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Author Topic: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]  (Read 42239 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #180 on: February 06, 2016, 06:21:50 am »

Date obscured by vomit blotches
So, I's was just takin' a nap, den I 'eard some twoddle from another gobbo about a wereelk or summat like it.

Time to take up me axe, den, hope dis goes smoothly. We's already killed one, dis one shouldn't be a problem.

Irregular blotches of blood cover this entry
Oh, dammit...

I's just woke up, me flippin' head is spurtin' blood. I fink I can touch bits of me skull.

Wait...does dat mean dat elk ponce bit me?


OOC: Damn, this is going absolutely splendid.

How many people will have to be locked up now due to the wereelk syndrome? It's not a 100% chance of transmitting it, right?
Honestly we might as well rename this thread "A wereelk succession fort" by this point.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 06:26:04 am by ZM5 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #181 on: February 06, 2016, 08:14:57 am »

Nice to see our bio-weapons arsenal is growing. I'd go for a were-elk shock squad. Maybe build a turret for our oversized eight-legged pal?

I assume I'm still alive?


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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #182 on: February 06, 2016, 03:09:03 pm »

Seriously is this a werelk nest or something?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #183 on: February 07, 2016, 01:55:42 am »

Darx is Best Boss There is No Boss

“So… who’s the boss then?”

“Well… it’s ‘sposed to be the guy dat beat up the last boss, but the Wereelk killed Darx and we all killed the elk…”

“I hit it last! Dat mean’s I’s the new boss!”

“Bullshit, ye jest kicked it as it was dyin'! I’m the new boss, I cut it’s throat!”

“No, I’m the boss! I cut its chest open!”

As several goblins descended into squabbles, the more cowardly and less ambitious of Thunderdoom’s goblins examined a much deadlier problem.

“The one’s dat got bit… dey’re gunna turn into more wereelks, just like Shofet, yeah?”

“Shit… I don’t wanna end up like Gozru and Darx did… What are we gunna do?”

“They’re already gunna be in the hospital so Nix can make ‘em better, right? So we just gotta tell ‘em all to stay there, I dunno, cuz Nix want to be extra sure or somethin’, and then we lock the doors and build a wall so dey can’t get out and kill us all.”

“Okay, so we need ta get Arstruk, Ngokang, Tode, Smuntsu, Ago, Ubsu, Zee, Strodno, and Bax in dere, yeah? Dat’s who dey said got bit.”

“Which Bax was it? The food one or the plant one?”

“’ell if I know. Just chuck ‘em both in dere.”

A month passed, with few important events.

A new warlady took her place at the head of Thunderdoom’s hierarchy, but was too concerned with her own matters to bother with the day-to-day running of a warcamp.

Every few days, a new goblin would declare themselves to be the boss, only to get the snot beat out of them by the next hopeful, starting the cycle anew.

Although his commands lost their meaning after his violent demise, Darx’s spider turret was completed, due to the goblins as a whole ruling it “cool as hell.”

And a few days before the full moon rose over the horizon, a group of scared goblins carried out a plan to save their own hides, walling those bitten inside the hospital.

There was, however, one thing they forgot to account for.

When goblins are fighting, they tend to ignore everything that’s not involved with killing more things. And being in an active training squad was close enough for Arstruck and Zee to ignore the facetious “Bonesaw’s Orders” they’d received, and the pair continued to spar in the barracks as the wall was built.

Meanwhile, in the caverns…

The Giant Cave Spider could hear something moving around. It didn’t know much, being a spider and all, but it knew that it was hungry, and movement meant food.

The spider skittered along the wall toward the source of the sound, eventually locating a lone goblin deep in the caverns, her back turned, gathering up some of the monster’s own webs. The creature advanced, raising its fangs in preparation to strike-

“Fuck off, I’m workin’ here!”

On the 4th of Opal, a full moon rose over the horizon, and three new cries joined Shofet’s familiar howl, as three new bodies began to writhe as wounds stitched themselves together, antlers sprouted, and fangs sprang from the mouth of three unfortunate goblins.

In the barracks, Arstruk Ringedwiked, war captain, succumbed to the curse he had fought off once before, his armor falling off his growing body as Zee and his other squadmates watched in horror.

In the hospital, Strodno Growthvile, Engraver, tore her hospital bed from the ground as those around her felt the briefest relief that they hadn’t turned themselves, followed by abject terror when they realized that what was to come might actually be worse.

And in the western workshops, Bax Unostrodno, Furnace Operator, began to tear apart the furnace he had just been operating, as the two goblins unlucky enough to share his name cowered in the hospital.

The wereelk formerly known as Arstuk roared, then jerked to the side as a silver bolt flew through thespot his head had been a moment before.

Utmakuzest, Trapper of Dwarves, reloaded his crossbow. “I came ‘ere to spar, but this is so much better! Thanks, cap’n!”

Galvanized, the other goblins charged forward, laughing.

Spoiler: The Fight (click to show/hide)

Despite his skill and strength, the former war captain was outnumbered by his former squadmates, and was unable to land a single hit on the goblins. The beatdown continued until Zee the Chopper stepped forward, and with a mighty swing of her axe, sliced open Arstruk’s throat, leaving him to choke on his own blood.

Strodno finished tearing her hospital bed from its foundations, then turned to face the 6 wounded and 2 healthy goblins in the walled-off room.

Smuntsu Scorpionweatlths, one-armed war captain, stood beside Tode Abostosbub, Herbalist, both of them gripping bone daggers.

Blows and strikes were traded between both sides. Tode jabbed his dagger into Strodno’s leg even as she tore his other arm off, and Smustsu stabbed and slashed again and again, taking a bite to the leg for his trouble.

Tode soon lost conciuosness, but Ago Blackdusk, Miner, hobbled forward to take his place, whacking Strodno upside the head with his wooden crutch.

The fight soon enveloped a couple of the other dwarves in the room, as Ubsu Sinfulslave, Milker, nearly dodged a vicious bite, but had an eyelid ripped out by an errant tooth, and Ngokang Duneplague was stuck several times with a sock the monster picked up off Tode’s corpse after crushing his head between her jaws.

Ultimately, the creature fell after a punch to the head from Ago.

The goblins stepped back from the fallen wereelk, then started to tear down the walls keeping them confined.

Bax Unostrodno, who had been forgotten by the other goblins, tore at his furnace alone and unbothered for several hours, until another missed Scrod Hatemortal, war captain, came to investigate and raised the alarm.

“’ey, is that another wereelk? We missed the last one, now it’s our turn! WHHOOOO!”

Ten goblins charged into the workshop, and soon one came sprinting back out. Bax, covered in blood, and gripping a gorilla bone gauntlet, had fled the workshop after reverting back to his weaker goblin form.

Soon after him came Osta Breachmaligned, an unwounded Stoneworker, and Dang Hateclutches, a Ranger with a newly missing thumb.

Bax ran, dodging confused goblins and trying to lose his pursuers in the tavern.

By Arstruk:

By Strodno:
Tode Abostosbub, Herbalist

By Bax:
Bax Amxumallu, Mason
Smunstsu Ozudsmoslu, Engraver
Song Gobzom, Wood Burner
Snang Smusmtaomosp,  Fishergoblin
Osnun Ngerxungsmumu

By Arstruk:

By Strodno:
Smuntsu Scorpionweatlths, War Captain (upper body)
Ago Blackdusk, Miner (Left Leg, nerves severed, teeth knocked out by sock)
Ubsu Sinfulslave, Milker (Eyelid ripped out)

By Bax:
Scrod Hatemortal, war captain (Arm ripped off)
Dang Hateclutches (Finger lost)

“Caravan’s ‘ere! Get that extra crap to the depot!”

“’ey, I think dey’re turning around!”

“What the ‘ell? Why?”

“Looks like a wagon hit Darx and blew up.”

“Dammit, Darx, ye can’t even die right!”

“Hey, they left the junk from the crashed wagon!”

“The what the ‘ell are ye waiting fer? Go git it!”

“Hey plant Bax, where ye goin with that?”

“I need… rock… bone… plant cloth… rock... bone… plant cloth…”

“Well… good luck? I guess? Guess gettin’ walled up in dere fugged up ‘is head.”

Meanwhile, in the caverns…


“Anyone know how ta’ deal with baby rats?”

“Do I look like a mama rat to you? I got no fuggin idea.”

“Whatever. Not my problem anyway.”

"Dammit, I thought we got rid 'a that ghost."

"We did. Gotta be another one."

"WoOoOoOoO I'm spooky now!!"

"Ugh. I'll go get a rock. He's even more annoying dead than alive."

Another full moon was on its way. After no small amount of “persuasion,” Smuntsu, Ago, and Ubsu had been walled in together behind the hospital. Dang’s injury was so small that no one noticed it, and Scrod’s injury had somehow been forgotten about when the time came to seal them in.

All three were very hungry, standing in opposite corners of the small room, weapons drawn and eyeing each other’s wounds.

“I killed the last one, I can do it again.”

“Yeah, only cuz I weakened ‘er first.”

“Then why didn’t ye finish the job?”

“I was gunna, then you got in the way!”

The goblins’ nervous banter was interrupted as the Full Moon rose once again. And once again, a wereelk’s howl could be heard—but it was only the familiar howl of the long-sealed Shofet.

The sealed goblins gave each other a last nervous glance before rushing to the wall to tear it down.

The day’s third “boss” slammed against the tavern’s wall, raising his hands to his challenger.

“Okay, okay! You da boss, you da boss!”

Across the tavern, a pair of goblins watched the fight.

“Dis sucks.”

“Yeah, she’s been ‘boss’ three times did week. She’ll be out before tomorrah.”

“I’m bored of changin’ bosses alla time. Someone’s gotta do somethin’ big, make it stick.”

It was at about this time that Strabb Idlepoison, Weaver, walked past the tavern, carrying a dead Giant Cave Spider and a caged Jabberer.

“That’ll do it.”

The pair approached the triumphant goblin.

“Sorry, but Strabb just took over.”

“Yeah? Sez who?”

“Sez the angry Jabberer she’s carrying.”

The boss met the giant bird’s murderous glare.

“… Fine, she’s the boss.”

The two goblins walked away, satisfied.

“Dat’s settled.”

“Mebbe now somethin’ll happen other den fights over who’s boss.”

“…we sould probably tell Strabb.”

I kinda lost motivation at a couple parts so it might drag at bits, sorry :(

I appreciate your suggestions, but I’d played this and the last update and this one all at once and spit the write-ups so I wasn’t keeping ya’ll waiting.

Here’s Strabb’s profile-

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Jabberer isn’t showing up on the list of animals, so I can’t order it trained or butchered. Any idea why?
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #184 on: February 07, 2016, 02:18:14 am »

So that's all our infected purged from the camp? 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #185 on: February 07, 2016, 02:35:20 am »

So that's all our infected purged from the camp?

Except safely-locked-up Shofet, yeah. I honestly didn't expect the wereelks to get killed, I guess I underestimated these goblins.
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #186 on: February 07, 2016, 03:37:17 am »

Never underestimate the power of mob violence. Speaking of though I expected way more casualties as I was reading that update.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #187 on: February 07, 2016, 03:40:41 pm »

Drops of sweat have soaked through this entry
Heh, shit, so...

Darx be dead, poor 'im, atleast he doesn't 'ave to put up with dese elk bastards anymore.

In any case...that leaves us with no boss. Some lads are getting all riled up an' fightin' each other to determine who should be de next leader.

Shouldn't matter t' me anyway, I got locked up with sum other lads cuz I got bit.

No date
Some gobbo lass took o'er the boss position t'day. Dunno who she is, ne'er spoke to 'er before. Doesn't matter anyway, lads told us she's too busy with her own issues and can't run de camp. Complete bollocks, 'tis what I say.

Typical spoiled princess, I 'ad to work hard to get where I am an' have 5 kids on top of it! I want to strangle whoever thought to send a whiner like 'er to a it's dat ponce warlord who sent me here as well.

An image of an opal and the number 4 next to it is poorly drawn on this page
Hahahaha, damn, dis day sure was fun!

So, get dis...We were just sittin' in our cell, right? Friggin' Arstuk, de war captain, suddenly falls to 'is knees, coughs up blood while howlin' and screamin', sprouts antlers, den 'e gets up and charges straight at us!

Poor sod, lost 'is mind completely, I knew before den 'e had de knowledge to not take on a bunch of armed opponents alone in a fight, but I guess bein' an elk-gobbo makes you dumber.

De fight went on for a while, 'e tried to attack but couldn't hit anyone, it seems. Eventually I's got a hit in on 'is throat. Bugger went down gaspin' and chokin' on 'is own blood. Felt more alive in dose few moments than all me years of cuttin' up dead and live elves.

Sum lads came in later, sayin' dat two other gobbos who's got bit turned. Dey's dead now, but Strodno managed to kill someone and bit a few of de gobbos, n' Bax killed several gobbos before goin' down.

Here's to hopin' I don't turn as well.

OOC: Well damn, this was one hell of an update. How many gobbos do we still have in our camp now after all those deaths and infections?


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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #188 on: February 07, 2016, 07:59:59 pm »

Oh by the way I was wondering what the name of my pet bat was.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #189 on: February 08, 2016, 11:29:11 pm »

Oh by the way I was wondering what the name of my pet bat was.

Her name is Zom Smusmtaamxu.

I am very confused by this Jabberer- one of our goblins brought one as a pet, for crying out loud, why can't I tame it?
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #190 on: February 09, 2016, 03:03:18 am »

You said it doesn't show up in the animal screen at all right? Can you build its cage as an item and assign it there to the cage? I remember having this issue before where my animal trainers wouldn't tame wild animals unless I built their cage as a furniture item with the animal in it. Then my trainer would bring food and try to tame it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #191 on: February 10, 2016, 03:06:45 am »

Strabb is best the boss

“Wait… Yer sayin I’m the boss?”

“Ye killed a huge-ass spider and beat up a Jabberer. Anyone who does shit like that’s gunna earn some respect.”

“Ehh… If it’ll stop all the yellin’ every time someone decides they’d rather be boss, that’s fine by me.”

“Good. Now that that’s out of the way-“




“Hey Scrod, you still in here?”

“My blood hurts. Why the ‘ell does my blood hurt?”

“Oh, yeah. Nix sez ye got an infection, and yer probably gonna die. But we killed some monkeys earlier, so that’s pretty even. See ya!”

“Wait, get me outta this fuggin bench first!”

“Sorry, Nix sez if we screw with his doctorin’ again he’ll rip our tongues out. Bye!”

“Did anybody kill this rat?”

“I don’t tink so, boss.”

“Then why the hell is it dead?”

“Probably got old. Dey don’t live too long.”

“Is that actually thing that happens?”

“If yer not a goblin or elf, yeah.”

“Well that’s stupid. Who wants ta die from livin’ too long? Well get it outta here. I need ta get some cloth made so Bax’ll finally shuddup in there. And butcher the rest ‘a the grown-up rats. Don’t want ‘em dyin’ in the way like this one did.”

“OOOOoooOOoOOOO!! I’s scary now!!”

“Another one? Someone go get a rock.”

“Nonono, ye don’t havta to dat! Did I tell ye dat ye look terrifying today? And I love the bloodstains on yer Morningstar. And dat new forge looks great, too! Nonono, don’t put dat slab down, NOOOOOOoooooooiliedyerjustuglyyyyyyyyy

“Hey, can I stay here?”

“Sure, why not, just let me do my job.”

“Yer not an easy goblin to find, ya know. I asked that armorer (Olngo, I think?) earlier and he didn’t say a word, just kept hammerin’ away at that zinc ‘e had.”

“Does it look like I care? ‘cuz I don’t. Now let me work.”

“New guys here!”

“How many of ‘em, and anything interestin’?”
“23, countin’ the ogress and the 2 kids. One of ‘em knows some doctorin’, and another one said she was one ‘a dem ar-key-tekts. Oh, and dey brought a Cave Dragon wit ‘em.”

“Whose is it?”

“Dey said it was somebody called Smuntsu’s, but ‘e fergot to feed it on the way over, and now it don’t belong to nobody. It scares the ‘ell outa some elephants on the way in, too.”

“Elephants? Aren’t dwarves supposed to be really scared ‘o them?”

I’m having additional animal troubles. The Cave Dragon is also not showing up on the animal list despite being a Stray Cave Dragon (Tame), and while I can assign things like our Voracious Cave Crawler to be performers, I can’t assign the Ogress, who knows almost as much poetry and music as Darx did.
OOC: Well damn, this was one hell of an update. How many gobbos do we still have in our camp now after all those deaths and infections?

We have 70 now, which would be 48 pre-migrants.

You said it doesn't show up in the animal screen at all right? Can you build its cage as an item and assign it there to the cage? I remember having this issue before where my animal trainers wouldn't tame wild animals unless I built their cage as a furniture item with the animal in it. Then my trainer would bring food and try to tame it.

I'll give it a shot, but I can't even assign a trainer, so it's a long shot at best.
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #192 on: February 10, 2016, 05:40:07 am »

I love being the doctor in forts with lots of death, so much practice  :D
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #193 on: February 10, 2016, 01:07:06 pm »

If it doesn't work then I have no idea. Could be some weird mod shenanigans.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thunderdoom - A Succession Goblin Camp [42.05]
« Reply #194 on: February 10, 2016, 02:13:31 pm »

((I saw the title and almost fainted. I thought Joinedspider had been Reincarnated. Thank god.))
Ïlul Thuveg-Ellest
Rete Sano-Pima
Tormuk Dul-Orax
Kar Pum-Sisha
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