24th Hematite, 251, Early Summer
More migrants, 9 of then, with one skilled potash maker
10th Limestone, 251 Early Autumn
Not much happened on summer. I am still trying to figure out how to speed the production of glass blocks.
The sketch of a clothing industry was build to make bags. It may prevent we from running out of empty or sand bags.
Meanwhile the haulers are wasting too much time hauling blocks from the masons workshops to the surface. I am planing to make an a track to move the blocks up. We gonna need many rock blocks. We need a tavern as well. Some hauler suggested to make of the dinning room a tavern. But if we are going to build a castle why not make use of it? I ordered the construction of another floor as well of some glass furniture
24th Limestone, 251, Early Autumn
The caravan has come. The track is under construction. The tavern is being setup.
We hit 100+ clear glass block. Now we can think of walling the shop area. The first area of the castle that can keep growing from there.
2nd Sandstone, 251, Mid-Autumn
The tracks are almost done. We bought some food, metal bars, bags and cloth from the merchant. And today some migrants arrived.
8th Timber, 251, Late Autumn
I though the track was ready and did some testing, first it hit uncarved spots on the way, then It got stuck on a misplaced ramp, it is looping forth and back on high speed. I am sending a volunteer to destroy the misplaced track. I think we will need a hospital soon, or some coffins, I don't know yet. One skilless dwarf with the fancy title of architect took the job......
We will need a hospital. The cart didn't stop. The new end needs to be destroyed, I need a new volunteer... New plan, a safer passage will be carved to remove the ramp. Things didn't worked as I would like. But in the end it worked. We will need Coffins too.
3rd Moonstone, 251, Early Winter
My time on this place is coming to an end. The impact of the car on me were fatal. At least it is working now. The dead were temporally located besides the temporally hospital.
18th Opal, 251, Mid-Winter
The Tarvern is set. Our "Castle" is missing walls, we have materials, but I will leave this task for the next overseer.
16th Obsidian, 251, Late Winter
Vucar, the stonecrafter Withdrew from society.
2st Granite, 251, Early Spring
Time to leave this world. There is much work to do. But I may rest now.