with this place, that I am here pondering stupid questions and baseless feelings rather than focusing on facts.  The facts are, nobody lives here except us; we stand in a wilderness surrounded by useful lumber and countless animals with sharp teeth that have never learned the hard way that dwarves are not food. *I* definately heard the cries of wyverns earlier whatever Buk Ringcrowded might say and I *did* see a mudmaw poke it's head above the water just east of here.  We have two axes between us so Sushis Calmshields the woodcutter and I will take an axe each as part of a new squad which Sushis insists must be called the Rough Senses.

We have two picks and only one skilled miner, Tath Birthearth; that means a second miner is needed.  Fisherman Uzar Flashguilds is the only one here whose muscles work properly so he will be our new miner.  Fish cleaner Cun Figureonslaughts keeps on insisting that we call our fortress Tinpointed, when he was asked whether this might be taken literally and hence be a lie, Cun pointed out that it would not be a lie unless we already *knew* that there was no tin.  Since nobody else can it seems come up with a better name, Tinpointed it is going to have to be.

To work then!  I have my eye on two trees, one of them seems to be an oak while the other is one of those strange silvery trees, once their lumber is properly harvested we should begin turning it into useful furniture as soon as possible.  I have chosen a location along the hillside, not too far from the river for our entrance; the first step is to carve out a space for a trade depot to entertain parasitic merchant types so that they will go away again more quickly and the second step is to actually construct the thing out of silverwood so that everybody thinks that we are richer than we actually are so that when word gets back lots of migrants will arrive making us need to trade for less and less. 

Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The hungry wyverns are out there, I swear it!

Caption: The woman in charge (yellow).

17th Granite 200: Nagas are nearby
It seems we are not alone afterall.  Three water nagas have moved into the large ponds to the northwest.  Nagas I am told are actually people but they have got no hands, what is the point of handless people that cannot do any work at all? I suppose that since they can talk they might be able to handle being merchants, but that is because as everybody sensible in the world knows, trade is not real work since real work needs hands.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: First contact with the nagas (N).  Only one of them is visible in this picture, the other two are keeping a low profile and lounging about in the ponds nearby.

Caption: The silverwood trade depot is now completed as are the carpenters workshops.

19th Granite 200: Tinpointed needs beds
By now we are all sick of having to sleep on the dirty ground, or in the smelly wagon.  Our miners, well our miner because Uzar Flashguilds seems not to have understood his new role yet have pierced the soil and exposed the bedrock below, which they say is limestone.  Three carpenters workshops are to be erected and by my command everybody in Tinpointed is to be a carpenter.  My bed, my table, my chair and my door must be specially made of silverwood because *I* say so; everybody else gets oak beds and doors because *I* say so! Mining is also now reclassified as a top priority job Uzar Flashguilds!

Living areas are planned as follows, the temple will be on the top limestone layer (not the nasty half-limestone layer above that), then the dining hall, then the bedrooms and finally the general stockpile.  I have it all planned out and that is that!

Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

25th Granite 200: Fishing Ban
By order of the authority placed in my hands by King Dugem all fishing in Tinpointed is banned until further notice.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

2nd Slate 200: The Aqua Wheel is born
Thanks in part to the recent fishing ban we have finally completed our temple which I have named the Aqua Wheel after the blue sky in which the sun, moon, planets and stars are found.  We should now see to carving out the food storage room and the dining room below it as well as turning the sawwood and willow trees we just processed into tables and chairs.  The miners report the discovery of coal in the temple area with kaolinite alongside it with great excitement, yes we could use the coal to turn the kaolinite into porcelain but why use coal when there are so much lumber sitting around on the surface just waiting to become charcoal?
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: Tinpointed's new 'temple' area the Aqua Wheel, not that the dwarves have now moved all the underground animals (everything but the horses) into it.  The ()s lying about are coal while the (=)s are kaolinite rock and the ()s are kaolinite rock chunks; everything else is limestone.

14th Slate 200: Cavern Emergency
While digging downwards from which is to be our living quarters to where our stockpiles were going to be, our miners found themselves gazing down into a vast cavern. Not only was there a cavern but a downwards passageway into a second cavern for less barren than the first.  The miners say that the wall with citrines and their eyes light up with greed but I know from bitter experience what the creatures can do to careless dwarves.

This is an emergency, all construction and mining are suspended immediately.  If we should thank Igril for one thing it is that we have entered far above the cavern floor and that not all cavern creatures can fly.  We must make all haste in laying wooden floors and sealing ourselves off with log walls before something that can fly or climb finds it's way inside.

Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The stairway that exposed the caverns.

Caption: The cavern as viewed directly below the stairway, note the citrines () to the northwest, this cavern is full of them.

Caption: The second layer of caverns below the downward passageway which is near to where I entered the caverns.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 01:32:52 pm by GoblinCookie »

Dozebôm Lolumzalěs

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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2016, 04:03:59 pm »

You said "if we should Igrid." I think you meant "if we should thank Igrid."

(a thinly disguised ptw post)
Quote from: King James Programming
...Simplification leaves us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes...
Quote from: Salvané Descocrates
The only difference between me and a fool is that I know that I know only that I think, therefore I am.


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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2016, 04:51:30 pm »

are you accepting dorf requests? If yes, mechanic/barkeep please

Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2016, 02:53:37 pm »

are you accepting dorf requests? If yes, mechanic/barkeep please


I did not really give the matter much thought; the answer is yes if it is important to you.  Rules are however that nobody is allowed to request to be anyone holding an official fortress position, that would in my view include a barkeeper; they might rise to a position later but nobody is allowed to request to be one to start with.  I will grab the first mechanic that turns up, give it the nickname Gwolfski; take a screenshot of it's bio and PM it to you as soon as I am able and I *might* send you updates in the same manner if something important happens to him/her.

Caption: Two miners, one carpenter and Rodes Partnergirder standing in the food stockpile guarding the stairs down against cavern nasties.

Caption: The gravorgs were pastured in the soon to be dining room so that they would soak up any weakness/draining spells from flying undead critters like wraiths.

18th Slate 200:We did it!
We did it Rodes!  The last wall has been erected, though I see nothing dangerous down there at all, just mud, rock and ash creepers; lots of ash creepers!  I humbly request that I be given more and harder work, walling up the caverns was just too easy for the likes of me!
Buk Bimlecakab "Ringedcrowded", Carpenter.

Caption:There will be no !Fun! going on my fortress!

Caption: Buk the carpenter.

18th Slate 200:Emergancy over!
Buk Ringedcrowded, Ninas Holdbasements and Cun Figureonslaughts have now completed their assigned tasks.  To the rest of us, yes we got four days off accidentally, in the food and drink stockpile no less but just means we have to do four days worth of extra work in the future!  The dining hall must be constructed, the tables and chairs accidentally placed by someone in the food and drinks stockpile must be unconstructed while our rooms must be carved out of the bedrock.  Enough work to keep everybody happy and not thinking unproductive thoughts I would conclude.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

21st Slate 200:Dining room abominations!
Somebody put a silverwood table in the dining room! The dining room is *not* where the silverwood table goes; the silverwood table goes in my bedroom which should also be built as soon as possible!
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

23rd Slate 200:Complaints about rooms!
Yes I am thankful to all of you that you have my new room all decked out in silverwood, but my room is still missing a silverwood armour stand, a silverwood chest, a silverwood cabinet and a silverwood weapon rack too.  So the rooms are not big enough to fit all these items in; make the rooms bigger! So the items in question do not presently exist, make the items! Yes we are nearly out of silverwood like everything else, chop some more silverwood down!
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

9th Felsite 200:Dining room needs attention
I would like to congratulate ourselves on having finally completed such an array of nice rooms, especially mine which has all the furniture I requested in addition to an extra cabinet that we apparantly made by accident.  All my clothes are to be so happy with so much living space!  The dining room on the other hand is in a sorry state; Buk Ringedcrowed keeps on insisting over and over that this is because I hoard all the silverwood but I know that what I need is some decorative engravings!  Everybody is to smooth the dining hall and then the best engravers which of course means our Buk Ringedcrowed should engrave the *floor* and NOTHING ELSE with whatever she feels looks best.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The new living quarters are complete, it should be easy to figure out which of the above rooms belongs to Rodes.

13th Felsite 200:Cups needed
Treasury of Knots: the lack of cups to drink out of is starting to annoy us all so go make 7 cups, one for each of us and place them in the dining room; also, silverwood stockpiles are forbidden to all until cup production is complete.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

28th Felsite 200:Dining room completed
The last of the engravings are complete and the dining hall is now quite the work of art thanks to me; yes it would look even better with silverwood but Rodes keeps saying that it is for importan stuff like trade depots and her room, just as *I* keep saying that silverwood is for all the people, not just for the likes of disgusting merchants and Rodes our lovely expedition leader.  I have decided to draw engravings of a certain gorlak woman I heard about once being torn apart by a terrible rampager as well as lots and lots of bumblebees; bumblebees everywhere.

You see, bumblebees are now the official symbol of the Treasury of Knots, no way there could be so many carvings of bumblebees all over the dining hall otherwise.  Sushis Calmshields suggested about a month ago that we should make the honeybee our official symbol, she loves honeybees does our Sushis.  I pointed out in response that our symbol should be the bumblebee not the honey bee, because dwarves are more like bumblebees, bumblebees like dwarves are small and hairy; plus we live in underground nests while honey bees build their nests above the ground.

Buk Bimlecakab "Ringedcrowded", Carpenter.

Caption: The glorious new dining hall above the living quarters with all it's engravings of bumblebees and a certain gorlak being ripped apart.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 01:13:55 pm by GoblinCookie »


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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2016, 05:53:20 pm »

(...MinOrs or minErs?)

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2016, 02:08:15 am »



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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2016, 01:52:47 pm »

28th Felsite 200:Food production
Now our living quarters and dining rooms are complete we must turn our attention to the pressing matter of our dwindling food supplies; we have nothing left to eat now except a smallish amount of tigerfish intestines.  There are many wild plants growing outside on the surface, these we should gather up before the season's end and ddditionally the seeds we brought with us have yet to be planted; we should plant them now since the summer growing season is almost upon us.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The Treasury of Knots plant their first crops.

11th Hematite 200:Matters of carpentry
Now that we have gathered the plants that grew last season and planted our seeds for the season we are now in we must our labours to the matter of moving our carpentry area inside the fortress. The new area should have two stockpiles, one for silverwood and the other for other kinds of wood.  Beyond each stockpile should be workshops, the silverwood stockpile should have craftsman's worskshops while the other stockpile should have a mixture of carpenter's and craftsman's workshops.  We could also do with four additional barrels in order to store the plants that we have just gathered in and the plants that we will be harvesting this season.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

21st Hematite 200:Carpentry area is complete
I would like to congratulate all of us on having completed such a highly adequate carpentry area.  The carpentry workshops on the surface should now be dismantled and the goods in the outside stockpile swiftly moved inside.  There is a shortage of storage space however, which is why we should waste no time in constructing eight bins in order to store our items in.  There will be restrictions placed upon who can use the workshops in the silverwood part of the carpentry area, while the regular workshops are be open to all, these are only to be open to those whose skills merit working with such a wonderful material.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The new carpentry area is finished.

1st Malachite 200:Time for woodcrafting
Our bins have now been constructed and we have brought our items inside.  It is time for us to start woodcrafting but remember that the silverwood crafting part of the carpentry area is restricted to those whose woodcrafting skills are adequate or above.  We are also low on silverwood so we should cut down the two silverwood trees nearest to our entrance so as to have sufficient silverwood for crafting purposes.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

9th Malachite 200:Keas!
Keas have arrived in the area and have made their way inside our embark wagon.  Unfortunately we have yet to remove some of the items inside, cloth mostly, some thread and our quivers; not having had any specific stockpile for them declared anywhere in Tinpointed. The wretched birds have helped themselves to our cloth already and can be seen flying away with it; we should never have left those items inside the wagon, I apologise for this error on my part.  Unfortunately we have no where in particular to store it, the best place to store the items would be inside the Aqua Wheel; so hurry Treasury of Knots and place the items inside, hopefully the gods will not mind.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: A kea helps itself to an item still in the wagon and flies away with it.

19th Malachite 200:Digging deeper
We now have a sufficiency of crafts to adorn ourselves with (I am particularly liking my new silverwood bracelet), or to sell to sell to the greedy merchants.  Hence we should now dig downwards once more, I have calculated a root through a pillar of rock within the caverns below that will allow us to bypass the first cavern layer and provided that we do not then dig so deep as to reach the second cavern layer which is not far below the first we should be able to carve out some extra space.  Once we have mined our way beneath the first cavern, we should initially carve out 4 stockpiles, one for ordinery stone, one for ores and coal, one for bars and one for everything that does not belong in any other stockpile.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

20th Malachite 200:Welcome to Tinpointed refugees
We of the Treasury of Knots are pleased to welcome 7 new arrivals into our ranks.  A reminder to all of you however that here you are all required to engage in plant gathering, farming, carpentry and woodcrafting.  It is my understandingthat all of you have suffered greatly under the Thief of Tars and that some of you are even escaped slaves; they should not be able to hurt you here.  You will of course be provided with rooms as soon as possible but remember that fishing is presently prohibited; although your skills lead me to consider lifting this ban fairly shortly.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The first group of refugees fleeing from the tyranny of the Thief of Tar arrive in Tinpointed, four of them former slaves.


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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2016, 10:37:26 am »

21st Malachite 200:Objections to the fishing ban
We four members of the Plain Earth have crossed the endless wilderness to arrive in Tinpointed, all of us former slaves of the Thief of Tar. My husband Del Delightclasp and I bear skills in fishing and fish cleaning that we are eager to put to good use for the good of the Treasury of Knots but then we are told that we have been prohibited from fishing by a certain Rodes Partnergirders, who calls herself an Expedition Leader; that is a function not a proper title of authority!  Rodes does *not* have the authority to make fishing illegal in Tinpointed or in anywhere else in the Walls of Gladness!
Avastun Bukzos"Daggermatched", Fishery Worker

Caption: Avastun Daggermatched, escaped slave and former member of the Plain Earth refugee band.

21st Malachite 200:Reminder about fishing ban
I am Expedition Leader and that is very much a proper title; I *do* have the authority to ban fishing.  The fishing ban is still very much in effect, Avastum Daggermatched and her husband are in no way exempt from it.  As members of the Treasur of Knots they are required to follow the ban and respect the authority as Expedition Leader.  If they do otherwise then they will harm the tranquility and harmony of Tinpointed.  The fishing ban will be lifted in due time, which is when everybody is housed and we have labour to spare to construct ourselves fisheries in order to process the fish that are caught.
Rodes Samlandimanir"Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

1st Galena 200:We have dug too deep
Once again our miners have dug all the way between the two cavern layers, hence exposing our fortress once again to cavern peril.  So once once again we must make haste in sealing off the second layer of caverns with logs as we did the first but since our carpenters prove so competant at this task last time there is no need to panic.  Not that this kind of behavior should be encouraged but I actually in lots of ways pleased that we breached the second cavern layer.  As a result of doing so we know the layout of the cavern below, including the large magma pool to the south-west.  Magma can be useful as a fuel source when properly harnessed, but to encounter it so close to the surface is somewhat alarming.
Rodes Samlandimanir"Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The treasury of Gnots manage to dig their way into the second cavern layer as they did the first.  Note the magma pool to the south-west.

4th Galena 200:Caverns sealed off
Once again our carpenters have proven themselves worthy of the name and the second cavern level is now sealed off like the first.  All present mining operations I am told have been completed, so the miners should now turn their attention to carving out a space for our fisheries to be built in; for when I decide to lift the fishing ban.
Rodes Samlandimanir"Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: And once again they seal it away!

11th Galena 200:Fishing ban lifted
With the completion of our fisheries I have decided to finally lift the fishing ban, though I am still unhappy about how the many people who were refusing to follow it when it was in force.  I have decided that the sealed off cavern area should become a prison cell with two ropes in it, as since the layer between the two caverns proved so thin we should dig downwards through a rock pillar within the second cavern layer into the rock beneath in order to carve out our stockpiles.
Rodes Samlandimanir"Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The fisheries are finished and the fishery ban finally lifted.

13th Galena 200:Not again!
The miners report to me that have managed to accidentally dig into the third cavern layer!  Fortunately there are only ever three cavern layers in any given area, which means they cannot repeat this mistake all over again.  Once again we shall have to seal ourselves off from the cavern, which our carpenters having had plenty of practice will naturally manage effortlessly; so absolutely no reason to even worry.  The cavern below gives us glimses of great riches, the miners say that not only is there tetrahedrite down there but also adamantine!  What kind of place is this to have adamantine so close to the surface?
Rodes Samlandimanir"Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The Treasury of Gnots have now managed to accidentally dig their way into every cavern layer there is!

Caption: They also manage to seal it off again.

Caption: There is adamantine down there though!
« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 01:11:24 pm by GoblinCookie »


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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2016, 12:13:34 pm »

Caption: Spider-eaters (basically giant wasps) arrive.

26th Galena 200:Spider-eaters spotted.
The fishermen report that a swarm of spider eaters can be seen in the sky and all large wildlife has fled the area.  These creatures are extremely dangerous and ALL FISHING IS SUSPENDED owing to the threat these beasts pose.  Their arrival could not have come at a worse time for our drinks supply has just ran out, so the only source of liquid for our bellies is the river outside.  The fruit is ripe and has begun to fall from the trees; I had planned that we would gather fruit at this time and begin our own drinks production but our drinks supply ran out earlier than I had hoped.  Given that we are now forced to drink the water from the river I cannot simply forbid access to the surface world, but drink as little as you have to and keep a wary eye on the sky as you do so.  Construction of the four stockpiles is suspended, Cun Foggywhips is to join the rest of the Rough Senses in the trade depot while Tath Birthearths who is the more experienced miner is to dig out a space close to the food stockpile for stills so that we can begin drinks production as soon as possible using our recent harvest of plump and crested helmets.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

14th Limestone 200:The Caravan arrives.
Despite our continued presence on the surface the spider-eaters have so far kept their distance and now we have begun to brew drinks using the many plants that we have in our stockpile, finally freeing us of the need to enter the surface world to drink.  Not only this but the promised caravan has arrived as scheduled and I have decided to donate the second silverwood cabinet in my room for trading use.  Let us hope that the spider-eaters do not attack the caravan or the royal liaison and the prices are reasonable; additionally it is time for the miners to begin carving out the four stockpiles again.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The caravan from the Wall of Gladness arrives.

17th Limestone 200:Trading is concluded.
Trading is now completed while I was able to acquire a number of items, the merchants were less impressed with out wondrous silverwood than I had hoped and many desirable items remain part of the caravan.  This leads me to ask the question: given how we are the last hope and future of dwarfkind then why not give us everything for free?  Why does the caravan have to have greedy, irritable merchants on it that demand things in return for stuff when everything that goes back to the Wall of Fights will likely end up belonging to our enemies in the end anyway?
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

25th Limestone 200:Spider-eaters are now gone.
The last spider-eaters have now left the area!  Once again we can venture outside, harvest wood, collect fruit, gather plants, fish in the river and gaze up in wonder at Igril's stars. The four stockpiles are now nearing completion and once they are complete the miners should then occupy themselves with expanding the food storage area which has become rather overfull with barrels thanks in part to all the drinks I purchased from the caravan.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader
« Last Edit: April 24, 2016, 06:21:51 am by GoblinCookie »


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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2016, 09:23:40 am »

8th Sandstone 200:Welcoming 6 new arrivals.
6 new arrivals have reached Tinpointed, among them are a married couple Ost Urnage and Sen Guildinched, both escaped slaves of the Thief of Tar and the great musician Ezul Ironmassive. We need to expand Tinpointed in order to accommodate these new arrivals and construct some more furniture for them; which means we should make haste in completing the stockpiles.  With the spider-eaters finally gone fruit collection is now underway and the new arrivals are expected to help out immediately; as your work will reduce the time it takes to clear the designated surface areas of fruit and edible plants.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

20th Sandstone 200:Stockpiles complete
The four stockpiles are now complete at last but I am told that shortly before it's completion our most experienced miner Tath Birthearths stopped work and is now within the Aqua Wheel staring blankly into space; I hereby diagnose her as suffering from unproductive productive thoughts.  This affliction can only be cured by providing the afflicted with the correct workshop and materials; the trouble being that the afflicted are unable to speak in order to inform others of what exactly it is that they need.  A mechanics workshop and two mason's workshops should immediately be built in our new stockpile area in case one of these workshops is what Tath needs; hence Buk Ringedcrowed is released from fruit gathering duties to this end.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

23rd Sandstone 200:Mason's workshops complete
Rodes Partnergirders, I used the time that you gave me through exempting me from gathering in order to complete two mason's workshops on the stockpiles level and the mechanic's workshop is nearly finished.  It seems that all that Tath Birthearths needed was a mason's workshop as she has started to haul a hulk of marble from nearby to one of our new workshops; hopefully she has everything she needs and will recover soon.
Buk Bimlecakab "Ringedcrowded", Carpenter.

Caption:In the new stockpile area Tath Birthearths (right) claims a mason's workshop for her artifact while Buk Ringedcrowded (left) completes a mechanic's workshop

27th Sandstone 200:I name my work the Nourishing Rampart
Rodes Partnergirders, I used the time that you gave me through exempting me from gathering in order to complete two mason's workshops on the stockpiles level and the mechanic's workshop is nearly finished.  It seems that all that Tath Birthearths needed was a mason's workshop as she has started to haul a hulk of marble from nearby to one of our new workshops; hopefully she now has everything she needs and will recover soon.
Tath Ovukvanist "Birthearths", Carpenter.

Caption: Tath Birthearths the miner.

27th Timber 200:Stockpiles complete
Fruit gathering for the year is now complete; along with all the rooms and furniture for the new arrivals. Since we have now also finishing many goods into the new stockpiles I find myself with a problem I have not faced for many months; idle dwarves potentially thinking unproductive thoughts. As ever however there is work to do, the many nuts we gathered need to be hulled while we should also carve some new mechanisms out of stone in order to eventually fortify the entrace to Tinpointed. While we presently have everything we need for the latter, the former requires that we expand our food storage area in order to accommodate farmer's workshops; our miners should attend to this matter immediately.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption:The four completed stockpiles.

7th Moonstone 200:Farmer's workshops complete
I am impressed by the speed at which we of the Treasury of Knots completed the expansion of the food storage level and the four farmer's workshops.  I am informed that my order for the hulling of the tree nuts is almost complete already and that a number of mechanisms have already been completed.  We should now begin the construction of a stone bridge that will ultimately seal off the entrance of Tinpointed.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption:The expanded food stockpile level
« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 01:07:27 pm by GoblinCookie »


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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2016, 01:15:46 pm »

8th Sandstone 200:New work needed.
Once again the menace of idleness and unproductive thoughts threatens Tinpointed. This means it is time for us to set up the infrastructure to turn our coal stockpiles into coke and use the coke to turn the kaolinite we have in great abundance into porcelain; to this end we will to establish a temporary wood burner to make a small amount of charcoal to serve as fuel to process the first batch of coal into coke which can then in turn be used to process more coal.  In addition, we also have an increasing amount of unprocessed fish lying about in barrels, our miners would do well to expand the fishery area in order that we can construct some more fisheries.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

14th Moonstone 200:Congratulations on bridge.
I would like the congratulate us on completing our beautiful new granite bridge and once we have constructed a lever in the dining room we will be able to seal off Tinpointed at a moment's notice.  I would also like to congratulate the miners on having expanded the fish preparation area; once the four extra fisheries are built I will make fish cleaning a general responsibility of the Treasury of Knots.  I have been informed that charcoal making has begun, this means we should begin preparations for coke making and ultimately porcelain manufacture; to this end it would be helpful if the miners carved out an area between the stockpile for economic stone and the stockpile for bars and blocks. We would also do well to construct a number of rock blocks as this will allow us to extract valuable stone, coal, ore or gems from the walls of rooms; or rather to quickly fill in the holes in the rooms afterwards.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The new bridge with the temporary wood burner to the north-east.

20th Moonstone 200:New work priorities
I would like the congratulate us on having expanded our fishery area to six fisheries. Fish cleaning has now been made a general responsibility of all members of the Treasury of Knots, along with architecture.  In order to speed up the construction of our new lever I am cancelling the construction of the last two mechanism are our mechanics needs to focus on this task.  The processing of coal into coke has begun, so we should build some more bins in order to store all this new coke in, along with our new rock blocks.  Concerning the matter of masonry, we should carve out eight statues; one to each of our gods in order that we can later place them in the Aqua Wheel.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The expanded fishery area.

9th Opal 200:Statue mix-up
It seems there has been a mix up with the statues; we have two statues of Dog, goddess of wealth and no statue of Enuk the Aquamarine Cover. This must be rectified immediately, though it would make sense to place the least valuable statue of Dog near the entrance to the trade depot rather than in the temple.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

13th Opal 200:Temple plans
I seems I was mistaken regarding the various types of statues, thanks to my attempted correction we now have two statues of Enuk the Aquamarine Cover, we should place the least valuable statue near the trade depot next to Dog. The plans for the Aqua Wheel are as such; to place a statue of each of gods in such a manner as they form the outline of a diamond shape, the area between the statues will then be paved with silverwood planks.  To this end we will need a sawmill to be built in the wood processing area and another silver tree cut down, once both conditions are met I will put in an order for silverwood planks to be made.  The Aqua Wheel could also do with an expansion to the south and west; so that it is symmetrical in relation to the central statues and the stairway.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

24th Opal 200:Statues installed
I would like to congratulate us on having carved out such beautiful statues to each of our gods and installed them so well in the Aqua Wheel. However the temple is in no sense complete, we should wait until we have installed the silverwood planks between the statues before we begin the process of smoothing and stone floor. However just when the finished installing the last statue, one of our number the presser Metuth Copperislands came down with a case of unproductive productive thoughts, much as Tath Birthearths did before; perhaps this is due to the syrupy, giddy goodness that we can all sense in the very air. It is clear that she does not have the workshop she needs to recover since she is staring blankly into space within the Aqua Wheel; thus we should use our anvil to install a metalsmith's workshop downstairs and carve out a gem cutting area below our fortress in case either of these things is what she needs.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The statues are installed in the Aqua Wheel.


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Re: The Last Dwarves
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2016, 12:21:12 pm »

It has some time since anybody else has posted, I know it is early days and nothing very exciting has happened yet but still please post something.....

2nd Obsidian 200:Apologies from Metuth Copperislands
I apologize for using valuable bismuth bronze for something of no immediate utility but my great work Conventmatches the Finger of Taming is now complete and I beg the Treasury of Knots not to melt it down.  I do not know what came over me, I had this dream of a great flood washing over everything, drowning everyone and I felt irresistibly compelled to make a floodgate out of metal in order to hold the flood back; this is so strangely unlike me. Thankfully I am alright now and will return to work immediately.
Metuth Iragulvan "Copperislands", Creator of Lorzos Lithil Cothol "Conventmatches the Finger of Taming"

Caption: Metuth Copperislands, the creator of a legendary bismuth bronze floodgate.

3rd Obsidian 200:Gem carving area complete
The gem carving area is now finally completed and I also see many dwarves standing idle thinking unproductive thoughts when they should be working. It is time to think about carving out the many gems that we have stockpiled and focus on carving out more gems from the earth; making sure of course to avoid exposing ourselves to the caverns in the process.  At the same time the large number of rock blocks that have been constructed place us in a good position to remove valuable materials from the walls of for instance bedrooms. Lastly we should do well to start carving out a kitchen area and brewing some drinks using the fruit we have gathered so as to avoid running out again.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader

Caption: The new gem carving area at the bottom of the fortress.

12th Obsidian 200:Completing the Aqua Wheel
With the construction of the last of the silverwood planks should attend to paving out the area of the temple between the statues with said planks.  Also, thanks to our miners hard work the kitchen area is now carved out and we should get to work creating some kitchens and then on cooking up some meals.
Rodes Samlandimanir "Partnergirders", Expedition Leader
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