You might have seen in
this thread that I've been working on a Fedora package for Legends Browser. I'm pleased to say it's been accepted into the Fedora repositories.
If you're using Fedora you can install it by:
$ sudo dnf install --enablerepo=updates-testing legendsbrowser
$ legendsbrowser
(It takes a week for packages to be pushed out of testing into stable, hence the --enablerepo).
But, I've also been working on a
Sandstorm package of Legends Browser.
If you've not heard of Sandstorm: Sandstorm is a platform for easily installing, configuring, and sharing web applications. I was thinking about how ways to take Dwarf Fortress worlds' legends and share them publicly on the internet (or at least, make them available on the internet for myself to browse from other computers). I definitely wanted to use Legends Browser, but I wondered if there would be an easier way for me to do this than configuring a reverse proxy and getting Legends Browser to run as a daemon on a server somewhere.
So I created
an app which consists of Legends Browser 1.0.12 and a small Flask application that a user can upload a zip containing all legends exports to, and that spawns Legends Browser in the background and redirects to it once the upload finishes. The idea being that anyone using Sandstorm can easily a public (or private-- you can choose who you grant access to for each instance of a Sandstorm app) instance of Legends Browser without a lot of difficulty.
You can see a demo of this
here. Or if you'd like to try it out yourself, you can use the
public instance of Sandstorm (you can sign into it with Github or Gmail credentials) and install the app using
this link (same as the one in the above paragraph). It's a bit clunky and doesn't work perfectly (if Legends Browser crashes because the server doesn't have enough RAM, it's not exactly handled gracefully from an end-user perspective), but I'd love to know if anyone other than me is interested in / would use this or if they'd like to help test.