Ironically today I had two ottles and drank less than an entire bottle, over the week I waited on a lot of tap water.
I wish I had a KO button. If I'm too enraged I push it and I fall in a 3 hour coma. I want to rip my skin off.
Just put me down like a dog with rabies.
edit: How to amend saturdays: only one car is let in at a time, they are immediatly told to shut up sit in the car turn the motor off hands on the wheel. We throw the garbage away ourselves, working more dilligently and scrupulously then needed, every rejection is immediatly signaled to the people, if things are super mixed up and or beyond dirty they never leave the car and you're told you're a pig and to fuck off on the weekend with that shit. If they complain too much they can immediatly leave as well. Work slowly as to not break a sweat it's gonna be a long day this is a marathon not a sprint.
I did not shit out those crotch goblins.
I do not own a dozen cottages.
I did not waste "hAlF mY wEeKeNd At IkEa aLlReAdY" (AGAIN)
I don't own cattle, chicken or horses, nor do I live among oil canisters.
Fucking deal with your shit yourselves, this hostage taking has got to at least be reversed if it can not end.
Threat them as above, threat them as the shit they are. These 50% longer days, with 50% more people by the hour, who bring ooof I'm not sure 50% more garbage quite cuts it... We do fill up just as much container volume on saturdays than under the week. If you reallty go at it you can manage to come 3 times on a single saturday. It's plain demonic and the more opportunity you create the more the people exploit it because remember, our services are mostly free (but only to residents... he hehheh hahahahahahahhahahahahh residents).
It ruins my life quality, impossible to maintain any kind of life hygiene with those weekends, at least I will never pull it off, too much randomness involved, I can try hard as fuck to be at least professional and still see it ripped out my hands on the finish line. Went straight to bed without eating wake up at 4 am immediatly work myself into anger again dreaming of what amounts basically to combine checkpoints at my workplace....We all got to get a grip, I do our visitors as well. Plain hostile occupation mode, the alien nazis who are slapping everybody with the electrobatons are only doing their job. I tend to fraternise against the stupidity of the most absurd rules, and only ever require/impose one single thing of everybody... It's silly and infantilizing and I swear just that mostly fails too, no matter how strict we are no matter where the line is you will allways go with your toes over the line while keeping the heel jn the safe zone. Anyway under combine occupation those monkeys would tip even more when I break out my fraternising antics (yeah I do get tips and I hate it) and you know what? I'd give the combine their tips and tell 'em to slap more gratuitely.