I don't like the way they are dogpiling on the guy who posted that picture. I will agree that not one thing in that picture attracts me, but what the fuck is wrong with people. This is not some ungodly mixture, just kinda bland because it's like only raw ingredients separated... It's not some stupid 30 second attention grabing video with an asinine recipe, it's just very simple food. And someone seemed to be genuinly happy about this meal, why not, it doesn't look stale, maybe just the fact to have 8 different things on their plate is kind of fancy to them. Maybe they real dig deconstructing the flavors instead of mixing them. Maybe they're just particular about their food, like they don't trust a lot of cooks or super rarely cook for themselves or what have you.
You wouldn't look at someone starving who's eyes glowed up because they got an apple, and sneer and be like: a real fruitsalad is where it's at noob.
I'm probably reacting to sensitively, for all I know it might be sarcastic... But once I sent someone a picture of little cupcake with a silly clownface on it, it was supposed to be silly because it was being sold for carneval, I had gotten it for my birthday, it was like the only thing that even acknowledged that it was my birthday, and without missing a beat the person whom I sent the picture called it ugly, and I did not like that one bit. Where is your fucking cupcake??! It will look all the same in the stomach anyway. Could have called it dumb and I might have laughed, yes how futile a smiley face, but expressing disgust is just mean.
Yes this is a valid BBQ, BBQ in and of itself is a stupid "meal" anyway (oh the method by which we prepare the ingredients makes the meal now, you consider this vocabulary, you call that culture?!
omg sandwich semantics incoming ), I like to have my meal served all at once tyvm instead of micromanaging a bunch to get it piece by piece.