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Author Topic: Archcrystal: 500 years in a fortress [SPOILERS] Finished  (Read 483189 times)


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Re: Archcrystal: 249 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #60 on: March 17, 2016, 12:17:34 pm »

I order trees from the outpost liaison every year so caravan brings about 200 to turn into the necessary ash. Also, lots of trees in the jungle to cut down as well as the caverns. Plus, I would get them to make clear glass blocks every year for 250 years now, it adds up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 250 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #61 on: March 22, 2016, 12:24:36 pm »

Last time the dwarves of Archcrystal continued to build their tower of glass rising out of hell. Now they prepare for a long awaited celebration…


Doren the Sheriff shifted uncomfortably in his new armor. The king had bestowed a new title on him – Captain of the Guard. There had been a baby boom since the walls went up in hell securing the fortress and fifty-three dwarves now called Archcrystal home, so the king decided on a few grander titles. King Ushrir elected himself mayor, and decided to give the guardsmen a little more pomp and circumstance. Doren preferred to present himself modestly, and frowned on any flashy accoutrements, but an important day was almost upon them. It was almost the 250th anniversary of the fortress. Offerings were planned to the gods, as well as games and tests of skill. Doren, who was rarely happy or enthusiastic, but was conflicted by this as he valued parties and merrymaking in the abstract, he would grumble internally but put on a good show.

On the first day of spring, the celebrations began!

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A rutherer was slaughtered, one for each of the dwarven gods. The Cave dragons were decorated with war paint on their gigantic bodies with great colorful flourishes of purple plump helmet and blue dimple cup. The new glass dining hall in hell was embellished with large silk banners woven from red and green demon webs. A great feast was prepared and the many children skipped towards the dining hall with wide-eyed anticipation.

Before the feast the entertainment was set to begin, as the Doren and his newly regaled fortress guard marched and paraded away from the dining hall towards the glass entrance into the rest of hell. For months demons had started to gather at the artifact door, seemingly hypnotized by the great dwarven entrance. The fortress guard stepped into their positions across from the fortifications. They ceremoniously formed two rows, one in front on one knee and one in back standing, as they readied their crossbows. The king rang a large brass gong and the marksdwarves opened fire.

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 A great cheer went up from the crowd in the dining hall as they watched the first volley rip through several of the targeted demons. These were some of the few demons made from flesh, great pterosaurs, and they howled with anger as the bolts struck them. Volley after volley tore through muscle and bone as they attempted to shield themselves in vain with their wings and other appendages. Opened arteries gave satisfying spurts of blood like synchronized fountains splattering on the glass walls and staining the slade floor. The onlookers and merrymakers watched with glee, while feasting on the same flesh which they were watching get ripped apart before their eyes. Juicy fats dripped down the chins of the children as they hollered and whooped every time Doren barked, “Fire!” They laughed as a leg came off causing a demon to stumble, they taunted as one desperately tried to shield itself behind another, they clapped wildly as steel bolts ripped apart a demon’s mid-section spilling it’s putrid guts, and they cackled as it wearily tried to put them back inside it’s body while struggling to avoid another flurry of flying, shining steel.

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As the last demon lay dying the crowd at the feast cried for more, chanting and clapping. Great pools of blood and twitching corpses were all that remained in the entrance way, so they turned back to their feasting, gorging themselves on succulent roasts of demon flesh. They watched as the butcher dragged the corpses inside, one by one, carving the large bodies and bringing the cuts of the best meats to the king before feeding the others slices of juicy flesh.

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The celebration continued in the glass hall, the bone carvers made toys and jewellery from the bones and teeth of the pterosaurs, and large totems from their skulls to adorn the hallways. The statues of their ancestors, who came here 250 years ago, looked on as the soft eerie glow of the pits cast a pale light on the decadence and voracity of the dwarves of Archcrystal in their new home.


Next time, the dwarves of Archcrystal begin to attract surface attacks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 250 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #62 on: March 22, 2016, 07:39:34 pm »

Can you imagine if a Kobold enter the Treasure room of this fort?

2.5 centuries of shiny
Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Archcrystal: 250 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #63 on: March 24, 2016, 03:41:06 pm »

Man this is awesome. Keep it up! Far beyond my skill/planning


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 250 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #64 on: April 01, 2016, 09:49:30 pm »

Amazing! Keep it up!


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Re: Archcrystal: 250 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #65 on: April 02, 2016, 12:05:47 am »

Wow. Something like this has pretty much been my dream ever since I started playing Dwarf Fortress. A fortress that lasts so long, that a dwarf is born in the fort, and then dies of old age within the fort. In this one it's even possible that a dwarf could have been born in the fort, then had a child right before dying of old age, and then had that child die of old age within the fort! Almost everybody being descended from the inital dwarves is another thing I've always wanted to. This is an amazing fortress.
Its a feature. Impregnating booze is a planned tech tree for dwarves and this is a sneak peek at it.
Unless you're past reproductive age. Then you're pretty much an extension of your kids' genitalia


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 250 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #66 on: April 02, 2016, 11:28:20 am »

I aspire to be this kind of Overseer :) That is freakin' awesome.
On the Fifth Day of Axemas, my love saved the fort from...
Five sieging Werebeasts, four Giant Dingoes, three sneaky Thieves, two drunken Black bears, and a Titan killing spree!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 250 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #67 on: April 02, 2016, 02:51:46 pm »

Thanks for the encouragement! I'll have an update soon, just waiting for a few more narratively interesting things to happen.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Archcrystal: 250 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #68 on: April 04, 2016, 03:41:34 am »

This story has taken everything gregarious and !!FUN!! about Dwarf Fortress and cranked it up to 11. I never even knew Hell had a walk-able surface.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 260 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #69 on: April 29, 2016, 01:33:20 pm »

Sorry for the long break in updates. Building clear glass blocks takes quite a bit of time. Last time the dwarves of Archcrystal celebrated the fort’s 250th anniversary. It’s been 10 years since, and they are about to meet some neighbours.


Since the great feast 10 years ago, progress on the fortress of clear glass was steady, but slow. The glassmakers worked day and night building the blocks with dwarven precision to create the floors and walls within hell. The Magma pit was complete and the floor above it was half finished.

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The great tower of clear glass rose from the center of hell and was now through the semi molten rock and climbed now through the magma sea.

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Soon Magma would fall from the sea and into hell to power the forges.

Archcrystal was experiencing a baby boom as well. 89 dwarves now called the fortress home. All of them born and raised, some of them 6 generations removed from the founders.

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39 children ran through the deep glass halls alongside the eerie glowing pits watching the demons swirl around the fortress. They ate and drank the cooks and brewers into constant states of fluster. They worked constantly beside the glassmakers to meet up with demand.

Moldath and Iton were training some of the new recruits who had finally grown large enough to put on armor, when there appeared a visitor at the entrance.

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It was the strangest elf Moldath had ever seen, and he was early to begin trading.

“Hello?” said Moldath squinting.

“Are you lost?” asked Iton.

The creature charged at the two dwarves, and they looked eachother questioningly. It raised its spear high above its head before Moldath sent its head from its shoulders in one quick slash. The body skidded to a halt on the smooth chalk floor. Outside they could hear movement. Whatever this thing was, there were more on their way.

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The group rushed the entrance, but were no match for the battle hardened dwarves.

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“At least it’s not as much mess as the zombie husks.”

They had never seen a goblin before, though many depictions existed of them on their furniture from the decorating floor. They looked smaller in real life.


Next time, armies march on Archcrystal.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 260 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #70 on: April 30, 2016, 06:09:41 pm »

This is fantastic!

Dozebôm Lolumzalěs

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Re: Archcrystal: 260 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #71 on: May 02, 2016, 08:13:22 pm »

Simply amazing. I wish I could play for over a hundred years, but the new versions always tempt me away. Maybe this time...
Quote from: King James Programming
...Simplification leaves us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes...
Quote from: Salvané Descocrates
The only difference between me and a fool is that I know that I know only that I think, therefore I am.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 260 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #72 on: May 03, 2016, 05:04:07 am »

The fact that the statues here have been manufactured two centuries ago and expertly detailed ever since astounds me. This is a legendary, half-mythical Kingdom of the dwarves, a Moria in all ways but one - there is no further for them to dig.
Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
Everything is going to be alright


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 260 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #73 on: May 03, 2016, 08:54:46 pm »

I have to make a quick question here about decoration. So what I see you can decorate a single item indefinitely?? I didn't know this? Is this normal? Also, your total wealth is extremely high, is it due to decorating?

Edit: Another question, how did you make your dragons stand in a formation around the trade depot? It's like they are protecting it.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2016, 09:06:39 pm by sivistojko »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 260 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #74 on: May 03, 2016, 09:49:07 pm »

I have to make a quick question here about decoration. So what I see you can decorate a single item indefinitely?? I didn't know this? Is this normal? Also, your total wealth is extremely high, is it due to decorating?

Edit: Another question, how did you make your dragons stand in a formation around the trade depot? It's like they are protecting it.

You can decorate an item indefinitely, but you can't decorate it with the same material twice. The only exception is forgotten beast (and Titan) bone, teeth, horn etc. As they are technically different creatures from beast to beast. You just can't decorate an item with the same forgotten beast twice.

The wealth is mostly due to decoration as $500 statues would turn into $30000 statues after years of decorating, not to mention all of the weapons and armour that were adorned too. Also, I'll have to double check, but I think the fort is up near 250 artifacts now.

The Cave Dragons were just in 1X1 pastures. That way they could attack when the saw something, but would get returned afterwards by the trainers.
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