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Author Topic: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)  (Read 68109 times)


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #120 on: April 06, 2016, 07:07:38 am »

The idea of meeting them in chains is a great one. We can intimidate them, call bullshit on the "Imports", call bullshit on their huge prices, and even justify killing them if we desire to do so.

But let's first intimidate them and see how they react. We can decide who to execute later when we see their reactions and how loyal they are.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #121 on: April 06, 2016, 12:02:22 pm »

Oh yeah, hexes.

Lets hex the mayor and his two children with Hex of the Demon Yaas so we can blind them when we want.  We can activate the curse at a later time if need be.

Yaas Talcutta and Gungor seem best for curse hexes.

We should look to use an imp to send a message to Farquad to stay away, send a message or come back.

Bring the potion guild in chains. 

Offer a deal, we establish an official (exclusive) alchemy guild; they give us a cut of their profits, we get access to their equipment for our own business, we share our knowledge and power so they can make more powerful (and hallucinogenic drug) potions and we do not slice off their heads for deceiving us and the people.   

If they want the hard sell we can execute one of them or hex them in person, but I would rather not use magic for something mundane like this.

Question: We can put a weak-medium hex with personal items and hair, if we have extended physical contact and/or consent can we place even stronger hexes?


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #122 on: April 06, 2016, 12:08:49 pm »

Hexes can be detected. I'd rather not do that, we can Hex them whenever we want. We seem more just if we just don't Hex them now, but keep the means to do so.

By the way, why would we want to blind them? Killing them is easy enough. I'd rather make them easier to deceive.


Question to GM: What do we pay in exchange of souls?


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #123 on: April 06, 2016, 05:52:58 pm »

Regarding the potioner's guild, we could halve the prices. We still make more money than true price, and we'll appear to be a decent person to the customers.
Well, a better person. People will still know potions cost 5x as much in that damned Potioner's Guild as they do anywhere else in the Duchy or beyound.

Custom undead: What about a bird of some kind? It'll be intelligent/controlled enough to actually reach the destination, and not look too suspicious or threatening for guards to be concerned. Unless we want our messenger to do the persuading, we'll only be sending letters, and Harry Potter has taught us that random birds work best for that.
I like it, but it'd still need a way to declare itself to avoid being shot by crossbow guards fearing an avian assassin. Maybe a raven-ish thing with a full soul in it? It could even record and deliver messages by voice rather than parchment!

Though then we'd have to make sure it got a personal audience with the Count himself, unlike a sealed missive which we can just drop off on anyone loyal.

The idea of meeting them in chains is a great one. We can intimidate them, call bullshit on the "Imports", call bullshit on their huge prices, and even justify killing them if we desire to do so.

But let's first intimidate them and see how they react. We can decide who to execute later when we see their reactions and how loyal they are.
I don't see the need for any of this. They know they're bullshitters, at least one of them knows we're way over their heads, and all three are about to find out we more or less own this town now. Can't imagine they'd need any more intimidation than that.

I mean, we can still talk to them in a scary voice if we want to. The humans probably don't need much encouragement, the orc might benefit from being reminded that we can do or have anything we want done to him at any time with zero repercussions by ourselves or any of our innumerable allies and vassals. And that that doesn't necessarily stop when he dies, seeing as we're a black mage from a noble family of black mages.

I'm liking this speech more and more.

Oh yeah, hexes.

Lets hex the mayor and his two children with Hex of the Demon Yaas so we can blind them when we want.  We can activate the curse at a later time if need be.
Can we do something that subtle/controllable?

We can also just hex them at a later time, though. Might be nice to keep it more open-ended, too; "we can blind you and your children" is way less scary than "I'm a ranking Hexweaver with mystical access to your children. Have a nice day!"
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #124 on: April 06, 2016, 07:31:16 pm »

Hexes can be detected. I'd rather not do that, we can Hex them whenever we want. We seem more just if we just don't Hex them now, but keep the means to do so.

By the way, why would we want to blind them? Killing them is easy enough. I'd rather make them easier to deceive.


Question to GM: What do we pay in exchange of souls?

Typically other souls, which can be sent to Tiv by killing somebody under the effect of his curse, or to any demon by killing somebody as part of a proper ritual at a summoning circle. Prices change a bit per the law of supply and demand, but Tiv gives you a good deal. You can generally get a scrap soul for two uncleaned souls, a soul prepared for a common state of undeath for three, and a soul prepared for a more advanced state of undeath for five or six. You have generally avoided murder in the past, and would slowly acquire souls by putting Tiv's curse on the people your husband would execute.

In general most demons will sell their goods and services in exchange for souls or the spreading of their curses, but some demons are interested in other forms of payment; Tiv (and most other demons with a minion related somehow to combat or crafting) will take precious metals and metals with magical qualities, which they can use to make demonic gear. Pogpugrooog likes godly gossip, and will typically accept the newly published (or stolen private) writing of priests and religious scholars, especially when they relate to the deep pantheon.

Hexes can be detected. I'd rather not do that, we can Hex them whenever we want. We seem more just if we just don't Hex them now, but keep the means to do so.

The more hexes you have, the more detectable you are. A single weak to medium hex is nearly undetectable, and once woven, a Hex can be activated without any sort of contact with a person or his/her possessions.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #125 on: April 06, 2016, 07:43:52 pm »

Plan to get souls: we hex criminals to be executed in the city, and get their souls. Gregory will let us do that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #126 on: April 06, 2016, 09:04:57 pm »

I'm not sure Gregory's in a position to "let" us do anything, but yes. We should let him know about this arrangement while we've got him here. And to remind him how nasty hexes can be.

We could also try going into battle, though our combat skills are... well, other than black magic we don't have any.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #127 on: April 07, 2016, 03:15:38 am »

We could offer to mass hex 'bless' a unit of Charlies elite soldiers.  Give them the Tiv soul curse so if they die he gets their souls and father's swordsmanship or fire blessing so they are total bad asses in combat.  Either way we win.

War is a profitable business, even if it is regrettable.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #128 on: April 07, 2016, 04:21:35 am »

2334th Year of Man, 4th Month, 18th Day:

Quote from: Previous Turn
Charlie drags the mayor away for a private discussion, and he returns to you alone. There is a look of utter fear now in Gregory's eyes as he reguards you, but he does a pretty good job of masking the terror in his voice. "So, my Duchess, shall I arrange for the potion cartel to meet you at the guardhouse?"

"Yes," you answer the mayor smugly, "I believe you should."

"Very well," The mayor answers with a slight bow, "meet me at the Headquarters of the City Guard around sundown. I am going to pull them in and take a few hours to read my files on them so I can give you a proper report on the group."

He turns to leave, but you call him back, "Oh, one more thing Gregory, if you intend to execute somebody, do give me proper notice so that I can lay the proper hex and see that their soul goes to one of my extraplanar business partners. Understood?"

The mayor blinks as the horror in his eyes is briefly magnified. "Y-you can do that?"

"Quite easily," you smirk, "all I'd need is something that the condemned has had regular physical contact with, like say a piece of clothing... or I don't know, a lock of hair."

The mayor inhales sharply. "R-r-right. W-well I don't actually have anybody e-exectued around here. By longstanding duchy law, anybody I schedule to meet with the headsman has the right to appeal to the Kinkaids, and they have told me in no uncertain terms they don't want to deal with appeals. If I need somebody gone, I either sell them to the Orcs across the river as slaves or arrange for them to die while 'resisting arrest'."

"Well then let me know when you plan on getting rid of somebody through either of those methods," you respond sharply "I may want to play a hand in the disposal process."


Once the hall is completely clear of outsiders, you call Wednesday over. "Hey, thanks for watching out for me during that meeting with Charlie. It is appreciated."

The Ghoul nods. "Not a problem. I exist to serve. I'm just glad I wasn't needed, that bitch looks tough as nails, and I'm not positive I could have taken her even with the element of surprise."

You offer a worried smile. "Well the good news is you can take more risks now, as I have been granted access to an animation table."

"Great!" Wednesday almost glows with excitement, "I'll pass that along to Fortune. It sucks not being able to help to the best of my ability in your hour of need, Mistress. Just tell me where you need my eyes and my blade, and I'll be there."


Unlike Gregory's office, City Guard headquarters is tightly defended; The guard is housed in a well built tower of ancient Orcish construction that sits at the highest point in town and swarms with officers. At the gate you meet Captain Angie Pence, a young lady who, although clearly a trained member of the Inquisitorial Order, seems absolutely thrilled to meet you. As she leads you to the dungeon she admits that she got into the inquisition in hopes of learning the secrets of Dark Magic through hunting its practitioners, and that although she understands the basics, she lacks the equipment and demonic contacts to actually practice.

You note that you could easily help the girl by putting a Hex on her; Once one is bound to her soul, the young lady could weave it herself and at least spread some curses.

In the dungeon you find Gregory standing by the three key members of the potion cartel. Each brewer is stripped naked and chained to the wall; A stern looking guard holding a nasty whip stands nearby at the ready. "Ah, My Duchess, I see you already met Angie, one of my guard captains. I figured she would make a good contact for you within the guard as she shares some of your interests. This here," he says gesturing to the man with the whip, "is my lasher, Topman, I can't actually make him a captain as he is lowborn, but he more or less has the same authority. Also a whip. My eldest son also holds the title of captain around here, but he is out in the field with Count Phineas at the present time."

He then turns to the prisoners, "Alright you monopolistic shitheads, I had you all hauled in here so you can meet you new boss. This is Duchess Maeris Riverland. All she wanted was to get into the potion business in town, but because you three were so rude to her, she will be taking over instead. Do as she says, or at best you answer to me, and at worst you answer to her dark magic, understood?"

The three answer in the affirmative, and the mayor continues. "Now then, because I don't trust you shits not to withhold assets or information from the Duchess, I'm going to handle introductions for you, okay?"

Without waiting for an answer Gregory marches up to Syzzik and places his hand on the forigen man's shoulder. "This is Syzzik, the closest thing in this lot to a legitimate business man. He claims to import his entire stock, but most of his common potions are brewed in town; He does ship in some pretty neat brews from his hometown of Gearport in Titan Rock though. He also imports illegal powder weapons, ammo for said contraband, and artifact gear blessed by the priests of the Bronze Titan Roshsteam."

He then turns his attention to the Orc. "This here is Peat. He claims to be clanless, but I know you are well studied in Orcish lore, so I wont insult you by explaining why that is a lie."

The Orc's entire chest is covered by a tattoo of a gorilla. You didn't notice it at your previous meeting, as Peat was wearing a shirt then, but you know exactly what it means. "He belongs to Clan Ape, one of the mighty clans my husband drove out and banned from the region. I can even tell, by the fact that the gorilla is depicted in a state of arousal, that this Orc here is actually close kin to the Chieftain."

Peat's scowl breaks, and you can tell your knowledge has impressed him. "Wow, ummm, I didn't know that last part," Gregory admits, "but you are correct. Peat is Clan Ape's eyes and ears in town. He keeps a small swarm of 25 Orcs in the Meadhall belonging to Clan Python behind his shop; He mainly uses them to keep competition out of town. He of course practices the Orcish school of potion brewing, which includes animal meats and extracts as well as plants, and knows several secret recipes that are closely guarded by his clan."

Mayor Rothwell then turns his attention to Zeph. "Zeph here has the least power and seniority in this group, but the largest operation. He habitually practices that one trick I'm sure you know of where a brewer waters down their stock with booze. Fun fact: Zeph's sister and his brother-in-law are responsible for the Jade Lady Burglaries, and his entire business exists so that they can launder their ill-gotten gains."

Your eyes widen. The Jade Lady Housebreakers have cost the highborn population of Redleaf Duchy hundreds of thousands of gold sovereigns over the last decade, breaking into even the most impenetrable vaults and leaving only a small jade figurine of a woman as their calling card. And Gregory has known their identity for some time? No wonder the Kinkaids keep him around, you think, this guy has dirt on, and control over all sorts of lowlifes.

"And lastly for the numbers," Gregory announces, "Syzzik earns around thirty thousand silver a month in potion sales, and another highly variable five to thirty five thousand a month in other imports; Looking at potions alone, he makes the least amount of money, but he has the highest profit margin. Peat earns around fifty thousand a month, but my auditor notes he could break seventy easy if were to run his business with any sort of efficiency. Zeph earns fifty five to sixty thousand silver monthly, but he pays large cuts to Syzzik, Peat, myself, and his... investors, so my files indicate he is really only making ten thousand silver or so after all that."     

The Mayor then saunters up to you, and offers you a confusing gesture; His bow is respectful, his eyes frightened, but his smirk arrogant. "I hope you found my briefing useful, Duchess. As the sole legitimate ruler of Redleaf Duchy, it is your right to try these criminals and punish them as you see fit, and as mayor of the city in which these proceedings are to take place, I declare this a secret tribunal. No records are to be taken."

"The keys to their bindings are on the ring next to the stairs, and their clothes are folded on that table" he says as he points said items out to you, "shall I take my leave, or would you rather myself and my lasher be present for these proceedings?"

The potion cartel is at your mercy. What terms do you seek to impose upon them? What judgement do you seek to pass?
Duchess Maeris Bonedust Riverland:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Geopolitical Situation:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #129 on: April 07, 2016, 06:40:28 am »

Let's talk to them in private. No need for the Whipman to be here.

How about these new terms:
-They give us 50% of their income from potion brewing.
-We help and organize their bussiness. We may want to send them the goblin hexers from the knifehouse to make more potent potions and organize stuff, increasing their profit (and giving the goblins a share of the profits). Dean could help in this too.
-Zeph now only pays to us, and his investors.
-They tell us of any news: orcish news, anything regarding those famous thieves, and everything they consider important.
-We can issue production orders from them. And they will have to deliver us potions from the best quality they can get. So no watering down any with booze.

After that, we can hex them where they stand with Talcutta's fear hex, so that they fear us and don't even talk about this to anyone. We can also mention that we are in charge of the dark mages of the whole Duchy, so don't even think about escaping.

And after all the conversation, we want private meetings with them:

With Peat, we inform him that the old clans are coming back for the war, and that the Countess wants to use them as fodder. We demand that he tells us later about the posture of his clan about the Countess.

With Syzzik, we ask a couple of his powder weapons as courtesy, with a reasonable amount of ammo. We want to test them.

With Zeph, we tell him that there may be the opportunity for us to be bussiness partners with his "investors", and that we may be able to provide "distractions" and have some "contacts" that may help them.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #130 on: April 07, 2016, 11:07:30 am »

We could offer to mass hex 'bless' a unit of Charlies elite soldiers.  Give them the Tiv soul curse so if they die he gets their souls and father's swordsmanship or fire blessing so they are total bad asses in combat.  Either way we win.

War is a profitable business, even if it is regrettable.

Just noticed this. Your father is Water, Nightmares, Torture, and Ill Health. You are thinking of a different demon on the list. Still one of Tiv's minions, so the old soul-grabber curse counts towards those blessings.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #131 on: April 07, 2016, 03:02:55 pm »

If we want to work with Zeph's investors, taking their cut seems a very very bad idea.

Also dropping Zeph's income to 5000 seems quite low.

If we want a long term business relationship 50% seems too high.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #132 on: April 07, 2016, 03:13:22 pm »

We won't get the part that goes to Zeph's investors, they will still get the same.

And he will not pay tribute to the rest. So, it could be said that Zeph will end up earning even more than before.

Also, we are providing some help and directions with the goblin hexers, and the orc is in need of that. The only one that is definitely going to end up straightly worse is Syzzik, who is the least dangerous of the three.

Also, we are cursing the three so that they become afraid of us. They won't do much to us.

But maybe 50% is too much. Zeph was willing to give us 30% of his earnings if we gave him a title and arranged a marriage with Fortune. Maybe with 40% it would be enough. We own these guys, anyway, so there is not much point in giving them a bigger cut.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #133 on: April 07, 2016, 09:26:41 pm »

Unchain them and give them back their clothes.
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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #134 on: April 08, 2016, 07:57:37 am »

Unchain them and give them back their clothes.

Maybe for the private talks. Otherwise, it is better for intimidation to leave them as they are.
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